CX2SA > SATDIG 20.05.16 12:19l 605 Lines 19595 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V11 157
Sent: 160520/1105Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:43821 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB11157
Today's Topics:
1. ISS SSTV April 2016 Video #1 - Monday Failure and Tuesday
Success (John Brier)
2. Re: First linear sat (Philip Jenkins)
3. Stmsat-1 heard ? (jeffory broughton)
4. Re: STMSat-1 on 437.00 (Ronny Risinger)
5. Re: Stmsat-1 heard ? (KO6TZ Bob)
6. Re: Stmsat-1 heard ? (James Cutler)
7. AO-73/FUNcube (Jim Heck G3WGM)
8. Re: Upcoming ARISS contact with Essex Heights Primary School,
Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia (Daniel Cussen)
9. STMSat-1 (Rick Lindquist, WW1ME)
10. STMSat-1 (Rick Lindquist, WW1ME)
11. (no subject) (jeffory broughton)
12. GN05/065 schedule (Ken Alexander)
13. Re: Upcoming ARISS contact with Essex Heights Primary School,
Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia (Daniel Cussen)
14. This morning at 1100 utc (jeffory broughton)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 00:42:20 -0400
From: John Brier <johnbrier@xxxxx.xxx>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ISS SSTV April 2016 Video #1 - Monday Failure and
Tuesday Success
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
I quit my job in March so I could work full time on Space Comms, and I
have some money saved up, but not enough to do this indefinitely. If
you have the means and desire, please sign up to send me a dollar or
more on my Patreon website every time I release a video so I can do
this indefinitely!
I have at least two more videos coming from the April 2016 ISS SSTV
event. New videos every Wednesday, so you can expect the next two ISS
SSTV videos to come over the next two weeks.
Please support me on Patreon:
Also please subscribe to Space Comms:
And share my videos!
73, John KG4AKV
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 10:26:52 -0400
From: Philip Jenkins <n4hf.philip@xxxxx.xxx>
To: Dave Mann <cwo4mann@xxxxxxx.xxx>
Cc: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] First linear sat
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Thanks to all who replied to me, both on the BB and privately
Philip N4HF
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Dave Mann <cwo4mann@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> Thanks for info. Very helpful. See you all soon.
> 73
> Dave
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On May 18, 2016, at 14:48, Bryan KL7CN <bryan@xxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Dave!
> >
> > Welcome back.
> >
> > You have it right. But. Most of the time the link is already active on
> SO-50. Usually you only need to send the 67 Hz PL tone when transmitting on
> SO-50.
> >
> > The other 74.4 Hz PL tone activates a 10-minute timer. Usually, someone
> else has done that.
> >
> > 73!
> >
> > -- bag
> >
> > Bryan KL7CN/W6
> >
> > On May 18, 2016, at 11:27, Comcast <cwo4mann@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> >
> > I'm starting up again after many years. I worked through AO-6 and the
> RS birds when I was DA1BB. my understanding of postings is that once I
> select the 2-m and 70cm FM frequencies, and the bird begins AOS I key in a
> tone to open the link, then change the tone to use when transmitting. Am I
> understanding protocols OK? I can hears many passes using my Yaesu
> FT-8800, an automatic switching preamp for both bands, and a set of M2
> helicals for each band. Any advice is appreciated.
> >
> > 73
> > Dave
> > N4CVX, ex-DA1BB, ex-VP2EHF
> >
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
> >
> >> On May 18, 2016, at 12:52, Daryl - K4RGK <k4rgk@xxxx.xxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Philip,
> >>
> >> Several of them are very rewarding and rather easy once you are
> accustomed to linear birds.
> >> FO-29 would be my recommendation for "easiest" in terms of consistent
> behavior and high likelihood of successful contacts. "Easy" includes
> finding several or more good operators on most passes.
> >>
> >> Daryl
> >> K4RGK
> >>
> >>> On May 18, 2016, at 1:14 PM, Philip Jenkins <n4hf.philip@xxxxx.xxx>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I know the first/easiest path to sat communications is on the FM birds
> >>> (which I agree with), but when someone is ready to "graduate" to the
> linear
> >>> sats, which would be the best/easiest one to start with?
> >>>
> >>> Philip N4HF
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> >>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> >>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
> of AMSAT-NA.
> >>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> >>> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> >> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> >> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
> of AMSAT-NA.
