CX2SA > SATDIG 07.10.18 23:14l 858 Lines 33280 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V13 333
Sent: 181007/2208Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:55098 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB13333
>From cx2sa%cx2sa.sal.ury.soam@i0ojj.ampr.org Mon Oct 8 00:14:02 2018
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id AA53854 ; Mon, 08 Oct 2018 00:14:02 +0200
Message-Id: <AMSATBB13333@ea2rcf.bbs>
>From: cx2sa@cx2sa.sal.ury.soam
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Today's Topics:
1. Nayif Data Warehouse Problems (David Johnson)
2. AMSAT-UK Colloquium 2018 Special Event Station (David Johnson)
3. Upcoming ARISS contact with Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium,
Heilbronn, Germany and Realschule & Gymnasium Weingarten,
Weingarten, Germany (n4csitwo@?????????.????
4. Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet (alex weimer)
5. Re: Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet (Scott)
6. TS-2000 menu 28 (Burns Fisher)
7. Re: Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet (Adrian Engele)
8. Re: Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet (alex weimer)
9. DSLWP JT4G messgaes (Roland Zurmely)
10. AO-92 silent (Ross Biggar)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 09:06:52 +0100
From: David Johnson <dave@?????.??.??>
To: amsat-bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Nayif Data Warehouse Problems
Message-ID: <F06EFFF1-96A8-4BA0-842F-7C869DF25238@?????.??.??>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
We are still experiencing intermittent problems with the network that
supports the server at the data centre.
If you are using the Nayif-1 dashboard to collect data (not FUNcube
dashboard) please change the URL in the dashboard setup to use
http://data.amsat-uk.org and let me know if it does not fix the problem.
I will continue to work on the problem with the mechanism that uses the
FUNcube dashboard to collect Nayif data.
Dave (back from W4)
Sent from my iPhone
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 13:44:51 +0100
From: David Johnson <dave@?????.??.??>
To: amsat-bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] AMSAT-UK Colloquium 2018 Special Event Station
Message-ID: <48EFFE8D-EF01-4CAF-B51C-2FB6C405507E@?????.??.??>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
We are pleased to announce that there will be a demonstration ground
station, using the equipment provided to schools for ARISS contacts in the UK.
The callsign will be GB0AUK and will be operational, as time permits (we
want to see lectures too) during the weekend 12-14 October.
We will also be streaming a ?Beginners Session? on Sunday morning at 9:30 BST.
Dave, G4DPZ
On behalf of the AMSAT-UK Committee
Message: 3
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2018 22:23:43 -0400
From: <n4csitwo@?????????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>, <ariss-press@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Upcoming ARISS contact with
Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium, Heilbronn, Germany and Realschule & Gymnasium
Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany
Message-ID: <6942E8E199F8481BA66CD7B0C23F6151@???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with
participants at Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium, Heilbronn, Germany and Realschule &
Gymnasium Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany on 10 Oct. The event isscheduled
to begin at approximately 14:03 UTC. The duration of the contact is
approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between
DP0ISS and DM1RMG and DN2RV. DN2RV will be the station to initially make
contact with the ISS and DN1RMG will conclude the contact with the ISS.The
contact should be audible over Germany and adjacent areas. Interested
parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is
expected to be conducted in English.
EU#450 Heilbronn
Das Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium (RMG) ist eines von f?nf allgemeinbildenden
Gymnasien in Heilbronn. Unsere Schule wird von ca. 700 Sch?lern besucht,
welche von ungef?hr 70 Lehrern unterrichtet werden. Unsere Schule wurde nach
den Heilbronner Arzt und Physiker
Robert Mayer benannt, der f?r die Ver?ffentlichung einer fr?hen Version der
1. Regel der Thermodynamik bekannt ist.
Der naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht hat insbesondere in den
Jahrgangsstufen 11 und 12 einen hohen Stellenwert. Viele unserer Sch?ler
nehmen zus?tzlich an naturwissenschaftlichen Wettbewerben teil und
absolvieren ihre Abschlusspr?fungen in diesem Bereich.
Aber auch Informatik und Astronomie sind Teil unseres Curriculums;
insbesondere das Thema ISS wird regelm??ig im Fach Naturwissenschaft und
Technik (NWT), welches als Hauptfach belegt werden kann, behandelt.
