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CX2SA  > SATDIG   03.02.19 01:44l 1155 Lines 46098 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V14 39
Sent: 190203/0038Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:64678 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB1439

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: FM radio suggestions? (John Brier)
   2. Re: FM radio suggestions? (Ron VE8RT)
   3. Re: SatPC32 and Ham Radio Deluxe (Michael Carper, Ph.D.)
   4. Re: HRD, SatPC32, SDRConsole and their satellite tracking
      (Michael Carper, Ph.D.)
   5. ANS-034 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins (Paul Stoetzer)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 14:31:03 -0500
From: John Brier <johnbrier@?????.???>
To: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
Cc: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] FM radio suggestions?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I love my TM-V71 for FM sats as well.

Easy to use. I've never needed to use a computer to program it, though I
will admit when I program the higher memories (it has 1000) it does get
tiring to spin the encoder knob for so long.

73, John Brier KG4AKV

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019, 13:58 Scott <scott23192@?????.??? wrote:

> Yes, a 6-pin mini-DIN port for data and another 8-pin mini-DIN for the PC
> programming connection.
> The radio does indeed do full-duplex as long as you have 2m on one VFO and
> 70cm on the other VFO.
> -Scott
> ================
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 12:02 PM Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??> wrote:
> > Hi Scott,
> >
> >   will the Kenwood offerings have a data port, and will they do duplex
> > like the FT-8900R?
> >
> >   The price on the Yaesu looks
> >  reasonable.
> >
> >         Ron
> >
> > On Sat, 2 Feb 2019 10:58:25 -0500
> > Scott <scott23192@?????.???> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Ron.
> > >
> > > I'm sure the FT-8900R is a great radio (I certainly enjoy my FT-857d),
> > but
> > > for 2m/70cm FM, I can't say enough good things about my Kenwood
> TM-V71A.
> > >
> > > It's done a very good job for me for FM on both bands, as well as for
> > 1200
> > > & 9600 baud data modes - both transmit & receive.  Also, the last two
> > times
> > > that I've wanted to add a series of doppler-compensating memory channel
> > > pairs (odd-offset), I've programmed it manually instead of breaking out
> > the
> > > PC program cable.  Very easy to do.
> > >
> > > I see that the FT-8900R adds 10m & 6m FM capability, but I'd hate to be
> > > missing the USB mode on those bands, license permitting.
> > >
> > > Just wanted to put in a good word for the TM-V71A.
> > >
> > > -Scott,  K4KDR
> > >
> > > ========================
> > >
> > > On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 9:39 AM Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??> wrote:
> > >
> > > > GM,
> > > >
> > > >    I have a friend in an isolated community working on passing their
> > > > Canadian Basic Amateur Radio Licence.  If they pass with honours
> > > > they'll have access to the HF bands, otherwise they're restricted to
> > > > VHF and up.  To start them off I was going to suggest getting on the
> FM
> > > > satellites.  I would also like to upgrade my satellite gear to
> include
> > > > digital capability and thought I'd look into getting a second of the
> > > > same radio, easier to mentor them at a distance if we're using the
> same
> > > > gear.
> > > >
> > > >    The model of interest is the FT-8900R and I'm open to suggestions.
> > > >
> > > >    And I was thinking of ordering a printed copy of Getting Started
> on
> > > > Amateur Satellites 2018 to be sent to them.
> > > >
> > > >    For myself, I'd like to explore digital satellites, APRS and store
> > > > and forward, are there current (quite a few out of date ones have
> > > > turned up) website for beginners?
> > > >
> > > >    Thanks,
> > > >
> > > >         Ron VE8RT  DP22
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 12:52:53 -0700
From: Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] FM radio suggestions?
Message-ID: <20190202125253.3ca77fc70877914dd3a9f5ce@?????.??>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Thanks John & Scott,

   I will look into this, and ask if anyone will offer small quantity or
club discounts.

