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CX2SA  > SATDIG   23.11.20 18:17l 970 Lines 39751 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V15 440
Sent: 201123/1613Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:44086 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB15440

Today's Topics:

   1. Android  logging s/w (kb2mjeff@???.????
   2. Re: ANS-327 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins for Nov. 22
      (Alfredos (fredy) Damkalis)
   3. Satellite Engineering Programs (John Lutz)
   4. SAtPC32 Rotator (tom)
   5. Re: HRD Tracker Issue Tech Support (Starr Moffatt)
   6. Re: SAtPC32 Rotator (Stefan Wagener)
   7. K6LCS' Zoom Presentations (Clint Bradford)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 19:48:48 -0500
From: <kb2mjeff@???.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Android  logging s/w
Message-ID: <07b701d6c069$3e104100$ba30c300$@???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I'm in the process of moving from an iPhone to an Android phone. What is the
best logging software to use? I think I already have the tracking s/w
nailed, I'm using ISS Detector for tracking. Thoughts?

73 Jeff kb2m


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 04:27:59 +0200
From: "Alfredos (fredy) Damkalis" <fredy@?????.??>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] ANS-327 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
for Nov. 22
Message-ID: <5124aa22-963a-a9fe-d951-c7146f17e5a2@?????.??>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


I would like to comment that there is evidence[1] from SatNOGS
observations that spacetrack has mis-identified the satellites Bobcat-1
and SPOC. Actually, their NORAD IDs should be swapped. More recent
analysis by Nico Janssen, PA0DLO[2] confirms these results.

In other news regarding this deployment, the NEUTRON-1 satellite is
alive[3] but not in a normal mode. Its transmissions are irregular, so
any reception by the amateur community would be very helpful for the team.



