| CX2SA > SATDIG 23.10.16 18:39l 1083 Lines 37868 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V11 344
Sent: 161023/1734Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:56311 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB11344
Today's Topics:
1. Re: Software Problems (Pedro Converso)
2. Re: Software Problems (Joe)
3. Re: Software Problems (Roger)
4. Re: Software Problems (w4upd)
5. Re: Software Problems (Rolf Krogstad)
6. Re: Software Problems (Alan)
7. Solar Ham Radio Interference (Robert Bruninga)
8. Re: Software Problems (Joe)
9. Re: Solar Ham Radio Interference (kevin schuchmann)
10. Re: SatPC32 Doppler problem (Mark Johns)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 13:15:47 -0300
From: Pedro Converso <pconver@xxxxx.xxx>
To: Joe <nss@xxx.xxx>
Cc: amsat-bb <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi Joe,
Nice you are back on chasing birds ! Hope you get along and enjoy.
Thanks! for your comments on http://amsat.org.ar/pass.htm.
This app keplerians are updated 4 times per day, so don't need to
update, it should take your location, local time and timezone by
itself, further new sats get automatically its way into the
application since launched.
Pass should also work on all sort of browsers and Op.Systems as well
as portable devices running android (smartphones, tablets, etc)
allowing to work birds on the field.
If using win, you can try the executable version at
http://amsat.org.ar/pass.exe that with driver
http://amsat.org.ar/wispdde.exe should handle rotor and Dopplers.
Pass is a cooperative effort where many users had contributed to keep
it simple and usable.
So, welcome to space, wishing good luck kicking the amazing tin birds
we have nowadays.
73, lu7abf, Pedro Converso
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Joe <nss@xxx.xxx> wrote:
> I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
> absence.
> I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
> I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
> All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most happiness
> than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
> Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me to, But
> This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the point I'm just about
> to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
> I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
> Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a Oscar
> Locator.
> Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible! Except for
> me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing several to see what I
> will make my primary program. BUT...... and there always is a "BUT" isn't
> there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
> The four I have installed are...
> SatLookDown1_28
> HRDSatTrack
> Orbitron
> SatPC32
> Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is accurate to
> less than a tenth of a second.
> Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and let them
> do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get their data.
> The run them.
> The,
> SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to the
> second.
> But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
> And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
> Now the ones that agree also match the page
> http://www.amsat.org.ar/pass.htm#
> So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
> Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct passes?
> Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
> Just let me know,
> Joe WB9SBD
> --
> Sig
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 11:17:49 -0500
From: Joe <nss@xxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Message-ID: <ff4808ba-4802-aa5c-d908-a28c13495595@xxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
See below for Comments,
The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 10/23/2016 10:38 AM, w4upd wrote:
> SatPC32 needs to have the correct coordinates put in. You have to
> make sure that the longitude and latitude are the correct polarity as
> well.
I think to the 4th decimal point should be accurate enough?
-90.0826 actual was -90.0825925
Same accuracy with Latitude.
As far as time goes, I use, a program called Net time. it runs in the
background and is constantly monitoring the PC clock.
It is set to Up-Date the PC clock if it is more than 0.1 seconds off.
Being Leary of internet lag, when i first installed the program I was
constantly comparing it to WWV directly over the air, , and it was
always spot on.
> I would definitely check your system time and date as well as QTH
> settings. Insure the time displayed is correct based on your settings
> in regards to local or UTC. I find that all of my programs come within
> seconds are less of each other for tracking.
A second off would be an eternity for me.
I run WSPR with zero difficulties, and they say you must be less than a
second off for that.
Plus think even if I was what 5 minutes off. wouldn't all 4 programs
show the same error amount?
> Reid. W4UPD
> On 10/23/2016 10:55 AM, Joe wrote:
>> I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
>> absence.
>> I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
>> I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
>> All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most
>> happiness than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
>> Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me to,
>> But This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the point I'm
>> just about to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
>> I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
>> Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a
>> Oscar Locator.
>> Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible!
>> Except for me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing
>> several to see what I will make my primary program. BUT...... and
>> there always is a "BUT" isn't there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
>> The four I have installed are...
>> SatLookDown1_28
>> HRDSatTrack
>> Orbitron
>> SatPC32
>> Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is
>> accurate to less than a tenth of a second.
>> Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and
>> let them do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get
>> their data.
>> The run them.
>> The,
>> SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to the
>> second.
>> But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
>> And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
>> Now the ones that agree also match the page
>> http://www.amsat.org.ar/pass.htm#
>> So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
>> Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct
>> passes?
>> Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
>> Just let me know,
>> Joe WB9SBD
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
> of AMSAT-NA.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 09:13:12 -0700
From: Roger <ai7rogerroger@xxxxx.xxx>
To: w4upd <w4upd@xxx.xx.xxx>
Cc: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
I use InstantTrack for antenna control and Satpc32 for rig control. I
download the NASA.all tle into Satpc32 and then load the same file into
InstantTrack and haven't experienced any issues.
You might find it necessary to restart Satpc32 after you download the tle
file or make any other changes to the program.
73, Roger
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 8:38 AM, w4upd <w4upd@xxx.xx.xxx> wrote:
> I run most of those programs without any problems. I even run old
> Instantrak under DosBox, and WISP32. This all runs on a 64-bit Laptop
> Windows 10 system. SatPC32 needs to have the correct coordinates put in.
> You have to make sure that the longitude and latitude are the correct
> polarity as well. On WISP32 I merely have to make sure they are west/east
> or north/south.
> I would definitely check your system time and date as well as QTH
> settings. Insure the time displayed is correct based on your settings in
> regards to local or UTC. I find that all of my programs come within seconds
> are less of each other for tracking.
> Reid. W4UPD
> On 10/23/2016 10:55 AM, Joe wrote:
>> I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
>> absence.
>> I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
>> I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
>> All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most
>> happiness than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
>> Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me to, But
>> This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the point I'm just
>> about to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
>> I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
>> Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a Oscar
>> Locator.
>> Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible! Except
>> for me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing several to see
>> what I will make my primary program. BUT...... and there always is a "BUT"
>> isn't there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
>> The four I have installed are...
>> SatLookDown1_28
>> HRDSatTrack
>> Orbitron
>> SatPC32
>> Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is accurate to
>> less than a tenth of a second.
>> Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and let
>> them do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get their data.
>> The run them.
>> The,
>> SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to the
>> second.
>> But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
>> And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
>> Now the ones that agree also match the page
>> http://www.amsat.org.ar/pass.htm#
>> So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
>> Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct
>> passes?
>> Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
>> Just let me know,
>> Joe WB9SBD
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:27:37 -0400
From: w4upd <w4upd@xxx.xx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Message-ID: <580CE4F9.4070402@xxx.xx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
You didn't show your latitude. It should be positive. For example I use
-80.703 Longitude and 28.161 for Latitude for my location. Also, you
should be able to confirm by the map showing your location with a "+"
where it thinks you are at. Also, try Wisat32 to see if you have the
same problems.
Don't know what else to tell except that SatPC works fine for me
provided the QTH info, clock info and keps are correct. Maybe someone
else on here with more knowledge than I on SatPC32 can help.
Reid, W4UPD
On 10/23/2016 12:17 PM, Joe wrote:
> See below for Comments,
> Sig
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> On 10/23/2016 10:38 AM, w4upd wrote:
>> SatPC32 needs to have the correct coordinates put in. You have to
>> make sure that the longitude and latitude are the correct polarity as
>> well.
> I think to the 4th decimal point should be accurate enough?
> -90.0826 actual was -90.0825925
> Same accuracy with Latitude.
> As far as time goes, I use, a program called Net time. it runs in the
> background and is constantly monitoring the PC clock.
> http://www.timesynctool.com/
> It is set to Up-Date the PC clock if it is more than 0.1 seconds off.
> Being Leary of internet lag, when i first installed the program I was
> constantly comparing it to WWV directly over the air, , and it was
> always spot on.
>> I would definitely check your system time and date as well as QTH
>> settings. Insure the time displayed is correct based on your settings
>> in regards to local or UTC. I find that all of my programs come
>> within seconds are less of each other for tracking.
> A second off would be an eternity for me.
> I run WSPR with zero difficulties, and they say you must be less than
> a second off for that.
> Plus think even if I was what 5 minutes off. wouldn't all 4 programs
> show the same error amount?
> Joe WB9SBD
>> Reid. W4UPD
>> On 10/23/2016 10:55 AM, Joe wrote:
>>> I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
>>> absence.
>>> I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
>>> I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
>>> All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most
>>> happiness than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
>>> Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me
>>> to, But This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the
>>> point I'm just about to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
>>> I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
>>> Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a
>>> Oscar Locator.
>>> Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible!
>>> Except for me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing
>>> several to see what I will make my primary program. BUT...... and
>>> there always is a "BUT" isn't there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
>>> The four I have installed are...