        Ron VE8RT

On Sat, 2 Feb 2019 14:31:03 -0500
John Brier <johnbrier@?????.???> wrote:

> I love my TM-V71 for FM sats as well.
> Easy to use. I've never needed to use a computer to program it, though I
> will admit when I program the higher memories (it has 1000) it does get
> tiring to spin the encoder knob for so long.
> 73, John Brier KG4AKV
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2019, 13:58 Scott <scott23192@?????.??? wrote:
> > Yes, a 6-pin mini-DIN port for data and another 8-pin mini-DIN for the PC
> > programming connection.
> >
> > The radio does indeed do full-duplex as long as you have 2m on one VFO and
> > 70cm on the other VFO.
> >
> > -Scott
> >
> > ================
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 12:02 PM Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Scott,
> > >
> > >   will the Kenwood offerings have a data port, and will they do duplex
> > > like the FT-8900R?
> > >
> > >   The price on the Yaesu looks
> > >  reasonable.
> > >
> > >         Ron
> > >
> > > On Sat, 2 Feb 2019 10:58:25 -0500
> > > Scott <scott23192@?????.???> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Ron.
> > > >
> > > > I'm sure the FT-8900R is a great radio (I certainly enjoy my FT-857d),
> > > but
> > > > for 2m/70cm FM, I can't say enough good things about my Kenwood
> > TM-V71A.
> > > >
> > > > It's done a very good job for me for FM on both bands, as well as for
> > > 1200
> > > > & 9600 baud data modes - both transmit & receive.  Also, the last two
> > > times
> > > > that I've wanted to add a series of doppler-compensating memory
> > > > pairs (odd-offset), I've programmed it manually instead of breaking
> > > the
> > > > PC program cable.  Very easy to do.
> > > >
> > > > I see that the FT-8900R adds 10m & 6m FM capability, but I'd hate to
> > > > missing the USB mode on those bands, license permitting.
> > > >
> > > > Just wanted to put in a good word for the TM-V71A.
> > > >
> > > > -Scott,  K4KDR
> > > >
> > > > ========================
> > > >
> > > > On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 9:39 AM Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > GM,
> > > > >
> > > > >    I have a friend in an isolated community working on passing their
> > > > > Canadian Basic Amateur Radio Licence.  If they pass with honours
> > > > > they'll have access to the HF bands, otherwise they're restricted to
> > > > > VHF and up.  To start them off I was going to suggest getting on the
> > FM
> > > > > satellites.  I would also like to upgrade my satellite gear to
> > include
> > > > > digital capability and thought I'd look into getting a second of the
> > > > > same radio, easier to mentor them at a distance if we're using the
> > same
> > > > > gear.
> > > > >
> > > > >    The model of interest is the FT-8900R and I'm open to
> > > > >
> > > > >    And I was thinking of ordering a printed copy of Getting Started
> > on
> > > > > Amateur Satellites 2018 to be sent to them.
> > > > >
> > > > >    For myself, I'd like to explore digital satellites, APRS and
> > > > > and forward, are there current (quite a few out of date ones have
> > > > > turned up) website for beginners?
> > > > >
> > > > >    Thanks,
> > > > >
> > > > >         Ron VE8RT  DP22
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
> > >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> > expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> > Subscription settings:
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:

Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 14:07:15 -0600
From: "Michael Carper, Ph.D." <mike@??????.???>
To: Roy Dean <royldean@?????.???>
Cc: Suryono Adisoemarta via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 and Ham Radio Deluxe
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I've also created the following change request to ask the developer to add
seconds to the AOS time above the Next Passes graph... so the format can be
compared to AMSAT or other sources of AOS in the format of hh:mm:ss.

Mike, WA9PIE

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 12:06 PM Michael Carper, Ph.D. <mike@??????.???>

> Here's a comparison of the AOS times for ISAT.  (In HRD Sat Track, the
> duration is shown below the chart.)
> I don't see a problem with any of the pass comparisons I've made between
> HRD SatTrack and the AMSAT data.
> The real problem I'm looking at is related to rig control (specific to
> uplink Doppler frequency calcs) at the moment.
> It's worth pointing out that (a) I'm using an HRD build that was generated
> yesterday and (b) some of you may be using an HRD build that was generated
> in 2012... or at least quite some time ago.
> Mike, WA9PIE
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 7:01 AM Roy Dean <royldean@?????.???> wrote:
>> Mike, I don't see any times listed for the Amsat tracking.   I think the
>> problem is people are saying that HRD "lags" (ie, the track is correct,
>> but
>> several seconds/minutes behind).   Regardless of if that is true or not,
>> what I would suggest to verify HRD's tracking is to open two windows, one
>> with AO-91 or 92 in HRD (realtime, during an actual pass), and one with
>> Amsat Argentina's website:
>> Be sure to enter your correct grid square and select the correct
>> satellite,
>> and it will tell you current Az/El and doppler frequencies for Uplink and
>> Downlink.   I've found this site to be very reliable, and no installs are
>> required (it runs in the browser).
>> --Roy
>> K3RLD
>> ------------------------------
>> > Regarding the control of two VFOs simultaneously... we're working on
>> this
>> > next. On another note, I've been comparing satellite passes between HRD
>> > Satellite
>> > Tracking and AMSAT's tracking and I am unable to find any differences.
>> > Here's an example with AO-91:
>> >
>> >
>> > Mike, WA9PIE
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 14:08:39 -0600
From: "Michael Carper, Ph.D." <mike@??????.???>
To: Stefan Wagener <wageners@?????.???>
Cc: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>, Roy Dean <royldean@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] HRD, SatPC32, SDRConsole and their satellite
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Thanks, Stefan.

