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WX4QZ  > ALL      05.01.21 04:08l 263 Lines 9515 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 10761_NS2B
Sent: 210105/0158Z 10761@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.20

PCL Net Scribe for Jan. 4, 2021

WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Net Control)
N2YEM, David, New York
KC5RBH, Jeff, Oklahoma
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
AB8M, Doug, Ohio
NT5R, Charley, Missouri (early checkin)



Sorry, I'm new to this.

Since I worked the Holidays, I'm in health care and 
very much aware of the things going on here in the 
finger lakes region.



GE to all on the net...haven't seen you since last
year (hi hi).

The PCL Net is now back on its regular schedule.
Its holidays are during the weeks of Easter,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

It cost nearly $800 to replace the blower/motor
in the central heat unit, but with the potential
of a winter storm early next week, I'll have 
heat, as long as the power stays on. The run for 
bread, milk, beer, and toilet paper, will begin 
soon enough (hi hi).

For the first time since I became a ham 30 years 
ago, I had to abort a net yesterday. A problem has 
developed with the WIRES-X bridge to the QuadNet 
Array. So, for now, it looks like that link will 
be disabled...but they still can connect via D-Star, 
DMR, or Fusion. Two stations could not hear me at 
all. I had sent emails to ban them, but I did get 
an apology from one of them. I told him to check 
the net spreadsheets (from the hyperlink on my QRZ 
bio) and with the Net Controls, for the net schedules.
Most don't even ask if a frequency is in use before 
they start a QSO...yet I start early checkins an hour 
before my nets.

Looks like rain Wednesday and Wednesday night. It helps
keep the fire danger down...but with all the dormant
vegetation, flooding is an issue (although I'm high
enough where that's not a concern).

The FCC has decided to charge $35 for a new, renewed, or
upgraded license, callsign change, rule waiver request,
or special temporary authority request. They also now
require FRN's on the NCVEC Form 605's, and by June 29,
emails will be required. At least my ticket doesn't
expire until 2029, and I have no plans to change this
callsign. Do you know when your license expires??

I'm going to try to set up my springtime appointments 
for my wellness physical exam, my eye exam, and my
colonoscopy this week...the first 2 are in March, and
the latter is in April. I hope I don't have to wait
until 30 days out to do such, especially with all the
crap with COVID-19...that is like the colonoscopy prep,
a real PITA (hi hi).

That's it for round 1...copy and paste is nice :)

Bob, on the typing, I'm not slow, and not fast, 
just half fast (hi hi).

My license expires when I turn 69, and we'll save any
snide remarks for the fertilizer net (hi hi). But
compared to the price of some of the rigs, $35 is a
drop in the bucket.

The shirts for my replacement Train Conductors outfit
arrived, and the hat fits perfectly. I'm just waiting
for the 2 railroad ties I ordered. Not sure when I can
wear that deal...I doubt I could wear it on the train
trip this June, when I plan to be Amtrak Mobile. It
doubles as a nice 3 piece suit.

David, welcome to the net. Glad to have you with us.
Appreciate your work on the front lines with COVID-19.

Jeff, I know about the depression...I get it from the
middle of November to the middle of January...mainly
for all the commercialism. Darn displays were up in
the stores in July!! I didn't put up any decorations.
I still haven't started my Easter shopping (hi hi). 
Congratulations to your Dad on getting his Extra.
We're glad to have you back...don't be a stranger!!

Bob, glad you got to have Christmas with the family.
I spent mine alone, but was down with a migraine
sinus headache for several I didn't eat as
much as I had originally planned. Hope you won't have
to deal with COVID-19 issues. I'm not sure when the
vaccine will be available in central Arkansas...the 
health care workers and nursing home folks are getting 
it first.

Doug, thanks for your work on the Monday Packet Net.
As for being bad, I told Santa "Define Naughty" (hi hi).
Not many fireworks here, as it was storming...that suited
me just fine. I'm glad the rain kept the fire danger down.
I hear the RTTY contests are very popular. They don't call
us "late for dinner" (hi hi). They first couldn't get me
to, they can't get me to shut up (hi hi).

I'll get the scribe uploaded after I finish with the 
HotSpot Pi SBC Zum Net on the QuadNet Array tonight.
I hope there are no more issues like I had yesterday.

Stay safe, healthy, weather aware, and radioactive.



