CX2SA > SATDIG 17.10.18 18:26l 984 Lines 29627 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V13 343
Sent: 181017/1720Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:55923 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB13343
Today's Topics:
1. Re: Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME Activity?
(Patrick Leicht)
2. SatPC32 and IC-9100 - CTCSS problem (g4saq@?????.????
3. Re: Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME Activity? (Greg D)
4. Re: Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME Activity? (Scott)
5. AO-92 for Jamboree on the air. (tjschuessler@???????.????
6. Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2018-10-17 05:00 UTC
7. Re: AO-92 for Jamboree on the air. (Andrew Glasbrenner)
8. Re: EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat (Robert Bruninga)
9. Re: EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat (JoAnne K9JKM)
10. Re: EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat (PE0SAT | Amateur Radio)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 05:35:44 +0000
From: Patrick Leicht <p.leicht@??????????.??>
To: amsat-bb@?????.??? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Hello Enzo,
I'll try this week a homemade 24 element yagi (DL6WU design). I think this
antenna is only for sats an for EME to small with my 10W from the TS-2000X.
73 de Patrick? (DL3MLP)
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: vimone@?????.???<??????@?????.??>
Gesendet: Montag 15 Oktober 2018 22:49
An: amsat-bb@?????.???
Betreff: [amsat-bb] Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME Activity?
please anybody can suggest me an
array antenna for 1200MhZ for satellites and EME Activity?
73 de Enzo IK8OZV
EasyLog 5 BetaTester
EasyLog PDA BetaTester
WinBollet BetaTester
D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania
Skype: ik8ozv8520
****** GSM +39 328 7110193 ******
***** SMS +39 328 7110193 *****
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 21:34:14 +0100
From: <g4saq@?????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 and IC-9100 - CTCSS problem
Message-ID: <002101d4658f$9afbf800$d0f3e800$@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I wonder if anyone can help with this please?
I am using SatPC32 v12.8d on a Windows 10 computer with my Icom IC-9100
connected via USB. The Doppler tracking works fine, so the basic CI-V link
is obviously ok.
My problem is that the radio does not set the desired CTCSS tone, as
specified in the file SubTone.SQF A letter 'T' appears on the radio when
I select T1 or T2 in SatPC32. It disappears again when I select T0.
However, the tone is not set correctly.
As an example with SO50. The SubTone.SQF file contains two entries, one for
a 67.0hz tone (T1) and the other for a 74.4Hz tone (T2). The radio will
respond to T1 and set 67.0Hz but will not change tone when I select T2.
With single tone satellites, the tone will not change from what was set
before SatPC32 was started (i.e. if I had been accessing a terrestrial
repeater earlier)
I have not changed the SubTone.SQF parameters since installing SatPC32
Many thanks.
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 14:06:36 -0700
From: Greg D <ko6th.greg@?????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME
Message-ID: <2b8ac2a9-2eb9-9e9e-6194-07f016b76493@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
For satellite use (not as likely for EME), I've had good results with a
simple helix antenna. They are easy to build, and pretty tolerant of
slight inaccuracies in manufacture (much more so than a Yagi). There
are a lot of designs and calculators for designs on the Web, but I can't
seem to find the one I used for mine. Ed KL7UW, and Clare VE3NPC, were
great mentors in the process. If I recall, the key dimensions are
making one turn of the helix one wavelength long, and the pitch between
turns spaced to get a 12.5 degree angle.
Of considerable help in construction, anything that's inside the helix
is pretty much irrelevant to its performance, so long as it doesn't
touch the helix windings. I used a metal rod, then some zip ties to
support the winding every so often, one thick tie around the rod
extending out, then a small tie to attach the winding to the first tie.
Some use plastic pegs into a wooden dowel. Be creative and make
something up.
The reflector and feed point is a flat sheet of metal with an N
connector attached. Angle the first 1/4 turn at a shallow angle for
impedance matching, and you're done.
Good luck!
Greg KO6TH
Patrick Leicht wrote:
> Hello Enzo,
> I'll try this week a homemade 24 element yagi (DL6WU design). I think this
antenna is only for sats an for EME to small with my 10W from the TS-2000X.
