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CX2SA  > SATDIG   16.03.15 19:06l 748 Lines 29200 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V10 61
Sent: 150216/0740Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:15744 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB1061

Today's Topics:

   1. ANS-046  AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins (Lee McLamb)
   2. W5PFG/P EM01 (Clayton Coleman)
   3. CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE! (Clint Bradford)
   4. Re: CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE! (Steve Kristoff)
   5. Re: CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE! (John Becker)
   6. Re: CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE! (Clayton Coleman)
   7. Re: CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE! (Andrew Glasbrenner)
   8. Re: CQ SATELLITE! (Clint Bradford)
   9. Re: CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE! (A. Kevin Arber)
  10. Re: CQ SATELLITE! (Kevin M)
  11. Re: CQ SATELLITE! (Gus)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 08:04:12 -0500
From: Lee McLamb <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ANS-046  AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor-
mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite
Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space
including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur
Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building,
launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur
Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
ans-editor at

In this edition:

* Help Wanted: AMSAT Engineering Kicking Off Ground Station Development
* More ISS Slow Scan TV Activity
* Fox-1 Continues Preparation for Launch
* Navassa K1N Dxpedition Active on FO-29
* AMSAT Orlando Hamcation Report

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-046.01
ANS-046 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 046.01
  From AMSAT HQ Kensington, MD.
February 15, 2015
BID: $ANS-046.01

Help Wanted: AMSAT Engineering Kicking Off Ground Station Development

AMSAT Engineering is looking for hams interested in developing ground
station equipment for future satellites. An inexpensive L-Band uplink
converter is something that is of interest right now for LEO satellites as
part of the recently approved technology funding.

If you are interested in helping, please contact AMSAT Engineering by
completing the form on the website to tell Jerry Buxton, N0JY, the Vice
President of Engineering, how you can volunteer your time and skills to help
AMSAT engineering build satellites and other required hardware/software.

To volunteer please visit:

[ANS thanks AMSAT Vice President Engineering, Jerry Buxton, N0JY for the
above information]


More ISS Slow Scan TV Activity

The Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) has announced another round of
amateur radio Slow Scan Television (SSTV) activity from the
International Space
Station (ISS) will take place later this month. Continuous operation,
using the
call sign RS0ISS, is expected from 1000 UT on Saturday, February 21
until 2130
UT on Monday, February 23.

Twelve different images depicting space pioneer Yuri Gagarin ? the first
to orbit Earth ? will be sent on 145.800 MHz FM using the SSTV mode
PD180, with
a 3-minute off time between transmissions.

The equipment used will be the Kenwood D710 transceiver located in the
Service Module. It is thought the equipment may be producing about 25 watts
output which should provide a very strong signal.

Plans are being discussed for transmitting new images from space enthusiasts
around the world in the coming months. Additional details will be released.

The images received by amateurs world-wide during previous transmissions
can be
seen at and you are
invited to
upload any pictures you receive during the upcoming transmissions.

All you need to do to receive SSTV pictures direct from the space
station is to
connect the audio output of a scanner or amateur radio transceiver via a
interface to the soundcard on a Windows PC or an Apple iOS device, and
tune in
to 145.800 MHz FM. You can even receive pictures by holding an iPhone
next to
the radio loudspeaker.

On Windows PC?s the free application MMSSTV can be used to decode the
signal, on
Apple iOS devices you can use the SSTV app for compatible modes.

The ISS puts out a strong signal on 145.800 MHz FM and a 2m handheld
with a 1/4
wave antenna will be enough to receive it. The FM transmission uses the
5 kHz
deviation which is standard in much of the world.

Paul Turner G4IJE, co-developer of the SSTV PD modes, says regarding the
PD180 mode: ?Don?t forget to either enable ?Always show RX viewer? or
use the
?Picture viewer? (magnifying glass icon) to show the picture at its real
resolution of 640 x 496. If you just view as normal you will only see
320 x 248
resolution, which kind of defeats the object of using a high resolution

Many more tips and links for various receiving options are available at

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]


Fox-1 Continues Preparation for Launch

Following the successful conclusion of vibration and thermal/vacuum testing
Fox-1 now is stored in a clean environment waiting for launch. However,
there is
still work going on behind the scenes.

