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CX2SA  > SATDIG   03.10.18 10:26l 832 Lines 25981 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V13 324
Sent: 181003/0917Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:54687 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB13324

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization
   2. Re: How many satellites have you worked? (Greg D)
   3. Re: Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization
   4. Re: Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization
      (Stephen  E. Belter)
   5. Re: FoxTelemetry on AO-91 and AO-92 (Burns Fisher)
   6. jota (Cor van Heiningen)
   7. VUCC card checking (Bruce)
   8. Re: Telemetry Server (Joe Pereira)
   9. Re: jota (John)
  10. Re: Telemetry Server (Graham Shirville)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 19:26:08 +0200 (CEST)
From: jerry.tuyls@???????.??
To: N1UW@???????.???
Cc: amsat-bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hoi Frank

look here:

best 73's


----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: "Frank Karnauskas" <n1uw@???????.???>
Aan: "amsat-bb" <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Verzonden: Dinsdag 2 oktober 2018 16:25:41
Onderwerp: [amsat-bb] Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization

If anyone is using a pair of Arrow antennas for a cross-polarized
installation, I would appreciate hearing how you are feeding them.

I have one already and I am considering getting another to work up an el-az
setup for portable operation.

Thanks in advance.

Frank N1UW
N1UW at GOKARNS daht com

Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings:


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 11:12:42 -0700
From: Greg D <ko6th.greg@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] How many satellites have you worked?
Message-ID: <c4d3c91d-d555-8e79-5262-52624ce41cab@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I have also worked the Mir 70cm repeater....

My list of satellites worked, in order of first contact: (Total about
30, depending on how you count some of them)

MIR (2m, including one mobile while on the freeway)
Shuttle (Columbia STS-78) Packet
ISS 2m

Greg  KO6TH

jeff griffin wrote:
> I also worked the 70cm repeater on Mir....
> 73 Jeff kb2m
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???? On Behalf Of Mike Seguin
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 8:00 AM
> To: amsat-bb@?????.???
> Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] How many satellites have you worked?
> Bruce,
> SAFEX  --- RR0DL ? I don't remember exactly what the circumstance was,
> but I have an RR0DL/SAFEX QSL card (from the SAFEX team) hanging on the
> wall here.
> Mike
> On 10/1/2018 5:28 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> I bet there were only 3 of us that made a contact through Mir when they
> had their 70cm radio on.  Andy, W5ACM, myself and a station in Colorado.
> Was awesome with an HT and whip antenna.
>> 73...bruce
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 1, 2018, at 1:16 PM, George Carr <george.carrii15@?????.???> wrote:
>> What about A0-10 and AO-13? I did!
>> 73
>> George
>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 12:30 PM Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) <
>> amsat-bb@??????.???> wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> Here's my list...
>>> AO-7         - SSB
>>> AO-16        - FM/SSB
>>> AO-27        - FM
>>> AO-51        - FM and SSB/FM (also a couple of CW/FM QSOs)
>>> AO-73        - SSB
>>> AO-85        - FM
>>> AO-91        - FM
>>> AO-92        - FM
>>> CAS-4A       - SSB
>>> CAS-4B       - SSB
>>> EO-88        - SSB
>>> FalconSat-3  - Packet
>>> FO-29        - SSB
>>> HO-68        - FM and SSB
>>> ISS          - Packet and FM repeater
>>> LilacSat-2   - FM
>>> LO-78        - FM
>>> NO-44        - Packet
>>> NO-84        - Packet
>>> SO-35        - FM
>>> SO-50        - FM
>>> SO-67        - FM
>>> Ukube-1      - SSB
>>> UO-14        - FM
>>> VO-52        - SSB
>>> XW-2A        - SSB
>>> XW-2B        - SSB
>>> XW-2C        - SSB
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 19:02:22 +0000 (UTC)
From: "johnv@????????.???? <johnv@????????.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization
Message-ID: <271259139.3047113.1538506942249@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 I'm looking at this project and it appears to be still able to replicate
except for the ""WRAPS Project Parts in the AMSAT Store".???? But it is no
longer offered at the store.