Unsere Sch?ler k?nnen aus einer Reihe von zus?tzlichen,
au?erunterrichtlichen Aktivit?ten, wie z.B. Jugend-forscht (ein
naturwissenschaftlicher Wettbewerb f?r Jugendliche in Deutschland) oder
"Mach MINT" (vergleichbar mit STEM) w?hlen. Sch?ler der Mittelstufe haben
zus?tzlich die M?glichkeit an einer Junior-Ingenieur-Akademie in Kooperation
mit lokalen Unternehmen
teilzunehmen, wodurch sie ein ganzes Schuljahr lang wertvolle Einblicke im
Bereich Ingenieurswissenschaften erhalten.
Als Erg?nzung zum naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht werden die vielseitigen
Angebote der Experimenta, einer naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Lern- und
Erlebniswelt in Heilbronn, genutzt. Im Ausstellungsbereich besteht die
M?glichkeit auf spielerische Weise verschiedenste Aspekte und Bereiche der
Naturwissenschaften zu begreifen. In gut ausgestatteten Laborr?umen k?nnen
den Unterricht erg?nzende Experimente in den Bereichen Mikrobiologie, Chemie
oder Physik durchgef?hrt werden.
Das Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium besitzt au?erdem eine gut ausgestattete
Sternwarte, welche in enger Kooperation durch den Verein Robert-Mayer-Volks-
und Schulsternwarte Heilbronn e.V. geleitet wird. Aufgrund der oben
genannten Angebote wurde unserer Schule das MINT-EC-Zertifikat verliehen.
MINT-EC ist ein nationales Exzellenz-Netzwerk f?r naturwissenschaftlich
ausgerichtete Schulen.
Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt an unserer Schule stellt die F?rderung hochbegabter
Sch?ler dar. Seit dem Schuljahr 2005/2006 sind wir offiziell als Schule f?r
hochbegabte Sch?ler in Baden-W?rttemberg anerkannt. Die Sch?ler in den
sogenannten Hochbegabten-Klassen
werden durch zus?tzliche Projekte gef?rdert und absolvieren das Curriculum
in k?rzerer Zeit.
Neben der F?rderung in besonderen Klassen bietet unsere Schule auch ein seit
langer Zeit etabliertes und erfolgreiches Programm f?r besonders begabte
Sch?ler an, den sogenannten "Robert-Mayer-Talente-Pool". Innerhalb diese
Programm k?nnen ausgew?hlte Sch?ler aus individuellen Angeboten in den
Bereichen Naturwissenschaften und Sprachen w?hlen. Sie haben die M?glichkeit
ein Fr?hstudium zu absolvieren, k?nnen an diversen Wettbewerben oder
Ein-Tages-Exkursionen teilnehmen oder verschiedene Sprachzertifikate zu
erwerben. Dieses Programm stellt sicher, dass wir Sch?ler aus allen sozialen
Schichten erreichen.
An unserer Schule wird ebenfalls Wert auf die modernen Fremdsprachen gelegt.
Unsere Sch?ler werden in Englisch, Franz?sisch und Italienisch unterrichtet;
f?r Chinesisch gibt es ein gesondertes au?erunterrichtliches Angebot. F?r
jede Fremdsprache besteht die M?glichkeit an einer Austauschma?nahme
teilzunehmen oder ein Sprachzertifikat zu erwerben.
Im Bereich der au?erunterrichtlichen Angebote spielt auch die
Berufsorientierung eine sehr gro?e Rolle. Ab Klasse 9 m?ssen alle Sch?ler
verbindlich verschiedene Bausteine absolvieren, z.B. an
Informationsveranstaltungen oder Berufspraktika teilnehmen.
Dadurch erhalten die Sch?ler die M?glichkeit sehr fr?h in Kontakt mit
Universit?ten, Hochschulen oder regionalen Unternehmen zu treten.
The Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium (RMG) is one of 5 generally educating High
schools in Heilbronn. Our school has approximately 700 students that are
taught by about 70 teachers. Our school has been named after Robert Mayer,
the famous Heilbronn physician and physicist who is best known for
enunciating one of the first versions of the first law of
thermodynamics.Natural sciences have a high priority, so as in the lessons
of our students in year 11 and 12. Many students are taking part in
mathematical-natural science competitions and writing their final exams in
this area.
