CX2SA > SATDIG 07.04.20 04:22l 713 Lines 27175 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V15 108
Sent: 200407/0317Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:28148 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB15108
Today's Topics:
1. M2 LEOpack tuning (Mark D. Johns)
2. Anyone want a Kansas City Tracker manual? (Stephan Greene)
3. Re: M2 LEOpack tuning (Andrew Glasbrenner)
4. More ancient technology Sat Tracker board and software
(Stephan Greene)
5. Re: M2 LEOpack tuning (Mark L. Hammond)
6. Re: Anyone want a Kansas City Tracker manual? (Jeff )
7. How to Drive SATpc32 (Michael Walker)
8. A Critique on Operations of the FM Birds (Chris Hoffman)
9. Re: How to Drive SATpc32 (Robert Bankston)
10. Re: How to Drive SATpc32 (Michael Walker)
11. SatPC32 with the FT-818nd (Loren M. Lang)
12. May QST (Ray Soifer)
13. Re: FT-736R TAP Board Install (Mike Lucas)
14. Re: Poor Operators (Chris Hoffman, KG6O)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 07:57:39 -0500
From: "Mark D. Johns" <mjohns+K0JM@??????.???>
To: AMSAT <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] M2 LEOpack tuning
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I?ve had my LEOpack antennas about 8 years, but over the winter my station
became almost totally deaf on 2 meters. I took the 2 meter beam down and
cleaned up a bunch of corrosion around the coax connector, and that seems
to have helped the situation, but...
I checked the antenna with my MFJ Antenna Analyzer (which I did not have
back when I first assembled these antennas) and find that the 2 meter beam
is resonant at about 143.95 MHz ? just below the 2 meter ham band. Up at
145.9, where I would LIKE it to be resonant, my SWR is about 2.5:1. Pretty
Messing with the tuning sliders only made things worse (these adjust
impedance and not necessarily resonance), so I?m wondering, has anyone else
found it necessary to trim the elements on these?
My calculations are that about 1/8? off each end of the DEs would bring it
up the 2 MHz needed. Opinions?
***Sent from Gmail on iPhone***
Mark D. Johns, Ph.D. K0JM
Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies at
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa USA
Now residing in Minneapolis, Minn.
"Get the facts first. You can distort them later."
---Mark Twain
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 12:11:53 -0400
From: Stephan Greene <ks1g04@?????.???>
To: Amsat-bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Anyone want a Kansas City Tracker manual?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Found while cleaning out shack. LL Grace KCT v 2.43A instructions, June
2000. Excellent condition. Email me direct your mailing address if you
want it. No I can't scan and email it.
73 Steve KS1G
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 12:21:00 -0400
From: "Andrew Glasbrenner" <glasbrenner@??????????.???>
To: <k0jm@?????.???>, "'Mark D. Johns'" <mjohns+K0JM@??????.???>
Cc: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] M2 LEOpack tuning
Message-ID: <006601d60b66$32be9990$983bccb0$@??????????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi Mark,
Experience with these antennas at the demo station at Dayton, confirmed by
Robert with M2 who fixed the issue, suggests that you may want to look at
the routing and placement of the phasing cables. They are very sensitive on
placement, and the issues we had were fixed by Robert rerouting them to be
identical with the diagrams in the instructions. Good luck.
73, Drew KO4MA
-----Original Message-----
From: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???> On Behalf Of Mark D. Johns via
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2020 8:58 AM
To: AMSAT <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] M2 LEOpack tuning
I?ve had my LEOpack antennas about 8 years, but over the winter my station
became almost totally deaf on 2 meters. I took the 2 meter beam down and
cleaned up a bunch of corrosion around the coax connector, and that seems to
have helped the situation, but...
I checked the antenna with my MFJ Antenna Analyzer (which I did not have
back when I first assembled these antennas) and find that the 2 meter beam
is resonant at about 143.95 MHz ? just below the 2 meter ham band. Up at
145.9, where I would LIKE it to be resonant, my SWR is about 2.5:1. Pretty
Messing with the tuning sliders only made things worse (these adjust
impedance and not necessarily resonance), so I?m wondering, has anyone else
found it necessary to trim the elements on these?
