CX2SA > SATDIG 26.06.19 13:10l 1176 Lines 44963 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V14 248
Sent: 190626/1204Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:8764 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB14248
Today's Topics:
1. Re: Fwd: Immigration is a kind of oxygen (KE6BLR Robert)
2. PSAT2 vs BRICSATt-2 (cchunter3@??????????.????
3. Re: PSAT2 vs BRICSATt-2 (Robert Bruninga)
4. PSAT2 Future Operations (Robert Bruninga)
5. Re: PSAT2 Future Operations (Paul Stoetzer)
6. Re: PSAT2 Future Operations (Robert Bruninga)
7. TLE's for PSAT2 (Robert Bruninga)
8. PSAT-2 Telemetry (Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW)
9. Re: PSAT-2 Telemetry (Scott)
10. Re: Falconsat-3 upload problem (Hans BX2ABT)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 14:00:19 -0700
From: KE6BLR Robert <ke6blr.robert@?????.???>
To: Ray Soifer <rsoifer1@???.???>
Cc: wb2itx@????.???? k1zz@????.???? AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Fwd: Immigration is a kind of oxygen
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Thanks for sharing!
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 1:52 PM Ray Soifer via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> MIT president L. Rafael Reif issued the following statement today to all
> members of the MIT community, including yours truly.
> Reif, himself a Venezuela-born US citizen whose parents emigrated from
> Europe in the 1930s to escape Nazism, received his PhD from Stanford
> University and is a recognized authority in information technology. He has
> been president of MIT since 2012.
> In his letter, he draws attention to the global nature of the MIT
> community and its foundation as a meritocracy, as well as the need to
> protect against academic espionage wherever it may occur. Like MIT, AMSAT
> and amateur radio itself are global communities, whose members think for
> themselves about the issues Reif is raising, and develop their own points
> of view.
> For this reason, I am circulating Reif's message for your information and
> without further comment.
> 73 Ray W2RS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: President L. Rafael Reif <leadershipnews@???.???>
> To: rsoifer <rsoifer@????.???.???>
> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2019 8:46 am
> Subject: Immigration is a kind of oxygen
> #yiv2554181767 #yiv2554181767divHostedEmailLink
> {margin-bottom:15px;text-align:center;font-family:Arial,
> Helvetica;font-size:11px;} #yiv2554181767 #yiv2554181767divHostedEmailLink
> a {color:#ce1126;} #yiv2554181767 p.yiv2554181767foot{color:#8A8A8A
> !important;font-size:60% !important;} #yiv2554181767 p.yiv2554181767foot
> a{color:#ce1126 !important;}#yiv2554181767 table td{border:0px;}
> |
> | To the members of the MIT community,
> MIT has flourished, like the United States itself, because it has been a
> magnet for the world?s finest talent, a global laboratory where people from
> every culture and background inspire each other and invent the future,
> together.
> Today, I feel compelled to share my dismay about some circumstances
> painfully relevant to our fellow MIT community members of Chinese descent.
> And I believe that because we treasure them as friends and colleagues,
> their situation and its larger national context should concern us all.
> The situation
> As the US and China have struggled with rising tensions, the US
> government has raised serious concerns about incidents of alleged academic
> espionage conducted by individuals through what is widely understood as a
> systematic effort of the Chinese government to acquire high-tech IP.
> As head of an institute that includes MIT Lincoln Laboratory, I could not
> take national security more seriously. I am well aware of the risks of
> academic espionage, and MIT has established prudent policies to protect
> against such breaches.
> But in managing these risks, we must take great care not to create a
> toxic atmosphere of unfounded suspicion and fear. Looking at cases across
> the nation, small numbers of researchers of Chinese background may indeed
> have acted in bad faith, but they are the exception and very far from the
> rule. Yet faculty members, post-docs, research staff and students tell me
> that, in their dealings with government agencies, they now feel unfairly
> scrutinized, stigmatized and on edge ? because of their Chinese ethnicity
> alone.
> Nothing could be further from ? or more corrosive to ? our community?s
> collaborative strength and open-hearted ideals. To hear such reports from
> Chinese and Chinese-American colleagues is heartbreaking. As scholars,
> teachers, mentors, inventors and entrepreneurs, they have been not only
> exemplary members of our community but exceptional contributors to American
> society. I am deeply troubled that they feel themselves repaid with
> generalized mistrust and disrespect.
> The signal to the world
> For those of us who know firsthand the immense value of MIT?s global
> community and of the free flow of scientific ideas, it is important to
> understand the distress of these colleagues as part of an increasingly loud
> signal the US is sending to the world.