On 11/22/20 2:00 AM, Mark Johns, K0JM via AMSAT-BB wrote:
> ANS-327
> The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor-
> mation service of AMSAT, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS
> publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on
> the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who
> share an active interest in designing, building, launching and commun-
> icating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
> The news feed on publishes news of Amateur
> Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
> Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
> ans-editor@?????.???
> You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service
> Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:
> In this edition:
> * SpaceX Dragon Capsule Ferries Four Radio Amateurs to the ISS
> * September/October Issue Of The AMSAT Journal Is Now Available
> * New Launch Date for EASAT-2 and Hades Satellites
> * Arecibo Observatory Faces Demolition After Cable Failures
> * DX Portable Operation Planned From Thailand Grid NK99
> * Human Error Blamed For Vega Launch Failure
> * Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for November 19
> * Moscow Aviation Institute Plans SSTV Event from ISS
> * ARISS News
> * Upcoming Satellite Operations
> * Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
> * Satellite Shorts From All Over
> SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-327.01
> ANS-327 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
> AMSAT News Service Bulletin 327.01
> DATE 2020 November 22
> BID: $ANS-327.01
> SpaceX Dragon Capsule Ferries Four Radio Amateurs to the ISS
> A SpaceX Dragon capsule carrying four radio amateurs autonomously
> docked on November 17 at 0401 UTC with the International Space Station
> (ISS). A SpaceX Falcon 9 launcher carrying the precious payload went
> into space on Sunday, November 15, from NASA's Kennedy Space Center.
> They comprise the ISS Expedition 64/65 crew.
> "Well, the ISS is loaded with hams now," Amateur Radio on the Inter-
> national Space Station (ARISS) US Delegate for ARRL Rosalie White,
> K1STO, said on Tuesday. "These four arrived very early this morning
> Eastern Time: NASA astronauts Victor Glover, KI5BKC; Mike Hopkins,
> KF5LJG, and Shannon Walker, KD5DXB, as well as Japan Aerospace Explora-
> tion Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi, KD5TVP." This marks
> Glover's first time in space. The others all are ISS veterans.
> Earlier this year, NASA ISS Ham Project Coordinator Kenneth Ransom,
> N5VHO, held amateur radio licensing study sessions for Glover, who
> passed the Technician-class exam on August 20.
> The four will remain on station until next spring. They joined Expedi-
> tion 64 Commander Sergey Ryzhikov and Flight Engineer Sergey Kud-
> Sverchkov of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, on the ISS.
> White said all but Noguchi likely will take part in ARISS contacts with
> schools. White said the first school contact is tentatively scheduled
> for December 4 with Tecumseh High School in Oklahoma, home of the
> Tecumseh High School Amateur Radio Club, K5THS. She said the students
> have earned their ham licenses, and the club has built an antenna and
> is learning about satellites and circuits. Members of the South Cana-
> dian Amateur Radio Society of Norman, Oklahoma, are providing support
> and mentoring assistance.
> The Sunday launch from Kennedy Space Center marked only the second
> crewed-flight for the SpaceX Crew Dragon, which became the first commer-
> cial vehicle to put humans into orbit when astronauts Doug Hurley and
> Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, launched in May, and NASA gave SpaceX the go for
> future such launches.
> "The return of human spaceflight to the United States with one of the
> safest, most advanced systems ever built is a turning point for Amer-
> ica's future space exploration," SpaceX claimed, "and it lays the
> groundwork for missions to the moon, Mars, and beyond."
> (ANS thanks ARRL for the above information)
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
>          Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMSAT office
>     is closed until further notice. For details, please visit
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> September/October Issue Of The AMSAT Journal Is Now Available
> The September/October 2020 issue of The AMSAT Journal is now available
> to members on AMSAT?s Member Portal (
> The AMSAT Journal is a bi-monthly magazine for amateur radio in space
> enthusiasts, published by the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
> (AMSAT). Each issue is your source for hardware and software projects,
> technical tips, STEM initiatives, operational activities, and news
> from around the world.
> Inside the Current Issue:
> - Apogee View - Robert Bankston, KE4AL
> - Engineering Update ? Jerry Buxton, N0JY
> - Educational Relations Update - Alan Johnston, KU2Y
> - A Guide to the AMSAT CubeSatSim - Alan Johnston, KU2Y; Pat Kilroy,
>   N8PK; Jim McLaughlin, KI6ZUM; David White, WD6DRI
> - User Services Update ? Robert Bankston, KE4AL
> - For Beginners ? Amateur Radio Satellite Primer VII ? Keith Baker,
> - A 3D-Printed Parasitic Lindenblad Antenna for 70 cm - Times Two! -
>   Curt Laumann, K7ZOO; Zach Metzinger, N0ZGO
> - In Search of the Ultimate DX - Scott Tilley, VE7TIL
> [ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive VP, for the above
> information]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> New Launch Date for EASAT-2 and Hades Satellites
> AMSAT-EA President Felix Paez, EA4GQS, has announced the scheduled
> launch date for AMSAT-EA satellites EASAT-2 and HADES. Flying with
> SpaceX, the two nanosats are scheduled for launch on January 14, 2021.
> They have been already delivered and integrated on the Alba Orbital
> deployer.
> The satellites have been configured to act as FM voice and FSK data
> repeaters and not as linear transponders as was the initial plan. In
> any case, they are believed to be the smallest satellites ever given
> such a function, as their size is only 7.5 x 5 x 5 cm.