My calculations are that about 1/8? off each end of the DEs would bring it
up the 2 MHz needed. Opinions?
***Sent from Gmail on iPhone***
Mark D. Johns, Ph.D. K0JM
Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa
USA Now residing in Minneapolis, Minn.
"Get the facts first. You can distort them later."
---Mark Twain
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all
interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official
views of AMSAT-NA.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 12:27:29 -0400
From: Stephan Greene <ks1g04@?????.???>
To: Amsat-bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] More ancient technology Sat Tracker board and
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
More cleaning shack. Sat Tracker board and software. Looks like parallel
printer interface to PC and 8 pin DIN to a G5400/5500 rotator control box.
Includes frequency tracker add-on software on 3.5 floppy disk and
Instant-Track (DOS) on 5.25 floppy and CD. No capability to check if
floppies are readable. InstantTrack will run on a Win10 system using
Email me direct if you want it. All sent as-is.
73 Steve KS1G <callsign> at amsat.org
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 2020 12:46:48 -0400
From: "Mark L. Hammond" <marklhammond@?????.???>
To: k0jm@?????.????????? D. Johns" <mjohns+K0JM@??????.???>, AMSAT
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] M2 LEOpack tuning
Message-ID: <20200405164703.E0C2382E3@??????????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hello Mark,
A couple of years ago I had isssues with an M2 2M7 antenna. SWR would go
high, come back down. Went on for months, up and down the latter, trying to
fix. Drove me nuts. I finally ordered a replacement antenna and swapped out
the driven element. Turns out the issue was this--poor connection between
the driven element aluminum "block" and the center pipe!! After cleaning
up the (not visible) corrosion on the underside, where it sits on the center
pipe, it was fine. I swore it was a matching cable, broken solder joint
down in the driven element, coax connector...but it wasn't. All due to bad
contact/corrosion between driven element block and main aluminum center pole.
Might not be your problem--but something to check and remember in case
that's a culprit later!
I've had numerous M2 antennas over the years. Love them, highly recommend.
They are tough, durable, and effective.
Let us know when you figure out...even if it's in a few years ;-)
Mark N8MH
At 07:57 AM 4/5/2020 -0500, Mark D. Johns via AMSAT-BB wrote:
>I???ve had my LEOpack antennas about 8 years, but over the winter my
station became almost totally deaf on 2 meters. I took the 2 meter beam down
and cleaned up a bunch of corrosion around the coax connector, and that
seems to have helped the situation, but... I checked the antenna with my MFJ
Antenna Analyzer (which I did not have back when I first assembled these
antennas) and find that the 2 meter beam is resonant at about 143.95 MHz ?
just beloww the 2 meter ham band. Up at 145.9, where I would LIKE it to be
resonant, my SWR is about 2.5:1. Pretty high. Messing with the tuning
sliders only made things worse (these adjust impedance and not necessarily
resonance), so I???m wondering, has anyone else found it necessary to trim
the elements on these? My calculations are that about 1/8??? off each end of
the DEs would bring it up the 2 MHz needed. Opinions? -- ***Sent from Gmail
on iPhone*** Mark D. Johns, Ph.D. K0JM Professor Emeritus of Communication
Studies at Luther College, Deco
rah, Iowa USA Now residing in Minneapolis, Minn.
------------------------------------------------ "Get the facts first. You
can distort them later." ---Mark Twain
_______________________________________________ Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the
author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA
member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription
settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 13:12:12 -0400
From: "Jeff " <kb2mjeff@???.???>
To: <AMSAT-BB@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Anyone want a Kansas City Tracker manual?
Message-ID: <02ec01d60b6d$59bfef60$0d3fce20$@???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I have a KCT board to go along with it if anyone wants it. Maybe we should
send both to the Smithsonian ?