> Protracted visa delays. Harsh rhetoric against most immigrants and a
> range of other groups, because of religion, race, ethnicity or national
> origin. Together, such actions and policies have turned the volume all the
> way up on the message that the US is closing the door ? that we no longer
> seek to be a magnet for the world?s most driven and creative individuals. I
> believe this message is not consistent with how America has succeeded. I am
> certain it is not how the Institute has succeeded. And we should expect it
> to have serious long-term costs for the nation and for MIT.
> For the record, let me say with warmth and enthusiasm to every member of
> MIT?s intensely global community: We are glad, proud and fortunate to have
> you with us! To our alumni around the world: We remain one community,
> united by our shared values and ideals! And to all the rising talent out
> there: If you are passionate about making a better world, and if you dream
> of joining our community, we welcome your creativity, we welcome your
> unstoppable energy and aspiration ? and we hope you can find a way to join
> us.
> |
> | * * * |
> | In May, the world lost a brilliant creative force: architect I.M. Pei,
> MIT Class of 1940. Raised in Shanghai and Hong Kong, he came to the United
> States at 17 to seek an education. He left a legacy of iconic buildings
> from Boston to Paris and China to Washington, DC, as well as on our own
> campus. By his own account, he consciously stayed alive to his Chinese
> roots all his life. Yet, when he died at the age of 102, the Boston Globe
> described him as ?the most prominent American architect of his generation.?
> Thanks to the inspired American system that also made room for me as an
> immigrant, all of those facts can be true at the same time.
> As I have discovered through 40 years in academia, the hidden strength of
> a university is that every fall, it is refreshed by a new tide of students.
> I am equally convinced that part of the genius of America is that it is
> continually refreshed by immigration ? by the passionate energy, audacity,
> ingenuity and drive of people hungry for a better life.
> There is certainly room for a wide range of serious positions on the
> actions necessary to ensure our national security and to manage and improve
> our nation?s immigration system. But above the noise of the current moment,
> the signal I believe we should be sending, loud and clear, is that the
> story of American immigration is essential to understanding how the US
> became, and remains, optimistic, open-minded, innovative and prosperous ? a
> story of never-ending renewal.
> In a nation like ours, immigration is a kind of oxygen, each fresh wave
> reenergizing the body as a whole. As a society, when we offer immigrants
> the gift of opportunity, we receive in return vital fuel for our shared
> future. I trust that this wisdom will always guide us in the life and work
> of MIT. And I hope it can continue to guide our nation.
> Sincerely,
> L. Rafael Reif
> |
> |
> If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, click here.
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 14:03:26 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: <cchunter3@??????????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] PSAT2 vs BRICSATt-2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
thanks for the updates on PSAT2.
The info on your website also lists BICSAT-2.
And you provide info on that Sat on previous posts, but is BRICSAT-2 a
separate Satellite launched last night? does it have the same TLEs as PSAT2?
I didnt see it listed in the IARU, or I missed it.
Christy KB6LTY
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 18:17:14 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
To: cchunter3@??????????.???
Cc: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT2 vs BRICSATt-2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Yes BRICSAT2 has the call of USNAP1 and is a sister to PSAT2-1.
It has nto been heard on 437.600 yet (9600 packet) 1 per 30 seconds).
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 5:05 PM KB6LTY via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> Bob,
> thanks for the updates on PSAT2.
> The info on your website also lists BICSAT-2.
> And you provide info on that Sat on previous posts, but is BRICSAT-2 a
> separate Satellite launched last night? does it have the same TLEs as PSAT2?
> I didnt see it listed in the IARU, or I missed it.
> 73
> Christy KB6LTY
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 18:53:57 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
To: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] PSAT2 Future Operations
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
PSAT Voltages look good.
The PSK31/SSTV downlink appear to be working well on 435.350+/- Doppler,
But you will only see SSTV during daylight passes (Now occuring in the
Southern Hemisphere) where the Solar charge voltage is above threshold (6.8
volts. THen you should see SSTV images once every 4 minutes automatically
while in the sun.
Northern Hemisphere passes are presently occurring overnight and PSAT2 is
in a 28 degree orbit and not seen at all by high northern latitudes and
most of Europe :-(
PSAT2 APRS digipeating will remain off indefinately while all these other
NEW modes are working. Do not TX any APRS packets on the uplink.
DTMF Grid Uplinks-to-APRS/Voice will be enabled LATER.
