CX2SA > SATDIG 04.05.15 11:23l 714 Lines 23468 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V10 130
Sent: 150504/1015Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:20146 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB10130
Today's Topics:
1. Planetary Society light sail project (Bob- W7LRD)
2. Failed Messages (Gary Mayfield)
3. Re: Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one full orbit (Alan)
4. Re: Planetary Society light sail project (Steve Kristoff)
5. Re: Planetary Society light sail project (M5AKA)
6. A good day (Steve Kristoff)
7. Re: Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one full orbit
(Wouter Weggelaar)
8. Re: Help decoding/understanding terrestrial packet heard on
ISS freq 145.825 MHz (Koos van den Hout)
9. Re: FODTrack with G-5500 Rotator (Gary Mayfield)
10. Re: Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one full orbit
(Wouter Weggelaar)
11. Re: Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one full orbit
(Daniel Est?vez)
12. Re: Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one full orbit
(Peter Goodhall)
13. EO-79 Report (GW1FKY@xxx.xxxx
14. Re: EO-79 Report (alancresswell@xxxx.xx.xxx
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 03:52:51 +0000 (UTC)
From: Bob- W7LRD <w7lrd@xxxxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] Planetary Society light sail project
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Hello-Does anyone know of any collaboration between AMSAT and The Planetary
Society's efforts with their light sail project? Scheduled for launch this
May, sponsored by NASA's ELaNa program. They (Planetary Society) mention
there are only two monitoring stations one in at Cal Poly and the other at
Georgia Tech. whereas we (AMSAT) have potential world wide monitoring
capability. This light sail effort is the first of two. Could a light sail
be in our future? More information about all this can be googled.
73 Bob W7LRD
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 07:14:48 -0500
From: "Gary Mayfield" <kk0sd@xxxxx.xxx>
To: <AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Failed Messages
Message-ID: <0c4201d0859a$c024f650$406ee2f0$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I was able to beat the bounce out of my SPAM filter.
Reporting-MTA: dns; lansing182.amsat.org
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 5225C8818
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; kk0sd@xxxxx.xxx
Arrival-Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 05:07:14 +0000 (UTC)
Final-Recipient: rfc822; amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; User unknown in virtual alias table
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 08:29:43 -0500
From: Alan <wa4sca@xxxxx.xxx>
To: "'wouter weggelaar'" <pa3weg@xxxxx.xxx>, "'AMSAT-BB'"
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one
full orbit
Message-ID: <000001d085a5$37fa4130$a7eec390$@xxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Nothing over North America, but let us know if there is any last minute
change. You never know who
will be up.
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 10:05:46 -0400
From: Steve Kristoff <skristof@xxxxxxx.xxx>
To: <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Planetary Society light sail project
Message-ID: <1D3896F4A6674B5D834AAFEBBA6BE4D9@xxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
What are the downlink frequencies going to be? I couldn't find that info
during a brief look at the Planetary Society website. It would be nice if
they would provide a link to decoding software, also. Just thinking out
loud. We're all in this together!
Steve Kristoff AI9IN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob- W7LRD" <w7lrd@xxxxxxx.xxx>
To: <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:52 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Planetary Society light sail project
> Hello-Does anyone know of any collaboration between AMSAT and The
> Planetary Society's efforts with their light sail project? Scheduled for
> launch this May, sponsored by NASA's ELaNa program. They (Planetary
> Society) mention there are only two monitoring stations one in at Cal Poly
> and the other at Georgia Tech. whereas we (AMSAT) have potential world
> wide monitoring capability. This light sail effort is the first of two.
> Could a light sail be in our future? More information about all this can
> be googled.
> 73 Bob W7LRD
> Seattle
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 14:29:00 +0000 (UTC)
From: M5AKA <m5aka@xxxxx.xx.xx>
To: "amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Planetary Society light sail project
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
IARU coordinated frequencies are given at
73 Trevor M5AKA
On Sunday, 3 May 2015, 15:06, Steve Kristoff <skristof@xxxxxxx.xxx>
What are the downlink frequencies going to be? I couldn't find that info
during a brief look at the Planetary Society website. It would be nice if
they would provide a link to decoding software, also. Just thinking out
loud. We're all in this together!
