CX2SA > SATDIG 02.04.20 21:10l 735 Lines 27057 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V15 106
Sent: 200402/2002Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:27740 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB15106
Today's Topics:
1. Re: Yaesu G-5500 question (Bob Hammond)
2. Yaesu G-5500 question (Roy Dean)
3. Re: Yaesu G-5500 Question (MICHAEL WILLIAMS)
4. FoxDelta trackers (James Brown)
5. Re: Yaesu G-5500 question (Burns Fisher)
6. Re: Question on 23cm WiMo Helix (73 Bob W7LRD)
7. Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter? (Scott)
8. Re: Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter? (Matthew Chambers)
9. Re: Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter? (Larry Howell)
10. Re: Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter? (Matthew Chambers)
11. Re: Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter? (Robert Bruninga)
12. Re: Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter? (John Brier)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 09:14:46 -0700
From: Bob Hammond <propgrinder@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Yaesu G-5500 question
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Jim, that's the very reason I installed a counterbalance.
Everyone, my question really was based on what I'm seeing when my antennas
rotate in AZ. Given the moment arm of the counterbalance (about 3 feet)
and 5 LB weight on the end, once the rotor stops at an azimuth, I get about
3 cycles of wobble back and forth. It does not affect satellite signal
(beam width) but I was wondering what it was doing to my rotor gears.
On the other hand, it's been like that for over 6 months of operation with
no issues.
It could be I'm finding comfort in worrying about something ELSE at this
time....if you get my meaning.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 8:13 AM jim--- via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> Bob Hammond asked (in part):
> > I have my M2 LEO antennas plus a WiMo 23cm helical antenna end-mounted
> on a
> > fiberglass boom with the G-5500. I also placed a counterbalance lead
> > weight opposite the antennas.
> > How many of you with similar antennas and a G-5500 have NOT used a
> > counterbalance? Any issues?
> I would highly recommend against using any substantial antenna arrangement
> on an elevation rotor without it being balanced. If it is not balanced,
> you are putting far more strain on the gears and motor. Try this to
> understand the difference. Take your antenna, and hold it at one end with
> one hand. Point it at the horizon. Then rotate it so it points straight
> up. Now move your hand so it is at the balance point, and repeat the
> demo. Which one do think is easier? Don't have an antenna handy, use a
> long piece of pipe, or conduit, or rebar, or even a stick or baseball bat.
> 73
> -----
> Jim Walls - K6CCC
> jim@?????.???
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 12:42:16 -0400
From: Roy Dean <royldean@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] Yaesu G-5500 question
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
For what it's worth, I've been using a (prior to me owning it) well
used G5400 for the past year with end mounted M2 Leo-Pack yagis.....
with no problems at all.
My rotator is low enough that "mid mounting" the array (on a
fiberglass boom) is not possible, and counterweighting would likely
involve a large weight due to the lack of moment arm length available
off the back of the array.
If/when it fails, I'll be sure to report my findings to this group.
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 12:44:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: MICHAEL WILLIAMS <k9qho67622@???????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???? propgrinder@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Yaesu G-5500 Question
Message-ID: <500322319.915929.1585845848384@???????.???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
My thinking has been to put it out of balance, especially with the light
weight satellite antennas we use.
In a perfectly balanced system, the wind will work the gearing back and
forth. In an unbalanced system, the gears will stay meshed in one direction
not working the internal parts when the antennas are moving or are at rest.
It's difficult to balance a system when coax and preamps added to the rear.
It's also good to have the least wind resistance when SatPC32 returns
antennas to the rest position The Yaesu elevation rotors are pretty tough.
I used an Alliance U-110 for years with no problems. Talk about out of
balance, check my qrz page.
Good luck with this. It has been an interesting subject.
73, Mike (K9QHO)
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 16:54:17 +0000 (UTC)
From: James Brown <ki6wj@?????.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] FoxDelta trackers
Message-ID: <262488825.325910.1585846457377@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Thanks Gang
Both Fox Delta trackers are committed!
