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G4TNU  > NEWS     01.09.14 14:04l 287 Lines 12337 Bytes #999 (0) @ GBR
BID : 55691G4TNU
Subj: RSGB Local News - 31 Aug 2014
Sent: 140830/2326Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO $:55691G4TNU

T:From: G4TNU@GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU <>
T:Message-Id: <>

Next, the Local News for Sunday 31st August 2014
clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including email 
addresses and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to 
the service area of your transmission.]


We start with clubs that have several events this week. Bromsgrove & 
District Amateur Radio Club is having a club night tonight and on 
Friday. Today also sees the start of a week operating the GB2WWT 
World War Two special event station. The Intermediate course starts 
on Wednesday, concluding on the 10th. Also on Wednesday is a data 
night. Contact Dave, M6DKT, on 07584 025 156.

Midland Amateur Radio Society is at the Telford Hamfest today. On 
Wednesday there's an open meeting, ragchew and training classes, plus 
the shack will be on the air. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 
07808 078 003.

South Birmingham Radio Society has its club stand at the Telford 
Rally today, and a debrief on the rally on Monday. The regular coffee 
morning in the shack is on Tuesday from 11am. Thursday sees training 
classes with Dave Murphy, G8OWL. On Friday the trailer will be 
emptied and the stock sorted out. Contact Gemma Gordon, M6GKG, by 
email to gemmagordon.m6gkg<at>

Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is at the Telford Hamfest 
today. On Wednesday there's a committee meeting plus GX3ZME will be 
on the air. Details from John Humphreys, M0JZH, on 07824 737 716.

Wythall Radio Club has its club net on 145.225MHz at 8pm tonight and 
next Sunday. On Monday the Advanced course commences. Tuesday sees a 
Morse class at 7.45 plus the 144MHz UKAC Contest and preparation for 
HF SSB Field Day. The regular nibbles night is in the shack from 7.30 
on Friday. Next Saturday and Sunday it's RSGB SSB Field Day. Details 
from Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819.
Coventry Amateur Radio Society has its club net is on Monday on 
145.375MHz at 8pm. Friday sees a talk on the seventieth anniversaries 
of Monte Cassino & Anzio by Bob, G4GEE. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 
07958 777 363.

Central Radio Amateur Circle is taking part in the 144MHz UKAC 
Contest on Tuesday. Thursday sees a night on the air. More 
information from Martin Hallard, G1TYV, on 07906 905 071.
Lincoln Short-Wave Club is taking part in the 144MHz UKCC on Tuesday. 
Wednesday sees shack activities and a natter night. The repeater net 
on Thursday is on GB3LM at 8pm. Next Saturday and Sunday it's RSGB 
SSB Field Day, with a barbecue on Saturday night. For more 
information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788 356.

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Monday 
Aldridge & Barr Beacon Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact 
Albert, G0KFS, on 01922 614 169.

On Monday Northampton Radio Club is having a natter night including a 
debrief on the 2m DF Hunt. It is also an examination night for the 
Foundation Licence. Contact John, G4CZB, on 01604 832 584.

On Monday RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club has its net on 145.325MHz 
at 8pm. Contact Bob, G3VCA, on 07971 166 250.

On Monday Sutton Coldfield Amateur Radio Society is holding an open 
net on 145.250MHz from 7.30pm. More information from Robert Bird, by 
email to<at>

On Monday Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society is holding its club 
net on 145.275MHz. For more information contact Peter D Rivers, 
G4XEX, on 01858 432 105.

On Tuesday Dudley and District Amateur Radio Society is taking part 
in the UKAC 2m and holding a night on the air. Details from Carl 
Roberts, M0ZCR, by email to m0zcr<at>

On Tuesday Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club is holding a 
junk sale. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Wednesday South Kesteven Amateur Radio Society is having an 
informal evening. Contact Nigel, M0CVO, on 01476 402 550.

Next Sunday Spalding & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a 
barbecue and fun day at the Portakabin. Contact Graham Boor, G8NWC, 
on 0775 760 832.


We start with clubs that have several events this week. Today and 
next Sunday Warrington Amateur Radio Club is running its regular 
Solder Sunday from noon. Tuesday sees a talk by G0PZP entitled Beyond 
Bletchley Park. The Thursday club will meet as usual for a rag chew 
and on-air session. Details from Ken Hatton, G3VBA, on 01928 733 234.

Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society will be remembering 
those who fought in the Battle of Britain by using the callsign 
GB4BOB throughout September. Details from Nigel, G0BPK, by email to 

On Monday Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is planning for 
SSB Field Day and the 2m Trophy, which take place next Saturday and 
Sunday. Details from John E Rodway, G4FRK, on 01253 862 810.

Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on D-Day radio on 
Wednesday. Next Saturday and Sunday it's SSB Field Day. Details from 
Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240 573.

Sheffield & District Wireless Society has a radio quiz night on 
Wednesday, devised by Joe, G3LLV. Next weekend sees G5TO/P at 
Wharncliffe Chase, IO93FL for SSB Field Day & the RSGB 144MHz Trophy. 
Contact Krystyna, 2E0KSH, on 07884 065 375. 

Hull & District Amateur Radio Society has its last fox hunt on 
Thursday with Jim, G4DZL. Friday sees a demo and talk on kites. 
Contact Brian, on 01482 318 679. 

