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LU9DCE > ALL      31.10.20 04:26l 263 Lines 15879 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 38963_LU9DCE
Sent: 201031/0305Z 38963@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM BPQ6.0.20

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           / (_/\) \/ (\__  )) D (( (__  ) _)    ) _ ( ) _ (\___ \
           \____/\____/(___/(____/ \___)(____)  (____/(____/(____/


Country                                  Cumulative Cumulative
                                         _cases     _deaths   
-------                                  ---------- ----------
Afghanistan                              41145      1529      
Albania                                  20040      493       
Algeria                                  56706      1931      
American Samoa                           0          0         
Andorra                                  4517       72        
Angola                                   10074      275       
Anguilla                                 3          0         
Antigua and Barbuda                      124        3         
Argentina                                1116609    29730     
Armenia                                  85034      1272      
Aruba                                    4437       36        
Australia                                27554      907       
Austria                                  91895      1040      
Azerbaijan                               52137      699       
Bahamas                                  6549       136       
Bahrain                                  81022      317       
Bangladesh                               403079     5861      
Barbados                                 233        7         
Belarus                                  95545      969       
Belgium                                  368243     11170     
Belize                                   3232       51        
Benin                                    2643       41        
Bermuda                                  194        9         
Bhutan                                   346        0         
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)         141124     8672      
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba         153        3         
Bosnia and Herzegovina                   41616      1104      
Botswana                                 6283       21        
Brazil                                   5439641    157946    
British Virgin Islands                   72         1         
Brunei Darussalam                        148        3         
Bulgaria                                 45461      1197      
Burkina Faso                             2466       67        
Burundi                                  560        1         
Cabo Verde                               8548       94        
Cambodia                                 290        0         
Cameroon                                 21793      426       
Canada                                   222887     10001     
Cayman Islands                           239        1         
Central African Republic                 4863       62        
Chad                                     1468       97        
Chile                                    505530     14032     
China                                    91821      4746      
Colombia                                 1033218    30565     
Comoros                                  530        7         
Congo                                    5290       92        
Cook Islands                             0          0         
Costa Rica                               105322     1329      
CĂ´te dâ??Ivoire                         20555      124       
Croatia                                  40999      493       
Cuba                                     6727       128       
Curaçao                                 884        1         
Cyprus                                   3817       25        
Czechia                                  297013     2675      
Democratic People's Republic of Korea    0          0         
Democratic Republic of the Congo         11210      305       
Denmark                                  43174      715       
Djibouti                                 5555       61        
Dominica                                 38         0         
Dominican Republic                       125570     2232      
Ecuador                                  164908     12608     
Egypt                                    107030     6234      
El Salvador                              32925      962       
Equatorial Guinea                        5083       83        
Eritrea                                  461        0         
Estonia                                  4590       73        
Eswatini                                 5886       116       
Ethiopia                                 94820      1451      
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)              13         0         
Faroe Islands                            494        0         
Fiji                                     33         2         
Finland                                  15378      354       
France                                   1203068    35484     
French Guiana                            10404      70        
French Polynesia                         7262       29        
Gabon                                    8957       55        
Gambia                                   3666       119       
Georgia                                  35567      273       
Germany                                  481013     10272     
Ghana                                    47775      316       
Gibraltar                                679        0         
Greece                                   34299      603       
Greenland                                17         0         
Grenada                                  28         0         
Guadeloupe                               7605       126       
Guam                                     4432       77        
Guatemala                                106320     3682      
Guernsey                                 266        13        
Guinea                                   11819      71        
Guinea-Bissau                            2403       41        
Guyana                                   4061       119       
Haiti                                    9046       232       
Holy See                                 26         0         
Honduras                                 94623      2639      
Hungary                                  68127      1634      
Iceland                                  4671       12        
India                                    8040203    120527    
Indonesia                                400483     13612     
Iran (Islamic Republic of)               588648     33714     
Iraq                                     463951     10770     
Ireland                                  59434      1896      
Isle of Man                              352        24        
Israel                                   310105     2435      
Italy                                    589766     37905     
Jamaica                                  8851       198       
Japan                                    98852      1733      
Jersey                                   560        32        
Jordan                                   61942      700       
Kazakhstan                               148479     2219      
Kenya                                    51851      950       
Kiribati                                 0          0         
Kosovo[1]                                18583      663       
Kuwait                                   123906     763       
Kyrgyzstan                               57798      1139      
Lao People's Democratic Republic         24         0         
Latvia                                   5144       63        