AMSAT Vice-President Engineering, Jerry Buxton, N0JY says several required
reports are being reviewed by the launch provider. We continue to make
updates if they request further information in order to be sure that all
of the
i's are dotted and the t's are crossed.  The paperwork is an ongoing full
workload in itself, both during the design and construction and even
after Fox-1
was finished.

For the remaining schedule, Fox-1 will have its Mission Readiness Review
at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo CA on February 24 by a review board of
Cal Poly
and NASA representatives. Next, Fox-1 will be delivered and integrated
into the
P-POD at Cal Poly during the week of March 16. Then the countdown begins.

[ANS thanks AMSAT Vice-President Engineering, Jerry Buxton, N0JY for the


Navassa K1N Dxpedition Active on FO-29

Thanks to AMSAT, the Navassa Island K1N DXpedition was equipped to work
via the FO-29 Amateur Radio satellite. Vice President-Operations Drew
Glasbrenner, KO4MA, said that AMSAT had provided the DXpedition with a Yaesu
FT-817 transceiver and associated equipment to support operation on FO-29?s
linear passband. AMSAT also gave the group pass predictions, an operational
plan, and training. Several reports of successful contacts have been
via messages on amsat-bb.

In a message relayed by Mark, K0MDJ, from Glenn, W0GJ, the primary voice on
FO-29 from Navassa reported, ""We have it down now ... takes four
people: one
antenna guy, one radio guy, one microphone guy, one logger ... plus a couple
photographers. Glen also says they hope to be on every pass from now
until they
leave, so at least through Saturday."

The Navassa team logs their contacts using Clublog:

If you can make a donation you can find the link on the DXpedition's web

Mike, W4UOO, observed, "A tip of the Hat to Drew ... for delivering the
gear and
the How-To to some of the K1N team back in January and whatever else he did.
There's a big thanks in here! What Great Marketing for Satellite operations.
What great fun is being had ... all when it seems nearly impossible,
you're talking to someone. It's great to see K1N/Satellite spots going
by also!
Love it."

[ANS thanks the dozens of posts via amsat-bb for the above information]


AMSAT Orlando Hamcation Report

The 2015 Orlando Hamcation - Orlando, FL took place over the weekend of
Feb at the Central Florida Fairgrounds.

AMSAT was represented all three days with a two booth are in the main
building. At the booth the ARISSat-1 working demo satellite and Fox-1
Engineering model were on display.  The booth also provided a great
location for
people stop by and get information from VP of Operations Drew Glasbrenner,
KO4MA, and Dave Jordan, AA4KN.

John Papay, K8YSE,  was operating the sats via his remote and rover stations
along with other satellite demos.

An AMSAT forum was held on Saturday with Board of Directors member Lou
K5DID, providing an update on all the on-going AMSAT activities including
upcoming ARISS activities and the Fox-1 series of cubesats.  A special
treat for
those attending the forum was a special prize drawing. M2 donated one of
new 2m/70cm "Leo-Pack" antenna systems which made its debut at Hamcation.

[ANS thanks Dave, AA4KN and the AMSAT Hamcation Team for the above

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi-
tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership
at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students
enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu-
dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership

This week's ANS Editor,
Lee McLamb, KU4OS
ku4os at amsat dot org


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 08:07:16 -0600
From: Clayton Coleman <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] W5PFG/P EM01
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I'll operate from EM01 at 16:33Z today, 15-Feb, on AO-73.  If you need this
grid, here's a good chance for you to get it confirmed.

It's really nice having AO-73 available during the day! I made many great
contacts yesterday.



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 10:01:15 -0800
From: Clint Bradford <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

This post does NOT apply to about 99.4% of the members here ... So if you
are a seasoned FM bird operator, just skip reading. BUT if you are new to
the FM satellites ...

I have heard a couple hams trying to work SO-50 the past week. They have
their sat prediction software all set up properly ... have improved their
antennas ... and have the proper set of frequencies programmed ...

But they are not working full duplex (where you can monitor the downlink as
you key your mic) and are stepping on other transmissions. AND they are
simply declaring, "CQ satellite ... " over and over and over.