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Monday 
Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is holding a barbecue from 7pm 
at St Peters Church Centre, NE32 5LP to commemorate its 20th 
anniversary, plus a junk sale to raise funds for Tyne and Wear 
Repeater Group. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 01914 770 036.

On Tuesday Fleetwood Radio Enthusiasts Group is holding a discussion 
night at the Strawberry Gardens, FY6 6TF. Contact John Earnshaw, 
M0JFE, on 07940 815 659.

On Wednesday Denby Dale Radio Club is having a guess the component 
quiz with Gerald, G3SDY & Phil, G4FSQ. Details from Richard, M0RBG, 
on 07976 220 126.

On Thursday Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is assembling and 
making the new club security fence. Contact Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 
01606 553 401.

On Thursday South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is holding a 
review of the club training courses. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 
01619 693 999.

On Friday Mexborough & District Amateur Radio Society is taking part 
in HF NFD from Phoenix Park. Contact Darrell, G0FUO, on 07887 423 221.


No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week. 


Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has its Sunday club today and 
next Sunday from 9am to 1pm. On Tuesday there's a construction and 
education night from 7pm. Thursday sees a construction evening. 
Contact Graham, MM3GDC, by email to mm3gdc<at>

Stirling District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday 
from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects 
and operating. Contact John McGowan, by email to gm0fsv<at>

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is holding a construction and 
training evening on Wednesday. Friday sees a club night with talks 
and a quiz. Details are online at

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is holding a junk sale on Thursday. 
Next Saturday and Sunday sees operations for SSB Field Day from 
Walker Park, Aberdeen. Details from Fred Gordon, MM0ODL, on 
01975 651 365.

Ayr Amateur Radio Group is having a talk on Wednesday on promoting 
amateur radio by MM0YET. Contact John, GM0EPO, via email to 

Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a normal club 
night on Friday. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. 


We start with clubs that have several events this week. Lowestoft & 
District PYE Amateur Radio Club has a CW net on 28.050MHz at 8.30pm 
and an FM net on 29.140MHz at 9pm today and next Sunday. Tuesday sees 
a club net on 145.450MHz at 9pm. Next Saturday and Sunday is SSB 
Field Day at Julian's. Contact Tim Ward, 2E0TJW, on 07810 481 182.

Felixstowe & District Amateur Radio Society is having supper on 
Monday. Next Sunday there's a special event station at Martlesham 
airfield. More information from Paul, G4YQC, by email to 

On Monday Southdown Amateur Radio Society is having a nature talk on 
bats by The Sussex Bat Group at WVS Centre, Eastbourne. Wednesday 
afternoon sees operation on the air at Hailsham and the Beachy Head 
site. Details from John, G3DQY, on 01424 424 319.

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a talk and demo on D-Star 
on Tuesday by Joel Alderman, G0URK and Gary Stevens, 2E0ULA. Thursday 
sees Morse and Foundation classes start at Danbury Village Hall. 
Details by email to  secretary<at>

Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is having a discussion and 
planning evening for SSB Field Day on Wednesday, and taking part in 
the event itself next Saturday and Sunday. Details are online at

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Monday 
Braintree & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a junk sale. 
For more information contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947.

On Monday Burnham Beeches Radio Club is having a talk on receive 
antennas for 160m by John, G3PQA. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 
01628 625 720.

On Wednesday Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has its club net on 
145.375MHz at 8pm. Details from Andy, M0HAK, via email to 

On Wednesday Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is holding a members' forum. 
Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419 204.

On Thursday Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk 
on synergic pulse welding by Ken, G0JWL. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 
02392 472 846.

On Thursday Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society is discussing 
what members did in the holidays. Contact John Burnett, 2E0OAK, on 
07860 804 793.

On Friday Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club is having a talk 
on transformers & switchgear for the electricity distribution system 
by Paul Dyer. Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737 552 170.

On Friday Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio night. 
Details from Sue Davis, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103.

On Friday Thames Amateur Radio Group is having a talk on high 
altitude balloons by Steve Smith, G0TDJ. Contact Mark Sanderson, 
M0IEO, on 07940 579 116.

Next Saturday and Sunday Farnborough & District Radio is taking part 
in Field Day. Details from Neville, G4SPD, on 01252 404 816.


Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its HF net on 3.675MHz at 7.45pm on 
Monday. The 2m net is on Tuesday on 145.575MHz at 7.45pm. Wednesday 
sees a social night at the Moose centre from 7pm. Contact Nick, 
M0NRJ, on 01363 775 756.

Today, Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society is holding a planning 
meeting for GB4KL atĀ Kingston Lacy House. More information from 
John, G4POF, by email to g4pof<at>

On Wednesday Callington Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on 
baluns. Contact John, G4PBN, on 01822 835 834.

On Wednesday Devon & Cornwall Repeater Group meets from 2pm at the 
Engine House, Compton Park, Callington. Details at

On Wednesday Exmouth Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on how to 
design and make PCBs. Contact Mike, G1GZG, on 01395 274 172.
is having a discussion and 
planning evening for SSB Field Day. Details from Stewart Rolfe, 
GW0ETF, on 07833 620 733.

On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is on the air. Contact 
Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 845 773.

On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is holding a general meeting. 
For more information contact Liz Cabban via email to 

On Saturday Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society is assisting 
with the Across Wales Walk. Contact Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853.

And that's the end of the local news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  gb2rs<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

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