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WX4QZ  > ALL      12.07.22 02:45l 158 Lines 4982 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 36847_NS2B
Sent: 220712/0037Z 36847@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.23


WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KF5JRV, Scott, Arkansas
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada



It has been hot as a firecracker
was 102 late last week, with heat indexes
around 115 (Texarkana hit 108 for a high). We 
had some severe storms in the region, but most
areas stayed dry. High fire danger and burn
bans are the rule now...and our hottest part
of the year is still a month away. Folks were
still shooting off firecrackers, even though
it's illegal, and I nearly called the police
on the neighbors today, because it's past the 
holiday, and there are burn bans in effect.
I wish they had a ban on manufacture or sale
of those items, except for the professional
shows, but folks will find a way to get them.
But, you're afraid if you turn them in, they
will find out somehow, then kill you, and
vandalize your property for "ending their fun".
But, they don't think of those with high strung
pets, or with PTSD.

I've used some of the funding from selling
the car due to medical issues to take care
of other bills. The blurred vision is being
caused by dry corneas, but sometimes even the
eye drops don't help. The eye pressures are
12 and 13 (very good), and no sign of macular
degeneration or a detached retina. I go to
the urologist in the morning for the annual
finger checks (cough! cough!, and smile! (hi 
hi))...then go to the Post Office Box to get 
exam materials for a session on July 23. A
fellow VE will transport me to/from the test.
Then, I'll be home the rest of the week, as 
it's too hot to be outside anyway. I'm ready
for winter...for no insects, no heat illness,
and no tornadoes.

The neck and back pain is nearly continuous, 
and with the arthritis, plus nightmares and
nature runs, I didn't rest well last night.
I have to be up early to get Lyft, but I no
longer have to worry about driving in heavy
traffic, and road rage drivers. So, I hope
to nap tomorrow afternoon before the nets.
I took off from all the nets for a week
earlier this month, as I needed a break,
and had gotten burned out.

I got an ADT Doorbell camera last week, and
it's good to monitor the porch from the back
bedroom, and not have to be watching the 
front door for mail or deliveries. I'm
considering a medical alert pendant, as I'm
a fall risk. I also signed up for mosquito
protection from Terminix. It's the females 
that come after us, as they need something 
in our blood for the eggs to hatch. The males 
drink fruit juice; I guess they need to get 
stone drunk before they find a woman to make 
love to (hi hi).

I had a computer crash earlier in the month,
and am still trying to recover lost data. But,
the recovery is going to take some time. The
2nd Tuesday Windows Update is tomorrow...they
always take so long to finish.



GE All!

A busy week - fireworks shows, festivals, 
visits with friends. I need to go back to 
work to rest!

Was supposed to be on vacation this week 
heading east to the Albany area to help 
a friend clean out the family home after
his brothers passing.

But his wife fell off her horse yesterday, 
has a brain contusion and 2 cracked ribs! 
So he decided he'd better hang close to home
for a few days.

On the radio front, I have this end-fed 
antenna that works pretty good on 20m, 
30m, 17m, 10m... won't even tune up on 40m - 
I assumed it would therefore not work on 80m. 
Apparently I was wrong. Tuned it up the other 
day and made a bunch of regional FT8 contacts.
It'll not do DX - but for local stuff it works 



GE Everyone

It has been a good week. The weekend was nice 
with temps around 90. Today it was back up to 

Jon K5DVT has installed a packet node in 
Springdale, Ar so I have a real 2 meter link again

There are about 1000 hams in the tri city area so 
maybe there will be some activity. Still have a
few config issues but they should corrected soon

Jackie had to renew her ham license the 7th of July.
She had to pay the 35 dollar fee but is good for 10 



Good evening Daryl and all on the net.

Last week was pretty wet, with lots of rain. The 
last couple of days things have heated up and it 
looks like it's going to be sunny and hot for the 
next week anyway.

Last week was 4rth of July, so there wasn't a NET...
anyway, the week before last was kind of a birthday 
week for me. Our kids and grandkids took us out for 
dinner, then we had them all over for dinner on the 
1st, daughter gave me my new bike, and I've been 
riding it lots, between the rain sessions, and I got 
two 10 mile rides in this past weekend. 

Not much radio work lately. And I guess that's about 
it...don't know where the time has gone. FB on the 
end fed Bob, I recently found out that the broadband 
terminated dipole I strung around the eaves on the 
house will do 160M. I had set up a scan using WSPR 
and actually picked up a signal there. That antenna 
was kind of a disappointing experiment.


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