>>> SatLookDown1_28
>>> HRDSatTrack
>>> Orbitron
>>> SatPC32
>>> Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is
>>> accurate to less than a tenth of a second.
>>> Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and
>>> let them do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get
>>> their data.
>>> The run them.
>>> The,
>>> SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to
>>> the second.
>>> But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
>>> And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
>>> Now the ones that agree also match the page
>>> http://www.amsat.org.ar/pass.htm#
>>> So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
>>> Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct
>>> passes?
>>> Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
>>> Just let me know,
>>> Joe WB9SBD
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
>> of AMSAT-NA.
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>> program!
>> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
> of AMSAT-NA.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 11:30:21 -0500
From: Rolf Krogstad <rolf.krogstad@xxxxx.xxx>
To: Joe <nss@xxx.xxx>
Cc: amsat-bb <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
My apologies if this has been covered already.
Have you double-checked what you have designated as your home location?
QRZ.com shows this location info for you:
Latitude 43.610010 (43? 36' 36'' N)
Longitude -90.082150 (90? 4' 55'' W)
Grid Square EN43xo
I have never used Orbitron, but in SatPC32 this is how to set it:
Open SatPC32. Towards the top center of the window, click on Setup, then
click on Observer. A small pop-up window will appear with the title
"Observer Setup".
The second item from the top on the left side of the window is "Station
Grid Locator".
Click on the 2nd value down in the center of the window, to the right of
"Station Grid Locator". Now enter your six character grid square in the
field on the right side of the windows. Your Grid Square is EN43xo. Then
click on the button [Locator>Degs], then click on [Store]. I am not sure,
but you may need to close and reopen SatPC32 for the change to take effect.
Rolf NR0T
Grid EN34it
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Joe <nss@xxx.xxx> wrote:
> I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
> absence.
> I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
> I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
> All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most happiness
> than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
> Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me to, But
> This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the point I'm just
> about to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
> I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
> Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a Oscar
> Locator.
> Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible! Except
> for me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing several to see
> what I will make my primary program. BUT...... and there always is a "BUT"
> isn't there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
> The four I have installed are...
> SatLookDown1_28
> HRDSatTrack
> Orbitron
> SatPC32
> Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is accurate to
> less than a tenth of a second.
> Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and let
> them do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get their data.
> The run them.
> The,
> SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to the
> second.
> But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
> And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
> Now the ones that agree also match the page
> http://www.amsat.org.ar/pass.htm#
> So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
> Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct
> passes?
> Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
> Just let me know,
> Joe WB9SBD
> --
> Sig
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 11:40:32 -0500
From: Alan <wa4sca@xxxxx.xxx>
To: "'Joe'" <nss@xxx.xxx>, "'amsat-bb'" <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Message-ID: <000001d22d4c$2cb157f0$861407d0$@xxxxx.xxx>
SatPC32 normally works perfectly, and is used by the command stations for
its accuracy and
Something to check. Click on Satellites, and see what the source file is.
nasabare.txt is a reliable
one. Look down at the bottom, and see what the file date is. It should be
current within a day or
so. You will need to do the update manually with the Update Keps button,
for each source.
<-----Original Message-----
<From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@xxxxx.xxxx On Behalf Of Joe
<Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 9:56 AM
<To: amsat-bb <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
<Subject: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
<I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
<I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
<I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
<All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most
<happiness than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
<Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me to,
<But This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the point I'm
<just about to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
<I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
<Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a Oscar
<Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible! Except
<for me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing several to see
<what I will make my primary program. BUT...... and there always is a
<"BUT" isn't there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
<The four I have installed are...
<Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is accurate
<to less than a tenth of a second.
<Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and let
<them do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get their data.
<The run them.
<SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to the
<But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
<And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
<Now the ones that agree also match the page
<So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
<Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct passes?
<Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
<Just let me know,
<The Original Rolling Ball Clock
<Idle Tyme
<Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
<to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
<are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
<Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
<Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:54:37 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <bruninga@xxxx.xxx>
To: Amsat BB <amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Solar Ham Radio Interference
Message-ID: <0bcc3f7c9a6e4c117b8e933d93d991ee@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Not Satellite related, but people often ask about any RFI from my solar
arrays at home. Interest stems from an RFI issue in April QST and my letter
in Sept 2016 QST.
Well, FINALLY, the jury is in. For the first time since installing solar, I
finally got all my full-sized dipoles up in the air again. And listened with
the arrays on and off.
Yes, I have inverter noise about 12 dB above the noise floor every 38 kHz on
80 meters,. But couldn't really find anything on 20 meters. I did not do a
thorough search, but enough to finally say, "yes, there is some noise..."
