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 Login: GUEST

NS2B   > ALL      05.11.19 13:33l 256 Lines 8056 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 39242_NS2B
Sent: 191105/1126Z 39242@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.19


NS2B, Bob, Penfield, NY (Net Control)
WX4QZ, Daryl, Little Rock, AR (Net Scribe)
K3CHB, Jimmy, Mechburg, PA (Left Early)
VA7RBP, Rick, British Columbia, CN
VE7TCP, Jim, British Columbia, CN
KF5TVG, Bob, Branson, MO (Left After 1 Round)
KF5JRV, Scott, Huntsville, AR
N9LCF, Gene, Fremont, IN (at club meeting)


NOTE: Comments from Net Control are NOT
included in this scribe.



1) GE, Bob, and all on the net. Thought I 
had missed the party when 3 others were
already here when I connected!!

It had to be a Monday. Had a rough night
sleeping, then had 2 attacks of angina
(chest pain) across the entire chest area
from the base of the ribs (sternum?) on up,
within 5 minutes time. So, I got dressed,
printed up a medication list, and drove to
the local ER. Doing so saved me the ambulance
fee...but I didn't have any of the other 
heart attack symptoms.

They did blood work, chest X-Rays, and EKG's, 
but they didn't feel it was a heart attack. 
I see the cardiologist on Wednesday morning.

I don't know how long it'll be before I snap
emotionally. The stress with the rodents, and
getting the place cleaned up, is taking its
toll. I quit doing D-Rats checkins for the
Southeast US D-Star Weather Net on Sunday, as
it's too hard to sit in the chair, waiting
for checkins to show up. We get a pile-up in
the first 5 minutes, then it's dead. 

What makes it worse is the pain from degenerative 
disk disease in the neck and spine bone structures,
and cysts on my backside, that make it painful
when sitting for a long time. It has been a real
PITA to say the least. I'm going to see if I can 
get them removed tomorrow. While the medical folks 
aren't phased by nudity, dirty old hams need love, 
too (hi hi).

Got 2 new Technicians at a license exam this
past Saturday, and the package arrived at
ARRL/VEC today (sent it overnight via the
Postal Service). No more testing for me until
2020. I know where I'll test...when is another
matter. Am curious to see what the 2020 Extra
Class Pool will have once its released. Glad I
don't have to worry about that anymore. Yet, the
one time we're guaranteed to get examinees is 
right around the time there's a question pool

Had our first statewide freeze last Thursday
morning. Hope that we don't have any power
outages this winter...the generator has to wait,
for the cost of cleanup and protection from the
rodents. Getting gutters installed next Wednesday.

I had considered taking tonight off, but after
the net is done, and the scribe report is sent
off, I'm crashing out. My BBS will likely be
down until 2020. Would like to get back on WL2K
again, but am not holding my breath on it. If I
can ever get the place cleaned up, and the rodents
taken care of, I may take a few days off from
everything...even though I won't leave town.

That's it for round 1. B2U, Bob. >>>

2) Not much else, tonight. Will be glad when the
rodents are gone, and the place is cleaned up.
My wallet will be ill next with all the medical
bills (hi hi). Still have a follow-up with the
urologist before Thanksgiving.

Will send the scribe shortly, then I'm off to bed.

73 all...have a good week, and B2U, Bob. >>>



1)  Good evening Bob and all on the NET

The week went by pretty fast, no particular reason.
I blinked and it was gone.

I've been hanging out on JS8 40M mostly, playing
with the latest Beta version that has three speed 
levels, fun when the bands are cooperating.

Had to clean out the gutters again today, guess I
should have waited until the leaves were off.

No snow yet, temp was 49F today, overcast. There's 
been a few nights lately where it's got down into 
the 20s.

Also hooked up with a bunch of hams that still do 
pactor-1, so been having some fun trying to get 
Multipsk to work in that mode.

The Olivia net (RATTSNET) that I've been participating 
in has been going right over me for the past two weeks, 
can only catch a word or two now and then, not enough 
to be able to tell when there's a quiet space where one 
can sneak in, I still try at the appointed time, but 
nothing...waiting for the bands to pick up.

Ok that's it, so BTU Bob >>>

2) I was reminded that our club has been putting on a 
course for the past few weeks, we have 22 search and 
rescue people studying for their license. 

We had a very nice grant from our regional district 
that allowed us to install three new repeaters, that 
sorta got the interest going. 

Well that's all for this week so everyone have a 
great week and 73 until next time. BTU Bob >>>



1) GE Bob and all on the net!

Had a nice relaxing week, so no big accomplishments 
to brag about.

We've been in Branson for a week or so, and headed 
back home to Oklahoma tomorrow. Have a friend 
here that is making a video for a "major family 
entertainment organization", and his drone videos, 
especially the one over the new animated Christmas 
tree, are phenomenal! Should be in TV ads and on 
the web very soon.

Was able to get my RigPi that is back in Tulsa to control 
a Yaesu  FT-991 radio remotely from here. Can do HF, and
also call in to VHF/UHF nets there that don't have internet 
connections. Pretty handy for being on the road.

We've had several frosty nights here in Branson, but my 
itchy eyes tell me we still need a few more to kill off
the remaining ragweed.

About all I've got, so BTU Bob >>>




1) GE everyone

Jackie and I are recovering from our cold/allergy. We 
had the same thing last year about the same time to
maybe an allergy.

We are starting to get the garden ready for winter. 
Jackie has had chickens since mid April. They finally 
started laying this week. I told her they were 500
dollar eggs. She took it well.

I need to work on one of my HF antenna before winter 
gets here in earnest. 

THe weather has been pleasant. Tonight is is 60 degrees 
with sprinkles. By Thursday they are calling snow. 
Winter is starting to press on us.

That is all for now. BTU Bob >>>

2) Just wish everyone a good week. BTU Bob >>>



1) Thanks, I've been home probably 10 minutes now 
but having some trouble getting this laptop to 
connect to anything, so I had to give up.  

Greetings from a chromebook :)

Just trying to think about what's been going on here...

Tomorrow night is week 5 of the license study class 
my kids have been taking, but unfortunately we have 
something else scheduled so I got a copy of the notes 
and powerpoint slides and we'll be getting together 
later in the week (along with  a friend of mine who 
is in the class) to go over the material together.  
This week is transmitter theory of operation and
RF safety.

They're still somewhat excited about the whole thing 
so it will be interesting to see how an evening with 
Instructor Dad goes.

Speaking of Dad, my father was in the hospital today 
for a day procedure - cardiac ablation.  Basically 
he's been tired out after a few hours on his feet for 
months now because his heart is doing an extra 
half-beat every other beat and today they are going
in and basically deactivating parts of the pacemaker
tissue that are the usual causes of such a thing.

It's apparently got a 99% success rate, and if he's 
in the 1% then it just means he needs an artificial 
pacemaker. He's 80 so all things considered, if he 
had some of his energy back he'd be doing really well.

Can't think of anything further at the moment, so BTU >>>

2) Yes, I'd definitely like to wish everyone a good
week as well.  Our license study class has about that 
many in it as well although from all different age 
groups and interest levels, no bulk group from any 
particular organization.

(sorry, 'that many' was referring to Rick's 22)

My brain is running ahead of my fingers tonight I 

Been fighting off a cold semi-successfully. It's
at that stage where I don't feel bad enough to 
stay home from work but I can't think well enough 
to be fully useful there.

So I guess that's it from me for the week, 73 all. >>>


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