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CX2SA  > SATDIG   07.12.18 16:08l 505 Lines 15822 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V13 406
Sent: 181207/1503Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:59691 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB13406

Today's Topics:

   1. Heard Fox1Cliff D Safemode (Joe Puma)
   2. Rocket Lab Launch for NASA ElaNa-19 due next week
      (Wendy and Terry Osborne)
   3. Re: Looking for a Yeasu FT-847 (Mark Jones)
   4. JY1-sat dashboard (Kevin)
   5. Test (Jeff Yanko)
   6. Decoding the new AX.25 packet satellites (Loren Lang)
   7. Preamp (Michael J Talkington)
   8. Re: Preamp (Adrian Engele)
   9. Email test (KD2NFC, Joe Puma)
  10. Faculty position at Cal Poly (Butch)
  11. ExseedSat granted VO-96 OSCAR number (Andrew Glasbrenner)
  12. ANS-341 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin - ExseedSat
      Granted VO-96 OSCAR Number (JoAnne K9JKM)
  13. LNA Circuit for VHF and UHF homebrew (lu9cbl@?????.????


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 22:01:36 -0500
From: Joe Puma <kd2nfc@?????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Heard Fox1Cliff D Safemode
Message-ID: <5c09e291.1c69fb81.86d09.bcef@??.??????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

>From Staten Island, NY


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 16:46:36 +1300
From: "Wendy and Terry Osborne" <wandtosborne@?????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Rocket Lab Launch for NASA ElaNa-19 due next week
Message-ID: <C5611D57C19D479886245AF592B757D8@??????????>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="utf-8"

Hi Folks,

>From Rocket Lab?s recent twitter post:
A nine-day launch window for the ELaNa-19 mission opens 13 ? 21 December
2018, UTC.
Lift-off from Launch Complex 1 is scheduled between:
04:00 - 08:00 UTC (13 Dec) 17:00 - 21:00
NZDT (13 Dec) 20:00 - 00:00
PST (12/13 Dec) 23:00 - 03:00
EST (12/13 Dec)


The launch will be streamed from their web site:
See also:

Satellites to be launched are:
Date:  NET December 11, 2018
Mission: Rocket Lab Flight 4, Electron, Mahia, New Zealand
10 CubeSat Missions scheduled to be deployed

  a.. ALBUS ? NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

  b.. CeREs ? NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

  c.. CHOMPTT ? University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

  d.. CubeSail ? University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois

  e.. DaVinci ? North Idaho STEM Charter Academy, Rathdrum, Idaho

  f.. ISX ? SRI International/ California Polytechnic University, Menlo
Park, California

  g.. NMTSat ? New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New

  h.. RSat ? United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland

  i.. Shields-1 ? NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

  j.. STF-1 ? West Virginia University / NASA IV&V, Morgantown, West Virginia

Terry Osborne ZL2BAC


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 07:03:40 +0300
From: Mark Jones <mark.g0mgx@?????.???>
To: "Brian D. Karcher" <kg5gjt@???.???>
Cc: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Looking for a Yeasu FT-847
Message-ID: <32F08A14-9335-4D05-8739-FF92106F4E65@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii

Hi Brian

With the introduction of the new Icom in Jan, I would expect the used prices
of 9100s to plummet. Might be a better buy?


Sent from my iPhone

> On 7 Dec 2018, at 00:39, Brian D. Karcher <kg5gjt@???.???> wrote:
> I have decided to take the plunge and start learning to work linear
satellites.  I am looking for a Yaesu FT-847 to purchase. If you have an
working Yaesu FT-847 your willing to sell let me know. My email is
> 73,
> Brian D. Karcher
> Sent from my iPhone
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 23:41:06 -0800
From: Kevin <wa7fwf@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] JY1-sat dashboard
Message-ID: <e3eb2ee8-a2ef-097a-c556-1ff77b689b2f@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi All,
 ?? Is anyone else noticing any? issues with the JY1-sat dashboard? I
can start it with the sat present and it will instantly lock and track,
next pass it will ignore the signal, kill it and restart it and bam
instant lock.