Mike, WA9PIE

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 9:29 AM Stefan Wagener <wageners@?????.???> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Rather than trying to compare apples and oranges between various satellite
> tracking programs and their perceived satellite tracking inaccuracies, I
> ran SatPC32, HRD V.: and SRDConsole V.3.0.4 simultaneously on the
> same machine with the same internal clock and exact matched home location
> incl antenna height, same Kepler data etc.The results can be seen on the
> attached image (for those that receive this email directly). All three
> programs and are matching each other in terms of satellite position
> relative to location. Any significant discrepancies between programs that
> users might experience are most likely attributable to differences in
> program setup and not a result of program bugs as indicated lately in
> messages.
> For those reading this message on the BB, I will post the image on the
> AMSAT Facebook page.
> Hope this helps,
> Stefan, VE4NSA
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 7:02 AM Roy Dean <royldean@?????.???> wrote:
>> Mike, I don't see any times listed for the Amsat tracking.   I think the
>> problem is people are saying that HRD "lags" (ie, the track is correct,
>> but
>> several seconds/minutes behind).   Regardless of if that is true or not,
>> what I would suggest to verify HRD's tracking is to open two windows, one
>> with AO-91 or 92 in HRD (realtime, during an actual pass), and one with
>> Amsat Argentina's website:
>> Be sure to enter your correct grid square and select the correct
>> satellite,
>> and it will tell you current Az/El and doppler frequencies for Uplink and
>> Downlink.   I've found this site to be very reliable, and no installs are
>> required (it runs in the browser).
>> --Roy
>> K3RLD
>> ------------------------------
>> > Regarding the control of two VFOs simultaneously... we're working on
>> this
>> > next. On another note, I've been comparing satellite passes between HRD
>> > Satellite
>> > Tracking and AMSAT's tracking and I am unable to find any differences.
>> > Here's an example with AO-91:
>> >
>> >
>> > Mike, WA9PIE
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 16:00:13 -0800
From: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@????.???>
To: ans@?????.???? AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ANS-034 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and
information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio
Amateur Satellite Corporation.  ANS publishes news related to Amateur
Radio in space including reports on the activities of a worldwide
group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in
designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and
digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio
in space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
ans-editor at amsat dot org.

In this edition:

* AMSAT Announces 50th Anniversary Space Symposium in Washington, DC
* Es'hail-2/P4A Designated Qatar-OSCAR 100 (QO-100)
* NEXUS Designated as Fuji-OSCAR 99 (FO-99)
* OrigamiSat-1 Granted FO-98 OSCAR Number
* Frank Bauer KA3HDO Appears on Ham Talk Live
* The ARISS Team Thanks You for Your Tremendous Support in 2018!
* ARRL Board Creates Permanent ARISS Committee
* European Astro Pi Challenge 2018/19: Mission Zero
* 2019 HamSCI Workshop Call for Papers and Speakers
* AMSAT-DL Website Now Multilingual
* Changes to the AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for January 31, 2019
* How to Support AMSAT
* Upcoming Satellite Operations
* Satellite Shorts from All Over

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-034.01
ANS-034 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 034.01
February 3, 2019
BID: $ANS-364.01

   AMSAT relies on your donations to Keep Amateur Radio in Space
     Please consider a one-time or recurring donation today at

AMSAT Announces 50th Anniversary Space Symposium in Washington, DC

The 2019 AMSAT 50th Anniversary Symposium will be held at The Hilton
Arlington in Arlington, VA, in the Washington, DC Metro Area on
October 18, 19. and 20, 2019.

The Hilton Arlington is located in the heart of the Ballston
neighborhood of Arlington, VA. Connected to the Ballston Metro
Station, the hotel offers easy and effortless access to Washington,
DC?s top tourist destinations like the National Mall, Smithsonian
museums and historic monuments. The hotel is six miles from Reagan
National Airport and the National Mall.

The AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting will be held at the hotel on
October 16th and 17th. Tours of the Washington DC / Baltimore area
will be held Sunday and Monday, October 20th and 21st. The banquet
speakers will celebrate AMSAT long history, so please plan on
attending the 50th Anniversary Symposium, you will be glad you did.