Steve Kristoff AI9IN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob- W7LRD" <w7lrd@xxxxxxx.xxx>
To: <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2015 11:52 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Planetary Society light sail project
> Hello-Does anyone know of any collaboration between AMSAT and The
> Planetary Society's efforts with their light sail project? Scheduled for
> launch this May, sponsored by NASA's ELaNa program. They (Planetary
> Society) mention there are only two monitoring stations one in at Cal Poly
> and the other at Georgia Tech. whereas we (AMSAT) have potential world
> wide monitoring capability. This light sail effort is the first of two.
> Could a light sail be in our future? More information about all this can
> be googled.
> 73 Bob W7LRD
> Seattle
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 12:42:44 -0400
From: Steve Kristoff <skristof@xxxxxxx.xxx>
To: "aMSAT BB" <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] A good day
Message-ID: <B4601FD12C56489EAD5AF59D8C4C7745@xxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Digipeated through the ISS, QSOs on SO-50, and downloaded telemetry from
AO-73 all before noon today.
It's been a good amateur radio satellite day.
Update for those who were part of a past thread: I put up an M2 Eggbeater on
top of my house. It works better for me on the ISS and AO-73 than did my 5/8
wave vertical. Basically, it's doing what I hoped it would do. (SO-50 is
still a backyard with the Arrow antenna adventure.)
Someday in the future I will likely go full bore and get myself a rotor,
etc., but, for now, I'm a happy camper.
Steve Kristoff AI9IN
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 20:52:53 +0200
From: Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
To: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one
full orbit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi All,
I can hereby confirm Tomorrows intended activation of the AMSAT-NL
FUNcube-3 transponder on QB50p1 / EO-79.
Date and time:Monday 4th of May, activation around 0830 UTC for one orbit.
TLEs are in the normal repositories, COSPAR 2014-033-R, Object# 40025
We would like people to try the following frequencies if possible:
UPLINK: Tune to match downlink +/- 435.065 LSB
The transponder is linear inverting, nominally 30kHz wide, and approx.
500mW output.
Also, If you find the transponder busy on those frequencies, feel free to
move around and use the entire transponder passband.
The passband seems to have a "dip" in the middle which is bigger than
expected, but we do welcome feedback about the usability. Also, please
limit your uplink power, as it looks like this transponder is as sensitive
as FUNcube-1. The spacecraft antenna is a monopole, so we would also be
interested in signal fading reports.
The comissioning of the transponder done to date is very limited, three
activations for 5, 10 and 8 minutes respectively. So your reports are
greatly appreciated.
We do understand this is a very short notice, but hope that some of you
will be able to participate.
This was a take-it-or-leave-it opportunity offered by the ISIS engineers
for our consideration, and we are again very grateful to ISIS and VKI to
give us this opportunity.
Wouter PA3WEG
FUNcube team
On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
> Dear all,
> I would like to inform you all that tomorrow, Monday 4th of may, there is
> a fairly high chance we will be allowed to test the AMSAT-NL transponder
> for one full orbit.
> Details will be made available on short notice, but we are aiming for an
> activation starting at ~08:30 UTC and lasting until ~10:10 UTC.
> The aim is to characterize the power budget on board EO-79. So we
> encourage the usage of this new transponder. Please also report the QSOs
> and signal reports to pa3weg@xxxxx.xxx
> Wouter PA3WEG
Message: 8
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 21:07:38 +0200
From: Koos van den Hout <koos@xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Help decoding/understanding terrestrial packet
heard on ISS freq 145.825 MHz
Message-ID: <20150503190738.GA2077@xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Quoting Jeff Moore who wrote on Fri 2015-05-01 at 15:11:
> I could be wrong, but it's possible you may have heard a different
> satellite transmitting.
Trying to find out why I had satellite 2014-033M added to my gpredict lists
I found out this is satellite Dutchifat-1 which also does APRS on 145.825
MHz :
Koos van den Hout PD4KH
Koos van den Hout Homepage: http://idefix.net/
PGP keyid DSS/1024 0xF0D7C263
Webprojects: Camp Wireless http://www.camp-wireless.org/
The Virtual Bookcase http://www.virtualbookcase.com/
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 17:36:26 -0500
From: "Gary Mayfield" <kk0sd@xxxxx.xxx>
To: <AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] FODTrack with G-5500 Rotator
Message-ID: <0cf101d085f1$97ad1660$c7074320$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In SatPC32 - You must not only change the "Turning point" from South to
North, but also set the max elevation to 90 not 180 degrees.
