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BID : ARES102022
Subj: The ARES E-Letter - 10/2022
Sent: 221021/1307Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:17775 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:ARES102022
The ARES E-Letter
Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE October 19, 2022
- Hurricane Ian
- ARPSC Volunteers Support Biennial Nuclear Power Plant Exercises
- Fortieth Year of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon - October 2, 2022
- ARRL ARES Section News
- Letters: The RADO
- K1CE for a Final: Commentary on Hurricane Ian Deployment
- ARES© Resources
- ARRL Resources
ARES© Briefs, Links
The EmComm Training Organization (ETO) announces the date of the November
Semi-annual Drill -- For over 3 years, the ETO has been training amateur
radio operators to be skilled with the use of digital Winlink
communications. This effort stemmed from the aftermath of Hurricane Maria,
which devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, and the subsequent call for competent
Winlink operators. To develop proficiency, weekly "Winlink Thursday"
exercises have been practiced by more than 800 international operators.
The upcoming November 12, 2022 semi-annual drill is open to all participants
who have or would like to build skills for digital radio messaging -- such
as sending attached forms or photos -- essential for emergency
communications for any served agency, whether local government, FEMA, or any
NGO, including the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) groups and the
Radio Operators of Canada (RAC) Auxiliary Communications Service. The ETO
believes this common pathway approach to communications fosters the
interoperability that is essential for responding to a national or regional
The organization recognizes the varied levels of skill with Winlink. Thus,
simple and introductory tasks have been designed with a progression to more
complicated messaging, ranging from use of Telnet, to VHF gateway messaging
and finally to national "peer-to-peer" digital communication on high
frequency (HF) bands without the use of the internet infrastructure.
International as well as domestic participants are welcomed to join by
visiting the ETO website.
More than 2,000 participants are expected. The scenario is an area-wide
natural disaster affecting most communities in North America. The next few
weeks of Winlink Thursday exercises will be opportune for those who wish to
participate in the larger semi-annual drill. It is anticipated that all
participants will be mapped if the tasks are completed appropriately, and an
"honor roll" of competent participants be published on the website for those
who wish to deploy and become operational.
FEMA has published the updated EOC How-to Quick Reference Guide, a
collection of best practices that will contribute to developing an EOC that
can successfully meet the jurisdiction's needs, and will cover topics such
as hazard vulnerability assessments, physical site selection, mitigation,
considerations, EOC capabilities and requirements, information management
systems, and training and exercises. The updates include considerations for
virtual and hybrid working environments.
From the FEMA Disaster Emergency Communications News Clippings and Topics of
Interest Vol. 11, Issue 20, (October 1-15), 2022 -- Hurricane Ian hero:
Maryland firefighter uses ham radio to send rescuers to Florida's Sanibel
Island -- October 5, 2022. Dale Klonin, KC3TAU, a firefighter at
Baltimore/Washington International Airport in Baltimore, was off duty and
busy running errands last Wednesday when he stumbled upon a chance to save
lives. Klonin, 46, lives in Hampstead, Maryland. As an amateur ham radio
operator with an interest in "any news or weather event," he was keeping an
eye and ear on Hurricane Ian. "Of course, the hurricane was pretty big
news," Klonin told Fox News Digital in a phone interview. Thinking about
family members who live outside Sarasota, Florida, Klonin and his wife "were
pretty concerned" about the storm, he said. Klonin has only been involved
with ham radio -- also called amateur radio -- for about a year, he said.
Ham radio is a popular hobby and service that people all over the world use
"to talk across town, around the world or even into space, all without the
Internet or cell phones," according to the American Radio Relay League
Hurricane Ian
[Much of the folowing reporting comes from The ARRL Letter, John E. Ross,
KD8IDJ, Editor, and the ARRL news desk.] As Hurricane Ian, and subsequent
tropical storm, made its way across Florida, amateur radio operators
continued to provide communications support for weather updates and requests
for assistance.
The hurricane made landfall at 3:00 PM Eastern time on Wednesday, September
28, 2022, just south of Tampa, Florida, as a Category 4 hurricane with winds
of 150 miles per hour. Millions of residents were without power, and damage
was reported as extensive along the storm's initial path.
ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, was in regular
contact with ARRL Section Managers and Section Emergency Coordinators in
Florida and throughout the southeastern US. Johnston said ARRL was also in
touch with national-level partners, including FEMA and the Cybersecurity &
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), should any requests for direct
emergency communications via amateur radio be needed.