While waiting, spend the next day familiarizing yourself with the PSAT2
APRStt touchtone mode. This mode will let you send DTMF Grid square reports
which are translated to VOICE and to an APRS packet on the 145.825
downlink. Be sure to prepare your radio with your pre-programmed DTMF grid
report IN ADVANCE. And learn how to send Touchtone from your radio's DTMF
memory. quickly! It should take under 4 seconds. Do not even think of
sending it manually.
Here is WA7MXZ's translator to calculate your onetime DTMF grid report:
See how it works in about the middle of the PSAT2 page:
A successful DTMF uplink will result in a Voice response and an APRS packet
on the downlink for display on APRS radios. Again, no APRS Uplink in this
This will be painful because of the 4 second uplink transmissions all
colliding on the half-duplex uplink, so PLEASE only attempt your DTMF
uplink once every 30 seconds or longer to give others a chance. And of
course NOT while PSAT2 is downlinking.
We will advise when this mode is enabled.
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 18:58:53 -0400
From: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@????.???>
To: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
Cc: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT2 Future Operations
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Two questions:
What is the SSTV modulation used?
When PSAT2 is transmitting SSTV, is the PSK31 downlink disabled or is
the FM audio bandwidth shared between PSK31 and SSTV?
Paul, N8HM
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 6:55 PM Robert Bruninga via AMSAT-BB
<amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
> PSAT Voltages look good.
> The PSK31/SSTV downlink appear to be working well on 435.350+/- Doppler,
> But you will only see SSTV during daylight passes (Now occuring in the
> Southern Hemisphere) where the Solar charge voltage is above threshold (6.8
> volts. THen you should see SSTV images once every 4 minutes automatically
> while in the sun.
> Northern Hemisphere passes are presently occurring overnight and PSAT2 is
> in a 28 degree orbit and not seen at all by high northern latitudes and
> most of Europe :-(
> PSAT2 APRS digipeating will remain off indefinately while all these other
> NEW modes are working. Do not TX any APRS packets on the uplink.
> DTMF Grid Uplinks-to-APRS/Voice will be enabled LATER.
> While waiting, spend the next day familiarizing yourself with the PSAT2
> APRStt touchtone mode. This mode will let you send DTMF Grid square reports
> which are translated to VOICE and to an APRS packet on the 145.825
> downlink. Be sure to prepare your radio with your pre-programmed DTMF grid
> report IN ADVANCE. And learn how to send Touchtone from your radio's DTMF
> memory. quickly! It should take under 4 seconds. Do not even think of
> sending it manually.
> Here is WA7MXZ's translator to calculate your onetime DTMF grid report:
> http://aprs.org/aprs_translator.htm
> See how it works in about the middle of the PSAT2 page:
> http://aprs.org/psat2.html
> A successful DTMF uplink will result in a Voice response and an APRS packet
> on the downlink for display on APRS radios. Again, no APRS Uplink in this
> mode.
> This will be painful because of the 4 second uplink transmissions all
> colliding on the half-duplex uplink, so PLEASE only attempt your DTMF
> uplink once every 30 seconds or longer to give others a chance. And of
> course NOT while PSAT2 is downlinking.
> We will advise when this mode is enabled.
> http://aprs.org/aprstt.html
> Bob, WB4APR
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 22:06:29 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
To: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@????.???>
Cc: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT2 Future Operations
Message-ID: <ef48f19ee3c94dd08fcdc3589707c1c8@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Audio is shared.
I don?t remember the format. Most SSTV programs will adjust.
I can look it up later maybe
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@????.???>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 6:59 PM
To: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
Cc: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT2 Future Operations
Two questions:
What is the SSTV modulation used?
When PSAT2 is transmitting SSTV, is the PSK31 downlink disabled or is the FM
audio bandwidth shared between PSK31 and SSTV?
Paul, N8HM
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 6:55 PM Robert Bruninga via AMSAT-BB
<amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
> PSAT Voltages look good.
> The PSK31/SSTV downlink appear to be working well on 435.350+/-
> Doppler, But you will only see SSTV during daylight passes (Now
> occuring in the Southern Hemisphere) where the Solar charge voltage is
> above threshold (6.8 volts. THen you should see SSTV images once
> every 4 minutes automatically while in the sun.
> Northern Hemisphere passes are presently occurring overnight and PSAT2
> is in a 28 degree orbit and not seen at all by high northern latitudes
> and most of Europe :-(
> PSAT2 APRS digipeating will remain off indefinately while all these
> other NEW modes are working. Do not TX any APRS packets on the uplink.
> DTMF Grid Uplinks-to-APRS/Voice will be enabled LATER.