> Hades also flies a SSTV camera that will take and send pictures each 15
> minutes. The camera module design is based on the one used in the PSAT2
> satellite, adapted for AMSAT-EA by the Brno University of Technology.
> Hades ? FM voice repeater, callsign AM6SAT
> uplink 145.925 MHz (no tone), downlink 436.888 MHz
> EASAT-2 ? FM voice repeater, callsign AM5SAT
> uplink 145.875 MHz (no tone), downlink 436.666 MHz
> Both satellites have also digitized FM voice beacons and FSK data re-
> peaters.
> These are the first satellites built by AMSAT-EA, with the project
> leaders being all Spanish radio amateurs and almost all the engineering
> made by radio amateurs with help of students of two universities. While
> AMSAT-EA doesn't have the flight heritage of other AMSAT organizations,
> this is an important step for the organization as it moves to improve
> skills in order to build better satellites for the radio amateur satel-
> lite service in the future.
> More information and photos of these and other upcoming AMSAT-EA pro-
> jects is available at
> [ANS thanks AMSAT-EA for the above information]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arecibo Observatory Faces Demolition After Cable Failures
> After withstanding hurricanes and earthquakes, playing central roles
> in movies like ?GoldenEye? and ?Contact,? Puerto Rico?s famed Arecibo
> Observatory, once the largest radio telescope in the world, will be
> demolished because of cable failures that left its huge detector plat-
> form too unstable to attempt repairs.
> ?After reviewing the engineering assessment, we have found no path for-
> ward that would allow us to do so safely,? said Sean Jones, assistant
> director for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate at the
> National Science Foundation.
> ?We know that a delay in decision making leaves the entire facility at
> risk of an uncontrolled collapse, unnecessarily jeopardizing people and
> also the additional facilities.?
> Operated by the NSF through the University of Central Florida, the
> iconic observatory is made up of a fixed 1,000-foot-wide dish antenna
> built into a bowl-like depression that reflects radio waves or radar
> beams to a 900-ton instrument platform suspended 450 feet above by
> cables stretching from three support towers.
> For 57 years, the observatory has played a leading role observing deep
> space targets, bodies in the solar system and, using powerful lasers,
> the composition and behavior of Earth?s upper atmosphere.
> But the beginning of the end came on Aug. 10 when an auxiliary cable
> installed in the 1990s pulled free of its socket on one support tower
> and crashed onto the dish below, ripping a 100-foot-long gash.
> Engineers were developing repair plans when one of the main 3-inch-wide
> cables attached to the same tower unexpectedly snapped on Nov. 6,
> causing the instrument platform to tilt and putting additional stress
> on the remaining cables.
> An analysis showed the cable failed in calm weather at about 60 percent
> of of its minimum breaking strength. Inspections of other cables showed
> fresh wire breaks and slippage in several auxiliary cable sockets that
> were added to the structure in the 1990s.
> An engineering firm hired by the University of Central Florida to
> assess the structure concluded it would be unsafe to proceed with
> repairs. Even stress tests to determine the strength of the remaining
> cables could trigger a catastrophic collapse.
> Instead, engineers recommended a controlled demolition, bringing down
> the suspended instrument platform in a way that will prevent damage to
> other structures at the periphery of the dish by making sure the towers
> themselves don?t collapse and by ensuring no cables whip into those
> structures.
> ?The telescope is at serious risk of an unexpected, uncontrolled col-
> lapse,? said Ralph Gaume, director of NSF?s Division of Astronomical
> Sciences. ?According to engineering assessment, even attempted stabil-
> ization, or testing the table could result in accelerating the catas-
> trophic failure.
> ?Engineers cannot tell us the safety margin of the structure, but they
> have advised NSF that the structure will collapse in the near future
> on its own.?
> Plans for bringing down the instrument platform have not yet been fin-
> alized and it?s not yet known whether explosives will be used in a
> controlled demolition or whether it might be possible to somehow lower
> the platform to the dish below.
> However it plays out, the 1,000-foot-wide telescope will essentially
> be destroyed. While the laser facility and visitor?s center will hope-
> fully be preserved, the radio telescope itself will be no more.
> [ANS thanks SpaceflightNow for the above information]
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
>      Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows,
>     and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store. When you purchase through
>            AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
>                   Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> DX Portable Operation Planned From Thailand Grid NK99
> The Thailand?s Amateur Radio Satellite group (AMSAT-HS) has requested
> permission to establish a temporary station (DX portable) with the
> northern office of the NBTC, Thailand?s regulator, in Chiang Mai and
> Mae Hong Son (grid  NK99) provinces in the north of Thailand during the
> period from November 26-28, 2020 to communicate via All LEO and MEO
> amateur radio satellites (including QO-100 NB) that pass over Thailand
> using the callsign HS0AJ/P of the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand
> under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King.
> Hence we would like to notify all radio amateurs who would interested
> in contacting stations in Thailand on its northern border of this ac-
> tivity. Even if the angle is as low as 0 degrees please try to contact
> us. We hope to meet you on all satellites frequency then.
> Operator by: E21EJC KoB and HS1JAN NaN
> [ANS thanks Tanan Rangseeprom, HS1JAN, for the above information]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Human Error Blamed For Vega Launch Failure