73 Jeff kb2m
-----Original Message-----
From: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???> On Behalf Of Stephan Greene via
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2020 12:12
To: Amsat-bb <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Anyone want a Kansas City Tracker manual?
Found while cleaning out shack. LL Grace KCT v 2.43A instructions, June
2000. Excellent condition. Email me direct your mailing address if you
want it. No I can't scan and email it.
73 Steve KS1G
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 14:56:02 -0400
From: Michael Walker <va3mw@??????????.???>
To: AMSAT <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] How to Drive SATpc32
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Hi All
I did this video to help experienced hams but new satellite operators to
navigate SATpc32.
For me, the first weeks week terribly frustrating to get over the hump.
This assumes your radio and rotator are already connected to SATpc32 but
you have yet to get a quality first QSO.
Feel free to add useful comments in the video chat.
Mike va3mw
Message: 8
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 13:25:01 -0700
From: Chris Hoffman <cq.kg6o@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] A Critique on Operations of the FM Birds
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
We all want and need more good operators on the FM Birds, and each pass is
a severely-limited resource.
Unfortunately, I am constantly bearing witness to operating practices which
run counter to these facts.
To promote more operators using the birds we have, so that they can give up
new grid squares, and perhaps become more active down the road, and in
order to build the AMSAT membership I offer the following:
FOR *ALL* FM SATELLITE OPERATORS: Please update your personal/favored Best
Practices Guide with your reflection upon the following suggestions...
1) *Record your audio for each pass*
- If you are running portable: I'm in love with my little Sony voice
recorder that has simultaneous audio in and out on 3.5mm jacks.
- If you can run 50w, and/or high gain, you have zero excuses not to do
1b) When you are recording your passes, please *don't ask for callsign
- Just be sure the entire callsign was clear for the recording.
- That repeat takes up an entire window for a new contact.
2) Keep your contact to *pass*ing *no more than the exchange (e.g. callsign
and grid square)*
- Even one extra transmission soaks valuable bird time needed for the
next contact to start, ad provides no added benefit to the community.
- e.g. There is no need to let the distant operator know you sent them a
3) *Don't repeat contacts*, even just to say 'hello.'
- It soaks an entire contact window for someone else, and that person
usually is not on the bird for every pass.
- I have seen this, first-hand: hearing a conversation on a satellite
crushes new operators (literally and figuratively). They were waiting for a
window to make a contact on the only pass of the day, and hearing this
provided an excellent excuse for the new operators give up, and abandon sat
work entirely because they realize they may never be able to get to the
'level' of someone having that conversation, depriving the rest of us of
future new contacts.
4) *Don't use 50w ?*
- I continually hear big-gun stations wind up crushing less-powerful
operators trying to get into the bird -- many of whom are usually equipped
with just a handheld and a handheld beam... and many of those are just
trying to make their first contact via our 'smart space debris'.
- This practice alsso keeps 'honest' 5-watt'ers from being able to score
needed Grid Squares as the neelessly-stronger stations carelessly override
our signals... [aherm] especially when acting contrary to Suggestion '3'.
5) *Use Full Duplex*
- Out of consideration for others, please do not try to make a
contact via the bird without a full-duplex radio and the ability to hear
others on the satellite.
- Good-quailty Full-duplex FM radios are cheap and available online for
as little as $100, or new for $250 (DJ-G7).
- By hearing your signal on the bird, you will begin to hear and
understand that your signal may be stepping on other operators also trying
to get in.
- As soon as you hear yourself on top someone else, consult Suggestion 4,
and make a decision about how needed your contact is.
* - *If it's a blank passband... THAT'S A GOOD THING! Every blank second
is an opportunity for a new station to make a call, which is what we want.
- ASSUME that there is ALWAYS someone new on, usually with just an
arrow/elk and their handheld, trying to make their first contact.
VUCC wasn't earned in a day, but it shouldn't take 3 passes for one
operator to make a single contact.