> While waiting, spend the next day familiarizing yourself with the
> PSAT2 APRStt touchtone mode. This mode will let you send DTMF Grid
> square reports which are translated to VOICE and to an APRS packet on
> the 145.825 downlink. Be sure to prepare your radio with your
> pre-programmed DTMF grid report IN ADVANCE. And learn how to send
> Touchtone from your radio's DTMF memory. quickly! It should take
> under 4 seconds. Do not even think of sending it manually.
> Here is WA7MXZ's translator to calculate your onetime DTMF grid report:
> http://aprs.org/aprs_translator.htm
> See how it works in about the middle of the PSAT2 page:
> http://aprs.org/psat2.html
> A successful DTMF uplink will result in a Voice response and an APRS
> packet on the downlink for display on APRS radios. Again, no APRS
> Uplink in this mode.
> This will be painful because of the 4 second uplink transmissions all
> colliding on the half-duplex uplink, so PLEASE only attempt your DTMF
> uplink once every 30 seconds or longer to give others a chance. And
> of course NOT while PSAT2 is downlinking.
> We will advise when this mode is enabled.
> http://aprs.org/aprstt.html
> Bob, WB4APR
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the
> official views of AMSAT-NA.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 00:01:13 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
To: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] TLE's for PSAT2
Message-ID: <d91b5537e1e72d0e88ad8c515ae7d77a@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Excellent match so far with these elements:
1 44348U 19036K 19176.47956735 .00000352 00000-0 00000+0 0 9991
2 44348 28.5449 199.6259 0392489 107.1682 11.6450 14.96305882 23
Northern Hemisphere passes begin at about 9:35 PM LOCAL time
Then again at around 11:15 PM and then about 01:00 AM local time ish....
What is amazing, is that it looks like it is about the SAME time every day
for a pass even though the orbit is moving earlier
After a few days, there will be a new orbit around 8 PM local time, and
the others above will continue at the same time.
And so forth. So it is moving earlier but appears to have this sun
synchronous behavior...
Message: 8
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 01:09:11 -0400
From: Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW <nicholasmahr1@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] PSAT-2 Telemetry
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Hi Bob,
Heard PSAT-2 on a 7 degree pass. Unfortunately the highest passes are only
about 7-8 degrees in elevation right now. However managed to snag this at
6/26/2019 at 04:55 and 04:56UTC. I will be listening for BRICSAT-2 next on
437.600 however chances of decoding it will be low due to the low elevation
and the nature of 9600 baud.
1:Fm PSAT2-1 To APOFF Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:54:59R] [+++]
1:Fm PSAT2-1 To APOFF Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:56:00R] [-++]
73 Nick KE8AKW
Message: 9
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 01:59:50 -0400
From: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT-2 Telemetry
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Great catch, Nick! That's amazing from Ohio.
Bob, also please note the screen shot in my tweet from the same pass at:
... you can clearly see every-other minute that there are packets from -2-
transmitters. Only one PSAT-2 packet was strong enough for me to decode,
but I assume one of the pair is PSAT-2 and the other is BRICSat-2.
-Scott, K4KDR
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 1:10 AM Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW via AMSAT-BB <
amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Heard PSAT-2 on a 7 degree pass. Unfortunately the highest passes are only
> about 7-8 degrees in elevation right now. However managed to snag this at
> 6/26/2019 at 04:55 and 04:56UTC. I will be listening for BRICSAT-2 next on
> 437.600 however chances of decoding it will be low due to the low elevation
> and the nature of 9600 baud.
> 1:Fm PSAT2-1 To APOFF Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:54:59R] [+++]
> T#294,685,074,921,925,162,01000001
> 1:Fm PSAT2-1 To APOFF Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:56:00R] [-++]
> T#295,684,061,924,927,162,01000001
> 73 Nick KE8AKW
Message: 10
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 10:32:17 +0800
From: Hans BX2ABT <hans.bx2abt@???.?????.???>
To: Chris Thompson <g0kla@????.???>
Cc: AMSAT <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Falconsat-3 upload problem
Message-ID: <b3897b0b-4616-452c-358e-0a465071a801@???.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Just uploaded log files and a message to GitHub. HTH. 73 de Hans (BX2ABT)
On 06/25/2019 05:21 AM, Chris Thompson wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply.? I've been a bit buried in other tasks.