I post this because my 16kw of arrays are conventional series string arrays
and much quieter than the "optimizers" on every panel all over the roof
noted in the April QST article. I always thought my string array was quiet,
but now I have some data noted above. This could easily be fixed with some
clamp-on ferrites down in the basement on the wires going into the
But for my rare HF operating, the solar AC disconnect switch is about 3 feet
from the kitchen door. Easy enough to pull if I want HF silence. I could
also install a 40 amp disconnect relay from a switch in the shack... But
with my rare operating style, I'll probably do nothing. Of course it is
perfectly quiet at night ;-)
It took me 6 years to get around to this test, so don't hold your breath
waiting for me to add some clamp-on filters to the inverter wires and see
what that does.
For those into solar, come join us on SolarDIY@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
Message: 8
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 11:58:04 -0500
From: Joe <nss@xxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Software Problems
Message-ID: <4b3d7319-06ee-5e93-15ea-4a9fec05e542@xxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Qrz useds the middle of the square.
Here I am
And on SatPC did all that, and in the demo you have to do it every time
ya open it. so re-opening it won't help.
By the way gang! Thank You for trying to help!
My EME program was on of all thngs a Timex Sinclaire, and it worked
perfectly he he he amazing isn't it?
The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 10/23/2016 11:30 AM, Rolf Krogstad wrote:
> My apologies if this has been covered already.
> Have you double-checked what you have designated as your home location?
> QRZ.com shows this location info for you:
> Latitude 43.610010 (43? 36' 36'' N)
> Longitude -90.082150 (90? 4' 55'' W)
> Grid Square EN43xo
> I have never used Orbitron, but in SatPC32 this is how to set it:
> Open SatPC32. Towards the top center of the window, click on Setup, then
> click on Observer. A small pop-up window will appear with the title
> "Observer Setup".
> The second item from the top on the left side of the window is "Station
> Grid Locator".
> Click on the 2nd value down in the center of the window, to the right of
> "Station Grid Locator". Now enter your six character grid square in the
> field on the right side of the windows. Your Grid Square is EN43xo. Then
> click on the button [Locator>Degs], then click on [Store]. I am not sure,
> but you may need to close and reopen SatPC32 for the change to take effect.
> 73,
> Rolf NR0T
> Grid EN34it
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Joe <nss@xxx.xxx> wrote:
>> I am really excited about getting back on the Birds after a 40+ year
>> absence.
>> I've done EME, MS, AU, and all sorts of weak signal stuff on 144Mhz.
>> I've played the DX and contesting on HF.
>> All has been fun, but none except for the EME has given the most happiness
>> than the memories of playing with the birds in the late 70's
>> Now let me know, I can take this off list if members here want me to, But
>> This excitement is quickly turning into disgust. To the point I'm just
>> about to say screw it and forget about Sat work again.
>> I am in the need of help with prediction programs.
>> Man in the late 70's it was the ARRL bulletin with keps etc. and a Oscar
>> Locator.
>> Now we got ultra cool software programs that all are incredible! Except
>> for me, I can not trust ANY of them. I have been testing several to see
>> what I will make my primary program. BUT...... and there always is a "BUT"
>> isn't there? I can not say what one to "Trust"
>> The four I have installed are...
>> SatLookDown1_28
>> HRDSatTrack
>> Orbitron
>> SatPC32
>> Now of course they all use the same computer clock. And it is accurate to
>> less than a tenth of a second.
>> Each one periodically ask to Up-Date the TLE's and I say "YES" and let
>> them do it all on their own. I change NOTHING on where they get their data.
>> The run them.
>> The,
>> SatLookDown1_28 & HRDSatTrack, both agree very closely. Almost to the
>> second.
>> But the Orbitron, is off, WAY off. like 15 minutes off.
>> And the SatPC32 is even worse the sat is like 1/2 an orbit off!
>> Now the ones that agree also match the page
>> http://www.amsat.org.ar/pass.htm#
>> So my guess they are the ones showing correct data.
>> Now what to do about the other two. How can I make them show correct
>> passes?
>> Remember I can take this off list if no one wants to read about this...
>> Just let me know,
>> Joe WB9SBD
>> --
>> Sig
>> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
>> Idle Tyme
>> Idle-Tyme.com
>> http://www.idle-tyme.com
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>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
>> expressed
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> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
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Message: 9
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 10:07:46 -0700
From: kevin schuchmann <wa6fwf@xxxxx.xxx>
To: amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Solar Ham Radio Interference
Message-ID: <1cb99060-8cbb-504f-71f4-e0a50bbbaa1e@xxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
Another one of the reasons I left my old QTH was all the homes around me
had solar with many different styles and HF RFI during the day was awful
but I had no switch to shut them up.