I believe I may be re-sending some variation of this [message] each time I
encounter more of the operating practices I've recently observed on
AO-91/92 and SO-50 which sparked this Email*.
? 47 CFR ? 97.313 <https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/47/97.313> -
transmitter power necessary'
* Flagrancy may earn an edited copy of these suggestions sent directly to
you. Repeated Flagrancy may earn a shame-mail to the group.
KG6O atsin arrl dot net
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 21:01:28 +0000 (UTC)
From: Robert Bankston <ke4al@?????.???>
To: AMSAT <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] How to Drive SATpc32
Message-ID: <679856138.865762.1586120488469@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Great job, Michael.? Thank for sharing.
Robert, KE4AL
On Sunday, April 5, 2020, 01:57:14 PM CDT, Michael Walker via AMSAT-BB
<amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
Hi All
I did this video to help experienced hams but new satellite operators to
navigate SATpc32.
For me, the first weeks week terribly frustrating to get over the hump.
This assumes your radio and rotator are already connected to SATpc32 but
you have yet to get a quality first QSO.
Feel free to add useful comments in the video chat.
Mike va3mw
Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 19:03:38 -0400
From: Michael Walker <va3mw@??????????.???>
To: Ted Krempa <k7trkradio@???????.???>
Cc: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] How to Drive SATpc32
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I'm sure that someone might be able to share that with you from this list.
I'm still hacking away at them and I am amazed that I made so many errors
in 3 or 4 entries.
Someone might be able to share theirs with you.
Mike va3mw
On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 6:54 PM Ted Krempa <k7trkradio@???????.???> wrote:
> Nice video, Mike.
> I wish there were something like this to cover the importing/updating/setup
> of the sql files. That is where my problems have always been and what
> prevents me from using the program.
> 73, Ted
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@?????.???? On Behalf Of Michael
> Walker via AMSAT-BB
> Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2020 11:56 AM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] How to Drive SATpc32
> Hi All
> I did this video to help experienced hams but new satellite operators to
> navigate SATpc32.
> https://youtu.be/JLdROrcY7fY
> For me, the first weeks week terribly frustrating to get over the hump.
> This assumes your radio and rotator are already connected to SATpc32 but
> you have yet to get a quality first QSO.
> Feel free to add useful comments in the video chat.
> Mike va3mw
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 11
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 22:44:44 -0700
From: "Loren M. Lang" <penguin359@?????.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 with the FT-818nd
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I recently tried using SatPC32 for CAT control of my Yaesu FT-818nd rig for
automatic tuning during a pass of the XW-2B linear transponder satellite.
The radio appears to be just a minor hardware refresh of the FT-817 and
FT-817nd so I have it configured to use Yaesu FT-817 in the radio control
settings. My CAT control interface is using a U5 Link which connects to the
accessory port on the back of the radio. Inside the box, it is just an FTDI
chip. It is set to the baud rate 38400. I have successfully been using this
box with both Ham Radio Deluxe and N1MM for various other controls.
However, I had an issue with SatPC32 not making all of the correct
>From what I can tell, it is dropping commands. The radio was only partly
configured correctly such as setting the USB/LSB modes on VFOs A/B. It was
not adjusting the frequency. I had the CAT delay set to the original value
of 70 ms and tried increasing it. At 180 ms, it was still having issues,
but I finally bumped it up to 300 ms and the radio started responding
correctly. I then saw it tuning both the TX and RX VFOs as needed
throughout the pass. However, at this delay, it spends a noticeable amount
of time in the TX VFO before it updates the frequency and, if I'm not
watching carefully, will press the PTT on only to have it jump to the RX
VFO to transmit. It also means more time where I won't be hearing the
incoming signal if someone else is talking.
Are there any recommendations for improving this situation or could I
possibly have a bad (cheap Chinese clone?) FTDI chip that is limiting the
rate that commands can be sent? I have not had any issues with HRD or N1MM,
but I expect they are sending commands at a lower rate since it's not a
constant Doppler shift. Anyone else have a solid FT-817/818 setup?