Keep checking ANS and the AMSAT Website for further updates and
information, including hotel reservation details.

[ANS thanks the 2019 AMSAT Symposium Committee for the above


Es'hail-2/P4A Designated Qatar-OSCAR 100 (QO-100)

On November 15, 2018, Es?hail-2/P4A was launched on a Falcon 9 launch
vehicle from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch
Complex 40 in Florida. Es?hail-2/P4A was developed jointly by QARS
(Qatar Amateur Radio Society) and Es?hailSat (the Qatar Satellite
Company), with AMSAT-DL as the technical lead, and is the first
geostationary amateur radio payload. The satellite has reached its
final position at 25.9 ?E, and the narrow and wideband transponders
were successfully tested on December 23rd. The transponders are
expected to be opened for general use in February 2019.

At the request of AMSAT Deutschland e.V., QARS, and Es?hailSat, AMSAT
hereby designates Es?hail-2/P4A as Qatar-OSCAR 100 (QO-100). May the
100th OSCAR satellite be the guide star to future amateur radio
satellites and payloads to geostationary orbit and beyond.

[ANS thanks AMSAT VP Operations / OSCAR Number Administrator Drew
Glasbrenner, KO4MA, for the above information.]


NEXUS Designated as Fuji-OSCAR 99

On January 18, 2019, NEXUS was launched on an Epsilon launch vehicle
from the JAXA Uchinoura Space Center in Japan. NEXUS (NExt generation
X Unique Satellite) is a satellite developed jointly by Nihon
University College of Science and Technology and the Japan Amateur
Satellite Association (JAMSAT). NEXUS demonstrates several new
amateur satellite communication technologies, and includes a mode V/u
linear transponder.  Telemetry has been received and decoded around
the world since the launch, and the transponder was successfully
tested on January 26th. More information may be found at

At the request of the Nihon University College of Science and
Technology and JAMSAT, AMSAT hereby designates NEXUS as Fuji-OSCAR 99
(FO-99). We congratulate the owners and operators of FO-99, thank
them for their contribution to the amateur satellite community, and
wish them continued success on this and future projects.

[ANS thanks AMSAT VP Operations / OSCAR Number Administrator Drew
Glasbrenner, KO4MA, for the above information.]


OrigamiSat-1 Granted FO-98 OSCAR Number

On January 18, 2019, OrigamiSat-1 was launched on an Epsilon launch
vehicle from the JAXA Uchinoura Space Center in Japan. The first
satellite of the ORIGAMI (ORganizatIon of research Group on Advanced
deployable Membrane structures for Innovative space science) Project
of the Tokyo Institute ofTechnology, OrigamiSat-1 includes a deploy-
able membrane structure experiment, as well as a 5.8GHz high speed
downlink experiment. Telemetry has been received and decoded around
the world since the launch. More information may be found at

At the request of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, AMSAT hereby
designates OrigamiSat-1 as Fuji-OSCAR 98 (FO-98). We congratulate the
owners and operators of FO-98, thank them for their contribution to
the amateur satellite community, and wish them continued success on
this and future projects.

[ANS thanks AMSAT VP Operations / OSCAR Number Administrator Drew
Glasbrenner, KO4MA, for the above information.]


             2019 marks AMSAT?s 50th Anniversary
              of Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.
           To help celebrate, we are sponsoring the
            AMSAT 50th Anniversary Awards Program.
                Full details are available at


Frank Bauer KA3HDO Appears on Ham Talk Live

AMSAT Vice President for Human Spaceflight Frank Bauer, KA3HDO,
the international chairman of the Amateur Radio on the International
Space Station (ARISS) program, appeared on the 1/31/19 edition of Ham
Talk Live and discussed the latest on the equipment, SSTV, and plans
for the future. Plus, you can learn all about Space Bees!

A podcast of the episode is available at

[ANS thanks Ham Talk Live for the above information.]


The ARISS Team Thanks You for Your Tremendous Support in 2018!