That is not how we should be working the FM birds.

Ideally, we should be working the FM voice satellites in full duplex mode,
where we can simultaneously listen to the downlink as we are transmitting.
This might mean a second radio with an earpiece (to avoid feedback) to make
sure you are "making it" and are not stepping on others' contacts. Carefully
monitor the downlink, and wait for a break in the conversations to announce
yourself. You might find it helpful to record your sessions for later
review. Even if you don?t make a contact during a pass, a recording can help
you recognize the callsigns and voices of other operators. Pocket recorders
or smartphone apps are great for this.

Knowing your grid square - and having a grid square map - is a quick way of
identifying locations of what you will hear. There are also fellow satellite
operators who are working towards awards based on the number of unique grid
squares they contact: that is why you should know yours as you work the
birds. The ARRL and Icom have grid square maps: Icom?s is free and available
at better ham radio stores.

When you clearly hear others, listen for a break in the action, and use the
ITU-approved phonetics to announce your callsign, grid square, and operating
mode. I am K6LCS in grid square DM-13, so it becomes ...


There's a little "debate" on the necessity of the "operating mode"
declaration. If you state, "handheld," it used to tell seasoned satellite
operators to let you in and get your contact made - knowing you were working
low power. Some might use "demo" as their op mode - as they operate in front
of a club or hamfest. It is not "improper" to include an op mode - many do

SO ... simply keying up and declaring "CQ satellite" over and over again is
simply not the proper protocol to be using. It does not identify neither you
nor your location.

More information on working the "easy birds" always at ...

Clint Bradford K6LCS
909-241-7666 - cell, Pacific coast time


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:52:27 -0500
From: Steve Kristoff <>
To: "AMSAT BB" <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!
Message-ID: <7A28D0B0D2FE447E83CB2ED6A5E323C7@xxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

As a newbie, I appreciate the reminders, Clint! I've just started working
SO-50 over the last couple of weeks. I don't call "CQ satellite" since I
read up a little on protocol before I started. I do hope that I have not
stepped on anybody as I learn the techniques. I very much hope that someone
will, politely and discreetly, let me know if I screw up!
Your post does bring up a question I've been pondering for a while. You
mention using an earpiece to monitor the downlink and also mention recording
the satellite pass. I have been recording the satellite passes and that
works pretty well for sorting out my contacts, but I'm not sure how to
record the pass AND use an earpiece at the same time. Using headphones or an
earpiece cuts out the speaker, so how do you record and use an earpiece at
the same time?
I'd really appreciate some help with this. Thank you!

Steve Kristoff AI9IN

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clint Bradford" <>
To: "AMSAT BB" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 1:01 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!

This post does NOT apply to about 99.4% of the members here ... So if you
are a seasoned FM bird operator, just skip reading. BUT if you are new to
the FM satellites ...

I have heard a couple hams trying to work SO-50 the past week. They have
their sat prediction software all set up properly ... have improved their
antennas ... and have the proper set of frequencies programmed ...

But they are not working full duplex (where you can monitor the downlink as
you key your mic) and are stepping on other transmissions. AND they are
simply declaring, "CQ satellite ... " over and over and over.

That is not how we should be working the FM birds.

Ideally, we should be working the FM voice satellites in full duplex mode,
where we can simultaneously listen to the downlink as we are transmitting.
This might mean a second radio with an earpiece (to avoid feedback) to make
sure you are "making it" and are not stepping on others' contacts. Carefully
monitor the downlink, and wait for a break in the conversations to announce
yourself. You might find it helpful to record your sessions for later
review. Even if you don?t make a contact during a pass, a recording can help
you recognize the callsigns and voices of other operators. Pocket recorders
or smartphone apps are great for this.

Knowing your grid square - and having a grid square map - is a quick way of
identifying locations of what you will hear. There are also fellow satellite
operators who are working towards awards based on the number of unique grid
squares they contact: that is why you should know yours as you work the
birds. The ARRL and Icom have grid square maps: Icom?s is free and available
at better ham radio stores.

When you clearly hear others, listen for a break in the action, and use the
ITU-approved phonetics to announce your callsign, grid square, and operating
mode. I am K6LCS in grid square DM-13, so it becomes ...


