CX2SA > SATDIG 05.10.14 13:07l 717 Lines 26054 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V9 345
Sent: 141005/1201Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:11138 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB9345
Today's Topics:
1. W1AW/3 in DC Update (Paul Stoetzer)
2. 73 on 73 Award #2 - 9A2EY (Paul Stoetzer)
3. ANS-278 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins (Joseph Spier)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 09:45:57 -0400
From: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@xxxx.xxx>
To: "amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] W1AW/3 in DC Update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Good morning,
I haven't been on as many passes as I'd like as I'm juggling other
activities and shifts as an HF operator at one of the three stations we
have on the air, but I've made 49 QSOs so far as W1AW/3 from the District
of Columbia. If you are not in the log yet, I'll be on the 1445Z and 1621Z
passes of AO-73 coming up today. I won't be on any evening passes tonight.
I'm not 100% sure of passes tomorrow morning, but I do plan to work every
pass on Monday and Tuesday after 2130Z, but before 0000Z.
If you are looking for a QSO with W1AW/3, send me an email if you have any
pass requests.
Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
Washington, DC (FM18lv)
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 18:40:42 -0400
From: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@xxxx.xxx>
To: "amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] 73 on 73 Award #2 - 9A2EY
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Congratulations to ?eljko Ulip, 9A2EY, for completing 73 on 73 Award #2
today. He submitted a list of 75 unique calls worked on AO-73 since
September 1st.
Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:16:53 -0500
From: Joseph Spier <wao@xxx.xxx>
To: ans@xxxxx.xxxx amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] ANS-278 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
Message-ID: <5430E255.9010502@xxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor-
mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite
Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space
including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur
Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building,
launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio
The news feed on http://www.amsat.org publishes news of Amateur
Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
ans-editor at amsat.org.
In this edition:
* AMSAT Symposium Kickoff this Friday
* AMSAT Annual Meeting Remote Participation via EchoLink
* 2014 AMSAT-NA General Meeting and Space Symposium Schedule,
Presentations, and Social Events Now at AMSAT.org
* 2014 AMSAT-NA General Meeting and Space Symposium Online
Registration Closes October 7, 2014
* 4M Lunar Ham Radio Payload Shipped
* NASA Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
* September/October 2014 AMSAT Journal is at the Print Shop
* First FUNcube 73 on 73 Award Issued
* AMSAT Events
* ARISS News
* Satellite Shorts From All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-278.01
ANS-278 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 278.01
DATE October 5, 2014
BID: $ANS-278.01
AMSAT Symposium Kickoff this Friday
The 2014 AMSAT Space Symposium in Baltimore Oct 10-12 is only a few
days away. Don't miss this year's exciting programs, special events,
Annual Meeting and 45th Anniversary celebration. On-line
registration ends on Oct 7. But if you miss that, you can still
attend through on-site registration.
Our full program of activities is at www.amsat.org
and you can register by clicking on the AMSAT Store button.
Space Symposium highlights include:
AMSAT Annual Meeting: Saturday Oct 11 3:45-5:15 pm ET, to be
Simulcast on the Echolink "*AMSAT*" Channel
Keynote Speaker: Jan King, W3GEY, founding member of AMSAT and
former member of the Board of Directors & V.P. of Engineering.
"Never, Never, Never Give Up!"
Special "Living Legend" Presentation: Tuskegee Airman, Col. Charles
E. McGee, "The Tuskegee Experiment" followed by questions from the
Friday Night Reception and Space Auction: Auction items include
unique models of AMSAT Phase-IIIA, NASA Scout Launch Vehicle, NASA
Mars Polar Lander (that crashed on Mars) and other items such as a
John Glenn commemorative from the Astronaut Hall of Fame, Signed
Astronaut Photos, and unique parts from AMSAT spacecraft of the past.
Banquet Prize Drawing: Lot of outstanding prizes, including a
Flexradio 1500, Peet Bros Ultimeter 2000 Weather Station, Digital
Antenna Analyzer from Quicksilver, Inc, Bird Wattmeter with free
element, ARRL Gift certificates, and many, many others.
Outstanding Paper Presentations on AMSAT Fox Satellite Development,
ARISS, Educational Outreach, CubeSats, and Satellite Operations.