> 73 de Patrick (DL3MLP)
> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: vimone@?????.?? <vimone@?????.??>
> Gesendet: Montag 15 Oktober 2018 22:49
> An: amsat-bb@?????.???
> Betreff: [amsat-bb] Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME Activity?
> Hello,
> please anybody can suggest me an
> array antenna for 1200MhZ for satellites and EME Activity?
> Thanks
> 73 de Enzo IK8OZV
> EasyLog 5 BetaTester
> EasyLog PDA BetaTester
> WinBollet BetaTester
> D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania
> Skype: ik8ozv8520
> *********************************
> ****** GSM +39 328 7110193 ******
> ***** SMS +39 328 7110193 *****
> *********************************
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 18:31:07 -0400
From: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Helicals are fun to build, both as RHCP directional antennas or LHCP for
use as a dish feed.
Here is the online calculator that I've always used:
... and PVC pipe is very handy to build with since it can be cut, joined, &
drilled so easily.
-Scott, K4KDR
On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 5:08 PM Greg D <ko6th.greg@?????.???> wrote:
> For satellite use (not as likely for EME), I've had good results with a
> simple helix antenna. They are easy to build, and pretty tolerant of
> slight inaccuracies in manufacture (much more so than a Yagi). There
> are a lot of designs and calculators for designs on the Web, but I can't
> seem to find the one I used for mine. Ed KL7UW, and Clare VE3NPC, were
> great mentors in the process. If I recall, the key dimensions are
> making one turn of the helix one wavelength long, and the pitch between
> turns spaced to get a 12.5 degree angle.
> Of considerable help in construction, anything that's inside the helix
> is pretty much irrelevant to its performance, so long as it doesn't
> touch the helix windings. I used a metal rod, then some zip ties to
> support the winding every so often, one thick tie around the rod
> extending out, then a small tie to attach the winding to the first tie.
> Some use plastic pegs into a wooden dowel. Be creative and make
> something up.
> The reflector and feed point is a flat sheet of metal with an N
> connector attached. Angle the first 1/4 turn at a shallow angle for
> impedance matching, and you're done.
> Good luck!
> Greg KO6TH
> Patrick Leicht wrote:
> > Hello Enzo,
> >
> > I'll try this week a homemade 24 element yagi (DL6WU design). I think
> this antenna is only for sats an for EME to small with my 10W from the
> TS-2000X.
> >
> > 73 de Patrick (DL3MLP)
> >
> > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: vimone@?????.?? <vimone@?????.??>
> > Gesendet: Montag 15 Oktober 2018 22:49
> > An: amsat-bb@?????.???
> > Betreff: [amsat-bb] Antenna for 1200MHZ for satellites and EME Activity?
> >
> > Hello,
> > please anybody can suggest me an
> > array antenna for 1200MhZ for satellites and EME Activity?
> > Thanks
> >
> > 73 de Enzo IK8OZV
> > EasyLog 5 BetaTester
> > EasyLog PDA BetaTester
> > WinBollet BetaTester
> > D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania
> > Skype: ik8ozv8520
> >
> > *********************************
> > ****** GSM +39 328 7110193 ******
> > ***** SMS +39 328 7110193 *****
> > *********************************
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 20:38:31 -0500
From: <tjschuessler@???????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-92 for Jamboree on the air.
Message-ID: <00ac01d465ba$1d2121a0$576364e0$@???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi Fox control team.
I know that the convention these days is to shift Fox 1D/AO-92 to L band
uplink in the early hours of UTC Sundays and then go back early UTC Monday.
This weekend, October 19-21, is Jamboree on the Air, a marvelous
opportunity to showcase Amateur Radio in space to young scouts and adult
scouters. JOTA is from Friday evening local time through Sunday local time.
Since a lot of us who may be running Amateur satellite stations for JOTA, do
not have L band uplink capabilities. I am requesting on these behalf other
JOTA stations, that the control team consider forgoing the weekly switch to
L band to allow more people access to AO-92 passes on Saturday evening and
Sunday morning.