Informatics and Astronomy are also part of our courses. Astronomy,
especially the ISS, is a regularly theme in our major subject science and
technology.Our students are able to choose from a diverse offer of
additional activities for example the "Jugend-forscht" - program (a German
youth science competition) or "Mach MINT" (comparable to STEM).Students in
the middle level have the chance to be part of a junior-engineer-academy in
cooperation with local business enterprises. Thereby they have useful
insights in engineering for a whole year. In addition to natural science
lessons our students often visit the Experimenta, a science center in
Heilbronn, which offers playful insight into different aspects of natural
science via exhibitions or lab courses. In these lab courses students are
offered to experiment in microbiology, chemistry or physics in a
well-developed surrounding.
The Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium has a well-developed observatory. We are
cooperating closely with the managing Robert-Mayer-Volks- und
Schulsternwarte Heilbronn e.V.Therefore our school has been awarded as
MINT-EC-School. MINT-EC is the national excellence-network for science
oriented schools.
Another main focus of our school is the promotion of highly skilled
students. Since 2005/2006 we are officially a school for highly skilled
students in Baden-Wurttemberg. The students in these specific classes are
promoted by additional projects and are allowed to study at a higher speed.
Besides the promotion in special classes our school has a proven and tested
program for talented students, the so-called 'Robert-Mayer-Talente-Pool'.
There we are preparing an individual offer in the field of natural sciences
and languages for selected students. They are able to be part of
junior-studies, competitions, several day excursions and language
certificates. This program makes sure, that we can reach students out of all
social classes.
In our school we also have a focus on modern foreign languages. Our students
are taught in English, French and Italian and in Chinese in special offers.
Every subject is connected with a student-exchange program and the
acquirement of language certificates.
Vocational guidance is another main aspect in our extra-curricular offers.
>From year 9 onward all students have to complete different elements of
vocational guidance, e.g. through taking part in information events or
practical training days. Thereby students have the chance to get into
contact with colleges or universities, as well as with regional businesses.
Realschule und Gymnasium Weingarten
Unsere beiden Schulen sind im n?rdlichen Schussental im S?den Deutschlands.
Weingarten liegt in der N?he des Bodensees und der Alpen.
Im Schussental haben sich mittelst?ndische Unternehmen entwickelt, die
heute den globalen Markt beliefern. Ebenso ist es der Standort einer
P?dagogischen Hochschule. Die Kombination von attraktiven Arbeitspl?tzen in
einer Urlaubsregion, l?sst die Einwohnerzahlen im Schussental und der
Umgebung stetig steigen.
Zur Zeit besuchen 654 Sch?lerInnen unsere Realschule, die von 54 Lehrern
unterrichtet werden. Und jeder einzelne freut sich jetzt schon auf den ARISS
Kontakt im Oktober.Das Leitbild unserer Schule ist:
Gemeinsam leben - miteinander - stark in die Zukunft Deshalb setzen wir
unseren Schwerpunkt auf bilinguales Lehren und Lernen. In bilingualen
Klassen werden die F?cher Geographie,
Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft und Sport auf Englisch unterrichtet.
Zus?tzlich gibt es bilinguale Module in den Naturwissenschaften
und in Musik. Dar?ber hinaus kooperieren wir mit der ?rtlichen P?dagogischen
Hochschule: Studenten aller Fachrichtungen machen bei uns praktische
Unterrichtserfahrung w?hrend ihres Studiums.
Aber auch auf die Erziehung zu Toleranz und Respekt wird gro?en Wert gelegt.
So besucht jeder Sch?ler der 8. Klassen eine soziale Einrichtung f?r mehrere
Stunden, um sich seiner Mitverantwortung gegen?ber anderen Menschen klar zu
Au?erdem k?nnen unsere Sch?ler in den verschiedensten AGs ihre
k?nstlerischen Talente wecken: sowohl unser Schulorchester als auch unsere
Theater AG sind beide sehr bekannt f?r ihre hervorragenden Darbietungen.
