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WX4QZ  > ALL      17.05.22 02:55l 199 Lines 6209 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 34437_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE MAY 16 2022
Sent: 220517/0046Z 34437@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.22

PCL Net Scribe May 16, 2022

WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control And Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma (Early Checkin)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
NT5R, Charley, Missouri


WX4QZ (Replies toward the bottom):

The last Monday of this month, May 30, is Memorial
Day, so the PCL Net will NOT meet that night. Bob
will send out a reminder message as it gets closer.

Severe weather blasted through Arkansas yesterday
afternoon and overnight...with numerous reports of
60-70 mph winds, and quarter to half dollar size
hail, along with flooding rain. More storms are
likely Friday into Saturday, with highs in the 70s
early next week. I have to do a ham radio license
exam session on Saturday, so I hope there's a lull
in the weather. Right now, I only have one person
coming to test for his Technician license...a new
Tech Pool and exams take effect July 1. The Food
Net Saturday afternoon may get washed out due to

I've been texting 4 lady friends to keep them in 
the loop, weather wise. Good thing I have unlimited 
talk and text. I saw where several of the cellphone 
companies, including Verizon and AT&T, are raising 
their rates...I'm saving $70 a month with Consumer 
Cellular compared to Verizon, and being an AARP 
member, I get an additional 5% off. At least the 
weather will be calmer for a few days, so maybe I 
can get more sleep tonight...I'm rather tired right 

The local ambulance authority made an error in their
records, having sent out a collection agency on me
for nearly $1700 in charges. However, I use this 
program they have, with a modest yearly fee, to take 
care of any emergency ambulance runs. When they 
realized the error (this is the second time it has 
occurred), they told me to disregard it...and they 
said they'd call TransUnion to get the deal removed, 
but it might take 30 days to do it. At least it was
not identity theft or fraud. I found out about it 
late Friday, but the ambulance business office had
closed for the weekend, so I couldn't do a think
until this morning.

I hope those who are going to Hamvention this week 
enjoy themselves...there's no way I can go outside 
the local area anymore. I'm to see the cardiologist 
next week on consultation for ablation surgery, 
possibly to be done in mid-June. I went out square 
dancing Saturday night, and while I never got short 
of breath, my back and left knee complained like mad!!

This Wednesday would've been my 19th wedding
anniversary...I'll probably be depressed that
day. Hard to believe it has been over 15 years
since I became widowed...and at this point, I'd
be surprised if I ever remarry.

I saw where gummies for Life Savers, Skittles,
and M&M's were being recalled due to possible
metal fragments. If you have any of those,
throw them out. I guess nothing's safe anymore.

I was into heavy drinking today...nearly a
gallon of "Kool-Aid", as the pepper gravy
with the heart/diabetic healthy dinners
had way too much pepper for my liking. I'm
about to float away...even with Lasix. I
think that stands for laying toward the
restroom every six minutes (hi hi).

The GFS (Goofus (hi hi)) weather forecast
model is drunk or stoned again. The 0600 UTC 
run this morning took a hurricane into the
Yucatan Peninsula...then southwest Florida, 
and eventually North Carolina. The 1800 UTC 
run takes a hurricane into the Yucatan
Peninsula, then toward Mobile, Alabama. 
We'll see what happens.

That's all for round 1.



Good evening all!

it was a good week - we had some really nice 
weather - plenty of sun and temps in the 80s.

So I put my pest-free raised bed together and 
planted my garden. It's pretty cool - 4x8 feet
with a zippered net that encloses the whole 
thing. I know industrious squirrels will 
probably still figure out how to get into it 
but it looks pretty cool!

Had my driveway re-sealed on Saturday - it 
looks nice now. And then it rained today. 
The new garden likes that I suppose.

Still working on my D-Star Picture Net setup. 
I've concluded that REF055 just doesn't like 
me. I can send/receive perfect pictures with 
a local Echo or Echoing form REF072 - but not
REF055. I'll mention it on the net Wednesday 
night and see if the guys there have any 



Good evening Daryl and all on the net.

It wasn't a particularly productive week, 
lots of rain and cold temps kept me indoors.

I got a new gaming chair for the shack, at 
Arlene's suggestion (wow), she said it's 
an early birthday present. I'll be 70 at 
the end of June. It's a lot better than 
the hard straight backed dining room chair 
I have been using.

I spent most of the week trying to get the 
ALLSTARLINK / radio interface going, without 
a lot of success. Still plugging away at it. 



GE everyone

Bob thank you for getting node back up, always 
fun to type at you all

Just in from Oklahoma/Texas trip. Heading out 
Wednesday to Ohio (Xenia) and points east

Be on road minimum couple weeks. Will try check 
in next week if possible.

Weather here still getting some rain but sort 
of bypassed spring temps and went in to summer. 
Low 90s f several days (my kind of weather). 
One fellow commented when told him I like hot 
weather "You must have rocks in your head, I 
like cold weather". Replied back to him "You 
like cold weather? You must have rocks in your 


Replies from WX4QZ:

Bob, FB on the garden and the weather. I'm sure
the squirrels will find a way to get at it. I
hope the rain doesn't overrun the garden with

GL on the deal with The D-Star Picture Net. REF
55 may be acting up again. Get with Lew, KB5HPT,
or the others...I'm sure they can help you.

Rick, happy early birthday, and FB on the new
chair...good for your back and backside (hi hi).
I figured the rain kept you inside to do the
honey-do's (hi hi).

Bummer on troubles with the AllStarLink node.
GL with getting that working.

Charley, FB on the travels...have a safe trip
to Xenia this week. We'll be here next Monday,
May 23, but are off May 30 for Memorial Day.

As for the weather, the cold makes the arthritis
hurt more...but it means no insects, no heat
illness, and no tornadoes. It was 97 here late
last week.


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