- Loren
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 13:49:59 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ray Soifer <rsoifer1@???.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] May QST
Message-ID: <407280608.1206397.1586180999270@????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
The digital edition of May QST is now available to ARRL members.? See pp.
73 Ray W2RS
Message: 13
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 14:41:17 -0700
From: "Mike Lucas" <documike@???????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] FT-736R TAP Board Install
Message-ID: <003d01d60c5c$1ac10430$50430c90$@???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Good day & hope everyone is doing well. Has anyone done a TAP board
installation on their Ft-736R & used it with an SDR as a PAN adapter? If so
can you share your experience with it and maybe point me to some
installation tips, pix, etc.? It looks like a worthwhile project for not a
lot of expense.
Mike N7ASZ
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 20:06:47 -0700
From: "Chris Hoffman, KG6O" <cq.kg6o@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Poor Operators
Message-ID: <46C460D7-9D30-4BDE-A6FB-92F98BC2FF5B@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
I agree ?Never? is incredibly strong. Perhaps ?...should be avoided if at
all possible...??
In my opinion, the problem is not QRM or congestion. The problem is
The problem is that new operators continually hear banter and ?... it?s a
nice morning here, Bob...? then when they try to squeeze in a contact ?after
the conversation is over? they are instead crushed by other operators also
trying to respect boundaries on an 8min pass.
The problem is that new operators have told me they perceive what are
obviously repeated contacts as an expression of territory, and they put down
the antenna for good.
The problem is the assumption that it?s ?...NOT a busy pass.? That very idea
serves to disenfranchise, devalue, and repel new operators, making it a
self-fulfilling prophecy. Save Repeated Contacts ?short or long? for EMail
or HF: it should ALWAYS be considered to be a ?busy pass? until we have
available passes every 5 minutes.
I challenge the experienced ?regular? operators to stay off the PTT, listen
for the new contacts that will inevitably show up, and remember that ?in
the aggregate? any open transponder time is an invitation for new operators.
> On Mar 24, 2020, at 19:06, Bob Liddy (K8BL) via AMSAT-BB
<amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
> ? It all depends on the situation. If it is a busy pass and others are
> trying to make a QSO with a specific station since they are a Rover
> or DX or rare somehow or New, just step aside if you don't need or
> want that station. If it is NOT a busy pass, there should be no problem
> with calling any station for any reason as long as you are not QRMing
> an existing QSO in progress. How easy is it to just LISTEN and hear
> what is going on and act accordingly? Just like on other Bands or
> Modes or Repeaters, DON'T transmit on top of a busy frequency. BTW,
> if you can't hear other stations or the Beacon on a pass, it would not
> be good to do a lot of transmitting since you may be causing a lot of
> QRM to other users. Listening to several passes without hearing other
> stations probably indicates you have a RX problem. When setting up
> a station, always make sure you are hearing well before ever trying
> to transmit.
> GL/73/Enjoy, Bob K8BL
> On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 07:46:00 PM EDT, Brian Wilkins KO4AQF via
AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
> I would not make this one a rule either especially since some rove to
> multiple grids. It has to be handled by the operator on a case by case
> basis. Also the called operator does not have to respond either if this is
> a problem.
> Brian Wilkins
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 8:16 AM Roy Dean via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
>> wrote:
>>> - problem #2 is about reducing congestion. It was discussed at length
>>> right here last year or so, and the bottom line was to never work a
>> station
>>> if you have already worked them before. Let others get a chance.
>> "Never" is a powerful word. There are plenty of passes that I've worked
>> in the past in which the only operators on the pass are ones that I've
>> worked plenty of times before. Weekday morning passes are typical
>> examples. I would suggest leaving this rule out, or at least modifying it
>> appropriately (however I think Sean's published work already suggests good
>> operating habits that cover this).
>> --Roy
>> K3RLD
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
>> expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Subject: Digest Footer
Sent via amsat-bb@?????.???.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 108
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