As the ARISS team reviews 2018 successes, it is time to say thank you
to our very dedicated supporters.  To begin expressing thanks
appropriately, ARISS commends 2018 donors who contributed $1,000 or
more.  The extreme confidence in ARISS by these generous individuals,
organizations, and corporations propels ARISS's successes in using
Amateur Radio for a thrilling conversation with an orbiting ISS
astronaut to introduce youth, educators, and others to science,
technology, engineering, arts, and math, space, radio technology and
Amateur Radio. They are:

Tom Clark, K3IO
Dayton Amateur Radio Association
John Dean, K0JDD
Frank Donovan, W3LPL
HamJam, sponsored by North Fulton Amateur Radio League
Irving Amateur Radio Club
JVC KENWOOD Corporation
Joe Lynch, N6CL & Carol Lynch, W6CL
MFJ:  Martin Jue, K5FLU & Betty Jue
Levi Maaia, K6LCM & Daniela Maaia, W6DRM
Ren Roderick, K7JB
Robert Sherwood, NC0B
William Tynan, W3XO (now SK)
Yasme Foundation

Each of these donors is an ARISS honorary team member; we are
gratified for their robust backing of ARISS.

ARISS wouldn't exist at all without its major sponsors.  We cannot
extol enough, the continuing and vital support of:

NASA Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN)
The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS)
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL)

We fervently applaud them all.  NASA, AMSAT, and ARRL have backed
ARISS since 1996 during its infancy when the team first developed
ideas for the program!

ARISS also pays tribute to the many other donors who firmly stood
with ARISS's goals in 2018.  Even more important, many of these
donors faithfully contribute their dollars year after year.

Every donor's support is critical to launching the new ARISS hardware
in 2019. The new radio system will improve ARISS educational
activities, the packet and SSTV capabilities, and will include other
exciting communications features, such as a voice repeater.  The new
system will ensure that ARISS communications will continue seamlessly
for the weekly school and youth group radio contacts with astronauts
on the Space Station.

ARISS has a ways to go to reach our dollar goal before launches of
new equipment can occur, and there is not a lot of time left.  2018
ARISS donors stated that they hoped their generosity would encourage
others to become ARISS backers. You can join in the funding challenge
by contacting Frank Bauer, ka3hdo@?????.??? or Rosalie White,
k1sto@????.???. We hope to hear from you! Contributions can be given
directly at

ARISS saw a very positive 2018.  We hope for an even more stupendous
2019 thanks to generous donors like you.  Thank you for your support!

[ANS thanks Dave Jordan, AA4KN, ARISS PR, for the above information.]


ARRL Board Creates Permanent ARISS Committee

The ARRL Board of Directors convened for its annual meeting on January
18 - 19 in Windsor, Connecticut.

Among other items, the Board created a permanent Amateur Radio on the
International Space Station (ARISS) Committee "to develop an
interactive relationship" with ARISS, which sponsors voice contacts
between ISS crew members and school groups and gatherings on Earth,
"bringing together STEM program objectives and local Amateur Radio
groups." The Board motion said ARISS "has demonstrated very positive
public relations benefits to the ARRL, and that it's ARRL's best
interests to support ARISS."

[ANS thanks the ARRL Letter for the above information.]


          Purchase AMSAT Gear on our Zazzle storefront.
          25% of the purchase price of each product goes
            towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space


European Astro Pi Challenge 2018/19: Mission Zero

Mission Zero offers students and young people the chance to have their
computer programs run in space on the ISS! Teams write a simple
program to display a message to the astronauts onboard. You don't need
special equipment or coding skills, and all participants that follow
the rules are guaranteed to have their programs run in space. You will
also receive a special certificate showing where exactly the ISS was
when your program ran! The deadline to submit entries for the Astro Pi
Mission Zero challenge is 20 March, 2019.
More information at:

[ANS thanks Raspberry Pi Weekly for the above information.]


2019 HamSCI Workshop Call for Papers and Speakers

The 2019 HamSCI Workshop has issued a second call for papers and
speakers. The event is set for March 22 - 23 at Case Western Reserve
University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. Registration remains open. All
interested individuals are welcome to attend the event, held in
association with the CWRU Amateur Radio Club (W8EDU). HamSCI's
Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, is especially interested in signing up
additional speakers. "We are especially looking for speakers with
presentations showing analysis of ionospheric observations, ideas and
proposals for the design of the Personal Space Weather Station and
instrumentation for the 2024 eclipse," Frissell said. "We will also
accept other presentations related to Amateur Radio and science."

Speakers already on the roster include ARRL Contributing Editor Ward
Silver, N0AX; propagation expert Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, and MIT
Haystack Observatory's Larisa Goncharenko. Email presentation
abstracts to hamsci@??????.??? by February 15.

[ANS thanks HamSCI for the above information.]


AMSAT-DL Website Now Multilingual

For some weeks now we have been looking for different ways to make our
website available in several languages. We consider the multi-
lingualism of our website to be very important, on the other hand the
manual effort is very high.