Johnston said many ARRL ARES© volunteers and their groups were involved
across Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. "Many ARES groups throughout
Florida were in a state of readiness since before that weekend," said
Johnston. "These amateur radio volunteers are well-connected with their
state and local emergency management partners in government and
non-government organizations." Johnston also said that there are ARES
members, at the request of the Florida Division of Emergency Management,
serving in the state Emergency Operations Center. Many ARES groups were also
operating in several shelter locations. [Your ARES Letter editor was one of
them - see commentary below].
ARRL had previously deployed Ham Aid kits in the region. The kits include
amateur radio equipment for disaster response when communications equipment
is unavailable.
W1AW, the Maxim Memorial Station at ARRL Headquarters in Connecticut,
activated its Winlink station to handle PACTOR III and IV messages and
traffic, and well as its SHARES station, NCS310.
"In [ARRL's] experience, amateur radio's response will continue to play out,
sometimes even more significantly, after the storm passes and communities
enter a period of recovery," said Johnston. "As needs are assessed, such as
disruptions to power and communications, our ARRL Section leaders and ARES
groups may receive additional requests for more activations and deployments."
Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Net Manager for the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), said
the net transitioned from receiving weather data to gathering post-storm
reports (read "Hurricane Watch Net Update for Ian," ARRL News, 9/29/2022).
"These reports include damage and areas that are flooded," said Graves.
"This gives the forecasters additional information they need. Also, since
FEMA has an office in the National Hurricane Center (NHC), they look over
these reports to get a bigger picture of what has happened, which in turn
helps them to get help and humanitarian assistance where it is needed."
Graves added that the HWN will be assisting with emergency, priority, and
any Health and Welfare Traffic. The net continued operations for days. The
HWN will issue an after-action report to detail the number of amateur radio
operators who participated on the net.
Assistant HWN Net Manager Stan Broadway, N8BHL, said they had been filing
reports since September 26, 2022, and more than 125 specific reports have
been filed to the NHC from stations in the area. "We have handled other
reports, not included in the database, for damage and other storm-related
situations," said Broadway. "One such call involved a relayed report of a
woman trapped in her home with a collapsed wall in the Ft. Myers area. That
report was relayed to Lee County Emergency Communications to dispatch a
rescue team."
The VoIP Hurricane Net was active as well. Director of Operations for the
VoIP Hurricane Net and ARRL Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency
Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, said the net remained active, supporting
WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami,
Florida. WX4NHC was active through this period for as long as needed.
Find more information at these additional links:
ú The Hurricane Watch Net -- Useful Links
ú VoIP Hurricane Net
ú FCC Grants an ARRL Emergency Request to Permit Higher Data Rate
Transmissions for Hurricane Relief Communications
As Hurricane Ian was making its way to Tampa, Florida in late September, the
Sheriff's Tactical Amateur Radio Communications (STARC), W4HSO, was
preparing for activation. Tony DeAngelo, N2MFT, said STARC was activated on
Monday, September 26, and continued operations through Thursday, September
29, 2022.
STARC has amateur radio equipment in five of the Hillsborough County
Sheriff's Office (HCSO) locations, as well as a Homeland Security office.
"It's a great working arrangement with all of the equipment provided for
us," said DeAngelo. "Our volunteers staffed those locations and the
remainder worked from their homes."
Over the course of the 4-day activation, 16 STARC volunteers worked 24 hours
a day passing information for aid and assistance through the sheriff's
office using WebEOC, a web-based emergency management information system.
DeAngelo emphasized that STARC is not a club, but a service organization.
STARC volunteers are required to undergo an extensive background
investigation, including fingerprinting by the HCSO. STARC volunteers are
civilians and employees of various Hillsborough County government agencies,
Verizon, Tampa Electric, St. Joseph's Hospital, Tampa Police Department, and
other public and private agencies. In the event of a disaster, radio
operators provide communications between participating agencies if normal
means of communications are lost. - The ARRL Letter, October 13, 2022
Cleanup and damage assessment from Hurricane Ian continues. Power outages
peaked at 2.7 million customers, but new reports indicate power has been
restored for 99% of the outages, leaving fewer than 5,000 residents and
businesses still offline. All power is expected to be restored by Friday,
October 14, 2022.
Hardee County Emergency Management in West Central Florida lost power and
all communications, but Hardee County Public Information Officer Alicia
Woodard said it was amateur radio that stepped in to help. "Our amateur
radio operators here began relaying information to our county agencies,"
said Woodard. "A special thanks to Mike Douglas, W4MDD, ARRL West Central
Florida Section Manager and ARRL Assistant Section Manager/Technical
Coordinator Darrell Davis, KT4WX, for their assistance during the storm."