> I don't think I have seen this issue before.? I have seen the issue
> were we keep requesting a file, even though it is fully downloaded,
> because FalconSat-3 changes the timestamps when it updates files.? But
> I have not seen this issue.? So I have logged it here:
> https://github.com/ac2cz/Falcon/issues/43
> I'll check the code and see if I introduced an issue with some changes
> I did to fix another bug.
> Can you send me the file that you have difficulty uploading?? Or
> attach it to the github issue?
> 73
> Chris
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 7:32 AM Hans BX2ABT <hans.bx2abt@???.?????.???
> <mailto:hans.bx2abt@???.?????.???>> wrote:
> Okay, many hours googling and reading later......... I came upon two
> documents with some relevant information. First this is from the
> document "Pacsat File Header Definition". As it already says, it
> give a
> definition:
> -------BEGIN-------
> 3.1.9 body_checksum
> id????????????? :??? 0x09
> length????????? :??? 2
> data??????????? :??? unsigned int body_checksum
> A 16 bit checksum formed by adding all bytes in the file body into
> a 16
> bit variable, ignoring overflow.? The <body_checksum> does not
> include
> the bytes comprising the PACSAT file header.
> The <body_checksum> is primarily intended to detect mis-corrected
> multi-bit errors caused by Single Event Upsets in the PACSAT memory.
> INITIALIZATION - The correct <body_checksum> must be supplied.
> -------END-------
> I don't quite understand the second but last sentence: does the
> memory get upset by my messages?
> ?From "Pacsat Protocol: File Transfer Level 0" document more on the
> upload procedures:
> -------BEGIN-------
> 7.4. Completion of Upload
> 7.4.1 Successful Upload Completion
> When the server receives the DATA_END packet it will check the
> integrity
> of the file as far as possible.? If the checks pass, the server will
> downlink a
> UL_ACK_RESP packet.
> Packet: UL_ACK_RESP
> Information: none
> After transmitting the UL_ACK_RESP the server uplink state
> variable is
> UL_CMD_OK.? After receiving the UL_ACK_RESP, the client uplink state
> variable is UL_CMD_OK.
> 7.4.2 Failure Caused by Server Rejecting Upload
> The server may reject an upload while the client is sending DATA
> packets
> (due to file system problems on the server) or after the client
> has sent
> the DATA_END packet (due to corruption of the file).
> If the server must abort the upload while receiving DATA packets or
> after receiving the DATA_END checks fail, it sends the UL_NAK_RESP
> packet.
> Information: 1 byte
> ????? unsigned char err_code;
> <err_code>???? must be one of:
> ER_BAD_HEADER - The file either has no PFH, or has a badly-formed PFH.
> ER_HEADER_CHECK - The PFH checksum failed.
> ER_BODY_CHECK - The PFH body checksum failed.
> ER_NO_ROOM - The server ran out of room for file storage before the
> upload was complete. The server will implement procedures to avoid
> frequently running out of room, but this cannot be guaranteed.
> After transmitting the UL_NAK_RESP packet, the server uplink state
> variable is UL_CMD_OK.? After receiving the UL_ERROR_RESP, the client
> uplink state variable is UL_CMD_OK.
> -------END-------
> So I clearly get a UL_NAK_RESP packet with the ER_BODY_CHECK error.
> I also downloaded the PACSAT Ground Station software source code from
> G0KLA (hello Chris). The hex code for the BODY_CHECKSUM is 0x09.
> If you
> search for that in the source code you come up with the file
> Crc16.java.
> My coding skills are very minimal, so I don't grok the code
> completely,
> but I do see something strange in that file Crc16.java:
> -------BEGIN-------
> String s = "HELLO";
> ????? byte[] bytes = s.getBytes();
> ????? //Crc16 crc = new Crc16(bytes);
> ????? short cs = 0;
> ????? for(byte b : bytes)
> ????? ??? cs += b & 0xff;
> ????? System.out.println(cs);
> ????? PacSatField pf = new PacSatField(cs, 0x09);
> ????? System.out.println(pf);
> ???? }
> -------END-------
> String s is probed for the number of bytes, then "converted" into
> variable cs, which is the PacSatField 0x09, iow the Body_Checksum.
> Now
> string s is simply "HELLO" and I don't see if this is hard coded
> or that
> this string changes according to the content of the message body. Any
> Java programmers here who want to help me look at it?
> Any help appreciated. Cheers,
> Hans
> On 06/18/2019 10:07 PM, Hans BX2ABT via AMSAT-BB wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Got all your TESTING UPLOAD messages in loud and clear. My
> message to
> > K4KDR didn't get send out. I'm still (re)searching about the
> cause of
> > this. Later......