> >> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> >> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> > Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> >
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 10:44:14 -0400
From: jeffory broughton <jefforybroughton@xxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] Stmsat-1 heard ?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
at 1150utc,nodes at 437.1 was heard strong ,also Cadre at 437.485,very
strong. At my max ele at 60 degrees,a very,very weak signal with doppler
was heard on 437.000.I get another real good shot tomorrow am at 2 am est
at 72 degrees.it vas very visable on hdsdr, but only at a very high,in the
clear pass since it was very,very,weak.jeff wb8rjy
jeff broughton
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 14:18:01 +0000
From: Ronny Risinger <ronny.risinger@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: "amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] STMSat-1 on 437.00
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Tried this morning to listen for STMSat-1 on 437.00, but no signal received.
Since we are a high school in Austin, TX, we were really cheering on the
STM school community. And, as we know, the SSTV images are very popular.
Hopeful that "something" will happen to get things to function properly, but
STM group should be proud of all their hard work.
Ronny Risinger
Government/Law Instructor
Trustee, K5LBJ, the LASA High School Amateur Radio Club
National Board Certified Teacher
Liberal Arts & Science Academy High School
Austin, Texas
Website: http://www.austinisd.org/staff/255
Classroom Phone: (512) 841-3090
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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 12:34:19 -0700
From: KO6TZ Bob <my.callsign@xxxxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Stmsat-1 heard ?
Message-ID: <62cd27b2-d18d-2966-716e-17b967cc1977@xxxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Was CADRE transmitting at 9k6 or 19k2 ? Also, was it "human readable"
or something that required decoder software ?
>at 1150utc,nodes at 437.1 was heard strong ,also Cadre at 437.485,very
>strong. At my max ele at 60 degrees,a very,very weak signal with doppler
>was heard on 437.000.I get another real good shot tomorrow am at 2 am est
>at 72 degrees.it vas very visable on hdsdr, but only at a very high,in the
>clear pass since it was very,very,weak.jeff wb8rjy
>jeff broughton
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 16:11:15 -0400
From: James Cutler <jwcutler@xxxxx.xxx>
To: KO6TZ Bob <my.callsign@xxxxxxx.xxx>
Cc: Amsat BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Stmsat-1 heard ?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Please confirm on CADRE. It should be at 437.485 MHz but we have NOT heard
it. It would be amazing if you have heard it!
Note, MINXSS is at 437.345...
On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 3:34 PM, KO6TZ Bob <my.callsign@xxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Was CADRE transmitting at 9k6 or 19k2 ? Also, was it "human readable" or
> something that required decoder software ?
> >at 1150utc,nodes at 437.1 was heard strong ,also Cadre at 437.485,very
> >strong. At my max ele at 60 degrees,a very,very weak signal with doppler
> >was heard on 437.000.I get another real good shot tomorrow am at 2 am est
> >at 72 degrees.it vas very visable on hdsdr, but only at a very high,in
> the
> >clear pass since it was very,very,weak.jeff wb8rjy
> >jeff broughton
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
James W. Cutler, Associate Professor
University of Michigan
Department of Aerospace Engineering
1320 Beal Avenue
3013 FXB Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
Ph: 734-615-7238
Fax: 734-763-0578
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 21:37:15 +0100
From: "Jim Heck G3WGM" <jimlist@xxxx.xxx>
To: "AMSAT BB" <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-73/FUNcube
Message-ID: <904418446DC5418E88A0C70047D09FC8@xxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
Hi Folks
I have just switched AO-73/FUNcube into full rime transponder mode. Early
this week to facilitate demos at Dayton Hamvention.
As normal. plan to switch back to education mode on Sunday PM UTC
Have FUN!
73s Jim G3WGM
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 21:57:47 +0100
From: Daniel Cussen <dan@xxxx.xxx>
To: "amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Cc: ariss-ops <ariss-ops@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Upcoming ARISS contact with Essex Heights
Primary School, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
On 19/05/2016, Andy Kellner via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> Is that contact streamed somewhere ?
> Andreas - VK4TH
For locals by far the best option is to watch the event via the ATV
repeater downlink but setting up can be an issue.
So, the next best option is to view the Youtube Live Stream. This will
commence around 17:30 (local VK time) and continue until just after
the contact when we commence packing up.
This stream will be active well before 17:30 but there may not be any vision
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVzvGHvEmsc
Next option would be to watch the contact via BATC to make it easier I
suggest that people open up the VK3RTV web page and select "VK3RTV1"
this is a very low bandwidth feed so it is quite lossy. Ok to watch on
a small screen but if you expand it up then it will be quite
Amateur TV Website link is: http://www.vk3rtv.com/index.html
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 13:59:36 -0400
From: "Rick Lindquist, WW1ME" <ww1me@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] STMSat-1
Message-ID: <017701d1b1f8$35489510$9fd9bf30$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Just updated this morning with info from someone at the school.