Lebanon                                  75845      602       
Lesotho                                  1947       43        
Liberia                                  1419       82        
Libya                                    58874      823       
Liechtenstein                            461        1         
Lithuania                                12138      144       
Luxembourg                               15658      147       
Madagascar                               16968      244       
Malawi                                   5904       184       
Malaysia                                 29441      246       
Maldives                                 11591      37        
Mali                                     3530       136       
Malta                                    5760       56        
Marshall Islands                         2          0         
Martinique                               3552       30        
Mauritania                               7663       163       
Mauritius                                441        10        
Mayotte                                  4366       44        
Mexico                                   901268     89814     
Micronesia (Federated States of)         0          0         
Monaco                                   337        2         
Mongolia                                 340        0         
Montenegro                               17530      282       
Montserrat                               13         1         
Morocco                                  207718     3506      
Mozambique                               12415      91        
Myanmar                                  49072      1172      
Namibia                                  12806      133       
Nauru                                    0          0         
Nepal                                    162354     887       
Netherlands                              329321     7192      
New Caledonia                            27         0         
New Zealand                              1593       25        
Nicaragua                                4424       156       
Niger                                    1218       69        
Nigeria                                  62371      1139      
Niue                                     0          0         
North Macedonia                          28697      963       
Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealt... 92         2         
Norway                                   18663      280       
occupied Palestinian territory, inclu... 63614      537       
Oman                                     114434     1208      
Other                                    741        13        
Pakistan                                 330200     6759      
Palau                                    0          0         
Panama                                   130422     2650      
Papua New Guinea                         589        7         
Paraguay                                 60557      1347      
Peru                                     892497     34257     
Philippines                              375180     7114      
Pitcairn Islands                         0          0         
Poland                                   299049     4851      
Portugal                                 128392     2395      
Puerto Rico                              63587      813       
Qatar                                    131939     230       
Republic of Korea                        26271      462       
Republic of Moldova                      73321      1729      
RĂ©union                                 5472       22        
Romania                                  222559     6681      
Russian Federation                       1581693    27301     
Rwanda                                   5129       35        
Saint Barthélemy                        83         0         
Saint Helena                             0          0         
Saint Kitts and Nevis                    19         0         
Saint Lucia                              65         0         
Saint Martin                             566        9         
Saint Pierre and Miquelon                16         0         
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines         74         0         
Samoa                                    0          0         
San Marino                               903        42        
Sao Tome and Principe                    943        15        
Saudi Arabia                             346047     5348      
Senegal                                  15582      322       
Serbia                                   42208      803       
Seychelles                               152        0         
Sierra Leone                             2354       74        
Singapore                                57987      28        
Sint Maarten                             792        22        
Slovakia                                 48943      184       
Slovenia                                 28215      205       
Solomon Islands                          8          0         
Somalia                                  3941       104       
South Africa                             719714     19111     
South Sudan                              2903       58        
Spain                                    1136503    35466     
Sri Lanka                                9205       19        
Sudan                                    13765      837       
Suriname                                 5187       111       
Sweden                                   117913     5927      
Switzerland                              135197     1953      
Syrian Arab Republic                     5580       278       
Tajikistan                               10900      82        
Thailand                                 3763       59        
The United Kingdom                       942279     45675     
Timor-Leste                              30         0         
Togo                                     2238       54        
Tokelau                                  0          0         
Tonga                                    0          0         
Trinidad and Tobago                      5568       106       
Tunisia                                  54524      1153      
Turkey                                   368513     10027     
Turkmenistan                             0          0         
Turks and Caicos Islands                 703        6         
Tuvalu                                   0          0         
Uganda                                   11767      106       
Ukraine                                  370417     6868      
United Arab Emirates                     129024     485       
United Republic of Tanzania              509        21        
United States of America                 8683298    225073    
United States Virgin Islands             1353       21        
Uruguay                                  2916       54        
Uzbekistan                               66313      560       
Vanuatu                                  0          0         
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)       90400      780       
Viet Nam                                 1173       35        
Wallis and Futuna                        1          0         
Yemen                                    2065       600       
Zambia                                   16200      348       
Zimbabwe                                 8320       242       

+----------------------   POWERSHELL WINDOWS 10 ISE   -----------------------+

Why You Can't Run When There's Trouble in the Office:
	No matter where you stand, no matter how far or fast you flee,
when it hits the fan, as much as possible will be propelled in your
direction, and almost none will be returned to the source.
		-- John L. Shelton

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