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N5VLZ  > ALL      28.01.25 03:12l 324 Lines 9575 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 19825_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE JAN 27 2025
Sent: 250128/0205Z 19825@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
WG3K, Eric, Maryland
KX4AC, Carl, Arizona
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
NT5R, Charley, Missouri


GE All, and welcome to the Jan 27 2025 PCL Net. 
No early checkins. 

Net order is Daryl, Eric, Carl, Bob, Charley, 
and whoever else shows up.


A friend and his wife came by yesterday, and
righted the fallen over clothes dresser, for
which I was grateful...but I still have a mess
in here. Unfortunately, I saw a "collections 
agency" notice in my P.O. Box scan today, but 
a lack of funds, as well as the availability 
of friends with transportation, precludes me 
getting out until early next week, since I no 
longer drive due to vision issues. Heavy rain 
is likely here Thursday, but severe weather 
should stay south in Texas. I have no idea 
what the "collections agency" deal is for, as 
I got no other items in the mail...the Post 
Office probably lost them. I hope I don't end 
up being liable, and don't have to have to file 
bankruptcy...I went through that 16 years ago.
And, I hope that won't quash the planned trips,
for a break to get away from things for a bit.
However, the way my luck seems to run, I'm not

I did nothing for Winter Field Day, although I 
got a square dance publication released last 
night, so that's out of my hair for 3 weeks. I 
need to print up some new license exams, but at 
least my session isn't until March 15...that was 
a bad day for Julius Caesar (hi hi). Apparently,
not many contacts, from what I heard, during
Winter Field Day.

I'm going to see a pain care specialist early
next week for a free new patient consultation.
I was able to email them my 28 page medical
history file, so that'll give them an idea of
what a mess I'm in physically before they see
me. I know I'll have a bit of a co-pay, but
not sure what will evolve with it. I can't
sit or stand in one spot for very long, due to
degenerative disc disease in my back, spine,
and tailbone, causing pain...where I end up
having to lie down and nap for a time. It has
put a damper on my computer and ham radio work.

I finally got all I needed to check my blood
sugar, since my A1C indicates type 2 diabetes.
The sugar has been from 93 to 104, which is
good...I should celebrate with a candy bar,
or a big banana split (hi hi). 

GE was your week?? >>>


GE all.  I'm sitting here monitoring KC3UJB's 
home completion (or lack thereof). Anyone else 
remember 13?  Apparently it's much worse than 
when I was of that age.

Spent Saturday at a Scout campout where we put 
a few scouts on the radio during Winter Field 
Day. The scouts seemed to get a kick out of
some SSTV that I received with my mobile device.  
Apparently old guys can do memes, too.  :)

We've had a proper Winter here in Maryland so 
far. It snowed ~9" at the beginning of January
and then it has stuck around. I think it's 
going to hit 50Fs later this week. It has 
basically been below freezing for the last 
few weeks. I'm not complaining; I enjoy snow. 
But I know some have not been enjoying the 
weather as much as I have.  :)
Back to net. >>>


Eric, 13 is far worse now than what it was
years ago...for all the peer pressure, and
the lack of discipline from the parents. FB
on the Winter Field Day memes via SSTV. We
had 9 inches of snow here Jan. 9-10, and
they had 10 inches of snow in New Orleans.
I hear the gators and the crawfish survived
the cold!!

GE Carl, how was your week??

GE All.  Yes, I made it to AZ.  Hopefully I 
have my QTH updated for next time.

The last few weeks have been a bit crazy.  
Finishing up at work, packing the apartment,
and then flying here to Glendale. I got the 
boxes delivered a couple of days ago, but
I still have a ton of unpacking to do. 
Kitchen and bedroom first, so the packet 
station is taking a back seat to them. I 
hope to get it back on the air this week.
I have not heard any packet activity on 2m 
around here, it may be a packet desert as 
well as a literal one. However, one of the 
guys at the local Ham Radio Outlet seemed 
to think there was at least one packet person 
around. I need to scan 70cm ... maybe he is
on 440. There does seem to be much more 70cm 
activity around here than I am used to.

As for voice, there are a ton of repeaters 
on the mountains around the valley ... every 
single repeater pair is accounted for.

It has been pretty cold here, but that will 
soon change I am sure. It is expected to be
rainy here this week ... though "rainy" here 
is "light sprinkles" anywhere else.

The only other news is that we have scorpion 
issues. For the moment, glue traps at all the
doors is keeping them out, but I need to get 
quotes on sealing the house. I guess it's
something wherever you go. Anyway, glad to be 
back on the net after my absence.