In addition, one is torn back and forth in which language one should
write the articles. On the one hand, we have a German-language
membership booklet, but on the other hand we also have international
members and an international audience. After all, we transmit world-
wide via OSCAR satellites.

We've tried and experimented a lot, including some fun things with
automatic translators. Everyone has certainly experienced it for
themselves, many free translators find it so difficult to translate
technical articles in particular that one very often hardly
understands the context after the translation.

The way out was then finally a translation service with costs, among
other things on the basis of artificial intelligence. His translations
are so good that everyone should understand everything in the chosen

We still have some difficulties with some pages, which we had already
kept bilingual by hand when creating them. Unfortunately, our new
automatic translator still has a few problems with that. Little by
little we now have to change all pages to the "mother tongue".

Unfortunately, all automatic translators only support one configure
d native language for the entire website. But even this problem is
only a matter of time and with all future articles, hopefully the
good translation will exist immediately.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL for the above information.]


       For a limited time, new and renewing AMSAT members
              will receive a free digital copy of
            "Getting Started with Amateur Satellites"
          Join or renew your AMSAT membership today at


Changes to the AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for January 31, 2019

The following amateur satellites have been added to this week's TLE

ISAT is CAT ID 43879. (per Space-Track)
UWE-4 is CAT ID 43880. (per Space-Track)
Sparrow is CAT ID 43881. (per Space-Track)

NEXUS is now designated Fuji-OSCAR 99 (FO-99) per Drew Glasbrenner,
KO4MA, as of January 30, 2019.

Object 43937 is shown as NEXUS in this week's AMSAT-NA TLE
distribution, but it should be FO-99.

I covered up my note to make that change this week, so I will correct
that next week.

[ANS thanks Ray Hoad, WA5QGD for the above information.]



    AMSAT and ARISS are currently supporting a FundRazr campaign
    to raise $150,000 for critical radio infrastructure upgrades
    on ISS. The upgrades are necessary to enable students to
    continue to talk to astronauts in space via Amateur Radio.
     We have reached a great milestone with $16,895 raised
    or about 11% towards our goal. This would not have been
         possible without your outstanding generosity!!

          For more information and to DONATE TODAY visit:



How to Support AMSAT

AMSAT relies on the support of our members and the amateur radio
community to Keep Amateur Radio in Space.

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 Both you and AMSAT will benefit when you join. You get the AMSAT
 Journal bimonthly and support from AMSAT Ambassadors. Member dues
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 Join today at

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 Becoming a Life Member has never been easier. Now you can become a
 Life Member with 12 monthly payments of $74 through our online
 See for details.

*Donate to AMSAT
 Make a one time or recurring donation to AMSAT today. Even as little
 as one dollar a month can make a difference!
 Donate today at

*Purchase AMSAT gear on our Zazzle storefront.
 AMSAT receives 25%  of the price of each sale on AMSAT logo
 merchandise from our Zazzle storefront located at

*Volunteer for AMSAT
 AMSAT relies on volunteers for nearly all of our activities. If you
 have an idea for how to help, please let us know, Details on
 volunteering can be found at

[ANS thanks AMSAT Executive Vice President Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, for
the above information.]


Upcoming Satellite Operations

+ Super Road Trip (Wyoming to Tennessee to Florida to Wyoming) ?
January 9, 2019 until he gets back home
Starting Jan. 9th, RJ, WY7AA, will be traveling from Wyoming to
Tennessee to Florida, to New York and back to Wyoming, staying
approximately 10 days in each place and activating grids whenever he

First stop Tennessee ? EM86, and will try to rove to EM85, EM87, and
EM96. Next on to Florida ? EL98, and will try to rove to EL88, EL89,
and EL99. And then on to New York ? FN02, and try to rove to FN01,
FN03, FN11, FN12, and FN13
Traveling between each place, RJ will try to stop and work as he can,
but putting down miles will take priority most often.  In addition,
RJ will be trying to operate mobile from time to time.  FM birds for
sure, but will be trying to learn linears while on the trip.
Specific pass announcements will be posted to his Twitter feed
( and to the AMSAT-bb reflector.