Thanks for your consideration
Tom, N5HYP
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 05:56:12 +0000 (UTC)
From: <aj9n@???.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2018-10-17
05:00 UTC
Message-ID: <2027710134.11263052.1539755772266@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2018-10-17 05:00 UTC
Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:
Kursk University, direct via TBD
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be RS?ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Sergei Propopev
Contact was successful: Fri 2018-10-12 10:40 UTC (***)
Ganerben-Gymnasium Kuenzelsau + Georg-Wagner-Schule, Kuenzelsau, Germany,
direct via DN6SP
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be DP?ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Alexander Gerst KF5ONO
Contact was successful: Tue 2018-10-16 10:28:26 UTC 63 deg (***)
Sint-Jozefcollege, Turnhout, Belgium, direct via ON4NOK/P
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Alexander Gerst KF5ONO
Contact was successful: Tue 2018-10-16 12:04:13 UTC 88 deg (***)
Valley High School, Albuquerque, NM, direct via NM5HD
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled astronaut is Serena Aunon-Chancellor KG5TMT
Contact is a go for: Thu 2018-10-18 16:25:57 UTC 29 deg
Ashford School, Ashford, CT, direct via KZ1M
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled astronaut is Serena Aunon-Chancellor KG5TMT
Contact is a go for: Mon 2018-10-22 13:05:49 UTC 49 deg (***)
Integrierte Gesamtschule Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Osterholz ? Scharmbeck,
Germany and Gymnasium Soltau, Soltau, Germany, direct via DN3HB and DN5ABG
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be DP?ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Alexander Gerst KF5ONO
Contact is a go for: Tue 2018-10-23 09:14:26 UTC 63 deg (***)
Martin-Andersen-Nex?-Gymnasium Dresden/DLR_School_Lab TU Dresden, Dresden,
Germany, and Liborius-Gymnasium Dessau, Dessau-Ro?lau, Germany, direct via
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be DP?ISS
The scheduled astronaut is Alexander Gerst KF5ONO
Contact is a go for: Wed 2018-10-24 08:22:55 UTC 78 deg (***)
Delcastle Technical High School, Wilmington, DE direct via K2CCW
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled astronaut is Serena Aunon-Chancellor KG5TMT
Contact is a go for: Wed 2018-10-24 17:48:48 UTC 52 deg (***)
If you are interested in applying for an ARISS contact, please go to
The information below is from the ARISS webpage:
International Space Station Astronauts are Calling CQ ARISS Students
??? ARISS-US program?s education proposal window open Oct. 1 - Nov. 30, 2018
September 25, 2018:? ARISS is seeking proposals beginning October 1, 2018
from US schools, museums, science centers and community youth organizations
(working individually or together) to host amateur radio contacts with an
orbiting crew member aboard the International Space Station (ISS) between
July 1 and December 30, 2019.
Each year, ARISS provides tens of thousands of students with learning
opportunities about space technologies, communications, and much more
through the exploration of Amateur Radio and space. ARISS has been pleased
of late, to be one of many possibilities of interest to educators during
NASA?s A Year of Education on Station, which celebrates an almost 12-month
presence of a teacher aboard the ISS.? The ARISS program connects students
to astronauts on the ISS through a partnership between NASA, the Radio
Amateur Satellite Corporation, the American Radio Relay League, other
Amateur Radio global organizations and the worldwide space agencies. The
program?s goal is to inspire students to pursue interests and careers in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and in Amateur Radio.
Educators report regularly that student participation in the ARISS program
stimulates interest in STEM subjects and STEM careers. One educator wrote,
?Many of the middle school students who took part in and attended the ARISS
contact have selected science courses in high school as a result of that
contact.?? Educators are setting up ham radio clubs in schools and learning
centers because of students? interest.
ARISS is looking for organizations that will draw large numbers of
participants and integrate the contact into a well-developed, exciting
education plan. Students can learn about satellite communications, wireless
technology, science research conducted on the ISS, radio science, and other
STEM subjects. Students learn to use Amateur Radio to talk directly to an
astronaut and ask their STEM-related questions. ARISS will help educational
organizations locate Amateur Radio groups who can assist with equipment for
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students.
The proposal window opens October 1, 2018 and the proposal deadline is
November 30, 2018.