Was the per-amp inefficient, unstable or just not work???? (not knocking
anyone)??? If it's okay, I was hoping someone had one surplus to sell at a
reasonable price plus shipping???? All the other parts are available, maybe
at a higher cost but available.
Thanks and please send direct to my email and not on the BB.


    On Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 10:31:49 AM PDT, <jerry.tuyls@???????.??>

 Hoi Frank

look here:

best 73's


----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: "Frank Karnauskas" <n1uw@???????.???>
Aan: "amsat-bb" <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Verzonden: Dinsdag 2 oktober 2018 16:25:41
Onderwerp: [amsat-bb] Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization

If anyone is using a pair of Arrow antennas for a cross-polarized
installation, I would appreciate hearing how you are feeding them.

I have one already and I am considering getting another to work up an el-az
setup for portable operation.

Thanks in advance.

Frank N1UW
N1UW at GOKARNS daht com

Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings:
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings:


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 20:09:05 +0000
From: "Stephen  E. Belter" <seb@??????.???>
To: "johnv@????????.???? <johnv@????????.???>, AMSAT BB
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization
Message-ID: <2AC1F01F-C0F2-4E33-97B5-FBB4447D52C0@??????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


I believe the preamp worked OK.  Since it was a wideband preamp (no
significant filtering), it is best suited for receive-only applications like
copying telemetry.

If used in a full-duplex situation, additional filtering is required or
large separation between the transmit and receive antennas.

73, Steve N9IP
Steve Belter, seb@??????.???

?On 10/2/18, 3:04 PM, "AMSAT-BB on behalf of johnv@????????.????
<amsat-bb-bounces@?????.??? on behalf of johnv@????????.???> wrote:

     I'm looking at this project and it appears to be still able to
replicate except for the ""WRAPS Project Parts in the AMSAT Store".     But
it is no longer offered at the store.

    Was the per-amp inefficient, unstable or just not work?    (not knocking
anyone)    If it's okay, I was hoping someone had one surplus to sell at a
reasonable price plus shipping?    All the other parts are available, maybe
at a higher cost but available.
    Thanks and please send direct to my email and not on the BB.


        On Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 10:31:49 AM PDT,
<jerry.tuyls@???????.??> wrote:

     Hoi Frank

    look here:

    best 73's


    ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
    Van: "Frank Karnauskas" <n1uw@???????.???>
    Aan: "amsat-bb" <amsat-bb@?????.???>
    Verzonden: Dinsdag 2 oktober 2018 16:25:41
    Onderwerp: [amsat-bb] Feeding Two Arrow Antennas for X-Polarization

    If anyone is using a pair of Arrow antennas for a cross-polarized
    installation, I would appreciate hearing how you are feeding them.

    I have one already and I am considering getting another to work up an
    setup for portable operation.

    Thanks in advance.

    Frank N1UW
    N1UW at GOKARNS daht com

    Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
    to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
    are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
    Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
    Subscription settings:
    Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
    to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
    are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
    Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
    Subscription settings:

    Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
    to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
    are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
    Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
    Subscription settings:


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 16:26:15 -0400
From: Burns Fisher <burns@??????.??>
To: "Stephen E. Belter" <seb@??????.???>
Cc: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] FoxTelemetry on AO-91 and AO-92
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hasan sent me a screen shot of his attempt to collect data from one of the
Fox satellites.  I also showed it to Chris, G0KLA, the author of FoxTelem.
We both agree that the problem is likely to be filtering.  SOMEWHERE in
there is a high pass filter that is not allowing enough of the low
frequencies through.  Another possibility is not FM demodulating a wide
enough bandwidth.  You could try wide FM rather than narrow, or if it is
adjustable, set it to 5KHz.

Chris also says that he expects to be able to decode if the signal is only
a few dB above the noise, so chances are good that a weak signal is not the

Good luck and 73,

Burns WB1FJ

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 10:57 AM, Burns Fisher <burns@??????.??> wrote:

> Let me add just a bit more.  I have a homebrew Lindenblad (circular
> polarity, omni) with an AMSAT wide band preamp out at the antenna, going to
> a FunCube Dongle that is decoded directly by FoxTelem.  I get hundreds of
> packets per day with it.  I have also used an Arrow dual-band J-pole
> mounted at 45 degrees and an AirSpy wide-band preamp with nearly as good
> results.
> My experience is that I CAN get decodes without having completely full
> quieting, but it still has to be "pretty good".  I also completely agree
> with Steve that the big trick is to be sure you have no high pass
> filtering.  Best is to use a software defined radio (I've succeeded with
> both HDSDR and SDR# ) with virtual audio cable if you don't have a FunCube
> Dongle.
> Good luck!  Let us know how you are doing.  Maybe a screen shot of
> FoxTelem when there is a signal coming would be helpful (although I think
> pictures don't go through on this mailing list).
> 73,
> Burns WB1FJ
> Fox Flight Software
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 10:46 AM, Stephen E. Belter <seb@??????.???> wrote:
>> Hasan,
>> The answer to your question about the difficulty is yes, and no.
>> There are lots of things that can block the decoding of the DUV.  Get any
>> *one* of them wrong, and it doesn't work.  Get them *all* right, it works
>> great.
>> I am not an expert, but here are a few suggestions.
>> You need a solid, full-quieting signal to decode the packets.  Mark is
>> right; this is much more difficult with an omnidirectional antenna like an
>> eggbeater.  With 80-feet of coax, you probably need a low-noise preamp at
>> the antenna (not in the shack).  When you make a voice QSO, is the signal
>> really full-quieting?
>> The DUV information is very, very low frequency.  You need to be
>> receiving everything from DC to 300 hertz, and passing it to FoxTelem.
>> Typical FM receivers (conventional analog and software defined) filter out
>> the low frequencies so as to not include CTCSS tones which add an annoying
>> rumble or hum to the audio.  So carefully check and adjust or remove any
>> low-frequency filtering.
>> Using a patch cord to connect the speaker output to a sound card input is
>> unlikely to work.  You need to be using a virtual audio cable (software
>> utility that simulates two sound cards connected by a patch cord).  Paul is
>> correct, check the sample rates on the SDRC output, the input and output of
>> your VAC, and the input to FoxTelem.  They should all be identical.
>> Check the levels to make sure nothing is clipping or overloaded:  Windows
>> levels between the HF+ and SDRC, SDRC output, and VAC input and output.
>> I'm using a FUNcube Pro+ dongle and have the Windows level on the FCD set
>> to 9 instead of the default 100.  The best level for your HF+ may be
>> different.
>> I'm sorry you're having trouble.  Maybe these hints and the suggestions
>> of others will help.
>> 73, Steve N9IP
>> --
>> Steve Belter, seb@??????.???
>> ?On 10/2/18, 7:56 AM, "AMSAT-BB on behalf of Hasan al-Basri" <
>> amsat-bb-bounces@?????.??? on behalf of hbasri.schiers6@?????.???> wrote:
>>     Several of us are having a heck of a time getting any telemetry from
>> the
>>     above birds. DUV just isn't producing anything.
>>     We hear both well enough to make QSOs on the FM transponders, but we
>> can't
>>     seem to get any data thru the decoder.
>>     Is it really that much more difficult to get the TLM via DUV  than to
>>     listen to a voice on the 2m downlink?
>>     Setup:
>>     2m Eggbeater at 7', fed with 80' of 9913
>>     AirSpy HF+ SDR
>>     SDRC V3 Software
>>     FMN 12 kHz (Highpass Filter not checked) and FMW both tried, neither
>>     produce any decoded data.
>>     I am getting telemetry just fine from AO-73, and am also getting
>> perfect Wx
>>     pix on 137.100 with SNR's of > 30 dB.
>>     Am I doing something wrong, or is it just that hard to get FoxTelem
>> to work
>>     with DUV?
>>     Thanks for any help. 73,
>>     N0AN
>>     Hasan
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>>     to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>>     are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
>> of AMSAT-NA.
>>     Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>> program!
>>     Subscription settings:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 09:24:18 +0000
From: Cor van Heiningen <corvanheiningen@???????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] jota

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

During the jamboree on 19 20 21 october 2018 pe1nil/j qrv on radio amateur




Message: 7
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 19:37:22 -0500
From: Bruce <kk5do@????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] VUCC card checking
Message-ID: <ab898dd3-242f-091b-d32a-34e978d036d3@????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