+St Kitts  & Nevis (FK87) ? January 24 through February 6, 2019
Mel, W8MV will be in St. Kitts (FK87) from January 24th to February
6th. FM satellites only SO-50, AO-91 and 92 as V4/W8MV.
Watch Mel?s Twitter feed,,for possible

+Organ Pipe Cactus Nat?l Monument (DM31) ? February 2, 2019
Patrick, WD9EWK, will make a drive out to the Organ Pipe Cactus
National Monument, and the rarely-heard grid DM31, February 2nd. He
hopes to be out there by 1600 UTC, staying until sunset ? approx-
imately 0100 UTC.   Patrick may try to park on the DM31/DM32 grid
boundary for some passes, but more than likely he will be somewhere
near the national monument?s visitor center ? a few miles north of
the USA/Mexico border along Arizona route 85. This area is in the
northeast corner of grid DM31, Pima County.  Patrick will work FM
and SSB satellite passes that fall within that timeframe, along with
some FalconSat-3 passes.

Being near the international border, coverage by the mobile phone and
terrestrial APRS networks gets spotty. he hopes to be able to send
updates from DM31 using his @?????? Twitter account ? visible in a
web browser at:

+Eureka Nunavut (ER60, EQ79) ? February 3, to March 29, 2019
Eureka ARC, VY0ERC, will be QRV from Eureka, NU (NA-008), February 3
until March 29, 2019.  Time and weather permitting, they expect to be
on the FM satellites from ER60 and EQ79.  Announcements will be posted
on Twitter at

+Nevada (DM15, DM16, DM17, DM18, DM25, DM26, DM27, DM28, DM37, DM36) ?
February 8-11, 2019
Casey KI7UNJ and Jonathan KI5BEX are planning a joint roving trip to
Nevada, February 8-11, 2019. Planned activations include the
DM15/16/25/26 grid corner Friday morning, the DM16/26 gridline Friday
afternoon, DM17/18 gridline Saturday morning, DM27/28 gridline
Saturday evening, DM27/37 gridline Sunday morning, and DM36/37
gridline Sunday evening. This will be FM only. All contacts uploaded
to LoTW upon return. Check out @?????? Twitter feed for specific
passes and follow them on KI7UNJ-7

+Southwest, TX (DM80, DM70, DM71, DL79, DL89) ? February 10-14, 2019
Clayton, W5PFG will be operating satellites daily in vacation-mode
from grid DM80. As an added bonus, Clayton will operate a few passes
from grids DM71, DL79, and DL89. Those specific passes will be
advertised on Twitter @?????.  Remember, you don?t need to be a
Twitter user to see his feed. Just visit

+3A, MONACO (JN33) ? February 15-18, 2019
Philippe, EA4NF, will be active as 3A/EA4NF from Monaco, between
February 15-18th. Priority will be given to FM and SSB Satellites
to get confirmed as much as possible this rare DXCC country to the
amateur radio satellite community. HF activity will be on 20 meters
SSB, but on the QRP mode (5w). QSL via LoTW.

+Yuma Hamfest (DM22) ? February 15-16, 2019
Patrick, WD9EWK, will have an AMSAT booth at the Yuma Hamfest in
southwestern Arizona on Friday and Saturday, 15-16 February 2019.
This year?s hamfest also serves as the 2019 ARRL Southwestern
Division Convention. The hamfest will be at the Yuma County
Fairgrounds, along 32nd Street between Pacific Avenue and Avenue 3E,
and south of I-8 exit 3, in Yuma. The fairgrounds is across the street
from Yuma International Airport and Marine Corps Air Station. More
information about the hamfest is available from:

During the hamfest, Patrick will have demonstrations of satellite
operating from outside the main hall on the fairgrounds. If you hear
WD9EWK on passes during those two days, please feel free to call and
be a part of the demonstrations. Patrick may not be able to work
every possible pass from the hamfest, but hopes to work a variety of
passes in FM, SSB, and even packet. The hamfest site is in grid DM22.
Contacts made with WD9EWK will be uploaded to Logbook of the World,
and QSL cards for contacts made with WD9EWK will be available on
request after the hamfest (please e-mail me directly with the QSO

During the hamfest, he will use his @?????? Twitter account to post
updates from the hamfest. If you do not use Twitter, you can still
see these updates in a web browser at:

+Imperial Valley (DM12, DM22) ? February 17, 2019
After the end of the upcoming Yuma Hamfest, Patrick, WD9EWK, plans to
make a drive west to the DM12/DM22 grid boundary along I-8 near the
west end of California?s Imperial Valley on Sunday, 17 February 2019.
He hopes to work passes for a few hours out there, with much cooler
weather than what he experienced last July when he was previously out
there. ? The DM12/DM22 grid boundary, at the town of Ocotillo, is in
Imperial County.