Das Gymnasium Weingarten befindet sich bei der Realschule Weingarten. Etwa
600 Sch?lerinnen und Sch?ler besuchen das Gymnasium.
Neben Sprachen und Sport sind die Naturwissenschaften unser Schwerpunkt. Vor
allem im Fach "Naturwissenschaft und Technik" legen wir sehr viel Wert auf
technische Inhalte und praktisches Arbeiten. Unsere "Robotics AG" geh?rt zu
unseren wichtigsten Arbeitsgemeinschaften. Sie war schon bei mehreren
Weltmeisterschaften, z. B. in Brasilien und in Japan sehr erfolgreich.
In unserer "Astronomie-AG" besch?ftigen sich viele Oberstufensch?ler mit dem
Thema "Weltall und Raumfahrt". Sie erkl?ren unserer ganzen Schule m?glichst
alles rund um das Thema ISS. Als Gymnasium mit einem
naturwissenschaftllich-technischen Schwerpunkt bekommen wir viele spannende
Einblicke in das Thema Raumfahrt und Funktechnik freuen wir uns sehr auf den
spannende ARISS-Kontakt zur ISS im Oktober 2018.
Im Projektteam der RS Weingarten sind vor allem Sch?lerInnen der Klassen 8
und 9. Sie interessieren sich allgemein f?r Technik und Wissenschaften, aber
auch f?r das allt?gliche Leben auf der ISS. Ein Highlight f?r die
Vorbereitung des Kontaktes wird der gemeinsame (Sch?lerInnen der RS und des
Gymnasiums) Besuch des GSOC (German Space Operations Center) in
Oberpfaffenhofen sein.
Anschlie?end werden wir noch in das Deutsche Museum in M?nchen gehen und
dort die Ausstellung zur Raumfahrt betrachten.
The school is located in the Schussental, a fertile valley in the south of
Germany. We are close to the Lake Constance and the Alps.
There are also a few globally connected industries and an educational
university nearby. Our region is not only an attractive place for holidays
but more and more a growing site for working and living in an expanding
urban area.
Currently there are 654 students and 54 teachers at our school. And every
one of them is already looking forward to the ARISS contact in October.
Our school?s motto is:
Cooperative learning and teaching, being together in a learning community
that makes us fit for the future!
So, our focus is set on language in our English-German bilingual educational
program for our bilingual classes. In those classes pupils are taught in
English in the following subjects: Geography, History, Politics, Economy and
Sports. In addition to these core lessons, some teachers add bilingual
educational modules in Science and Music. Due to our motto, we are
cooperating with the local university of education: students from the
university are engaged in our teacher?s team and practice teaching at our
Complementary to science and language education, RS Weingarten also focuses
on social education: In 8th grade, students participate in a mandatory
practical training at a social organization (kindergarten, hospital,
retirement or nursing home) to help develop social responsibility.
Furthermore, pupils can choose from a diverse choice of project courses
(AGs): Our students may join the school band or the drama club, which are
both well-known for their excellent performances.
In our project team are mostly students from classes 8 and 9. They are
interested in technology and physics, but also in daily life on the ISS. A
huge highlight will be our excursion to Oberpfaffenhofen where we are
invited to the GSOC (German Space Operations Center). After that we are
going to have a tour through the "Deutsches Museum" in Munich to see and
experience its science department.
Weingarten?s Grammar School is located right next door to the Realschule. It
has got about 600 pupils, whose educational focus is on science but also on
languages and PE. That is a reason why the Gymnasium applied for the ISS
project. The "Robotics AG" has been very successful so far. Members of that
school club did take part in international competitions in Brazil and Japan.
There is an "Astronomy club" as well, where pupils study topics about the
universe and space travel. Those pupils have become the experts on the ISS
project and are looking forward to having contact with the space station.
A huge highlight will be our joint excursion to Oberpfaffenhofen where
pupils of both schools are invited to the GSOC (German Space Operations
Center). After that we are going to have a tour through the "Deutsches
Museum" in Munich to see and experience its science department.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Sie befinden sich in Schwerelosigkeit in einem gro?en Raum und haben
keinen Kontakt zu einer Wand. Wie bewegen Sie sich fort? Hilft Pusten?
