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N5VLZ  > ALL      12.02.25 03:40l 387 Lines 11008 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 20787_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE FEB 10 2025
Sent: 250212/0235Z 20787@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24

Sorry for the delay in posting...I had storms in
my area during the net, so I went QRT afterwards.



N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
KB3KOW, Bob, Maryland
KF8I, Clint, Ohio (Short Time)
N3MEL, Glenn, Maryland
KB3TEL, Mike, Pennsylvania
KX4AC, Carl, Arizona


GE, and welcome to the Feb 10 2025 PCL Net.
No early checkins.

Net order is Daryl, Bob (NY), Rick, Bob (MD),
Clint, Glenn, Mike, Carl, and whoever else 
shows up.


I didn't even watch the Super Bowl, but was
surprised at the result. It sure was a total
dumpster fire for the Chiefs, as the Eagles 
took off their scalps (hi hi).

My plans for going to the Huntsville Hamfest
have been put on hold, awaiting the outcome 
of what I may get (if anything) from my late 
brother's 401k. All the data has been sent 
off by my sister-in-law; now, it's a waiting 

I'll book the hotel rooms in Wichita for the 
May 17 trip in early March...then save up 
funds for food and transportation with April 
and May. Then, the costs switch to preparing 
for Shreveport in August, and then Albuquerque 
in September. I will get an eyeball QSO with 
some hams at the Subway Restaurant inside the 
Fort Worth Amtrak Station on my way to Wichita.

I discovered that I can take Amtrak from Little 
Rock to Chicago to Washington DC to Birmingham, 
then Greyhound from Birmingham to Huntsville 
(the bus and train station are located in the 
same building), so no transportation worries 
between Birmingham and Huntsville. I will be 
using Lyft to get around, unless another area 
ham helps out. Then, with the Albuquerque trip, 
an OM and his XYL have graciously offered the 
opportunity to stay with them, saving me both 
the hotel and transportation costs. 

I had to order a new ReliOn lancing device, 
as the cap for the one I had, disappeared; it 
should be here Wednesday. My blood sugar has 
been between 89 and 104, but the A1C is at the 
point of type 2 diabetes...I won't get tested 
on that again until early March. I will say 
those lancets are "pointy" (hi hi).

I got a neat scrolling, programmable name badge, 
but they forgot to ship the "removal pins" for 
the Google Nest Doorbell. It was much cheaper 
to just remove it and recharge it via USB cable, 
than having it hard wired in. The item replacement 
will arrive sometime Tuesday via UPS...or is that 
OOPS?? (hi hi). When it's back on its "perch", it 
holds steady in there.

We're going to have something for everyone, weather 
wise, this week. Freezing rain in north Arkansas, 
especially at the higher elevations...heavy rain in 
central and south Arkansas...with a threat of severe
weather in south Arkansas. I made a bank run this 
morning, because I didn't want to be out in stormy 
weather, and because I did not want to get overdrawn. 
There are storms to my northwest right now, moving 
to the I hope I don't have to 
abort this net, but I've canceled the Pun In Life net 
this evening, just to be safe. This means that posting 
of the scribe for tonight's net waits until later in 
the week, as rain and storms will last into Thursday.

My Consumer Cellular cellphone is on its last legs. I 
ordered a Samsung 5G Galaxy A16, and am on a payment 
plan for it, as I couldn't afford the whole thing up 
front. But, it has 4 times the storage space than my 
current phone, and is faster. I'm on an unlimited data 
plan, although they throttle it back if I go over 50 
Gigabytes, but I've rarely gone over 10 Gigabytes in 
usage. The main times I use that is monitoring weather
conditions, when everything else is off to protect from 
lightning. With the Presidents Day holiday next Monday, 
I may wait until next Wednesday to pick it up, as it's 
not supposed to arrive until Saturday...and the Post 
Office is always busy on or after a weekend or holiday. 
I'm still paying half of what I was paying with Verizon,
being with Consumer Cellular.

My lawn mowing restarts next month...I wish I did not 
have to worry about having that done. I can't afford 
to have it done weekly, and it's a struggle just doing 
it twice a month. If they are going to require weekly 
mowing, I'm going to find another company to do it. 
You can't mow the grass if the lawn is wet and the 
ground is a mud bog, but with warmer weather, it makes 
things grow.

In less than a month, we'll be back on Daylight Savings
Time...or is that Dumb Stupid Time?? I wish they would 
decide on one time, and leave'd make the net 
lists I do much easier. As it is, times for most nets 
won't change, but the UTC times will be an hour earlier 
than they are now.

OK, that's more than enough for me!!

GE Bob (NY), how was your week?? >>>


GE All!

Cold! Our lawn mowning won't start til May!

I was rootin' for the Chiefs, but they didn't even show 

Not much new happening around here, just trying to stay 

Been painting a bathroom, but it's slow going as I hate 

I may or may not be here next week. Having an outpatient
surgical procedure that day - depending on how good the 
drugs are I may not be able to participate.

That's all for me. BTU Daryl >>>


Bob, I wish my lawn could wait!! I'll send you a funny
meme on bathroom remodeling. Go ahead and take next
week off...just send me an email reminder for an early
checkin. If you take a turn for the nurse, remember
that they call the shots (hi hi).