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 12:58:16 -0400
From: Burns Fisher <wb1fj-bb@??????.??>
To: Bob Hammond <propgrinder@?????.???>
Cc: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Yaesu G-5500 question
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I do not have a counterbalance; I had planned to but somehow just never got
to it. I do, however, set my "park" position to be up at 90 degrees. Of
course that means the wind tries harder to rotate the elevation rotor, but
gravity tries less hard.
That said, I am starting to have a problem. I think it is the feedback pot
that is getting noisy, although at first I thought I had stripped a gear.
The pot issue should not relate to a counterweight of course!
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 12:27 PM Bob Hammond via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> Jim, that's the very reason I installed a counterbalance.
> Everyone, my question really was based on what I'm seeing when my antennas
> rotate in AZ. Given the moment arm of the counterbalance (about 3 feet)
> and 5 LB weight on the end, once the rotor stops at an azimuth, I get about
> 3 cycles of wobble back and forth. It does not affect satellite signal
> (beam width) but I was wondering what it was doing to my rotor gears.
> On the other hand, it's been like that for over 6 months of operation with
> no issues.
> It could be I'm finding comfort in worrying about something ELSE at this
> time....if you get my meaning.
> 73,
> Bob W7OTJ
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 8:13 AM jim--- via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> wrote:
> > Bob Hammond asked (in part):
> > > I have my M2 LEO antennas plus a WiMo 23cm helical antenna end-mounted
> > on a
> > > fiberglass boom with the G-5500. I also placed a counterbalance lead
> > > weight opposite the antennas.
> >
> > > How many of you with similar antennas and a G-5500 have NOT used a
> > > counterbalance? Any issues?
> >
> > I would highly recommend against using any substantial antenna
> arrangement
> > on an elevation rotor without it being balanced. If it is not balanced,
> > you are putting far more strain on the gears and motor. Try this to
> > understand the difference. Take your antenna, and hold it at one end
> with
> > one hand. Point it at the horizon. Then rotate it so it points straight
> > up. Now move your hand so it is at the balance point, and repeat the
> > demo. Which one do think is easier? Don't have an antenna handy, use a
> > long piece of pipe, or conduit, or rebar, or even a stick or baseball
> bat.
> >
> > 73
> > -----
> > Jim Walls - K6CCC
> > jim@?????.???
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions
> > expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> > Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 10:08:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: 73 Bob W7LRD <w7lrd@???????.???>
To: Thomas Schaefer <ny4i@????.???>, Thomas Schaefer via AMSAT-BB
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Question on 23cm WiMo Helix
Message-ID: <722544897.201306.1585847318660@???????.???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi Tom et al-- Back in the days of AO-40 (sob sob) I built a 16 turn RHCP
helix. Several of which I sold around the country. Currently I am using
a 24 el looper. I am planning to put my helix back up there (20" tilt over
tower) with a relay to switch between the two antennas just of fun.
I use 70 feet of LMR600 I could have gotten by with LMR 400 which I use on U
& V. I use a IC-910 at 10W. I have a 70W amp that's waiting for my ambition
to catch up. The book Antennas by Krauss has a ton of valuable helix info.
Here in W. Washington there is some local L band activity. With mountains
all around L band presents some interesting bouncing propagation. We only
have one satellite (AO-92) with L band capability, and that's only once a
week. I would like to see a linear bird with L band, maybe even S band down
like the aforementioned AO-40 (sob sob). I'm sure others will chime in with
information. On Ebay there are a few antennas available
I have one I have yet to try out. ABout $50 it's cheap enough to try. I
don't know if any of us are using one of these. At this time we all have
the time to play radio <grin>. Lots of options Tom.
73 and stay safe out there
> On April 2, 2020 at 8:14 AM Thomas Schaefer via AMSAT-BB
<amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
> Reading the prior posts about the counterbalance, made me think again
about adding the 23 cm helix antenna to my sat beams before they go up, but
I wanted to check my thinking on this?
> There appears to be only one L band satellite, AO-92. That is an uplink.
Given that, I obviously have no need for a preamp. But I also believe that I
need not worry too much about using anything better than LMR-400. In
checking the Times Microwave loss calculator, using LMR400 over a 50 foot
run would lose 2.6 dB. Using LMR-600, would lose 1.7 dB. 7/8? hardline would
be .8 dB. But given that the Helix has 13 dBd, that is over 100 watts at the
antenna. Plenty AO-92.