Hardee County received 27 inches of water. Normal flooding for the area is
16 inches and most power is now back on.
ARPSC Volunteers Support Biennial Nuclear Power Plant Exercises
Amateur Radio Public Service Corps (ARPSC) operators from Monroe County,
Michigan, participated in several recent exercises in conjunction with the
federally mandated biennial preparedness drills at Fermi II Nuclear Power
Plant in Newport, Michigan. During the exercises at the county EOC,
operators from Monroe County activated the radio station in the Emergency
Communications Center and made contact with surrounding counties in
Michigan, Ohio and Essex County in Canada in case of evacuations or
additional hospital capacity would be needed. Communication was also
established with the amateur radio desk WS8EOC at Michigan State EOC, said
County ARRL Emergency Coordinator Lance Charter, KE8BYC.
Operators also participated in the Radiological Decontamination and
Congregate Care (RDCC) Shelter exercises for the county. For the RDCC
exercises at several local schools, operators set up amateur communication
stations to provide a communication link to the county EOC, and monitor
weather. Just-In-Time training was also provided by operators to served
agency shelter staff on use of county-supplied LMR radios and proper
communications technique.
Though amateur radio serves as a backup communications resource for these
exercises, County Emergency Management relies on the technical knowledge and
skills of local ARPSC members in many facets of the emergency plan. "These
drills are not high activity events for amateur radio, but the skills and
knowledge provided by participation are invaluable," said Charter. Monroe
County ARPSC is fortunate that county served agencies recognize the benefits
that Amateur Radio and its licensees can provide, and include us in numerous
exercises and planning." For more information, visit the Monroe County
Amateur Radio website. -- Lance Charter, KE8BYC, Emergency Coordinator,
Monroe County, Michigan Amateur Radio Public Service Corp
Fortieth Year of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon - October 2, 2022
The largest outdoor sporting event in Minnesota was back to normal for 2022,
our 40th year. We had many amateurs as volunteers, and filled an even
greater number of roles. We had the usual hams out on the course, in a field
observer and direct service capacity, reporting on the location of injured
and transported athletes, and supporting aid stations. We helped sort out
calls for multiple incidents at the same address - our data was very
up-to-date and detailed.
We used our Linux database (trivnetdb) for real-time tracking, and for 2022,
live medical tent capacity graphs. This software was updated by Peter
Corbett, KD8GBL, and was shared via a Homeland Security Information Network
(HSIN) instance, which was set up for us by Emergency Management. This is
now common for inter-agency and partner file and application sharing. We had
our live mesh video feed up there in 2021.
If you bring operational assets to the party, you can be part of the
Operations Team. This is a step up from just supporting the Communications
Unit. We deployed additional hams and US Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers on
golf carts to transport injured athletes and first responders as the
temperature and humidity climbed near the end of the race.
More than 30 student Emergency Medical Technicians, coordinated by our
command center via their instructor/leaders, were very effective when calls
for runners needing assistance exceeded ambulance supply -- many runner
injuries respond to trained, supervised first aid and do not require formal
hospital transport.
Several remote sites such as a runner information tent, family medical
information center, and bus drop-off station were again supported by our
mesh network -- the existing backbone was augmented by several tower
trailers and a command truck.
As a Type Three incident, Unified Command again worked beautifully, and
every year we try to tighten up response times, while conserving scarce
resources. -- Erik Westgard, NY9D, Medical Communications Coordinator,
Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, ASEC-T MN Section
ARRL ARES Section News
Nebraska Section
Dodge County Amateur Radio Emergency Services of Fremont, Nebraska, has won
the Disaster Volunteer award conferred by ServeNebraska -- its Step Forward
Awards are the most prestigious awards given for volunteerism in the state
of Nebraska. The Nebraska Volunteer Service Commission coordinates and
supports community involvement by Nebraskans to address the needs of their
communities. It coordinates AmeriCorps programming, ServeNebraska Week, a
coordinated statewide week of volunteerism, and celebrate volunteer
achievements through the annual Step Forward Awards. -- Steve Narans,
WB0VNF, EC, ARES Dodge County, Fremont, Nebraska
Eastern Pennsylvania (EPA) Section
Eastern Pennsylvania's Montgomery County ARES/RACES: 2022 ARRL EPA SET -- An
early morning September 3 email from ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section SEC
Bob Wilson, W3BIG, brought an overview of the EPA Simulated Emergency Test
(SET) scheduled to occur on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Section Manager
George Miller, W3GWM, followed up with an inspirational message and plan for
intensive simulated county SITREP, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
(PEMA) and FEMA message traffic on HF and VHF using voice, CW, Winlink and
other digital modes. Montgomery County EC Chuck Farrell, W3AFV, forwarded
both official Section messages to all Montgomery County ARES/RACES (MCAR)
members. Farrell scheduled a Zoom planning meeting for MCAR leadership for
September 6. The resulting Plan of Operation -- with an increased emphasis
placed upon the proper use of pro-words -- was presented to the full MCAR
membership during MCAR's regular monthly meeting on September 10.