> Arianespace executives said Nov. 17 that the failure of a Vega launch
> the previous day was caused when the rocket?s upper stage tumbled out
> of control due to incorrectly installed cables in a control system.
> In a call with reporters, Roland Lagier, chief technical officer of
> Arianespace, said the first three stages of the Vega rocket performed
> normally after liftoff from Kourou, French Guiana, at 8:52 p.m. Eastern
> Nov. 16. The Avum upper stage then separated and ignited its engine.
> However, ?straightaway after ignition? of the upper stage, he said, the
> vehicle started to tumble out of control. ?This loss of control was
> permanent, inducing significant tumbling behavior, and then the trajec-
> tory started to deviate rapidly from the nominal one, leading to the
> loss of the mission.?
> Analysis of the telemetry from the mission, along with data from the
> production of the vehicle, led them to conclude that cables to two
> thrust vector control actuators were inverted. Commands intended to go
> to one actuator went instead to the other, triggering the loss of con-
> trol.
> ?This was clearly a production and quality issue, a series of human
> errors, and not a design one,? Lagier said.
> The failure caused the loss of two spacecraft, the SEOSAT-Ingenio Earth
> observation satellite for Spain and the TARANIS satellite for France to
> study electromagnetic phenomena in the upper atmosphere. [No amateur
> satellites were involved -- Ed.]
> [ANS thanks SpaceNews for the above information]
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
>     Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
>             Get your AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff
>                     from our Zazzle store!
>         25% of the purchase price of each product goes
>             towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for November 19
> The following satellites have been and added to this week's AMSAT-NA
> TLE Distribution:
> SALSAT   - NORAD Cat ID 46495.
> Bobcat-1 - NORAD Cat ID 46921.
> SPOC     - NORAD Cat ID 46922.
> Thanks to Nico Janssen, PA0DLO, for verfying the NORAD Cat ID's for
> the above satellites.
> The following satellite has decayed from orbit and has been removed
> from this week's AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution:
> BHUTAN 1 - NORAD Cat ID 43591 (Decayed on November 18, 2020 per Space-
> Track)
> [ANS thanks Ray Hoad, WA5QGD, AMSAT Orbital Elements Manager, for the
> above information]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Moscow Aviation Institute Plans SSTV Event from ISS
> Rodolfo Parisio, IW2BSF, reports that a Slow-Scan Television (SSTV)
> transmission event from the International Space Station is currently
> scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Dec. 1 starting at 12:30 UTC, ending at
> 18:25 UTC, and again on Wednesday, Dec. 2 starting at 11:50 UTC and
> ending at 18:25 UTC.
> Listen for SSTV signals to be downlinked at 145.800 MHz +/- Doppler
> shift. The mode of transmission is expected to be PD 120. These times
> will allow for one pass over the Eastern USA near the end of the sched-
> uled times. Received images of reasonable quality can be posted at the
> ARISS SSTV Gallery at
> Future updates on this event will be posted @???????????? on Twitter.
> [ANS thanks Rodolfo Parisio, IW2BSF, for the above information]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between
> amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with
> astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The
> downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.
> A school contact has been scheduled with Amur State University, Blago-
> veshchensk, Russia, direct via a ground station to be determined. This
> contact will be heard over Russian and other parts of Europe on 145.800
> MHz on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 08:45 UTC The ISS callsign is presently
> scheduled to be RS?ISS and the scheduled cosmonaut is Sergey Ryzhikov.
> Welcome aboard to SpaceX-Crew 1 now on orbit! Victor Glover, KI5BKC,
> Mike Hopkins, KF5LJG, Soichi Noguchi, KD5TVP, and Shannon Walker,
> KD5DXB, have joined Kate Rubins, KG5FYJ, and the two cosmonauts,
> Sergey Ryzhikov and Sergey Kud-Sverchkov.
> [ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team men-
> tors for the above information]
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
>     AMSAT, along with our ARISS partners, is developing an amateur
>     radio package, including two-way communication capability, to
>             be carried on-board Gateway in lunar orbit.
>    Support AMSAT's projects today at
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> Upcoming Satellite Operations
> Upcoming Roves:
> Quick Hits:
> Watch Twitter, there are lots pop-up roves happening lately, and I
> can?t keep this page updated with all of them.
> FM26/27/28, @???? With 6 days off coming up I?m trying to finalize some
> plans, but as of now I?m looking to head out late next week for the
> FM26/27/28 area, with a couple grid stops on the way up. I?m also
> looking at a possible detour on the way back home through the EM97
> area. More to come?
> KH67, 7Q7RU, AO-7, RS-44, QO-100, 11/11 thru 11/21.
> Major Roves:
> AD0HJ?s #CoronaReliefThanksgivingMegaRoveBlowout: Not seeing any major
> roves scheduled for the dates 11/21 ? 11/27 so he will be heading south
> to green up some Kansas style grids starting Saturday evening. More
> details to come over the next few days: EN00,10: EM18/19 : EM08/DM99 :
> DM97/EM07 : DM96/EM06 : EM17/EM18 : EM29/EM39. A list of passes here:
> Please submit any additions or corrections to Ke0pbr (at)
> [ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR, AMSAT rover page manager, for the
> above information]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
> Clint Bradford K6LCS has booked his ?Work the FM Voice Satellites With
> Minimal Equipment? presentation for the clubs.
> TBD ? Antelope Valley (CA) ARC
> TBD ? A private presentation for a Boy Scout troop in Danville, Penn.