 ?73 Kevin WA7FWF


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 01:18:13 -0800
From: Jeff Yanko <wb3jfs@???.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Test
Message-ID: <48f9b9ba-b1c1-98b2-81e6-a6df5bd9b9cb@???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Testing new e-mail filter.




Message: 6
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 00:33:14 +0000
From: Loren Lang <lorenlang@??????????????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Decoding the new AX.25 packet satellites
Message-ID: <384479bc-f417-4cd9-b07f-6b6e40c38785@?????.???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I have several raw IQ captures from last few days with the new satellites
passing and am trying to decode the AX.25 packets from two of them. I'm
using SDRSharp to reply them and pull the signals out using USB mode. I've
already replayed them successfully and decoded both JY1-Sat and AO-95 using
their respective software packages, but I'm having trouble figuring out
ITASAT and MOVE-2. I'm using Virtual Audio Cable to loop back the audio and
UZ7HO Sound modem in an attempt to decode them. For ITASAT, it's set to 1200
bps BPSK and for MOVE-2, I'm using the 9600 baud variant of BPSK Sound modem
from his site. However, efforts have been fruitless to get it to resolve any
packets. Any pointers for these satellites would be appreciated.



Message: 7
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 19:11:34 +0000
From: Michael J Talkington <n8fwd@???????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Preamp

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I was wondering if the downlink was on 2 meters do I really need a preamp
like on uhf?
And is the rf switched preamp from Advanced Receiver Research will be ok or
just a mirage/mfj ?
I am going to use this portable with my Yaesu FT 817ND and an Arrow Antenna.
Thanks Big Mike N8FWD

Sent from my iPad


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 13:11:47 +0000 (UTC)
From: Adrian Engele <aa5uk@?????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>, 	Michael J Talkington
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Preamp
Message-ID: <1921342522.436410.1544188307259@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I work 2X FT-817's with no preamps, an Arrow and 2 x 9ft LMR240UF cables in
an Amazon camera bag.
I tried pre-amps in the past and it really did not do much, especially in an
urban environment where 2M band is already very noisy. I did when I first
got into satellite but now portable I don't bother.?
I worry more about desense on FO-29 and finally have that tackled, through a
Lowpass filter and cleaning the dirty BNC connectors!
I would experiment first before spending $$ on the ARR pre-amps which I do
own. I think you will find you can do just fine without them when portable.
73, Adrian AA5UK.

    On Friday, December 7, 2018, 6:25:59 AM CST, Michael J Talkington
<n8fwd@???????.???> wrote:

I was wondering if the downlink was on 2 meters do I really need a preamp
like on uhf?
And is the rf switched preamp from Advanced Receiver Research will be ok or
just a mirage/mfj ?
I am going to use this portable with my Yaesu FT 817ND and an Arrow Antenna.
Thanks Big Mike N8FWD

Sent from my iPad
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings:


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 08:35:52 -0500
From: "KD2NFC, Joe Puma" <kd2nfc@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] Email test
Message-ID: <0FA8EA01-592F-4077-ADC4-9055D3E3CC0A@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii

Testing. A few of my email stopped showing up.


Message: 10
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 08:51:38 -0500
From: Butch <occamrazr@?????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Faculty position at Cal Poly
Message-ID: <CCE20163-818E-4485-9B32-7A9D1D5B1071@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: John Bellardo <bellardo@???????.???>
> Subject: [CubeSat] Power and Communications Faculty position at Cal Poly
> Date: December 6, 2018 at 4:43:45 PM EST
> To: "cubesat@???????.???? <cubesat@???????.???>
> CubeSat community,
> We have a faculty position in power and communication systems open at Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo. We are very interested in applicants with CubeSat
experience. If you are aware of any qualified candidates that may be
interested please forward them the attached add and encourage them to apply.
> -John
> ----------------------------
> Dr. John M. Bellardo, KK6HIT
> Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
> PolySat / CubeSat Faculty Advisor
> Graduate Coordinator
> California Polytechnic State University
> San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
> Phone: (805) 756-7256
> Shared Fax: (805) 756-2956
> _______________________________________________
> CubeSat mailing list
> CubeSat@???????.???