In the interim and thereafter, multiple MCAR communications took place with
Section and District ARES leadership. Liaison with adjacent county ARES
groups, representatives of the Red Cross, MARS operators and other potential
served agencies was ongoing to coordinate the use of simplex frequencies.
Implementing the Plan, MCAR leadership determined operator availability and
capabilities, recruited stations for HF and data mode messaging, and
assignments of MCAR operators to various specific roles and locations were
Montgomery County EC Chuck Farrell, W3AFV, in the RACES Room at the
Montgomery County EOC. [Photo courtesy of MCAR PIO Robert Griffiths, NE3I]
Provisions were also made to staff the RACES Room at the Montgomery County
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Eagleville, Pennsylvania. By Tuesday,
September 27, a final set of Simulated Emergency Test instructions was
posted on the AA3E reflector. The Instructions summarized operator roles,
message formats, net frequencies and Winlink message addressees. An off EOC
site station was assigned as Auxiliary Communications Center to insure the
relay and distribution of message traffic. Final preparations were announced
during MCAR's regular weekly net on Thursday, September 29.
By 0900 Saturday, October 1, three MCAR operators were on site in the RACES
Room at the county EOC. A "SAFER" system text message was dispatched
announcing the anticipated simulated activation and establishment of a
Resource Net, which occurred at 1000 hours using the AA3E 2-meter repeater.
Stations checked in indicating their emergency power, Winlink, deployment
and other capabilities. Assigned HF stations reported their communication
with the EPA SET Net on 7.227.5 MHz and with the WPA SET Net on 3.918 MHz.
The MCAR MESH system was also utilized to establish a "Hot Line" to the EOC.
On their own, individual MCAR stations proceeded to send Winlink messages to
the designated Red Cross and Philadelphia ARES addressees.
Next, the MCAR EOC station AA3E originated and confirmed receipt of fldigi
(MT63 2KL) messages to MCAR stations using the AA3E repeater and then
2-meter simplex, and finally over the AA3E 70 cm repeater. While the number
of stations checking into each net exceeded those stations confirming
receipt, in each case five stations demonstrated their digital message
traffic capabilities. Operators at the EOC were also busy establishing
2-meter simplex communication with adjacent Berks, Bucks, Chester and
Delaware County ARES groups and contact with Philadelphia County ARES was
established later in the day. In the meantime, the Auxiliary Communications
Center had been busy digitally receiving and acknowledging a message from
MARS. MCAR SET Nets were terminated at 1118 hours and the 2022 MCAR SET
concluded with status reports to Section leadership on the EPA SET HF net.
During its short exercise, MCAR engaged 17 participants reporting from 14
locations with 12 stations operating on emergency power. -- Robert
Griffiths, NE3I, MCAR PIO
Letters: The RADO
Previewing discussing the use of ICS for SET or other ham radio exercises,
it would be significant to recognize that the ICS position Radio Operator
(RADO) has absolutely nothing to do with operating a radio as we would think
of operating. Despite the recent addition of the Incident Tactical
Dispatcher (INTD) position, RADOs are still drawn from public safety
dispatchers, most of whom have never seen a radio (at least not while on
duty) even though they talk on the radio during their shift sitting at a
computer console.
The RADO is a person who talks on a radio, but the only controls they are
expected to use are the PTT and maybe the volume control. The RADO's role in
using a radio is essentially the same as a guest speaking over ham radio
while the control operator sits back to watch.
Amateur radio operators may occasionally serve in a RADO role, but they
generally have been recruited and used as Technical Specialists (THSP)
although we are starting to see some units adopting a position title for an
Auxiliary Communicator (AUXC). -- Tom Currie, N4AOF, Louisville, Kentucky
(Member, Louisville-Jefferson County RACES; member, Auxcomm Louisville;
Secretary, Kentucky Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (KyVOAD);
President, Louisville METRO-REACT Team; President, Kentucky State REACT
Council; Past Chairman, Training & Development Committee, REACT
International, Inc.; Director, Region 2, REACT International, Inc.)