> >
> > Hans
> >
> > BX2ABT
> >
> >
> > On 06/18/2019 09:45 PM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:
> >> Hi Hans,
> >>
> >> I was able to upload a message (to you!) on FS-3 last night/this
> >> morning, fully automated.? So the satellite is evidently
> behaving OK.
> >>
> >> Hope you get it figured out.? Since I don't use Direwolf, sorry I
> >> can't give any suggestions.
> >>
> >> 73,
> >>
> >> Mark N8MH
> >>
> >> At 08:07 AM 6/18/2019 +0800, Hans BX2ABT wrote:
> >>
> >>> I didn't write it directly, but I assumed from the description
> you
> >>> would read that I indeed run full duplex (and to add to this: my
> >>> system is Linux, not Windows). If not Direwolf will wait for a
> free
> >>> window to throw out packets which will never happen because
> FS-3 is
> >>> on all the time. No, everything is working, except for the
> problem I
> >>> described before: all commands to the bird are heard and
> responded
> >>> to, but uploading a message will fail.
> >>>
> >>> Desensing is also not the problem: got the appropriate filters in
> >>> place for that. Cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Hans
> >>>
> >>> BX2ABT
> >>>
> >>> On 06/17/2019 10:52 PM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:
> >>>> Hello Hans, I have not been working FS-3 recently, since the
> >>>> IC-9700 will not do 9600 packet [iCom, please fix!!] :( ? ??
> So I
> >>>> cannot comment on recent uploads.? However, to add to Bob's
> >>>> thoughts--are you running full duplex? ? It's critical.??
> Also, is
> >>>> your transmit signal desensitizing your receive signal?? ??
> That is
> >>>> important, too.?
> >>>>
> >>>> In the next week or so I will change radios at my station so
> I can
> >>>> again use FS-3. ?? I'll be better able to share current
> experiences
> >>>> with you.
> >>>>
> >>>> 73,
> >>>>
> >>>> Mark N8MH
> >>>>
> >>>> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 9:19 AM Hans BX2ABT via AMSAT-BB
> >>>> <amsat-bb@?????.??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.???>
> <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.???>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> ??? I'm not behind my shack computer right now, but I know
> that PSGS
> >>>> ??? and
> >>>> ??? Direwolf each have a TX delay. Are you referring to those
> maybe
> >>>> ??? being
> >>>> ??? too long? If so, then why are all other commands?? (DL and
> >>>> ??? directory
> >>>> ??? listings) giving me no problem?
> >>>>
> >>>> ??? 73 de Hans
> >>>>
> >>>> ??? BX2ABT
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> ??? On 06/17/2019 08:53 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> >>>> ??? > I am no expert.?? But remember that your RF and all
> processing
> >>>> ??? has to
> >>>> ??? > be full duplex.?? The turn arround for packets in the
> >>>> ??? satellite is
> >>>> ??? > instantaneous.
> >>>> ??? > with no TXD delays.?? Bob
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? > On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 2:24 AM Hans BX2ABT via AMSAT-BB
> >>>> ??? > <amsat-bb@?????.??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.???>
> <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.???>>
> >>>> ??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.???>
> <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.??? <mailto:amsat-bb@?????.???>>>> wrote:
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Up til now I have been successful in getting
> >>>> ??? PacSatGroundStation
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? (PSGS)
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? to work on receive. You can go here if you want
> to see
> >>>> ??? my setup:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? http://bx2abt.com/main/Falconsat-3
> >>>> ??? <http://bx2abt.com/main/Falconsat-3> . I can hit FalconSat-3
> >>>> with a
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? directory request or file download request and
> get an
> >>>> ??? immediate
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? response
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? and consequent downloads. Uploading is a different
> >>>> ??? story, however. I
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? have been able to get some messages uploaded, but it
> >>>> ??? was more by
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? chance.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Right now if I want to upload I seem to get into
> a loop
> >>>> ??? where PSGS
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? keeps
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? on sending out the same frame (I presume), then
> >>>> ??? disconnects, after
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? which
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? the whole cycle starts over again.
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? ? From the PSGS debugging info you can see that I am
> >>>> ??? successful in
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? logging into PFS3-12. My file gets a designated ID
> >>>> ??? (1f14 in this
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? case)
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? and is ready to be received. Then it uploads what I
> >>>> ??? presume is one
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? frame
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? (you can see this in Direwolf where the same
> chunk of
> >>>> ??? data is send
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? over
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? and over again) after which possibly the reason why
> >>>> ??? things don't
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? work:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? "ER_BODY_CHECK received while uploading:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ?