Sunday Informal Tours to the Baltimore Inner Harbor (including the
Aquarium), the B&O Railroad Museum, Edgar Allen Poe House or the
National Electronics Museum.
Sunday ARISS Operations Team Meeting-open to all, especially those
with an interest in ARISS
Monday bus tour to the Udvar Hazy National Air and Space Museum
Your Space Symposium Committee hopes you don't miss this outstanding
Symposium experience in "Charm City" Baltimore, Maryland!
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA Symposium Committee for the above information]
AMSAT Annual Meeting Remote Participation via EchoLink
The 2014 AMSAT Symposium will be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
Oct 10-12 in Baltimore. The Annual Meeting will be held Saturday
afternoon from 15:45 - 17:15 EDT (19:45z - 21:15z) and will be
broadcast via EchoLink on the *AMSAT* channel. The Annual Meeting
includes a report to the membership by the President and Senior
Officers and includes a question and answer session where members may
ask senior officers and BoD members questions. Echolink participants
may send questions using the text messaging feature of EchoLink.
Some of Friday and Saturday's Symposium presentations may also be
available via EchoLink, as these will be used to test the EchoLink
hardware, software, and Internet connection. See
for the Symposium schedule and the titles and times of the
If you haven't used EchoLink before, you need to download the
software and validate your license *NOW*. EchoLink use is restricted
to licensed radio amateurs, because EchoLink is frequently used to
remotely key amateur radio transmitters and repeaters. The
validation process is used to prove that you are licensed. See
for more information. EchoLink software is available for free for
Windows, Linux, OSX, iPhone, iPad, and Android. An Internet
connection is required.
Once you've started EchoLink, search for the *AMSAT* channel (node
#101377), select it, and "Connect". The channel name includes
asterisks (*) both before and after AMSAT.
[ANS thanks Steve Belter, N9IP and the AMSAT-NA Symposium Committee
for the above information]
2014 AMSAT-NA General Meeting and Space Symposium Schedule,
Presentations, and Social Events Now at AMSAT.org
The Symposium Committee has released the final agenda consisting of
the schedule, list of presentations, and various social events and
tours at the 2014 AMSAT-NA General Meeting and Space Symposium.
Information may be found at www.amsat.org on the front page, with
more details under the Events tab. The full schedule in PDF format
can be downloaded from either link.
Events, Trips, Tours:
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA Symposium Committee for the above information]
2014 AMSAT-NA General Meeting and Space Symposium Online Registration
Closes October 7, 2014
On line registration for the 2014 AMSAT-NA General Meeting and
Symposium, and all associated activities will end at midnight EDT,
October 7, 2014. (0400 UTC October 8th) Symposium
registration will be $55 at the meeting. Please inquire for the
availability of other activities when you register.
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA Symposium Committee for the above information]
4M Lunar Ham Radio Payload Shipped
Ghislain Ruy LX2RG reports the 4M Lunar flyby amateur radio payload
was shipped on Thursday, October 2 and he departs for the Xichang
Satellite Launch Center on Sunday, October 5.
He says the lifetime of 4M is quite an unknown: it may be as short
as 100 hours (so at least to the Moon) and could extend for some
weeks if the attitude is favorable.
It is now known that the spacecraft will not re-enter the Earth
atmosphere after the flyby but instead enter a wonderful orbit. You
will find information animations and some JT65B test files at
The launch will be transmitted by CNTV/CCTV:
http://www.cntv.cn/ or
http://english.cntv.cn/ or
LX2RG says the team are setting up their ground station, and are
especially looking for southern hemisphere stations: ZS, VK and ZL,
Southern America continent mainly, as they will be placed first hand
for the early hours.
Launched is planned in a narrow window at 17:59:xx UTC on October 23
and flyby is to occur nominally on October 28 at 00:33 UTC.
4M is planned to start transmissions at 19:17 UTC, possibly with 10
minutes additional delay.
K1JT has developed a special version of WSJT. In addition of all the
features of the standard version, it includes also the display and
logging of the dT to three decimal places and the logging of the
manual offset that can be entered in JT65B modes. This version should
be used by all who wants to participate to the ?Multilateration?
