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NS2B   > ALL      05.09.17 03:24l 58 Lines 3244 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 38591_NS2B
Subj: PCL Packet Net Summary for September 4, 2017
Sent: 170905/0102Z 38591@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.14

PCL Packet Net Summary for September 4, 2017


NS2B	Bob	Penfield, NY
N0KFQ	K.O.	Branson, MO
KF5TVG	Bob	Broken Arrow, OK
WX1DER	Daryl	Little Rock, AR
KG0KP	Jim	St. Charles, MO
VA7RBP	Rick	Castlegar, BC
AE5ME	Jeff	Broken Arrow, OK


spent last week in hospital, complications from surgery several months back, fit as a fiddle now, Tulsa Mini Maker Faire, and attendance of a few thousand, everything from robotics high school groups to wood carvers, had "porta-peater" there to show, and a couple HF rigs,  National Singles Square Dance Festival in North Little Rock, worked the "T-Shirt Table", came home early due to involvement with Southeast US D-Star Weather Net, Irma up to cat 4, may reach cat 5, update on packet setup, TNC doesn't work well, programming Motorola rig for packet and APRS, storms overnight and Tuesday, highs only in the 70s, parts of north Arkansas may dip into the 40s, hope to see some good fall foilage color this year,  watching lots of TV news, son still here cooking, deer jumped up lept fence and took off up the mountain side, banged up right front end good, body shop later in the month, other than deer incident, last weekend was pretty good, celebrated 44th wedding anniversary with a nice steak dinner, visited with old friends, had to detour an hour around a forest fire, this year is horrible for fires, smoke and high temps, worked on buddy's radio, shoulda done it a year ago, a 50 cent transient suppressor, next weekend heading down to Vancouver for 45th grad reunion and visit with family, make it a forufeel for everyone effected by storms, relaxing with the wind down for the holiday weekend, good racing saturday and picked up some more speed on the drone, Thursday and Friday off work, good for practicing, had a few repairs, but didn't take out any components, in the middle of a severe thunderstorm, Route 66 special even coming up Friday night at 1900, will be W6P, new dipole, made 40 watt burned out light tube come on, made fire alarms go off, so I guess it will be a receive antenna, fixing/selling stuff for slient key


The PCL Packet Net will be "on the air" every Monday evening at 
7pm Central, 8pm Eastern.

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Connect to the PCL Packet Net in Penfield, New York...

   For VHF Radio Users:
      Using 145.09, connect to PACNET.

   For AXIP Network Users:
      At any AXIP or BPQ32 Packet node, look for and connect 
      to PACNET. 

   For Outpost, Winpack and HyperTerminal Users:
      (Contact NS2B for Username and Password.) 
      Using TelNet, connect to Port 8010.
      When connected, enter "PCL" 

   For Internet users:
      (Contact NS2B for Username and Password.) 
      Using your Internet Browser, connect to:
If you can't be here in person, just "REPLY" to this message and
we will acknowledge your callsign as an "early check-in" during 
the net.

Thanks es 73,
Bob, NS2B

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