K1CE for a Final: Commentary on Hurricane Ian Deployment
I live in Columbia County, a very rural county in northern Florida, not far
from the Georgia border. For a time, our county was in the crosshairs of
catastrophic Hurricane Ian. ARRL Northern Florida Section Emergency
Coordinator Arc Thames, W4CPD, had conducted Zoom ARES planning meetings,
drafted Incident Action Plans and coordinated communications with the
state's Division of Emergency Management headquartered in Tallahassee and,
of course, all northern Florida county Emergency Coordinators. I had
attended his meetings on the now-postponed Service DENIED statewide ARRL SET
exercise, and was grateful to know that the Section and our county would be
in good hands radiocommunications-wise.
At our county level, EC Brad Swartz, N5CBP, relatively new on the job,
reported regularly on county ARES activation plans via the local ARES net,
and recruited operators for possible assignment to the EOC in the county
seat, Lake City. For years, ARES has enjoyed its own room at the EOC for its
station and equipment: an Icom IC-7100, IC-9700, and an IC-7300, among other
radios and peripherals. Swartz has a good relationship with the county
emergency manager in charge of the large EOC.
As an ARES member, I was asked to report for duty at the EOC to serve as an
operator if needed. I checked first with my wife, who would be left home
alone for the duration of my EOC assignment: after discussion and a check of
the storm's track, with an estimate of when conditions would possibly
deteriorate, she released me for duty at the EOC. (This kind of discussion
between family members is absolutely mandated in any such ARES deployment
scenario. Family first.) I told her that if potentially perilous conditions
would be arriving, I would drive home immediately to be with her and our
home. We do have a 10' by 20' heavy steel shipping container on our 2-acre
property that would serve as our shelter and family "EOC." See the October
2022 issue of QST, pp. 68-69, on "Developing Your Own Personal Emergency
Operations Center and Plan."
After my stint at the EOC, I was assigned to relieve the operator at one of
the three Red Cross emergency shelters opened in the county. He had been on
duty for over 24 hours. He checked out of, and I checked into, the ARES net
on the city's 146.94 MHz repeater, and introduced myself and my function to
the Red Cross staff on duty there. I also politely answered questions from a
few of the dozen or so shelter residents.
I explained that my sole function there was to receive any messages from the
Red Cross shelter staff, and relay them to the on-duty operator at the EOC
for delivery to the Red Cross manager for the city/county. Later, when it
was patently evident the storm track had changed to the east and we would
not be subject to dangerous conditions, the Red Cross closed the shelter,
and I was released from duty. I notified the net control station at the EOC,
took down the radio equipment and antenna, thanked the Red Cross staff for
allowing me the privilege of serving them, and drove home to watch TV in
horror of the destructive force of Hurricane Ian in southwest, central and
eastern portions of the state.
At Red Cross shelters, we are there to receive and relay messages, period,
with the possible exception of helping with moving tables or other
furniture, and hand out food and snacks as requested. (It's important that
we don't take any food or snacks for ourselves; it's unprofessional at best,
and at worst we could be taking food that might be in short supply for the
We are not there to tell the Red Cross personnel how to do their jobs. That
old adage applies: We should be seen, but not heard!
And lastly, and most importantly, we must make absolutely sure that each
member of our families approves of us leaving home to serve. Remember, they
will not have us at home while they watch TV and listen to radio reports of
possible danger, and most certainly will develop a sense of growing anxiety.
Calculate the decision to leave home with the utmost care. - Rick Palm,
K1CE, Columbia County (Florida) ARES
ARES© Resources
ú Download the ARES Manual [PDF]
ú ARES Field Resources Manual [PDF]
ú ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Fillable PDF]
ú ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Word]
ú ARES Plan
ú ARES Group Registration
ú Emergency Communications Training
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service© (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs
who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with
their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service
when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in
ARRL or any other local or national organization is eligible to apply for
membership in ARES. Training may be required or desired to participate fully
in ARES. Please inquire at the local level for specific information. Because
ARES is an amateur radio program, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible
for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable,
but is not a requirement for membership.
How to Get Involved in ARES: Fill out the ARES Registration form and submit
it to your local Emergency Coordinator.
ARRL Resources
Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive QST or
On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when they renew their
membership. All members can access digital editions of all four ARRL
magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ.
Subscribe to NCJ -- the National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly,
features articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA
Sprint and QSO parties.
Subscribe to QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published
bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects, columns, and
other items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.
Free of charge to ARRL members: Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public
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* CX2SA 1978-2022 - Salto Uruguay *
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