(I believe the earlier Twitter reference to 437.000 was either speaking in
general or just an error. There is only one IARU-coordinated frequency for
STMSat-1: 437.800.)
Rick Lindquist, WW1ME
ARRL -- the national association for Amateur Radio
ARRL News & Contributing Editor
NCJ Managing Editor
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 16:17:51 -0400
From: "Rick Lindquist, WW1ME" <ww1me@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] STMSat-1
Message-ID: <019e01d1b20b$856bbd70$90433850$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Just updated this morning with info from someone at the school.
(I believe the earlier Twitter reference to 437.000 was either speaking in
general or just an error. There is only one IARU-coordinated frequency for
STMSat-1: 437.800.)
Rick Lindquist, WW1ME
ARRL -- the national association for Amateur Radio
ARRL News & Contributing Editor
NCJ Managing Editor
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 23:08:18 -0400
From: jeffory broughton <jefforybroughton@xxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] (no subject)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Strong data bursts every few seconds
On 437.485.next pass at 0600 here in central mich.will record the next pass
if I hear it again.i tr was very visable on the spectral display and heard
jeff broughton
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 23:27:23 -0400
From: Ken Alexander <k.alexander@xxxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] GN05/065 schedule
Message-ID: <b943fef2-07d6-cb33-9293-3e353649375f@xxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Hi Everyone,
We leave for Nova Scotia tomorrow morning. I've put together the
following schedule of when I will be available. You will note that I am
working through SO-50 only. I may try to get on some AO-85 passes but
keep in mind I've had the radio for less than a week and am still
learning how to use it.
Anyway, this is what I have planned. I don't know how to which passes I
will be on so I will simply tell you when my local AOS time is. I hope
that's clear enough. If there's a better way to describe them I'd be
happy if you let me know.
All times are UTC.
WinAos QTH: -60.0/46.0
Day Objects AOS (U) LOS Period maxEl AZ *Grid*
21.05.2016 SO-50 06:10 06:23 13 81 217 - 037 *GN05*
21.05.2016 SO-50 12:59 13:11 12 30 329 - 115 *GN05*
21.05.2016 SO-50 14:40 14:52 12 43 316 - 162 *GN06*
22.05.2016 SO-50 04:56 05:08 12 33 186 - 044 *GN05*
22.05.2016 SO-50 06:36 06:49 13 41 238 - 035 *GN05*
22.05.2016 SO-50 11:44 11:55 11 15 331 - 090 *GN0**5*
22.05.2016 SO-50 13:24 13:37 13 56 325 - 134 *GN06*
22.05.2016 SO-50 15:05 15:16 11 19 310 - 185 *GN06*
23.05.2016 SO-50 05:21 05:34 13 70 208 - 039 *GN05*
23.05.2016 SO-50 07:02 07:14 12 23 258 - 033 *GN05*
23.05.2016 SO-50 12:10 12:21 11 24 332 - 106 *GN06*
23.05.2016 SO-50 13:50 14:03 13 63 320 - 154 *GN06*
I'll do my best to stick to this schedule. Please note that some of
these times are the middle of the night or very early in the morning for
me and I am neither a night owl nor a "morning person". No flames please
if you don't hear me:-)
I will be very close to FN95 and FN96 and may use one or more of the
above passes to activate them. We do have to drive in to Sydney to get
our groceries anyway! Finally, I'm running 5 watts into an Arrow
146/437 handheld yagi. I don't know how strong I'll be. Keep your ears
Ken Alexander
Message: 13
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 09:21:59 +0100
From: Daniel Cussen <dan@xxxx.xxx>
To: "amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Upcoming ARISS contact with Essex Heights
Primary School, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Both streams are live now, Contact is 08:35 UTC. An International
Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at
Essex Heights Primary School, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia on
20 May.
Message: 14
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 07:03:56 -0400
From: jeffory broughton <jefforybroughton@xxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] This morning at 1100 utc
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Again strong signals on 437.100 and 437.485 mhz during a 35 degree pass
here NR lansing MI . WB8RJY.JEFF
jeff broughton
Subject: Digest Footer
Sent via amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx.
AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide
without requiring membership. Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 11, Issue 157
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