There's a little "debate" on the necessity of the "operating mode"
declaration. If you state, "handheld," it used to tell seasoned satellite
operators to let you in and get your contact made - knowing you were working
low power. Some might use "demo" as their op mode - as they operate in front
of a club or hamfest. It is not "improper" to include an op mode - many do

SO ... simply keying up and declaring "CQ satellite" over and over again is
simply not the proper protocol to be using. It does not identify neither you
nor your location.

More information on working the "easy birds" always at ...

Clint Bradford K6LCS
909-241-7666 - cell, Pacific coast time
Sent via AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings:


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:14:51 -0600
From: John Becker <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

On 2/15/2015 12:01 PM, Clint Bradford wrote:

Is there a reason to point out the use of a handheld.
just asking. trying to understand that one out.



Message: 6
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:16:55 -0600
From: Clayton Coleman <>
To: Clint Bradford <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The fundamental issue with the "CQ SATELLITE" offender you mentioned is his
blatant failure to identify his station.
I'm not sure it's kosher on any band or mode to call CQ so repeatedly
without identification.

I believe one of our AMSAT friends was able to capture the offending
callsign so that he can be properly educated and brought into the fold...
He just needs a little friendly elmering.

W5PFG /Handheld /Portable /Ribeye
On Feb 15, 2015 1:07 PM, "Clint Bradford" <> wrote:

> This post does NOT apply to about 99.4% of the members here ... So if you
> are a seasoned FM bird operator, just skip reading. BUT if you are new to
> the FM satellites ...
> I have heard a couple hams trying to work SO-50 the past week. They have
> their sat prediction software all set up properly ... have improved their
> antennas ... and have the proper set of frequencies programmed ...
> But they are not working full duplex (where you can monitor the downlink
> as you key your mic) and are stepping on other transmissions. AND they are
> simply declaring, "CQ satellite ... " over and over and over.
> That is not how we should be working the FM birds.
> Ideally, we should be working the FM voice satellites in full duplex mode,
> where we can simultaneously listen to the downlink as we are transmitting.
> This might mean a second radio with an earpiece (to avoid feedback) to make
> sure you are "making it" and are not stepping on others' contacts.
> Carefully monitor the downlink, and wait for a break in the conversations
> to announce yourself. You might find it helpful to record your sessions for
> later review. Even if you don?t make a contact during a pass, a recording
> can help you recognize the callsigns and voices of other operators. Pocket
> recorders or smartphone apps are great for this.
> Knowing your grid square - and having a grid square map - is a quick way
> of identifying locations of what you will hear. There are also fellow
> satellite operators who are working towards awards based on the number of
> unique grid squares they contact: that is why you should know yours as you
> work the birds. The ARRL and Icom have grid square maps: Icom?s is free and
> available at better ham radio stores.
> When you clearly hear others, listen for a break in the action, and use
> the ITU-approved phonetics to announce your callsign, grid square, and
> operating mode. I am K6LCS in grid square DM-13, so it becomes ...
> There's a little "debate" on the necessity of the "operating mode"
> declaration. If you state, "handheld," it used to tell seasoned satellite
> operators to let you in and get your contact made - knowing you were
> working low power. Some might use "demo" as their op mode - as they operate
> in front of a club or hamfest. It is not "improper" to include an op mode -
> many do not.
> SO ... simply keying up and declaring "CQ satellite" over and over again
> is simply not the proper protocol to be using. It does not identify neither
> you nor your location.
> More information on working the "easy birds" always at ...
> Clint Bradford K6LCS
> 909-241-7666 - cell, Pacific coast time
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 14:25:56 -0500
From: Andrew Glasbrenner <>
To: Clint Bradford <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8

I would add, instead of just announcing your call, pick a station and call
them directly. That's a huge clue that one can actually hear the satellite.