If you are going to the AMSAT Symposium in Huntsville, I will be
available to check any cards you have towards VUCC, WAS or 5BWAS. Make
sure you have your lists and cards sorted in the same order as the list.
Have your application filled out. Any questions, feel free to contact me



Bruce Paige, KK5DO

AMSAT Director Contests and Awards
AMSAT Board Member 2016-2020

ARRL Awards Field Checker (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE

Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0100z on Echolink - Conference *AMSAT*
Also live streaming MP3 at
Podcast at or iTunes

Latest satellite news on the ARRL Audio News

AMSAT on Twitter


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 16:10:15 +0930
From: Joe Pereira <joevk5ei@?????.???>
To: APBIDDLE@???????.???
Cc: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Telemetry Server
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

An update on this subject.

I still have an issue with the Funcube-1 dashboard not uploading frames to

The Nayif-1 dashboard is now using and is working

Do we still have an issue with the server or should I be investigating the
problem and my end ?


On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 10:47 PM Alan <wa4sca@?????.???> wrote:

> Ross,
> Yes, the server was down for several hours.  Your data should have uploaded
> when it came back up.
> 73,
> Alan
> <-----Original Message-----
> <From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???? On Behalf Of Ross
> <Biggar
> <Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2018 22:05 PM
> <To: amsat-bb@?????.???
> <Subject: [amsat-bb] Telemetry Server
> <
> <Has the telemetry server gone off line, I have over 200 frames queued,
> <normally they are sent immediately, with nothing queued.??
> <
> <Ross
> <ZL1WN
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <_______________________________________________
> <Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> <to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> <expressed
> <are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> <NA.
> <Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> <program!
> <Subscription settings:
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 09:16:24 +0100
From: "John" <john@?????.???.??>
To: "'Cor van Heiningen'" <corvanheiningen@???????.???>,
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] jota
Message-ID: <06ef01d45af1$608a6dd0$219f4970$@?????.???.??>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"


That's great to hear! We'll be active at GB2GP (Gilwell Park, London), on
HF, VHF/UHF, Digi, Echolink, DV and Sats as well, so hopefully we'll get to
work you somewhere!

I'm also hoping to do some testing this weekend to make sure things are
ready to go, as it were.

John (XLX)

-----Original Message-----
From: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???> On Behalf Of Cor van Heiningen
Sent: 02 October 2018 10:24
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] jota

During the jamboree on 19 20 21 october 2018 pe1nil/j qrv on radio amateur


Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all
interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official
views of AMSAT-NA.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings:


Message: 10
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 09:35:48 +0100
From: Graham Shirville <graham@?????????.???>
To: Joe Pereira <joevk5ei@?????.???>, APBIDDLE@???????.???
Cc: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Telemetry Server
Message-ID: <bd25afec-82eb-c8aa-a71c-b827b46c788b@?????????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi Joe,

In a word YES we do!

The FUNcube Warehousemeister is presently en-route home from a two week
trip to Florida so hopefully he should be able to get things fixed
within the enxt couple of days...our apologies for the outages and
slowness..but sincere thanks for your continuing support for the is really valuable to us to enable us to obtain as much
data as possible..




On 03/10/2018 07:40, Joe Pereira wrote:
> An update on this subject.
> I still have an issue with the Funcube-1 dashboard not uploading frames to
> The Nayif-1 dashboard is now using and is working
> ok.
> Do we still have an issue with the server or should I be investigating the
> problem and my end ?
> Joe
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 10:47 PM Alan <wa4sca@?????.???> wrote:
>> Ross,
>> Yes, the server was down for several hours.  Your data should have uploaded
>> when it came back up.
>> 73,
>> Alan
>> <-----Original Message-----
>> <From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???? On Behalf Of Ross
>> <Biggar
>> <Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2018 22:05 PM
>> <To: amsat-bb@?????.???
>> <Subject: [amsat-bb] Telemetry Server
>> <
>> <Has the telemetry server gone off line, I have over 200 frames queued,
>> <normally they are sent immediately, with nothing queued.??
>> <
>> <Ross
>> <ZL1WN
>> <
>> <
>> <
>> <
>> <_______________________________________________
>> <Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> <to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
>> <expressed
>> <are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> <NA.
>> <Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>> <program!
>> <Subscription settings:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
>> expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Subject: Digest Footer

Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership.  Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!


End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 324

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