For proposal guidelines and forms and more details, visit:
Proposal webinars for guidance and getting questions answered will be
offered October 11 and October 23, 2018, both at 8 pm Eastern Time. Advance
registration is necessary. To sign up, go to:
ARISS Contact Applications (Europe, Africa and the Middle East)
Schools and Youth organizations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East
interested in setting up an ARISS radio contact with an astronaut on board
the International Space Station are invited to submit an application from
September to October and from February to April.
Please refer to details and the application form at
www.ariss-eu.org/school-contacts.? Applications should be addressed by email
to:? school.selection.manager@????????.???
ARISS Contact Applications (Canada, Central and South America, Asia and
Australia and Russia)
Organizations outside the United States can apply for an ARISS contact by
filling out an application.? Please direct questions to the appropriate
regional representative listed below. If your country is not specifically
listed, send your questions to the nearest ARISS Region listed. If you are
unsure which address to use, please send your question to the ARISS-Canada
representative; they will forward your question to the appropriate
For the application, click here.
ARISS-Canada and the Americas, except USA: Steve McFarlane, VE3TBD
ARISS-Japan, Asia, Pacific and Australia: Keigo Komuro, JA1KAB, Japan
Amateur Radio League (JARL)
ARISS-Russia: Soyuz Radioljubitelei Rossii (SRR)
ARISS is always glad to receive listener reports for the above contacts.?
ARISS thanks everyone in advance for their assistance.? Feel free to send
your reports to aj9n@?????.??? or aj9n@???.???.
Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.8? MHz.
All ARISS contacts are made via the Kenwood radio unless otherwise noted.
Several?of you have sent me emails asking about the RAC ARISS website and
not being able?to get in.? That has now been changed to?
Note that there are links to other ARISS websites from this?site.
Looking?for something new to do?? How about receiving DATV from the ISS???
If interested, then please go to the ARISS-EU website for complete?
details.? Look for the buttons indicating Ham?Video.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
http://www.ariss-eu.org/? ?
If you need some assistance, ARISS mentor Kerry N6IZW, might be able to
provide some insight.? Contact Kerry at kbanke@?????????.???
ARISS congratulations the following mentors who have now mentored over 100
Satoshi 7M3TJZ with 135
Francesco IK?WGF with 132
Gaston ON4WF with 123
Sergey RV3DR with 108
The?webpages listed below were all reviewed for accuracy.? Out of date
webpages?were removed, and new ones have been added.? If there are additional
ARISS?websites I need to know about, please let me know.
Note, all times?are approximate.? It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction?or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
All dates and?times listed follow International Standard ISO 8601 date and
time format?YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
The complete schedule page has been updated as of?2018-10-17 05:00 UTC.? (***)
Here you will find a listing of all scheduled?school contacts, and
questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and?Echolink websites, and
instructions for any contact that may be streamed?live.??
Total number?of ARISS ISS to earth school events is 1266. (***)
Each school counts as 1?event.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 1212. (***)
Each contact may have multiple schools sharing the same time slot.
Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is?47.
A complete year by year breakdown of the contacts may be found in the
Please?feel free to contact me if more detailed statistics are needed.
The?following US states and entities have never had an ARISS contact:
Delaware, South Dakota, Wyoming, American?Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas
Islands, and the Virgin Islands.
QSL?information may be found at:??
The successful school list has been updated as of 2018-10-10 23:00 UTC.
Frequency? chart for packet, voice, and crossband repeater modes showing
Doppler? correction? as of 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC
Listing?of ARISS related magazine articles as of 2006-07-10 03:30 UTC.
Check out the Zoho reports of the ARISS?contacts
Exp. 56 on orbit
Serena Aunon-Chancellor KG5TMT
Alexander Gerst KF5ONO
Sergei Propopev
Charlie?Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS operation team mentors
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 08:18:51 -0400
From: "Andrew Glasbrenner" <glasbrenner@??????????.???>
To: <tjschuessler@???????.???>, <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] AO-92 for Jamboree on the air.