> These will be Zoom presentations. Everyone is asked to update their
> copies of the Zoom application ? by directly visiting
> Clint is conducting ?working the easy satellites? sessions via Zoom on
> November 19, 2020 at 7pm Pacific. If you are interested in attending,
> please send him a private email for exact times and Zoom meeting
> number!
> [ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR, AMSAT Events page manager, for the
> above information]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Satellite Shorts From All Over
> + Happy 7th birthday to AO-73, FUNcube-1, which was launched on Novem-
>   ber 21,2013. Congratulations to AMSAT-UK on the ongoing success of
>   this project. (ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information)
> + South Dublin Radio Club has uploaded its latest video to the club's
>   YouTube channel. The video was created for Science Week in collabor-
>   ation with Dublin Maker & Science Foundation Ireland and is called
>   "Signals from Outerspace! Make your own antenna to get images from
>   Weather Satellites." It is designed as a beginner's radio project and
>   instructs viewers on how to construct a very simple V-dipole for 137
>   MHz, demonstrating how it can be utilised along with a basic SDR and
>   computer in order to decode images from NOAA Weather satellites. It's
>   available at
>   (ANS thanks Southgate ARC for the above information)
> + Sean Kutzko, KX9X, is creating a series of YouTube videos for the DX
>   Engineering channel beginning with "How and Why to Get Started in Op-
>   erating Amateur Radio Satellites." Later episodes build on the con-
>   cepts in the first. See the first episode at:
>   (ANS thanks Sean Kutzko, KX9X, for the above information)
> + APSS-1, a 1U CubeSat mission with deployable solar panels, built by
>   The University of Auckland (New Zealand), Faculty of Engineering, was
>   launched on November 20. The satellite is intended for monitoring of
>   ionosphere activity and transmission of processed data to ground
>   stations using a 9k6 GMSK AX 25 downlink on 435.100 MHz. APSS-1 will
>   start transmitting 45 minutes after deployment, and will only beacon
>   every 5 minutes initially.
>   (ANS thanks Mark Jessop, VK5QI, for the above information)
> + The Rocket Lab flight that took APSS-1 to orbit (see immediately
>   above) was notable because Rocket Lab says the first stage of its
>   Electron launcher splashed down under parachute in the Pacific Ocean
>   off New Zealand after firing into space with 30 small satellites, be-
>   coming only the second private company to return an orbital-class
>   booster to Earth intact. The privately-developed Electron rocket has
>   flown 16 times, including Thursday?s mission, but this was the first
>   time an Electron rocket flew with parachutes to attempt a full series
>   of descent maneuvers.
>   (ANS thanks SpaceflightNow for the above information)
> + NASA "Scan" on Facebook has published a note about ARISS and its 20
>   years. Look for their post dated on November 16 at:
> and add a comment to let them know
>   that we amateur radio ops are here and that it was great they had
>   dedicated a post to ARISS and to all hams!
>   (ANS thanks Fernando Casanova, EC1AME, for the above information)
> + Talks from the DEF CON event are available on YouTube, they include
>   a number of amateur radio talks from the conference's Ham Radio Vil*
>   lage.  Among the amateur radio talks is "Talking to Satellites" by
>   Eric Escobar, KJ6OHH. See the playlist at:
>   (ANS thanks Southgate ARC for the above information)
> + Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory (HSFL) has updated TLEs for Neutron-1.
>   HSFL appreciates the amateur community who have been listening for
>   Neutron-1?s beacon, and wish to be notified of amateurs still listen-
>   ing for the beacon at n1-info@????.??????.???. The new TLEs and other
>   bulletins may be found at
>  (ANS thanks HSFL and JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM, for the above information)
> + Open Research Institute has announced AmbaSat Inspired Sensors as a
>   formal ORI project. To read the proposal document, visit:
> The first work session expected December 2020
>   to May 2021 centered at Villanova University. The Principal Investi-
>   gator is Dr. Alan Johnston.
>   (ANS thanks Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, AMSAT Board Member, for the
>   above information)
> + Dave Johnson, G4DPZ, gave an online satellite talk to the Mid Ulster
>   Amateur Radio Club on Nov. 10. The video is now available for every-
>   one to watch on YouTube. The talk covered the many amateur satellites
>   in Low Earth Orbit that operate in the 145 MHz and 435 MHz satellite
>   bands as well as the QO-100 geostationary satellite which uses the
>   2.4 GHz and 10 GHz bands. Also covered were the new Inter-Operable
>   Radio System which has recently been installed in the ISS Columbus
>   module and Gateway Amateur Radio Exploration (AREx). Watch it at:
>   (ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> /EX
> In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
> President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
> donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi-
> tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT
> Office.
> Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership
> at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students
> enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu-
> dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
> Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership
> information.
> 73 and Remember to help keep amateur radio in space,
> This week's ANS Editor, Mark D. Johns, K0JM
> k0jm at amsat dot org
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 22:36:22 -0800
From: John Lutz <n9jl@??????????.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Satellite Engineering Programs
Message-ID: <20201122063639.8F5568834@??????????.?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Could anyone recommend a school that offers online coursework for satellite
development and testing?