Then and only then the option to set max azimuth to 450 is enabled.
This is under set | rotor setup.
Just thought someone else may need to know.
Thanks and 73,
Joe kk0sd
-----Original Message-----
From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@xxxxx.xxxx On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2015 10:19 PM
To: AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] FODTrack with G-5500 Rotator
Well, I saw my last message so I will try again.
I have FODTrack controller that I use with SatPC32 v12.6 on a WindowsME
laptop. Old, I know, but it works just fine and has worked fine for many
years with a G-5400 rotator..
Newer versions of SatPC32 do not like WindowsME and newer operating systems
do not like the FODTrack.
We intend to drag it out to Field Day for the ooh and awe factor of
automatic rotator control. Unfortunately I will be working with kb0lcr's
G-5500 rotators instead of my G-5400 rotators as I am too lazy to take the
5400 down.
Is there a way to make the FODTrack work with the G-5500 rotator and its
different azimuth scale?
Thanks and 73,
Joe kk0sd
Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 10:37:16 +0200
From: Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
To: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one
full orbit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Transponder activated at 0830UTC for 95 minutes.
Wouter PA3WEG
On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
> Hi All,
> I can hereby confirm Tomorrows intended activation of the AMSAT-NL
> FUNcube-3 transponder on QB50p1 / EO-79.
> Date and time:Monday 4th of May, activation around 0830 UTC for one orbit.
> TLEs are in the normal repositories, COSPAR 2014-033-R, Object# 40025
> We would like people to try the following frequencies if possible:
> DOWNLINK: 145.960 USB
> UPLINK: Tune to match downlink +/- 435.065 LSB
> The transponder is linear inverting, nominally 30kHz wide, and approx.
> 500mW output.
> Also, If you find the transponder busy on those frequencies, feel free to
> move around and use the entire transponder passband.
> The passband seems to have a "dip" in the middle which is bigger than
> expected, but we do welcome feedback about the usability. Also, please
> limit your uplink power, as it looks like this transponder is as sensitive
> as FUNcube-1. The spacecraft antenna is a monopole, so we would also be
> interested in signal fading reports.
> The comissioning of the transponder done to date is very limited, three
> activations for 5, 10 and 8 minutes respectively. So your reports are
> greatly appreciated.
> We do understand this is a very short notice, but hope that some of you
> will be able to participate.
> This was a take-it-or-leave-it opportunity offered by the ISIS engineers
> for our consideration, and we are again very grateful to ISIS and VKI to
> give us this opportunity.
> Wouter PA3WEG
> FUNcube team
> On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to inform you all that tomorrow, Monday 4th of may, there is
>> a fairly high chance we will be allowed to test the AMSAT-NL transponder
>> for one full orbit.
>> Details will be made available on short notice, but we are aiming for an
>> activation starting at ~08:30 UTC and lasting until ~10:10 UTC.
>> The aim is to characterize the power budget on board EO-79. So we
>> encourage the usage of this new transponder. Please also report the QSOs
>> and signal reports to pa3weg@xxxxx.xxx
>> Wouter PA3WEG
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 10:40:27 +0200
From: Daniel Est?vez <daniel@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one
full orbit
Message-ID: <5547307B.4050608@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
El 04/05/15 a las 10:37, Wouter Weggelaar escribi?:
> Transponder activated at 0830UTC for 95 minutes.
I think I heard somebody on the transponder a few minutes ago on the
SUWS websdr. Signal around 145.965 was too low to copy anything.
Hopefully the next pass at 10:00UTC will be better.
Dani EA4GPZ.
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 09:41:57 +0100
From: Peter Goodhall <peter@xxxxx.xxx>
To: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Announcing EO-79 transponder testing for one
full orbit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Thanks for turning it on, I managed to work Mike G0MJW at 08:36 who
was 55 with myself in Oxford IO91JS. as reported in earlier emails did
see quite a bit of fading.