2. Die Zeit im All vergeht langsamer als auf der Erde. F?hlen Sie sich j?nger?
3. Woher kommt das Wasser/der Sauerstoff auf der ISS?
4. D?rfen wir mit CIMON sprechen?
5. Wie verh?lt sich kohles?urehaltiges Wasser im Weltraum? Sprudelt es dort
6. Wie haben Sie das Leck auf der Raumstation bemerkt, wie haben Sie darauf
reagiert und wie haben Sie es abgedichtet?
7. Wie gef?hrlich ist der Weltraumschrott/die Strahlenbelastung und gibt es
8. Wie definieren Sie einen Tag auf der ISS?
9. Wie lange dauert es um auf drohende Kollisionen zu reagieren?
10. Wohin zeigt eine Kompassnadel auf der ISS?
11. Kann man von der ISS aus den Bodensee oder sogar Weingarten sehen?
12. W?re es technisch m?glich in einem Raumschiff/einer Raumstation
k?nstliche Schwerkraft zu erzeugen?
13. K?nnen Sie Auswirkungen der Umweltverschmutzung, z.B. den
'M?llkontinent' im Pazifik, aus dem All sehen?
14. Wie finden Sie 'Cimon' das fliegende Gehirn? Ist er eine gro?e Hilfe?
15. Wie funktioniert der Antrieb der ISS?
16. Kann man auf der ISS ?berhaupt krank werden?
17. Denken Sie die immensen Kosten f?r die Raumfahrt lohnen sich f?r die
18. Bekommen Sie als Geologe neue Erkenntnisse ?ber die Erde aus dem All?
19. Wie sehen Sie die Zukunft der Raumfahrt, was werden die n?chsten gro?en
Schritte sein?
20. Was glauben Sie, ist das wichtigste, was wir aus der Mission Horizons
21. Kann man Naturkatastrophen von der ISS aus sehen?
22. Ab welcher H?he sp?rt man die Schwerkraft nicht mehr?
23. Was gef?llt Ihnen pers?nlich besser, Schwerelosigkeit oder Schwerkraft?
24. Gibt es Tiere auf der ISS?
25. Haben Sie schon einmal etwas im Weltall verloren?
26. Gab es auf der ISS schon einen Unfall?
27. Gibt es bestimmte Nahrungsmittel, die man auf der ISS nicht essen darf?
1. You are in weightlessness, in a big room and you can't reach for any
wall. How do you move? Does giving a big blow help?
2. Time in space passes slower than on earth. Do you feel younger?
3. Where does the water on the ISS come from?
4. Are we allowed to talk with CIMON?
5. In what way does sparkling water react to weightlessness? Does it bubble
like on earth?
6. How did you realize the leak on the ISS, how did you react to it and how
did you close it?
7. How dangerous is space debris and are there any countermeasures?
8. What is the definition of a day on the ISS?
9. How long does it take to react on to threatening impacts?
10. In what direction does a compass needle point on the ISS?
11. Is it possible to see the Lake of Constance or even the town of
Weingarten from the ISS?
12. Is there the possibility to create artificial gravity aboard a
spacecraft or space station?
13. Do you recognize the effects of pollution, for example the
rubbish-continent in the Pacific Ocean, from space?
14. Do you like 'Cimon' the flying brain? Is he a great help to you?
15. How does the drive for the ISS work?
16. Can you become ill on the ISS or is everything quite sterile?
17. Do you think, the huge financial expenses for space travel are
worthwhile for humanity?
18. As a geologist, do you get new scientific findings about the Earth from
19. According to your opinion, what will be next steps in the future of
space travelling?
20. What do you think is the most important result of the mission "Horizons"?
21. Are you able to see natural disasters from the ISS?
22. How far do you have to be away from Earth so that there is no gravity?
23. What do you prefer, gravity or weightlessness?
24. Are there any kinds of animals aboard the ISS?
25. Have you ever lost anything in space?
26. Has there ever been an accident on the ISS?
27. Is there any kind of food you shouldn?t eat on the ISS?
Visit ARISS on Facebook. We can be found at Amateur Radio on the
International Space Station (ARISS).
To receive our Twitter updates, follow @????????????