Message-ID: <00d401d46613$90ed9c90$b2c8d5b0$@??????????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In a private email response sent to you just prior to your email to the -bb,
I inquired whether you had SSB capabilities. I know many other JOTA stations
do get on the transponder satellites as well, and I think we can agree this
would be a better presentation of our part of the hobby. I'm not inclined to
alter the schedule when there are so many other satellites available, both
FM and SSB/CW, but only one L-band uplink available one day a week. Of
course AO-92 will still be available in U/v for the first half of JOTA.
73, Drew KO4MA
AMSAT VP Operations
-----Original Message-----
From: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???> On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 9:39 PM
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-92 for Jamboree on the air.
Hi Fox control team.
I know that the convention these days is to shift Fox 1D/AO-92 to L band
uplink in the early hours of UTC Sundays and then go back early UTC Monday.
This weekend, October 19-21, is Jamboree on the Air, a marvelous
opportunity to showcase Amateur Radio in space to young scouts and adult
scouters. JOTA is from Friday evening local time through Sunday local time.
Since a lot of us who may be running Amateur satellite stations for JOTA, do
not have L band uplink capabilities. I am requesting on these behalf other
JOTA stations, that the control team consider forgoing the weekly switch to
L band to allow more people access to AO-92 passes on Saturday evening and
Sunday morning.
Thanks for your consideration
Tom, N5HYP
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all
interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official
views of AMSAT-NA.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 8
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 11:47:02 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat
Message-ID: <5325d7e8ede81405c7c464ef7df2bbc8@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I see that EQUISAT was deployed. And that initial signals were heard back
in July.
I cannot find anything posted since then.
Did anyone see its flashing LED's?
-----Original Message-----
From: amsat-bb-bounces@?????.??? <amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???> On Behalf Of
Trevor .
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 10:34 AM
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat
Students at the Ivy League Brown University are developing an amateur
radio satellite EQUiSat that will carry a Xenon Flash Tube (XFT) subsystem
to act as an Optical Beacon that should be visible to the unaided eye of
observers on Earth.
See http://www.uk.amsat.org/?p=10635
73 Trevor M5AKA
AMSAK-UK http://www.amsat-uk.org/
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 9
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 11:06:43 -0500
From: "JoAnne K9JKM" <joanne.k9jkm@?????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat
Message-ID: <5bc75e11.1c69fb81.2fc6e.2394@??.??????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi Bob,
There was a discussion about EquiSat on the QRZ.com satellite forum earlier
this summer.
Here is the link to the thread ... I bet the URL will be clobbered so I made
a short link for you too:
73 de JoAnne K9JKM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???? On Behalf Of Robert
> Bruninga
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 10:47 AM
> To: amsat-bb@?????.???
> Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat
> I see that EQUISAT was deployed. And that initial signals were heard back
> in July.
> I cannot find anything posted since then.
> Did anyone see its flashing LED's?
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amsat-bb-bounces@?????.??? <amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???> On Behalf Of
> Trevor .
> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 10:34 AM
> To: amsat-bb@?????.???
> Subject: [amsat-bb] EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat
> Students at the Ivy League Brown University are developing an amateur
> radio satellite EQUiSat that will carry a Xenon Flash Tube (XFT) subsystem
> to act as an Optical Beacon that should be visible to the unaided eye of
> observers on Earth.
> See http://www.uk.amsat.org/?p=10635
> 73 Trevor M5AKA
> AMSAK-UK http://www.amsat-uk.org/
> ----
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 10
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 19:07:01 +0200
From: PE0SAT | Amateur Radio <pe0sat@?????.??>
To: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
Cc: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] EQUiSat Optical Beacon CubeSat
Message-ID: <6df1a1ad839bf51192c8e0b11502931b@?????.??>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
On 17-10-2018 17:47, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> I see that EQUISAT was deployed. And that initial signals were heard
> back
> in July.
> I cannot find anything posted since then.
> Did anyone see its flashing LED's?
> Bob
Visit the following site
73 Jan PE0SAT
With regards PE0SAT
Internet web-page http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/
DK3WN SatBlog http://satblog.dk3wn.info/
Online Telemetry Forwarder: https://db.satnogs.org/stats/
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Subject: Digest Footer
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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 343
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