> So while cable loss seems academic, are there any satellites in the works
accessible from the US with an L band downlink? If not, it appears LMR-400
is just fine (even with a short loop of LMR-400 UF at the top for the rotor).
> Thanks,
> Tom Schaefer, NY4I
> Blog: www.ny4i.com
> Madeira Beach, FL (Grid: EL87ot)
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 14:27:09 -0400
From: "Scott" <scott23192@?????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter?
Message-ID: <91C26EDF1BC845829FDFFDA995802A4C@???????>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I hope the group doesn't mind a non-ham question since we're all trying to
help our communities in this difficult time.
Can anyone recommend a low-power transmitter for broadcast on the commercial
FM radio band? An LPFM license can be acquired asap, but the first order of
business is finding some hardware.
As you can imagine, church gatherings are out of the question so I've been
asked to see if I can locate a "drive-in theater" type transmitter for
short-range broadcasting to car radios.
Interested in commercial products only; thanks but not something I want to
build & be responsible for maintaining.
Thanks very much a good wishes to all.
-Scott, K4KDR
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 13:47:36 -0500
From: Matthew Chambers <mchambers@?????????.????>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
There has been lots of talk about this on several of the broadcast forums
too (such as Christian Radio Tech "CR-TECH"). Most are looking for ways to
meet Part 15 requirements, such as running into "leaky" coax with a dummy
As far as supply, there might be some engineers in the CR-Tech forum that
can help source equipment from Christian broadcasters. You can find them at
http://crtech.org/ or at groups.io.
None of the radio stations that I'm engineering for currently have any
spare transmitters, And anything we'd have would be a bit on the hefty side
with no way to practically ship them very far.
Matthew Chambers, CBT, NR0Q
*M Chambers Communications Engineering LLC*
PO BOX 855, Moberly, MO 65270
Mobile (660)415-5620
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 1:29 PM Scott via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> I hope the group doesn't mind a non-ham question since we're all trying
> to help our communities in this difficult time.
> Can anyone recommend a low-power transmitter for broadcast on the
> commercial FM radio band? An LPFM license can be acquired asap, but the
> first order of business is finding some hardware.
> As you can imagine, church gatherings are out of the question so I've been
> asked to see if I can locate a "drive-in theater" type transmitter for
> short-range broadcasting to car radios.
> Interested in commercial products only; thanks but not something I want to
> build & be responsible for maintaining.
> Thanks very much a good wishes to all.
> -Scott, K4KDR
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 14:42:38 -0400
From: Larry Howell <larry.howell.47@?????.???>
To: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
Cc: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Hi Scott,
This one may be what you're looking for:
72/73... Larry AC8YE
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 2:28 PM Scott via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> I hope the group doesn't mind a non-ham question since we're all trying
> to help our communities in this difficult time.
> Can anyone recommend a low-power transmitter for broadcast on the
> commercial FM radio band? An LPFM license can be acquired asap, but the
> first order of business is finding some hardware.
> As you can imagine, church gatherings are out of the question so I've been
> asked to see if I can locate a "drive-in theater" type transmitter for
> short-range broadcasting to car radios.
> Interested in commercial products only; thanks but not something I want to
> build & be responsible for maintaining.
> Thanks very much a good wishes to all.
> -Scott, K4KDR
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 13:59:44 -0500
From: Matthew Chambers <mchambers@?????????.????>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I've also used this one before too, Rolls makes nice pro-level stuff that
won't drain the purse.
Also the link that Larry sent looks good too. (good catch Larry AC8YE!)
Matthew Chambers, CBT, NR0Q
*M Chambers Communications Engineering LLC*
PO BOX 855, Moberly, MO 65270
Mobile (660)415-5620
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 1:57 PM Larry Howell via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> Hi Scott,
> This one may be what you're looking for:
> 72/73... Larry AC8YE
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 2:28 PM Scott via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> wrote:
> > I hope the group doesn't mind a non-ham question since we're all trying
> > to help our communities in this difficult time.