Next planned event(s):
About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative
venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that
support the International Space Station (ISS). In the United States,
sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American
Radio Relay League (ARRL), the Center for the Advancement of Science in
Space (CASIS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts
via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in
classrooms or informal education venues. With the help of experienced
amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a
variety of public forums. Before and during these radio contacts, students,
teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies,
and amateur radio. For more informa
tion, see www.ariss.org, www.amsat.org, and www.arrl.org.
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
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Message: 4
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 13:20:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: alex weimer <ingejack@???.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet
Message-ID: <1322975580.831138.1538932825354@???????.???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
I am running an Icom IC821H transceiver and the Signalink usb along with
UISS software running the UX7HO High speed packet modem. However I can't
seem to get this system to decode 9600 baud packet on falconsat-3 or Elfin
A or B satellites. Is anyone using this combination to decode or send
packets through the Falconsat-3 digipeater on 9600 baud ?? I have tried
varied jumper wire settings on the Signalink and can send and decode 1200
baud packet with no problem. When trying 9600 baud the radio is set for 9600
baud using SET Mode but it still will not decode 9600 baud packets.. Anybody
out there have an answer ?? Thanks JACK KC7MG
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 13:40:58 -0400
From: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Hey Jack!
9600 baud packet requires something in the area of 15k of audio bandwidth
to work properly. While I've heard from some folks that they've been able
to operate 9600 with a Signalink, here is the spec. from Signalink's
Audio Freq Response: Approx. 300Hz - 3.3Khz @ 600 ohms
... so, as you can see it's perfectly suited for thinks like 1200 baud
packet or anything else that uses the traditional voice range up to 3k
(audio), but it's just not the "right tool" for 9600.
The other factor is the radio - for anyone else reading this, please be
sure to use a radio with a 9600-capable DATA port. For the same reason
that the Signalink's audio bandwidth hampers operation at 9600 baud, on the
radio end of the connection you need a DATA port that works above the 3k
audio range.
Your computer's sound card might be fine but if you'd like to have a
dedicated sound device for interface to your radio's DATA port, I've had
great luck with this item:
-Scott, K4KDR
On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 1:21 PM alex weimer <ingejack@???.???> wrote:
> I am running an Icom IC821H transceiver and the Signalink usb along with
> UISS software running the UX7HO High speed packet modem. However I can't
> seem to get this system to decode 9600 baud packet on falconsat-3 or Elfin
> A or B satellites. Is anyone using this combination to decode or send
> packets through the Falconsat-3 digipeater on 9600 baud ?? I have tried
> varied jumper wire settings on the Signalink and can send and decode 1200
> baud packet with no problem. When trying 9600 baud the radio is set for
> 9600 baud using SET Mode but it still will not decode 9600 baud packets..
> Anybody out there have an answer ?? Thanks JACK KC7MG
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 14:46:48 -0400
From: Burns Fisher <burns@??????.??>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] TS-2000 menu 28
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
WAY back in 2004, WA6ILT posted the following:
I replaced the Icom with a TS-2000 and got an SSB Electronics DCW-15B
> sequencer/bias tee to control and power it. What is *not* clear from
> the TS-2000 manual (Page 96) is that you need to set a "linear amplifier
> delay" for each band via the proper sub-menu item under menu number 28.
> The default is "off" and I thought I had to worry about a delay *only*
> if I was running a linear. Wrong! Without a delay set the rig won't
> sink the controller on transmit. Bye-bye preamp.
> I also have an SSB preamp on 70cm but that one does RF sensing so it
> didn't burn up, thank goodness.
> Dave Reinhart
> wa6ilt@?????.???
I don't have exactly this setup, but I wanted to confirm something that is
never said in any of the docs I have ever seen:
Suppose you set on of the Menu 28 submenus, which are called Linear
Amplifier Delay, to 25ms. Exactly what is delayed? Are we saying that the
connector on the back is activated immediately on PTT (to turn on the
Linear or off the Preamp via the Ext. Cont. connector) but that the
internal transmitter is not turned on for 25ms? That makes sense--it
almost HAS to work that way, but no one ever actually SAYS that which makes
more worry that I don't understand it. I'd almost rather have the
activated immediately, but require some further input (say the PTT line on
the ACC jack) to actually start the transmitter. I.e. have more control :-)
Thanks and 73,
Burns WB1FJ
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 19:51:27 +0000 (UTC)
From: Adrian Engele <aa5uk@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???? alex weimer <ingejack@???.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet
Message-ID: <483926802.2116574.1538941887539@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
You need unfiltered audio out from your radio. Singalink won't work.?