> >>>> /home/hans/PacSatGroundData/FalconSat-3/BX2ABT17.txt.out".
> The only
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? mention of ER_BODY_CHECK I can find on the
> internet is
> >>>> ??? that it is
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? sent
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? when the checksum on the file body fails. After that
> >>>> ??? the whole
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? sequence
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? starts again, so the message never gets uploaded and
> >>>> ??? out of the queue.
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Does this problem lie with FalconSat-3, Direwolf or
> >>>> ??? PGSG, or
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? somewhere
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? else? Where is the checksum being made? This is my
> >>>> ??? first forray into
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? packet radio/PacSat, so I'm not an expert (yet). I
> >>>> ??? don't want to make
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? any (un)educated guesses, thus any help or hints are
> >>>> ??? appreciated.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Cheers,
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Hans
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? BX2ABT
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? This is the output (with debugging turned on) of
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? --------BEGIN-------
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Open ABCD:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Ready to upload file: BX2ABT17.txt.out
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? B: 209908947.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? U>>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Open: Adding UP LINK Event: UL_CONNECT
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PB: Empty..
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? I>>From:PFS3-12 to BX2ABT?? Ctrl: 0 Type: I Cmd
> PF: 0
> >>>> ??? NR: 0 NS: 0?
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 5 2 cc
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? a7 fb 5c 4> SUCCESSFUL LOGIN to PFS3-12 by BX2ABT
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Open: Adding UP LINK Event: From:PFS3-12 to
> >>>> ??? BX2ABT Ctrl: 0
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Type: I Cmd PF: 0 NR: 0?? NS: 0?? 5 2 cc a7 fb 5c 4>
> >>>> ??? SUCCESSFUL
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? LOGIN to
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 by BX2ABT
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Cmd Ok: Adding UP LINK Event:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Cmd Ok: UL_CMD: From:BX2ABT to PFS3-12
> Ctrl: 0
> >>>> ??? Type: I
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Cmd PF:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 0 NR: 0?? NS: 0?? 8 3 14 1f 0 0 31 3 0 0 UL CMD:
> >>>> ??? UPLOAD_CMD File: 1f14
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Size: 331
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? S>>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? I>>From:PFS3-12 to BX2ABT?? Ctrl: 22 Type: I Cmd
> PF: 0
> >>>> ??? NR: 1 NS: 1?
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 8 4
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 14 1f 0 0 31 3 0 0> Ready to receive file: 1f14 from
> >>>> ??? BX2ABT?? at
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? off: 817
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Waiting: Adding UP LINK Event:
> From:PFS3-12 to
> >>>> ??? BX2ABT
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Ctrl: 22
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Type: I Cmd PF: 0 NR: 1?? NS: 1?? 8 4 14 1f 0 0
> 31 3 0
> >>>> ??? 0> Ready to
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? receive
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? file: 1f14 from BX2ABT?? at off: 817
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Waiting: UL_GO_RESP: From:PFS3-12 to
> >>>> ??? Ctrl: 22
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Type: I
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Cmd PF: 0 NR: 1?? NS: 1?? 8 4 14 1f 0 0 31 3 0
> 0> Ready
> >>>> ??? to receive
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? file:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 1f14 from BX2ABT?? at off: 817
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Waiting: GO FILE>From:PFS3-12 to BX2ABT?
> >>>> ??? Ctrl: 22 Type: I
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Cmd
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PF: 0 NR: 1?? NS: 1?? 8 4 14 1f 0 0 31 3 0 0>
> Ready to
> >>>> ??? receive file:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 1f14
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? from BX2ABT?? at off: 817
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Data: Adding UP LINK Event: UL_DATA_END
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Data: UL_DATA_END: UL_DATA_END
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? S>>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? I>>From:PFS3-12 to BX2ABT?? Ctrl: 44 Type: I Cmd
> PF: 0
> >>>> ??? NR: 2 NS: 2?
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 1 7
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 10> UL NAK 16: ER_BODY_CHECK
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Data End: Adding UP LINK Event:
> From:PFS3-12
> >>>> ??? to BX2ABT
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Ctrl: 44
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Type: I Cmd PF: 0 NR: 2?? NS: 2?? 1 7 10> UL NAK 16:
> >>>> ??? ER_BODY_CHECK
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Data End: UL_NAK_RESP: From:PFS3-12 to
> >>>> ??? Ctrl: 44
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Type: I
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Cmd PF: 0 NR: 2?? NS: 2?? 1 7 10> UL NAK 16:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? NAK: ER_BODY_CHECK received while uploading:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ?