> >
> > Can anyone recommend a low-power transmitter for broadcast on the
> > commercial FM radio band? An LPFM license can be acquired asap, but the
> > first order of business is finding some hardware.
> >
> > As you can imagine, church gatherings are out of the question so I've
> been
> > asked to see if I can locate a "drive-in theater" type transmitter for
> > short-range broadcasting to car radios.
> >
> > Interested in commercial products only; thanks but not something I want
> to
> > build & be responsible for maintaining.
> >
> > Thanks very much a good wishes to all.
> >
> > -Scott, K4KDR
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions
> > expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> > Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 15:16:54 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
To: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
Cc: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
A fair question. I've been considering something like that for my wife's
church (outdoor seating very widely spaced)...
But then we realized it went against another of our goals... that is,
saving emissions. I have helped our church install solar for all its
energy and installed 5 EV charging stations in the parking lot and now at
least 1/4 of our members drive plugins.
The problem is that the emissions from 60 people driving to services on
Sunday is much more than the entire energy of the church itself! So the
consensus was to stay put and use on-line meeting.
In earlier times we had plotted where all the members live and it turns out
that there are 3 major groupings (due to rivers and bays). Were we to
"broadcast" as suggested, one could set up three such short range
transmtters in those three clusters and then people would only have to
drive to a home in their local cluster instead of across the bridge and all
to the same place.
Just thinking out loud.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 2:27 PM Scott via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> I hope the group doesn't mind a non-ham question since we're all trying
> to help our communities in this difficult time.
> Can anyone recommend a low-power transmitter for broadcast on the
> commercial FM radio band? An LPFM license can be acquired asap, but the
> first order of business is finding some hardware.
> As you can imagine, church gatherings are out of the question so I've been
> asked to see if I can locate a "drive-in theater" type transmitter for
> short-range broadcasting to car radios.
> Interested in commercial products only; thanks but not something I want to
> build & be responsible for maintaining.
> Thanks very much a good wishes to all.
> -Scott, K4KDR
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 15:54:04 -0400
From: John Brier <johnbrier@?????.???>
To: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@????.???>
Cc: amsat bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Low-Power FM (broadcast band) Transmitter?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Generically LPFM could mean something like a part 15 transmitter that would
work for cars in a parking lot, but the term is also a specific FCC license
class up to 100 watts ERP.
For the FCC's LPFM there is not a filing window to get a
license/construction permit and the last one was in 2013.
But maybe we can get Congress to get the FCC to create a new one due to
this crisis.
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020, 15:20 Robert Bruninga via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> A fair question. I've been considering something like that for my wife's
> church (outdoor seating very widely spaced)...
> But then we realized it went against another of our goals... that is,
> saving emissions. I have helped our church install solar for all its
> energy and installed 5 EV charging stations in the parking lot and now at
> least 1/4 of our members drive plugins.
> The problem is that the emissions from 60 people driving to services on
> Sunday is much more than the entire energy of the church itself! So the
> consensus was to stay put and use on-line meeting.
> In earlier times we had plotted where all the members live and it turns out
> that there are 3 major groupings (due to rivers and bays). Were we to
> "broadcast" as suggested, one could set up three such short range
> transmtters in those three clusters and then people would only have to
> drive to a home in their local cluster instead of across the bridge and all
> to the same place.
> Just thinking out loud.
> bob
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 2:27 PM Scott via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> wrote:
> > I hope the group doesn't mind a non-ham question since we're all trying
> > to help our communities in this difficult time.
> >
> > Can anyone recommend a low-power transmitter for broadcast on the
> > commercial FM radio band? An LPFM license can be acquired asap, but the
> > first order of business is finding some hardware.
> >
> > As you can imagine, church gatherings are out of the question so I've
> been
> > asked to see if I can locate a "drive-in theater" type transmitter for
> > short-range broadcasting to car radios.
> >
> > Interested in commercial products only; thanks but not something I want
> to
> > build & be responsible for maintaining.
> >
> > Thanks very much a good wishes to all.
> >
> > -Scott, K4KDR
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions
> > expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> > Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Subject: Digest Footer
Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 106
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