I am not? familiar with the IC821H but you need to tap the 9600 baud output
and feed it directly into your computer's sound card. Best to use the UZ7HO
free software modem.?
Take a look around the internet there are many write-ups on how to do this.
73, Adrian AA5UK
On Sunday, October 7, 2018, 12:21:29 PM CDT, alex weimer
<ingejack@???.???> wrote:
I am running an Icom IC821H transceiver and the Signalink usb along with
UISS software running the UX7HO High speed packet modem. However I can't
seem to get this system to decode 9600 baud packet on falconsat-3 or? Elfin
A or B satellites. Is anyone using this combination to decode or send
packets through the Falconsat-3 digipeater on 9600 baud ??? I have tried
varied jumper wire settings on the Signalink and can send and decode 1200
baud packet with no problem. When trying 9600 baud the radio is set for 9600
baud using SET Mode but it still will not decode 9600 baud packets.. Anybody
out there have an answer ?? Thanks? JACK? KC7MG
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
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Message: 8
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 16:09:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: alex weimer <ingejack@???.???>
To: Adrian Engele <aa5uk@?????.???>, amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Signalink usb and UISS for 9600 baud packet
Message-ID: <1636476290.870290.1538942945018@???????.???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Adrian: The IC821H has unfiltered audio out of the data port which I did
feed to the Signalink and used the high speed UZ7HO modem. Still didn't work
!! Maybe that is the answer... feed the audio direct to the computer and
bypass the signalink ?? I will try that, Thanks a lot 73 JACK KC7MG
> On October 7, 2018 at 3:51 PM Adrian Engele <aa5uk@?????.???> wrote:
> Alex,
> You need unfiltered audio out from your radio. Singalink won't work.
> I am not familiar with the IC821H but you need to tap the 9600 baud
output and feed it directly into your computer's sound card. Best to use the
UZ7HO free software modem.
> Take a look around the internet there are many write-ups on how to do
> 73, Adrian AA5UK
> On Sunday, October 7, 2018, 12:21:29 PM CDT, alex weimer
<ingejack@???.???> wrote:
> I am running an Icom IC821H transceiver and the Signalink usb along
with UISS software running the UX7HO High speed packet modem. However I
can't seem to get this system to decode 9600 baud packet on falconsat-3 or
Elfin A or B satellites. Is anyone using this combination to decode or send
packets through the Falconsat-3 digipeater on 9600 baud ?? I have tried
varied jumper wire settings on the Signalink and can send and decode 1200
baud packet with no problem. When trying 9600 baud the radio is set for 9600
baud using SET Mode but it still will not decode 9600 baud packets.. Anybody
out there have an answer ?? Thanks JACK KC7MG
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes
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> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
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Message: 9
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 21:14:10 +0000 (UTC)
From: Roland Zurmely <py4zbz@?????.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] DSLWP JT4G messgaes
Message-ID: <1950043312.5829078.1538946850480@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Received from DSLWP-B = LO-94 in lunar orbit:
DSLWP-B? ?07-10-2018? ?RX by PY4ZBZ? 435,4 MHz
1111 -17 -0.8? 655 $* BJ1SNJ86A0PAA? ? ? ? ? f1121 -17? 1.2 1023 $*
BJ1SNJ86B0PAK? ? ? ? ? f1131 -17? 0.8 1045 $* BJ1SNJ86A0QA0? ? ? ? ? f1141
-17? 0.7? 968 $* BJ1SNJ86B0QAA? ? ? ? ? f1151 -17? 1.3? 813 $*
BJ1SNJ86C0QAJ? ? ? ? ? f
73 de Roland
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 21:29:58 +0000
From: Ross Biggar <ross.biggar@???????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-92 silent
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi all,
Is it my receiver or has the uplink on AO-92 gone silent or not receiving
any uplink.
I wan't able to access on the previous pass, and no access on this pass (at
10.24 NZtime).
AO-85 is ok I could access that with a 4 degree pass ok 30 minutes ago.
Comments please.
Subject: Digest Footer
Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 333
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