Yeah, I hate that I'm becoming a stranger to the community.  
I've been fighting depression really bad.  It's just made it 
near impossible to even do the things that I really love.  
Enough of that...  We had a nice quite Christmas, all to 
ourselves.  I didn't mind that one bit.  :)  I haven't been 
up to anything new to speak of, just got to get back into a 
schedule; that's always helped me the most.  Dad, KG5DOH,
finally got his Extra about a month and a half ago.  He 
certainly earned it.  I don't know how many hours he put 
into it but it could have been over a thousand.  Great to 
be back, and hope to be here for next week too!   

Hello to Daryl and Bob!  Bob I'll try to get you on the local 
repeaters very soon.  I got one-gig fiber internet and had to 
move all the radio stuff to get the line into the house where 
I wanted it.  I get it back together ASAP.



We spent Christmas in Norman, OK with all the kids and 
grandkids. They were all tested for covid several days 
before we went. The youngest grandson, age 3, tested 
positive, then 2 negative tests the following two days. 
We left there and came back on the 28th and so far, 
none of us have shown any issues.

Our county (2nd largest in Oklahoma) has not yet made the 
vaccine avaiable to us oldsters over 65, but some of the 
other more rural counties have started phase 2. Hope to
get signed up soon, but its just a waiting game now.

@Jeff: Glad to see you on here tonight! Havent seen you 
in a year or so. Congrats to your dad on passing Extra!

I'm hopeful this covid thing will be over later this year and 
maybe we can get back to a more normal life. 

Glad to see all here tonight, and hope to visit with all next 

Thanks to you,, Bob, and Daryl for running this net each week!



Good evening Bob and everyone on the net.  I hope the holidays 
were good to everyone.

Christmas was certainly odd here - my sister and her family 
went from Europe to my mom's house in Las Vegas.  I opted to 
not travel at this time due to all the fun going on with COVID.
I figure I can wait a couple more months, and my sister and her 
family move back to Cincinnati in July and what is another 6 
months?  They've been gone 3 years.

A 4 hour car ride this summer after everyone has their shots 
doesn't seem like much longer to wait. I am, however, now the 
bad son.  LOL

NYE was rather uneventful also.  We met with a couple that are 
friends of ours at their house. I think there were 6 people 
total for the night, 3 of which have already had COVID and 
recovered, and the other 3 of us live with someone who had it.  
Short version, small group and been there done that already.  
It was just weird to see such a small gathering and the empty 
times square footage.  

Other than that, it was back to work this week.  Sounds like I 
missed a lot of not so much fun last week - I'm glad my team 
didn't call me while I was off. :-)   I got to play a lot of 
radio and had a really fun time with the ARRL RTTY RU this past 
weekend.  I worked from NW8S over the weekend from about 7pm 
Sat night until 3pm Sunday afternoon.  Once KB8O went to bed, I 
set it up to run both radios from one desk and spent all night 
working 80m and 40m at the same time.  That required enough
concentration for me to not fall asleep.

Ok enough rambling for now or you're going to call me Daryl. 
:-) :-) :-)

Ummm, I think those shows have always been lame, we just always 
had a large group of people and barely watched any of it beyond 
"quick, the ball is dropping, come look!" 

Have a great week and we'll catcb up again next week!



David, it's not good here....but I have high hopes for the
vaccine. Thanks for being here.

Daryl, I thought you were just a speed typer!

I had a thought the other day regarding the licensing fee, 
you know the FCC has been auctioning off some of our 
spectrum - most notably I think 3Ghz went or is going to 
the 5G people.  If we're not paying for a license, we're 
not making them any money. As long as we pay for a license 
I feel we have a legitimate claim to spectrum and maybe 
they won't be auctioning it off as readily. My license 
expires in December 2029 for this round. 

Thanks for being here, and for doing the scribe work.

Jeff, Good to have you back. Our Christas was quiet too, and 
went by entirely too fast! Congrats to your Dad!!

Bob, I have seen a schedule for oldsters here - I think 
they're still trying to get medical frontline and nursing 
homes first. And I'm not sure how well that is going. We've 
had a big surge of cases here in the Rochester area (they 
call it the Fingerlakes region). So I just stay in and wait...

Doug, Oh no! Not "bad son" status!  It'll be years living 
that down...

The NYE celebrations on TV were lame this year I thought.   
Maybe they always have been and I just never noticed...

It was just a shame to have it seem so obviusly blah!


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