Peter, 2E0SQL
On 4 May 2015 at 09:37, Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> Transponder activated at 0830UTC for 95 minutes.
> Wouter PA3WEG
> On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I can hereby confirm Tomorrows intended activation of the AMSAT-NL
>> FUNcube-3 transponder on QB50p1 / EO-79.
>> Date and time:Monday 4th of May, activation around 0830 UTC for one orbit.
>> TLEs are in the normal repositories, COSPAR 2014-033-R, Object# 40025
>> We would like people to try the following frequencies if possible:
>> DOWNLINK: 145.960 USB
>> UPLINK: Tune to match downlink +/- 435.065 LSB
>> The transponder is linear inverting, nominally 30kHz wide, and approx.
>> 500mW output.
>> Also, If you find the transponder busy on those frequencies, feel free to
>> move around and use the entire transponder passband.
>> The passband seems to have a "dip" in the middle which is bigger than
>> expected, but we do welcome feedback about the usability. Also, please
>> limit your uplink power, as it looks like this transponder is as sensitive
>> as FUNcube-1. The spacecraft antenna is a monopole, so we would also be
>> interested in signal fading reports.
>> The comissioning of the transponder done to date is very limited, three
>> activations for 5, 10 and 8 minutes respectively. So your reports are
>> greatly appreciated.
>> We do understand this is a very short notice, but hope that some of you
>> will be able to participate.
>> This was a take-it-or-leave-it opportunity offered by the ISIS engineers
>> for our consideration, and we are again very grateful to ISIS and VKI to
>> give us this opportunity.
>> Wouter PA3WEG
>> FUNcube team
>> On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Wouter Weggelaar <wouterweg@xxxxx.xxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I would like to inform you all that tomorrow, Monday 4th of may, there is
>>> a fairly high chance we will be allowed to test the AMSAT-NL transponder
>>> for one full orbit.
>>> Details will be made available on short notice, but we are aiming for an
>>> activation starting at ~08:30 UTC and lasting until ~10:10 UTC.
>>> The aim is to characterize the power budget on board EO-79. So we
>>> encourage the usage of this new transponder. Please also report the QSOs
>>> and signal reports to pa3weg@xxxxx.xxx
>>> Wouter PA3WEG
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Peter Goodhall, 2E0SQL
Message: 13
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 04:49:43 -0400
From: GW1FKY@xxx.xxx
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] EO-79 Report
Message-ID: <1a18ab.77ad12ff.42788ca6@xxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Hi all,
Report on EO-73 transponder operation 0830 hrs UTC 4/515 ( My location
Wales -UK -IO81EM.
At 0833 hrs UTC, I heard Peter 2E0SQL calling CQ on downlink frequency
145.964 Mhz.
He was 5/9 but I could also hear some other burst of noise? - Due to my
terrain and obstructions I could not get access into the satellite but will
try again on the next pass which is a much higher elevation.
Congratulation to the team and to Peter of course for his success.
Ken Eaton
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 10:14:06 -0000
From: <alancresswell@xxxx.xx.xx>
To: <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] EO-79 Report
Message-ID: <9A41ADD392894093B4B25C8DAC8824CF@xxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
Worked Bill, ZL2AYZ at 0915 UTC with EO-79 in full eclipse. Signals quite
variable and never particularly strong and at times somewhat marginal copy.
We repeated the exercise on AO-73 at 0953 UTC with strong to very strong and
consistent signals although it should be noted that the EO-79 pass was at 12
deg. elevation while the AO-73 pass was at 35 deg. elevation.
Thanks for the opportunity to try a new one.
-----Original Message-----
From: GW1FKY--- via AMSAT-BB
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2015 8:49 AM
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] EO-79 Report
Hi all,
Report on EO-73 transponder operation 0830 hrs UTC 4/515 ( My location
Wales -UK -IO81EM.
At 0833 hrs UTC, I heard Peter 2E0SQL calling CQ on downlink frequency
145.964 Mhz.
He was 5/9 but I could also hear some other burst of noise? - Due to my
terrain and obstructions I could not get access into the satellite but will
try again on the next pass which is a much higher elevation.
Congratulation to the team and to Peter of course for his success.
Ken Eaton
Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Subject: Digest Footer
Sent via amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 130
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