Patrick will use his @?????? Twitter account to send updates. Even
without a Twitter account, these updates will be visible in a web
browser at:

His travel out to the DM12/DM22 line should be visible on APRS as

+Isla del Culebra, Puerto Rico (FK78) ? February 22-24, 2019
Radio Opordores del Este, KP3RE, is preparing for their Culebra IOTA
(NA-249) Expedition 2019.  Satellite operations are planned for AO-91,
AO-92, SO-50, and IO-86.

+Turks and Caicos Islands (FL31) ? February 28 ? March 9, 2019
Adrian, AA5UK, will be heading to Providenciales in the Turks and
Caicos Islands from Feb 28th through March 9th, 2019. He will be
operating holiday style on HF and Satellites as VP5/AA5UK from grid
FL31UU14. Focus will be on the linear satellites, with some FM
activity depending on pile-up civility. Hope to work some European
stations as location favors the East. Pass announcements will be made
via Twitter: and periodically via amsat-bb.

[ANS Thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL, for the above information]


Satellite Shorts from All Over

+ JO-97 out of Safe Mode
  On January 29th, JO-97 (JY1SAT) was taken out of safe mode.
  Since launch on December 3rd, the team has been troubleshooting
  a data collection issue on board. Downlinking of SSDV images and
  U/v linear transponder operations are expected to begin in the near
  future. The team has established a Twitter account for updates. (@?????? on Twitter)

+ D-STAR ONE iSat Active
  We have D-Star in orbit! #43879, ISAT from @????????????? D-Star
  repeater now active - very short snippet RX over U.S. East Coast
  1608utc; decode on IQ replay. If you have D-Star radio, give it a
  try 437.325 up / 435.525 down.  Audio at
  (Scott Chapman, K4KDR, on Twitter)

+ Upcoming ISS SSTV Event Teased
  What are you doing Feb 8-10?  Stay tuned for a #NASAonTheAir
  related event. It will occur too late to count for points, since
  the #NoTA event is over, but sometimes you have to have a Plan B -
  or Plan C - or Plan SSTV (@?????????????? on Twitter)

+ @?????????????? tweeted the NASA On The Air certificates are
  now available for download at  If you
  participated type in your callsign and click where indicated.
  The database has been finalized and certificates are now avail-
  able! To retrieve your certificate, use the score lookup then
  click the link at the top of your scorecard! (@?????????????? on Twitter)

+ Listen for Missing India Student Satellite KALAMSAT-V2
  India's student satellite KALAMSAT-V2 was launched January 24. It is
  understood to carry a 0.5 watt transmitter on 436.500 MHz AFSK but
  no   reports of signal have yet been seen. Track at  (AMSAT-UK via Twitter)

+ PicSat Documentary Fundraising Campaign Underway
  I might never talk again, but my team has one more thing to share:
  the documentary film telling the story of how I was designed, built,
  launched  and operated with the amazing support from radio amateurs
  worldwide. @???????? @????????? @??????? @???????? @????????????
  Support the documentary at

+ AMSAT Sweden is trying to get their government to increase their
  current 100 mW power limit on S-Band to something useful for Es'Hail
  The English translation is at the bottom of the page
  (via AMSAT Sweden)

+ Amateur radio operator Paul Andrews W2HRO describes his path to the
  moon using EME moon bounce

+ From DX Newsletter 2130 (Jan 30, 2019)
   TI, Costa Rica:
   Mike/W1USN and Bob/AA1M plan to operate from Atenas between Feb. 2
   and 13 signing their homecalls/TI5. QRV on HF on CW, SSB, and
   digital modes, and maybe also via FM satellites. QSL via h/c (d/B),

+ Daniel Est?vez, EA4GPZ is on the Spanish Antarctic Base Gabriel de
  Castilla (locator FC97pa) until 6 or 7 Feb. He only has an FM HT,
  but he can work FM satellites. He wrote he had half a QSO with a
  LU6 station on AO-92. He's available for skeds from stations in the
  footprint. (@?????? on Twitter)

+ On February 1st, AMSAT Italia announced their Governing Council for
  President: Emanuele D'Andria, I0ELE
  Vice President: Claudio Ariotti, IK1SLD
  Secretary: Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF
  Adviser: Gianpietro Ferrario, IZ2GOJ
  Adviser: Fabrizio Carrai, IU5GEZ (AMSAT Italia on Facebook)


In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive
additional benefits. Application forms are available from the
AMSAT office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at
one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students
enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the
student rate for a maximum of six post-secondary years in this

Contact Martha at the AMSAT office for additional student
membership information.


This week's ANS Editor,

Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
n8hm at amsat dot org


Subject: Digest Footer

Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership.  Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!


End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 14, Issue 39

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