The participant to this experiment should also make sure that the
clock of their PC stays synchronized to the UTC time. Desired
accuracy should be within 1ms and within 10ms at the very least. Use
of NTP synchronizing software is a must.
The special version can be downloaded with the following links:
The LuxSpace ground station comprises 2 x 8 element crossed Yagis
from Joachims antenna (with an improved design to lower the back
lobe), a SSB.de LNA and Yaesu antenna rotators.
Best regards.
Ghislain Ruy LX2RG
Email ruy@xxxxxxxx.xx with ?4M Amateur? in the subject
Read the paper 4M Mission: a Lunar FlyBy experiment
EME 2014 slides: 4M, A Moon Flyby Mission
Manfred Memorial Moon Mission (4M)
4M-LXS Lunar amateur radio payload
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]
NASA Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
OSSI NIFS -- Spring 2015 Opportunities
NASA's One Stop Shopping Initiative for Internships, Fellowships and
Scholarships, or OSSI NIFS, strives to provide high school students
and undergraduate and graduate students at all institutions of higher
education access to a portfolio of internship, fellowship and
scholarship opportunities offered by NASA mission directorates and
Visit the Office of Education Infrastructure Division LaunchPad to
find information on internship, fellowship and scholarship
opportunities. The site features the OSSI NIFS online application for
recruiting NASA interns, fellows and scholars. This innovative system
allows students to search and apply for all types of higher education
NASA internship, fellowship and scholarship opportunities in one
location. A single application places the student in the applicant
pool for consideration by all NASA mentors.
Applications for spring 2015 opportunities are due Oct. 12, 2014.
To find available opportunities and to fill out an online application,
Inquiries about OSSI NIFS should be submitted via
[ANS thanks NASA Education Express Message -- Oct. 2, 2014 for the
above information]
September/October 2014 AMSAT Journal is at the Print Shop
The September/October 2014 AMSAT Journal is complete and has been
sent to our print shop. Look for it to arrive in your mailbox soon.
The Journal Team: JoAnne, K9JKM; Bernhard, VA6BMJ; Douglas, KA2UPW/2;
and James, K3JPH extend our big thanks to all who contributed to
this issue of the Journal.
Here is what you will find in this issue ...
+ Results of 2014 BOD Election
+ The Apogee View Column by Barry Baines, WD4ASW
+ AMSAT Fox-1 Challenge Coin
+ Using SatPC32 With HDSDR - Part 1: The DDE Interface
by Steve Belter, N9IP
+ AMSAT Awards Update by Bruce Paige, KK5DO
+ AMSAT History - The Phase 2 Satellites by Bill Tynan, W3XO
+ RTL-SDR + SDR Radio + FUNcube = Fun! by Jason T. Charles, N4JTC
+ South Texas Balloon Launch Team BLT-41 Flight
by Andy MacAllister, W5ACM
+ Minimalist Preamp Revisited by Mark Spencer, WA8SME
+ From AMSAT's History Archive - November 15 is AO-7 + 40 Years
+ Eyewitness Report - AMSAT at the ARRL Centennial Convention
by E. Mike McCardel, KC8YLD
The AMSAT Journal is a membership benefit of AMSAT-NA. Not yet a
member? All of the details of how to join are at
[ANS thanks the AMSAT Journal Team for the above information]
First FUNcube 73 on 73 Award Issued
Paul Stoetzer N8HM reports the first AO-73 (FUNcube-1) 73 on 73
Award has been issued to Wyatt Dirks AC0RA.
The award aims to promote activity on AO-73 satellite. The
requirements are straight-forward:
1. Work 73 unique stations on AO-73.
2. Contacts must be made on or after September 1, 2014.
3. There are no geographic restrictions on your operating location.
Congratulations to Wyatt Dirks, AC0RA, for claiming 73 on 73 Award
#1. He has submitted a list with a total of 74 unique calls worked on
AO-73 since September 1.
It?s been great to hear all the activity on the satellite over the
last few weeks. I look forward to hearing and working many more
stations, especially after the end of Daylight Saving Time makes the
evening passes a bit earlier!
73, Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
Full details of the award at
[ANS thanks AMSAT-BB & AMSAT-UK for the above information]
AMSAT Events
Information about AMSAT activities at other important events around
the country. Examples of these events are radio club meetings where
AMSAT Area Coordinators give presentations, demonstrations of working
amateur satellites, and hamfests with an AMSAT presence (a table with
AMSAT literature and merchandise, sometimes also with presentations,
forums, and/or demonstrations).
* Wednesday, 8 October 2014 ? presentation at HacDC Amateur Radio
Club (W3HAC) meeting in Washington DC (3rd floor of St. Stephen and
the Incarnation Episcopal Church ? north of the White House)
* Sunday, 25 October 2014 ? Hamfest Chattanooga 2014 in
Chattanooga TN (Alhambra Center, near TN-320 and I-75 exit 3)
* Saturday, 8 November 2014 ? Tucson Hamfest 2014 in Marana AZ
(along I-10 west frontage road, east of exit 236)
* Saturday, 6 December 2014 ? Superstition Superfest 2014 in Mesa
AZ (Mesa Community College, Dobson Road between Southern Avenue & US-
60 exit 177)
* Saturday, 10 January 2015 ? Thunderbird Hamfest in Phoenix AZ
(43rd Avenue, between Greenway and Bell Roads)
* Friday and Saturday, 20-21 February 2015 ? Yuma Hamfest in Yuma
AZ (Yuma County Fairgrounds, 32nd Street between Pacific Avenue &
Avenue 3E, south of I-8 exit 3)
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA for the above information]
Upcoming Contacts
* Winter Gardens Primary School, Canvey Island, United Kingdom
and Pilton Bluecoat School, Barnstaple, United Kingdom, telebridge
via W6SRJ.
Contact is a go for: Wed 2014-10-08 10:08:49 UTC 40 deg
Winter Gardens School
Winter Gardens Primary School is a larger than average school on
Canvey Island in Essex, England. It has two forms of entry catering
for 60 children in each year group. Our school is full to capacity
with 420 children from Foundation Stage (Reception ? Age 4) up to
Year 6 (Age 11).
On the school site we also have the Winter Gardens Pre-School which
caters for 60 children a day and the Winter Gardens Toddler Group
which caters for children from birth upwards.
Canvey Island is situated on the Thames estuary and is an actual
Island. Close towns include Basildon and Benfleet and slightly
further afield, Grays (Thurrock) and Southend. There are 12 schools
on the Island, two of which are secondary schools.
Winter Gardens Primary School is an active school not only within
the local community, but also nationally and internationally.
Children have taken part in many events in London and we regularly
receive visitors from a school in Germany.
Pilton Bluecoat School
Pilton Bluecoat is a state run Junior School catering for 250
children aged between 7 ? 11 years that is situated on the North
Devon coast in the South West of England. The school has excellent
links with its community and is committed to providing a vibrant and
active learning environment for students. The school prides itself
in the high levels of academic attainment by the children as well as
providing the children with a wide range of opportunities to enhance
their personal development.
Our school has been taking part in a whole school theme entitled
?The Final Frontier.?
We have been looking at aspects of space and will include factual
investigations, setting up fictitious scenario and looking at aspects
of space travel and space history.
All curriculum subjects will be integrated into the work, including
mathematics and literacy. The children will be given the opportunity
to explore their own ideas and facilitate their own learning
pathways. Children will also have the opportunity to develop their
creativity through aspects of art, music and science.
* A direct contact with students participating in Team Sky and
Rocket (NPO Sora-TO-Rocket-Dan) in Kariya, Aichi, Japan is scheduled
for Thu 2014-10-09. The contact will be via 8J2YSM at 09:00:05 UTC,
57 deg.
Team Sky and Rocket was founded in 2010. Activities include the
production of a model rocket and launch by students. A lecture by a
professor of Aerospace Engineering was part of the preparation for
the space station contact. The program also held The Cosmic College"
in collaboration with JAXA in 2012.
Latest News
* A telebridge contact with students at Gulf English School, Kuwait
City, Kuwait and Language High School ?Geo Milev?, Dobrich, Bulgaria
scheduled for Thu 2014-09-25 will be rescheduled.