Thanks in advance.

John Lutz, N9JL

Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 15:17:48 +0000
From: tom <Tom@????.??.??>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] SAtPC32 Rotator
Message-ID: <F6A908CB-4F5D-4BB3-B011-812374E5F18D@????.??.??>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8

Good Day

I am using Sat32PC and it is working fine for tracking my rig (IC9700)

However,   trying to setup a rotator - it's a Yaesu G-2800 with an ERC
controller - on COM 24

I can?t seem to find how to set com ports.

Does anyone have any tip or guides?

It works with PstRotator so know all cabled correctly - very difficult to
understand SatPC32 Setup Rotor screen - the ERC board is supported from
docs. Someone also told me Sat32PC can ?talk? to PSTRotator directly - again
I can't seem to find how to setup that up either.

Any help would be appreciated.



Message: 5
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 15:06:10 +1300
From: Starr Moffatt <zl3custarr@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] HRD Tracker Issue Tech Support
Message-ID: <61cd3561-99fd-c6e6-0e2e-9d05f703d481@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi Tony,

Regards the TS2000 mine locked up even when manually changing the
frequency while transmitting on 70cm. There was a fix which required
extra components to prevent RF upsetting the phase lock loop. Another
fix was to re-route the cables in the 70cm transmitter section. I tried
the latter and it worked. On thing I did notice that there was an unused
cable slot on one the edge of the 70cm transmitter housing. There was
also a cable that went through an open section of the housing. One of
the things I did was put this cable through the slot, so I guess it
should have been placed in there in the first place. Since the fix there
has been no problems regarding this with both manual and computer control.

73 Starr ZL3CU

On 22/11/2020 11:11 am, Tony via AMSAT-BB wrote:
> On 11/21/2020 1:32 PM, k6vug--- via AMSAT-BB wrote:
>  > the Manual Tuning behavior has been noticed for a very long time
> Yes, I had similar tuning issues with the TS-2000 many years ago, but I
> believe I was able to change the rigs settings at the radio i.e., mode
> power etc.
>> To fine tune the uplink or pan the pass band, just use the sliders
>> instead.
> That works most of the time. It would be nice if the CAT control didn't
> "lockup" the radio with the Doppler correction enabled.
> Tony -K2MO
> On 11/21/2020 1:32 PM, k6vug--- via AMSAT-BB wrote:
>> "Tuning the VFO with HRD's rig control works most of the time, but the
>> Doppler correction will often snap back to the previous frequency"
>> Aparently, this is not just a IC-9700 issue, the Manual Tuning
>> behavior has been noticed for a very long time, it resets after a set
>> number of seconds. As a general principle, when using the HRD suite,
>> never touch the radio.? To fine tune the uplink or pan the pass band,
>> just use the sliders instead, HRD holds the correction until another
>> frequency pair is selected.
>> GL es 73!Umesh, k6vug
>> ???? On Saturday, November 21, 2020, 7:51:44 AM PST, Rafael Pena via
>> AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
>> ? Tony and all good morning.
>> Nice to see that you are keeping in touch with HRD staff.
>> I mentioned earlier that upon receiving the renewal notice (11/12) via
>> email I declined it.? Immediately received a 2nd response stating that
>> a ticket had been opened.....I am still waiting today on a follow up.
>> FYI, the Icom 9100 did not work either with HRD SatTracking and they
>> blame it on Icom.
>> I have used numerous other software for tracking but prefer SatPC for
>> its simplicity.
>> Let's keep the hope high.
>> 73 es Happy Holidays
>> Rafael / NN3RP
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 01:36:42 -0500
>> From: Tony <73guddx@?????.???>
>> To: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
>> Subject: [amsat-bb] HRD Tracker Issue Tech Support
>> Message-ID: <ad3e68ef-26b1-84c7-e1eb-fab2a9c4c25c@?????.???>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> All:
>> I received a response from HRD regarding issues with their satellite
>> tracker and the ICOM-9700. They said that they were unable to provide
>> support at this time since my support subscription had expired.
>> I asked if they resolved the problems with their tracker and the 9700
>> and I've yet to receive a reply. The consensus among users that I've
>> spoke to is that the tracker doesn't function properly with this rig.
>> The main issue is that it doesn't allow the user to tune the radios VFO
>> with the Doppler correction enabled. There is a provision for manual
>> tuning, but it appears to have a bug since it works intermittently or
>> not at all.
>> Tuning the VFO with HRD's rig control works most of the time, but the
>> Doppler correction will often snap back to the previous frequency.
>> I'll report back as soon as I hear from HRD.
>> Tony -K2MO
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IMPORTANT! My new email address is:
Please delete any @????.??.?? address you may have for me.
The ihug addresses will be invalid from November.


