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IR0EQ  > INFO     21.10.21 13:52l 98 Lines 3570 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: [G3XBM] Earth-mode VLF
Sent: 211021/1144z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] $:43GC_I0OJJ

Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

Earth-mode VLF

Posted: 20 Oct 2021 04:10 AM PDT

In days past, I managed a fair bit of success with VLF earth-mode. This is  
a form of VLF communication that many can enjoy. Gear can be simple and low  

See . .

10GHz (3cm)

Posted: 20 Oct 2021 02:02 AM PDT

Microwaves have largely passed me by. Apart from making a Gunn oscillator  
in the 1970s  (I think) in some waveguide and testing it over about 10m  
indoors, I have done nothing at 10GHz. I did borrow a 1296MHz RX converter  
and did some tests many years ago.

Some take microwaves very seriously and regularly achieve some remarkable  
distances, often by rain scatter. Others play at 10GHz with WBFM.
See .

10m FT8 RX (Wednesday)

Posted: 20 Oct 2021 02:54 PM PDT

As there is no sign at all of thunderstorms anywhere for hundreds of miles,  
I think I shall turn on my 10m FT8 RX later. According to the thunder map  
all storms are very distant indeed.
UPDATE 0847z: The storms appear to have come this way, but tracked north  
and missed us, so I have turned my system on at 0840z. So far, 5 stations  
UPDATE 1000z:  6 Europeans spotted with the furthermost OE4KSF (1285km).  
Most of these Europeans I think are E layer rather than F2 backscatter. If  
it was backscatter I would expect to see some further afield stations such  
as Israel, European Russia and Ukraine via F2.  I am seeing none of these.  
Perhaps a brief patch of E layer ionisation forms allowing a very brief  
opening and then disappears?
UPDATE 1118z: 34 stations spotted today so far. Furthermost is 5T5PA  
UPDATE 1504z: Because of the thunder I went temporarily QRT, but am on  
again now. 197 stations spotted so far today.
UPDATE 1725z:  242 stations spotted today. It looks as if the F2  
propagation on 10m is now ending as it is getting dark.
UPDATE 2152z: QRT. In the end 243 stations spotted, but I missed some late  
ones as I had to go out.

481THz line of sight

Posted: 19 Oct 2021 10:50 PM PDT

For the uninitiated, 481THz is red light.

My main interest in lightbeam communication was over the horizon beaconing  
(NLOS), but I did have one speech QSO line-of-sight over about 11km. As  
mentioned before, all my optical gear was homemade in the back of the  
garage. Most of the test gear was also homemade. In fact, optical gear is  
easier than microwaves and there are plenty of sources of ideas on the  
internet. My own page may trigger some ideas. The circuit above was used in  
the speech QSO.
See .

Sunspots - Wednesday October 20th 2021

Posted: 20 Oct 2021 03:04 AM PDT

  Solar flux is 76 and the SSN 11. A=14 and K=1.

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