* From 2014-11-10 to 2014-12-07, there will be no US Operational
Segment (USOS) hams on board ISS. So any schools contacts during
this period will be conducted by the ARISS Russia team.
[ANS thanks ARISS, Keith, W5IU and Charlie, AJ9N for the above
Satellite Shorts From All Over
*Space Debris Expert Warns of Increasing CubeSat Collision Risk
The increasing number of small 'CubeSat' satellites being launched
combined with a relaxed attitude to debris mitigation could lead to
hazards for all space users unless preventative measures are taken,
warns a leading space debris expert from the University of
Speaking at the 65th International Astronautical Congress in
Toronto, Dr Hugh Lewis said that this combination leads to a growth
in space debris, as a result of collisions between CubeSats and other
objects in orbit.
CubeSats are small satellites (around 10x10x10cm) that are providing
opportunities for companies to break into the space data and
communications industries. Despite many CubeSats not having any
manoeuvring capability so they cannot avoid collisions during the
mission or manoeuvre to a disposal orbit at their mission end, they
are still perceived to have a low impact on the space debris
However, despite guidelines requiring the satellites to deorbit
within 25 years, some are being launched into high Earth orbits,
which means their orbital lifetime could be much greater.
More than a third of all CubeSats launched to-date (around 160
between 2003 and 2013) are predicted to remain on-orbit for more than
25 years. Since 2005, CubeSats have been involved in more than
360,000 close approaches of less than 5 km with other orbiting
Dr Lewis says: "To reduce the risks, some effort is needed to engage
with the growing small satellite community. All space users, not just
those in the CubeSat community, who are taking the right steps should
be encouraged to continue and, ultimately, lead on sustainable
practices and debris mitigation activities.
"Those who are not yet engaged with this approach should be
encouraged to do so. It's probably a matter of changing their
perceptions of the risks and helping them to understand that there is
a collective responsibility to ensure that outer space activities are
sustainable so that future generations have the same opportunities to
use space as we do."
Dr Lewis and his team used their Debris Analysis and Monitoring
Architecture to the Geosynchronous Environment (DAMAGE) model to
simulate three future CubeSat launch traffic scenarios until the year
2043. By comparing these with close approach data from 2005 to 2013,
the team found CubeSats are estimated to be involved in millions of
close approaches over the next 30 years, with a handful leading to a
Analysis of the close approaches found that most of the collision
risk from CubeSats comes from high-speed encounters with large
spacecraft. In addition, many of these encounters were in Sun-
synchronous orbits that are popular with remote sensing and Earth
science satellites.
Dr Lewis adds: "By far the greatest risk comes from those with long
lifetimes at altitudes of about 750 km. If CubeSats continue to be
launched into long-lived orbits without any means of disposing of
them, then they will contribute to the growing space debris hazard.
This is not a responsible or sustainable practice, in my view.
However, if efforts are made to limit the lifetimes- as some are
already doing - then the risks will be reduced."
[ANS thanks spacemart.com for the above information]
*ISS Expedition 42 Poster Released
Radio amateur and astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti IZ0UDF has put the
final touches to the official crew poster for the International Space
Station (ISS) Expedition 42. It is now available to download.
The poster parodies the popular The Hitchhiker?s Guide to the Galaxy
by Douglas Adams and is without doubt the best ISS crew poster yet
USA?s Terry Virts and Russia?s Anton Shkaplerov portray the two-
headed Zaphod Beeblebrox, Russia?s Alexander Samokutyaev is Humma
Kavula, USA?s Butch Wilmore is Arthur Dent, Russia?s Elena Serova is
Ford Prefect with Italy?s Samantha Cristoforetti as Trillian. NASA?s
Robonaut 2 guest-stars as Marvin the Paranoid Android.
Samantha should launch from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on November 23,
2014 at 2059 UT (3:59pm EST) also flying with her in the Soyuz will
be Anton Shkaplerov and Terry Virts. She is expected to return to
Earth in May 2015.
Download the high resolution (57 MB) poster from
Samantha Cristoforetti IZ0UDF on Twitter
ISS Expedition 42
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi-
tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership
at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students
enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu-
dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership
This week's ANS Editor,
Joe Spier, K6WAO
k6wao at amsat dot org
Sent via amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 9, Issue 345
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