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 15:20:03 -0600
From: Stefan Wagener <wageners@?????.???>
To: tom <Tom@????.??.??>
Cc: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] SAtPC32 Rotator
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi Tom,

1. Go into Setup - Rotor Setup
Select the (your) "interface" in the rotor interface/controller box (might
be "Yaesu GS-232" or whatever) and click "Store" in the window box.
2. Use "File" and "Quit", then restart the program.
3. Upon restarting a new program will start called "ServerSDX". It will
appear for a second and then be accessible down below in your MS Windows
Desktop in the bottom menu bar as a small icon with 2 red and green lights.
Click on it and now the (small) window of Server SDX is open. Use the
"Setup" button" to select ports and baud rates. Don't forget to "Store".
You cannot quit Server SDX! You can only minimize it again. It only quits
when you quit SatPC32! Once completed, select File and Quit again in
4. Now restart the program and go back to Setup - Rotor Setup to finalize
your setting(s). Look at the small "Settings" box and select the "turning
point" of your rotor. "N" for North, "S" for south. The rest of the values
in that box are not necessarily needed for your Yaesu rotor. Select any
other options in the lower window box of the Rotor Setup window. Store and
quit the program (File - Quit).
5. Restart and have fun!

All of this and more is described in the menu "?" - Hints (Rotor) and the
"Manual" also accessible in the "?" menu.

73,. Stefan VE4SW

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 10:44 AM tom via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>

> Good Day
> I am using Sat32PC and it is working fine for tracking my rig (IC9700)
> However,   trying to setup a rotator - it's a Yaesu G-2800 with an ERC
> controller - on COM 24
> I can?t seem to find how to set com ports.
> Does anyone have any tip or guides?
> It works with PstRotator so know all cabled correctly - very difficult to
> understand SatPC32 Setup Rotor screen - the ERC board is supported from
> docs. Someone also told me Sat32PC can ?talk? to PSTRotator directly -
> again I can't seem to find how to setup that up either.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Tom
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> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
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> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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Message: 7
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 08:03:51 -0800
From: Clint Bradford <clintbradford@???.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] K6LCS' Zoom Presentations
Message-ID: <3FBEB2F7-3D4B-4161-A5A1-D84E912B050E@???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8

>> ? Do you record your Zoom meetings? May we have a copy?

Several of the 100+ (so far!) presentations have been recorded, yes - but
much in each is customized to the group to whom I am speaking.

Better yet - let's set a date for a presentation for your club!

The presentations seem to be well-received (pun intended). From my

"I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for the
wonderful presentation this evening at the Pasadena (CA)
Radio Club. It was one of the very BEST presentations we
have had [a 50-year-old club] and you did a masterful job
in presenting the material and making it fun at the same
time. I am sure the presentation motivated many of our
club members to get active in working the FM satellites."

Clint Bradford K6LCS
909-999-SATS (7287)


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 440

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