> /home/hans/PacSatGroundData/FalconSat-3/BX2ABT17.txt.out
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? TIME-1: PHT: uptime is 469/13:51:30.? Time is
> Sat Jun
> >>>> ??? 08 12:19:29
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? 2019.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? U>>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Idle: Adding UP LINK Event: UL_DISCONNECTED
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? DEBUG 3: Idle: Adding UP LINK Event: Open ABCD:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Open ABCD:
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? B: 209908947.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PB: Empty..
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? ---------END-------
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? This is what Direwolf's output is:
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? --------BEGIN-------
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-1 audio level = 68(+118/-110)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-1>LSTAT:I P:0x13A8 o:0 l:31473
> f:31529, d:1
> >>>> ??? st:4 e:26<0x0d>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Unknown APRS Data Type Indicator "I", Ambulance
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0L] BX2ABT>PFS3-12:(SABM cmd, p=1)
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 audio level = 69(+115/-111)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-12>BX2ABT:(UA res, f=0)
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 audio level = 70(+119/-110)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-12>BX2ABT:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=0, p=0,
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? pid=0xf0)<0x05><0x02>^<0xa8><0xfb>\<0x04>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0L] BX2ABT>PFS3-12:(I cmd, n(s)=16, n(r)=120, p=0,
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ?
> >>>> pid=0x08)<0x08><0x03><0x14><0x1f><0x00><0x00>1<0x03><0x00><0x00>
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 audio level = 70(+121/-110)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-12>BX2ABT:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=0)
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 audio level = 70(+121/-109)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-12>BX2ABT:(I cmd, n(s)=17, n(r)=120, p=0,
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ?
> >>>> pid=0x08)<0x04><0x14><0x1f><0x00><0x00><0xfe><0x00><0x00><0x00>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0L] BX2ABT>PFS3-12:(I cmd, n(s)=1, n(r)=2, p=0,
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? pid=0xf0)<0xfe><0x00>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? the internet server that you sent me a message
> on April
> >>>> ??? 11, but
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? unfortunately I never was able to download it.
> It took
> >>>> ??? a while to get
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? the transmitting part working, but now it does
> and I'm
> >>>> very
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? pleased to
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? be able to contact you via FS-3. Truly an amazin
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0L] BX2ABT>PFS3-12:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-11 audio level = 65(+118/-109)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-11>PBLIST:PB: Empty.<0x0d>
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Unknown APRS Data Type Indicator "P", Original
> Balloon
> >>>> ??? (think Ham b
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 audio level = 66(+117/-109)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-12>BX2ABT:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0L] BX2ABT>PFS3-12:(I cmd, n(s)=33, n(r)=120, p=0,
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ?
> >>>> pid=0x08)<0x08><0x03><0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00>1<0x03><0x00><0x00>
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? PFS3-12 audio level = 74(+125/-111)? ? [NONE]
> |||||||||
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0.4] PFS3-12>BX2ABT:(DISC cmd, p=1)
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? [0L] BX2ABT>PFS3-12:(UA res, f=1)
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? --------END-------
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? _______________________________________________
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???
> <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???> <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???
> <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???>>
> >>>> ??? <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.??? <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???>
> <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.??? <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???>>>. AMSAT-NA
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? makes this open forum available
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? to all interested persons worldwide without
> requiring
> >>>> ??? membership.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Opinions expressed
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? are solely those of the author, and do not
> reflect the
> >>>> ??? official
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? views of AMSAT-NA.
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the
> amateur
> >>>> ??? satellite
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? program!
> >>>> ??? >?? ?? ? Subscription settings:
> >>>> https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >>>> ??? <https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb>
> >>>> ??? >
> >>>>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> ??? Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.??? <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???>
> <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.??? <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???>>.
> >>>> ??? AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> >>>> ??? to all interested persons worldwide without requiring
> >>>> ??? membership. Opinions expressed
> >>>> ??? are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the
> official
> >>>> ??? views of AMSAT-NA.
> >>>> ??? Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur
> >>>> ??? satellite program!
> >>>> ??? Subscription settings:
> >>>> https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >>>> ??? <https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.??? <mailto:AMSAT-BB@?????.???>.
> AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> > Opinions expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official
> views
> > of AMSAT-NA.
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> > program!
> > Subscription settings:
> https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Chris E. Thompson
> chrisethompson@?????.??? <mailto:chrisethompson@?????.???>
> g0kla@????.??? <mailto:g0kla@????.???>
Subject: Digest Footer
Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 14, Issue 248
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