Message: 11
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 09:31:13 -0500
From: "Andrew Glasbrenner" <glasbrenner@??????????.???>
To: "'Amsat - BBs'" <amsat-bb@?????.???>, <ans-editor@?????.???>,
"'AMSAT BoD'" <bod@?????.???>
Cc: 'Ashhar Farhan' <farhan@??????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ExseedSat granted VO-96 OSCAR number
Message-ID: <009501d48e39$8182f3b0$8488db10$@??????????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

On December 3rd, 2018, ExseedSat was launched on a Falcon 9 vehicle from
Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Part of Spaceflight's SSO-A:
Smallsat Express launch,  ExseedSat was built by a team of Indian radio hams
including Ashhar Farhan (VU2ESE), George Phillips (VU2GT), Gurudutta Panda
(VU3GDP), Sasi Bhusan (VU3ELR), and Nitin Mutin (VU3TYG). Initial telemetry
has been received around the world.

At the request of Exseed Space, AMSAT hereby designates ExseedSat as
VUsat-OSCAR 96 (VO-96). We congratulate the owners and operators of VO-96,
thank them for their contribution to the amateur satellite community, and
wish them continued success on this and future projects.


Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA

AMSAT VP Operations / OSCAR Number Administrator


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 08:49:16 -0600
From: JoAnne K9JKM <k9jkm@???????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ANS-341 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin -
ExseedSat Granted VO-96 OSCAR Number
Message-ID: <8f21db60-a24a-0c37-4f36-f8b53af3ab8c@???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


In this Special Bulletin:

* ExseedSat Granted VO-96 OSCAR Number

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-341.01
ANS-341 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin ExseedSat Granted
 ??????? VO-96 OSCAR Number

AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin 341.01
DATE December 7, 2018
BID: $ANS-341.01

On December 3rd, 2018, ExseedSat was launched on a Falcon 9 vehicle
from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Part of Spaceflight's
SSO-A: Smallsat Express launch, ExseedSat was built by a team of
Indian radio hams including Ashhar Farhan (VU2ESE), George Phillips
(VU2GT), Gurudutta Panda (VU3GDP), Sasi Bhusan (VU3ELR), and Nitin
Mutin (VU3TYG). Initial telemetry has been received around the world.

At the request of Exseed Space, AMSAT hereby designates ExseedSat as
VUsat-OSCAR 96 (VO-96). We congratulate the owners and operators of
VO-96, thank them for their contribution to the amateur satellite
community, and wish them continued success on this and future projects.

Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA
AMSAT VP Operations / OSCAR Number Administrator

[ANS thanks Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, AMSAT VP Operations /
 ? OSCAR Number Administrator for the above information]

 ???????? For a limited time, new and rewewing AMSAT members
 ??????????????? will receive a free digital copy of
 ????????????? "Getting Started with Amateur Satellites"
 ??????????? Join or renew your AMSAT membership today at

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers life memberships,
and sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to
receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from
the AMSAT Office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership
at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students
enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the
student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership

73 and Remember to help keep Amateur Radio in space,

This week's ANS Contributing Editor,

JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM
k9jkm at amsat dot org


Message: 13
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 11:55:23 -0300
From: "lu9cbl@?????.???? <lu9cbl@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] LNA Circuit for VHF and UHF homebrew
Message-ID: <7516e4ae-4f77-e3ca-f8bc-6c42f6b2d8f0@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi to all!

In my club we are building a groundstation, and we want to make two
LNA's one for VHF and other to UHF eggbeater antennas. Someone can share
a circuit to do one for each band??? i can't find it in google (maybe
i'm searching wrong).

Thanks in advance


El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electr?nico en busca
de virus.


Subject: Digest Footer

Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership.  Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!


End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 406

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