73, Drew KO4MA

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 15, 2015, at 1:01 PM, Clint Bradford <> wrote:
> This post does NOT apply to about 99.4% of the members here ... So if you
are a seasoned FM bird operator, just skip reading. BUT if you are new to
the FM satellites ...
> I have heard a couple hams trying to work SO-50 the past week. They have
their sat prediction software all set up properly ... have improved their
antennas ... and have the proper set of frequencies programmed ...
> But they are not working full duplex (where you can monitor the downlink
as you key your mic) and are stepping on other transmissions. AND they are
simply declaring, "CQ satellite ... " over and over and over.
> That is not how we should be working the FM birds.
> Ideally, we should be working the FM voice satellites in full duplex mode,
where we can simultaneously listen to the downlink as we are transmitting.
This might mean a second radio with an earpiece (to avoid feedback) to make
sure you are "making it" and are not stepping on others' contacts. Carefully
monitor the downlink, and wait for a break in the conversations to announce
yourself. You might find it helpful to record your sessions for later
review. Even if you don?t make a contact during a pass, a recording can help
you recognize the callsigns and voices of other operators. Pocket recorders
or smartphone apps are great for this.
> Knowing your grid square - and having a grid square map - is a quick way
of identifying locations of what you will hear. There are also fellow
satellite operators who are working towards awards based on the number of
unique grid squares they contact: that is why you should know yours as you
work the birds. The ARRL and Icom have grid square maps: Icom?s is free and
available at better ham radio stores.
> When you clearly hear others, listen for a break in the action, and use
the ITU-approved phonetics to announce your callsign, grid square, and
operating mode. I am K6LCS in grid square DM-13, so it becomes ...
> There's a little "debate" on the necessity of the "operating mode"
declaration. If you state, "handheld," it used to tell seasoned satellite
operators to let you in and get your contact made - knowing you were working
low power. Some might use "demo" as their op mode - as they operate in front
of a club or hamfest. It is not "improper" to include an op mode - many do
x <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] CQ SATELLITE! CQ SATELLITE!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Split the output from the headphone jack with a Belkin speaker and
headphone splitter.  That way one can listen and record at the same time.
After all is said and done, FM repeater satellites are still CHAOS.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 1:01 PM, Clint Bradford <>

> This post does NOT apply to about 99.4% of the members here ... So if you
> are a seasoned FM bird operator, just skip reading. BUT if you are new to
> the FM satellites ...
> I have heard a couple hams trying to work SO-50 the past week. They have
> their sat prediction software all set up properly ... have improved their
> antennas ... and have the proper set of frequencies programmed ...
> But they are not working full duplex (where you can monitor the downlink
> as you key your mic) and are stepping on other transmissions. AND they are
> simply declaring, "CQ satellite ... " over and over and over.
> That is not how we should be working the FM birds.
> Ideally, we should be working the FM voice satellites in full duplex mode,
> where we can simultaneously listen to the downlink as we are transmitting.
> This might mean a second radio with an earpiece (to avoid feedback) to make
> sure you arType: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Clint said:
"JOHN - Regarding "handheld" or "demo" designations - It take about a half
of one
second of air time, and handheld." So the "Iit ties up the satellite"
argument is silly."

NO. It's NOT a silly argument because of the encouragement of the entire
concept and what it gives way to. I have heard things to the effect of:

Whiskey Alpha One X-ray Yankee Zulu, Alpha Zebra zero zero, handheld 5 watts
in Acmeville (repeatedly, to no one in particular, just taking up airtime)

Whiskey Alpha One X-ray Yankee Zulu... on a handheld running five watts...
the temperature is below freezing... somebody gimme a QSO! (this was a busy
pass, but he called no one and apparently no one wanted to call him)

It's USELESS information that wastes PRECIOUS pass time leads to the
attitude of not being aware. It is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to their goals, because
instead of giving them a quick QSO, none of the experienced ops wants to
call them for the umpteenth time and go through a long drawn out exchange.
If they called me briefly, just call letters, I'd call them back just as
quickly with a report and done. Then on to the next one, or back to
listening for the new grid/DX station that's expected to show up.

And so MANY people are running five watts or less using a handheld it
doesn't make any sense ANYWAY! Oh, yeah, I actually heard one QSO that went
like this:

WA1XYZ this iscause I don't think it's
actually required.  And just think how much time could be saved if we
dispensed with all courtesies...

Gus 8P6SM
The Easternmost Isle


Sent via
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership.  Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!

End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 61

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