GE Rick, how was your week?? >>>


GE Daryl and all on the NET.

Nothing exciting to report...again.

Just trying to stay warm, temps have been in the 
neighborhood of 10F the last few days, no new snow 
last week. I think the high today was around 23F, 
and it was sunny.

Radio activities as usual were PACTOR on 40M and 
20M in the mornings, and I have tried to switch 
to HF APRS using VARA and PINPOINT on 10.1482 and 
7.0835 when not doing PACTOR. Still doing lots of 
reading, and dabbling in 3D printing.

That's about it... So BTU Daryl >>>


Rick, that is too cold. FB on the radio activities,
reading, and 3D printing.

GE Bob (MD), how was your week?? >>>


Good evening all.

Right now we are prepping for the predicated snow 
storm starting tomorrow about 1300. We'll get 
anywhere between 3-12 inches -- just depends on 
who you ask :-)

Otherwise, the big item here is the return of the 
Government folks to work.  I've been told our 
building normally has about 40K people on a daily 
basis -- I hope it doesn't get back to that size - 
the food lines will be long :-)

Back to net ... kk


Bob, the weather map looks like someone lost it 
with the paint palette. As for the government
folks back to work, they need to work for us, not
the other way around. But, I agree that no one
likes to wait for their food.

GE Glenn, how was your week?? >>>

Good evening everyone, hope you are doing well.

Daryl looks like you have things mapped out, hope
it all works out for you. We are expecting a small
amount snow here tomorrow evening. 

I am trying to be a little proactive and getting 
my first round commits ready just ahead of net 
tonight, LOL. 

It has been a busy week here with a couple TPRFN
Network presentations and being on-call for work
and of course the Super Bowl yesterday way to go 
E A G L E S, it was a great game and got to spend
it with my kids and grandkids.

Bob (NY) good luck with your procedure. I am sure 
the meds will work just fine lol..

Small commercial now! The February Packet Bulletin 
Net (PKTNET) starts next Sunday at 00:00 UCT and 
runs for a week. For check-in instruction check out
our website at:

Ok thats it from now, and back to net!   


Glenn, we're to get heavy rain here in the coming
days...and I'm hoping those trips do work out. I
was shocked at the Super Bowl, although I didn't
watch it. 

GE Mike, how was your week?? >>>


Week was good

Spent 54 birthday in Atlantic City. No gambaling 
just a few bands and comedy show.

Weather ok here for now. Few inches of snow and 
sleet storms yet to come by this upcoming week

Temps now high 20s in eastern PA. No cold air 
from Canada, maybe because of tariffs hi hi

Super bowl was not what i expected. hoping for 
a better game, like blocked field goal for the 
chiefs to win. NOPE

Cheifs fan since mahomes era. 

All well here otherwise. back to you daryl and 
ge to all>>>


Mike, Happy belated birthday. A ham in Missouri,
10 years younger than me to the day, sent a neat
animated image of a huge birthday cake on a wood
palatte!! I was surprised on the Super Bowl, but
I didn't watch it.

GE Carl, how was your week?? >>>


GE all. Well, it is still pretty busy around here, 
trying to get settled in, but still a bunch of 
financial arrangements to work on, and stil lots 
of boxes to unpack. I wish I could find the lamp 
shades to go with my lamps! Probably in some box 
labeled car parts or something :-)  

Anyway, I am getting my work bench setup, so I 
can start to do some electronics stuff, and I 
found the box with my stereo, so I am setting 
that up today. 

Finally got the new license plate for the car, 
so I guess that makes the move official.  

Listening in on the various nets around the area, 
but not much other activity. Still have to work 
on an HOA-invisible 80/40m antenna and there is 
always some little thing that needs fixing around 
the house. I guess that's about it for me. Back
to net >>>

That's it for round 1...back to the top for final
comments on the 7 3 round.

Bob (NY), thanks for the use of the BBS...anything
else?? >>>


Nothing more here - everyone have a good couple of 
weeks - 73 >>>


Hope the procedure goes well, Bob...see you in 2

Rick, anything else?? >>>


Nope, that's it for me. Everyone have a great week, 
stay well, 73 until next time. BTU Daryl >>>


Thanks for being here Rick...see you next time.

Bob (MD), anything else for us?? >>>


Nothing more from the reaches of SoMD :-) Thanks 
for the net and 73 to all


Thanks for being here, Bob (MD). See you next week. 

Glenn, anything else for us?? >>>


No, I think that is it for me as well, nice to see 
everyone tonight. take care all and CUL 73! >>>


Thanks for being here, Glenn...have a good week.

Mike, anything else for us?? >>>


Pleasure fo me joining the net. 

Till nexted time 73 to all >>>


Thanks for being here, Mike...have a good week.

Carl, you get to wrap it up tonight...anything
else?? >>>


Best wishes from Arizona...73s to all. Goodnight >>>


Thanks for being here, Carl...have a good week.

That's a wrap on tonight's PCL Net. With storms
nearby, it'll be later this week before I can
post the scribe. Everyone stay safe, healthy,
weather aware, and radio-active. 

73 and GN DE N5VLZ >>>


Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more information.

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