On 10/23/2016 9:54 AM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> Not Satellite related, but people often ask about any RFI from my solar
> arrays at home. Interest stems from an RFI issue in April QST and my letter
> in Sept 2016 QST.
> Well, FINALLY, the jury is in. For the first time since installing solar, I
> finally got all my full-sized dipoles up in the air again. And listened with
> the arrays on and off.
> Yes, I have inverter noise about 12 dB above the noise floor every 38 kHz on
> 80 meters,. But couldn't really find anything on 20 meters. I did not do a
> thorough search, but enough to finally say, "yes, there is some noise..."
> I post this because my 16kw of arrays are conventional series string arrays
> and much quieter than the "optimizers" on every panel all over the roof
> noted in the April QST article. I always thought my string array was quiet,
> but now I have some data noted above. This could easily be fixed with some
> clamp-on ferrites down in the basement on the wires going into the
> inverters...
> But for my rare HF operating, the solar AC disconnect switch is about 3 feet
> from the kitchen door. Easy enough to pull if I want HF silence. I could
> also install a 40 amp disconnect relay from a switch in the shack... But
> with my rare operating style, I'll probably do nothing. Of course it is
> perfectly quiet at night ;-)
> It took me 6 years to get around to this test, so don't hold your breath
> waiting for me to add some clamp-on filters to the inverter wires and see
> what that does.
> For those into solar, come join us on SolarDIY@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
> Bob, WB4APR
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
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> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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Message: 10
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 17:32:53 +0000 (UTC)
From: Mark Johns <mjohns166@xxxxx.xxx>
To: Erich Eichmann <erich.eichmann@xxxxxxxx.xx>, AMSAT BB
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 Doppler problem
Message-ID: <1662600439.707108.1477243973389@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Thank you to all for your responses.
I've been out of town, so I haven't had the chance to check other satellites
besides FO-29 (and AO-73, but that one is always shifting around due to
issues with the satellite). I'm going to try more experimenting with Pedro's
Doppler.SQF line and Erich's correction procedure. Yes, I've checked
location and time, and they are all as they should be.
I do have a theory that something has become corrupt in the program files
themselves, and I'm going to try a new download and clean installation of
SatPC32 to see if that fixes things.
Mark D. Johns, K?MDJ
Decorah, Iowa USA EN43
"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit,
you would stay out and your dog would go in."
---Mark Twain
----- Original Message -----
From: Erich Eichmann <erich.eichmann@xxxxxxxx.xx>
To: Mark Johns <mjohns@xxxxxx.xxx>; Mark Johns <mjohns166@xxxxx.xxx>;
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 Doppler problem
Hello Mark,
try the following:
Track a FO-29 pass and find your signal using the "Upl. Corr." up/down
controls in menu "CAT". Fine tune the uplink for best audio (best around
the middle of the pass). Then click the "Change/Store Data File" in
menu "CAT" and in the little window that opens click on "Upl.
Correction". That will save the correct uplink frequency. That is easier
and more reliable than to enter observed frequencies manually in
Doppler. SQF.
At the next program start you should immediately hear your signal.
Little deviations (100 ... 300 Hz) may remain due to temperature
differences at the sat or the radio. You can easily correct them using
the +/- keys of the numerical pad with a few hits in steps of 100 Hz.
(The keys work only if SatPC32 must be the active program - blue header
73s, Erich, DK1TB..
Am 22.10.2016 um 22:32 schrieb Mark Johns via AMSAT-BB:
> For some reason, my SatPC32 has stopped correctly compensating for Doppler
shift on FO-29. I'm continually having to "find myself" all over the
passband, making adjustments throughout the pass, just like the old days
when everything was manual.
> I've updated the Keps. I marked the uplink and downlink freqs at time of
closest approach on a high-elevation pass, and re-edited my Doppler.SQF with
those numbers.
> SatPC32 is talking to the rig, and it does make regular changes to both
uplink and downlink frequencies -- they just happen not to be correct.
> I'm stumped! Any thoughts?--
> Mark D. Johns, K?MDJ
> Decorah, Iowa USA EN43
> -----------------------------------------------
> "Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit,
> you would stay out and your dog would go in."
> ---Mark Twain
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@xxxxx.xxx. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 11, Issue 344
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