Back to net >>>


Carl, at least you won't have to worry about a
landfalling hurricane in Arizona. :) Bummer on 
the scorpions and unpacking. I hope I never 
have to move again. This net will be an oasis 
in the packet desert :)

At least you have an HRO nearby. I did note some 
wildfire danger in AZ this past week, but nothing 
like southern CA.

GE Bob, how was your week?? >>>


GE All.

It was cold!  Mostly teens or less - finally warmed 
up today to 30 - now we have wind warnings. It's 
always sumthin...

Attended the 2nd of 3 FLdigi classes at the Antique 
Wireless Assocation on Saturday. That's going well. 
I've used FLdigi for a long time, but the class is 
pointing out things I'd either never noticed, or 
simply didn't know about.

Speaking of AWA - if any of guys are ever passing 
through Western NY - the Antique Wireless Association
Museum is an amazing place. It has displays and 
equipment from 19th centery telegraph to today. It's 
a neat place for "nerds"!!

BTU Daryl >>>


Bob, they are talking 70s here by the first full week 
of February...tornado fuel. FB on the FLDigi class 
and the AWA Museum.

GE Charley, how was your week?? >>>


GE everyone.

Just in from points west midnight last night.

Carl we were in Phoenix last week several days.
Hiked from motel to HRO one day.

As far as scorpions. black light flashlite find 
them easily.

Bob fb on fldigi class. Good software much to 

Daryl hang in there, no give up ever.
so btu Daryl>>>


Charley, when I try to keep a stiff upper lip,
my mouth hurts. Interesting on how to find the 
scorpions...their stings are very nasty. So 
much to learn with all the new modes in ham 
radio...hope the hike to HRO was worth it.

That's it for round 1...back to the top for the 
73 round.

Eric, anything else for us?? >>>


Sorry, that should have been "I'm sitting 
here monitoring KC3UJB's HOMEWORK completion". 
Spanish class is taking the brunt of his
frustration at the moment.  I know I hated 
middle school and also remember that high 
school wasn't much better. Hopefully he'll
have it a little easier than I.

Carl: I hope you can find some packet activity 
out there in AZ. I know there are several maps 
that show where packet nodes and BBSs exist.  
Looking at I can see some 
activity around Phoenix and Tucson. Looks like 
KC7HES near Chandler is on 145.710MHz and a few 
other stations around that area.  Good luck!

Bob: Darn, we were just in NY last year and the 
year before and didn't look for stuff like that 
during either trip. We have the National 
Cryptologic Museum down here in Maryland.  
Highly recommend.

Looks like my neighbor (KB3KOW) won't be joining 
us tonight. He's stuck in a meeting but says he 
would like to try joining us next week.

Hope everyone has a good week!  73 >>>


Eric, thanks for being here. I remember the 
homework days...the only time I set foot on an 
educational campus now is when I do ham radio 
license exams at the local college. 

Carl, good luck on getting settled in and dealing 
with the scorpions, among other things. Anything 
else for us?? >>>

Thanks. I will have to get a blacklight flashlight, 
and in the meantime I am shaking out my shoes every 
morning (along with the rest of my clothes). 

I remember my father used to tell a story about 
putting on his shirt when he was stationed in Texas 
and getting stung on the back by a scorpion that was 
hiding in his shirt.  I don't want that to happen.

Good luck with the bills. We will keep our fingers 
crossed that it is not as bad as you fear. 

Everyone have a great week.  73 >>>


Carl, thanks for being here. GL on dealing with the 
scorpions. $1419 a month seems like only $14.19 
anymore. I did have an interesting lunch today;
made up a can of macaroni and cheese and had 
sandwiches. Lots of carbs and starch, but it was 
food. Besides, when told to cut carbs, I sliced 
a pizza (hi hi).

Bob, thanks for the BBS...anything else?? >>>


Nothing  more here - everyone stay warm, don't 
get stung, and have a good week! 73 >>>


Thanks for being here, Bob...have a good week.

Charley, you are the world traveler. :) Anything 
else for us?? >>>



Fun to tap at you all tonite on phone

have and awesome week everyone 73>>>


Charley, thanks for being here. Interesting you 
accessing the net via phone. The phone keyboards 
are so small!! 

That's a wrap on tonight's PCL Net. I'll post the 
scribe later this evening after I finish another 
net, or first thing in the morning. 

Have a good week, 73 and GN DE N5VLZ >>>


Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more information.

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