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N9PMO  > LETTER   27.11.16 21:57l 688 Lines 30809 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : ARRL3446
Subj: ARRL3446 ARRL Letter
Sent: 161118/0435Z 7471@N9PMO.#SEWI.WI.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.13

ARRL Calls on Members to Press for US Senate Passage of Amateur Radio
Parity Act

Work Continues to Strengthen Relationship between Amateur Auxiliary,

Mark Twain Birthday Special Event Set

"An Amazing Night" Reported for Special Activity on 630 Meters

The Doctor Will See You Now!

National Parks on the Air Update

ARRL November Sweepstakes -- Part 2 is November 19-21

New ARRL Repeater Directory Will Leverage Crowdsourcing Technology

Hamvention® Countdown: With 6 Months to Go, Plans Proceed Apace at New

ARRL Honorary Vice President, Director Emeritus Tod Olson, K0TO, SK

In Brief...

The K7RA Solar Update

Just Ahead in Radiosport

Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

ARRL Headquarters Will Be Closed on November 24-25: ARRL Headquarters
will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday,
November 24-25. The ARRL Letter will not publish on Thanksgiving Day,
Thursday, November 24, and there will be no ARRL Audio News on Friday,
November 25. In addition, there will be no W1AW bulletins or code
practice on those days. We wish all our members a safe and enjoyable

ARRL Calls on Members to Press for US Senate Passage of Amateur Radio
Parity Act

ARRL once again is calling on its members to urge their US Senators to
support the Amateur Radio Parity Act (H.R. 1301) when it comes up in
the Senate during the "lame duck" session of Congress that adjourns in
mid-December. The House of Representatives approved the bill in
September, but if the Senate does not follow suit, the bill will die,
and the entire process will have to be repeated. ARRL Hudson Division
Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, who chairs the ARRL Board's Legislative
vocacy Committee and has been heavily involved in efforts to move H.R.
1301 forward, said today, "The clock is ticking!"

"We begin the e-mail campaign once again, as the US Senate returns to
work this week after a month-long hiatus," Lisenco said. "We were just
beginning to build momentum in the Senate following the unanimous
passage of the Parity Act in the House when Congress shut down for the
4 weeks prior to Election Day."

The task is simple: Go to our Rally Congress page, enter your ZIP
code, fill in your name and address, press enter, and e-mails will go
directly to your Senators. Members may do this, even if they have
already contacted their US Senators for support.

"We have to remind our legislators that we are still here and that we
need the Amateur Radio Parity Act to become law," Lisenco stressed.
"We must do this now as we have, at most, only 4 weeks left in the
session to get the bill passed this year. Otherwise, we will have to
begin the entire process in 2017 with a new 115th Congress."

There are no guarantees, Lisenco said, and we are subject to the
political bickering that goes on daily between the parties, despite
the fact that the bill is truly a bipartisan effort. "In order to have
a chance at overcoming political obstacles that have little or nothing
to do with the legislation, we need our voices to be heard," he said.
"And we need that input today!"

September's victory in the US House was the culmination of many years
of effort on ARRL's part to gain legislation that would enable radio
amateurs living in deed-restricted communities to erect efficient
outdoor antennas that support Amateur Radio communication. The measure
calls on the FCC to amend its Part 97 rules "to prohibit the
application to amateur stations of certain private land-use
restrictions, and for other purposes." While similar bills have gained
some traction on Capitol Hill in the past, it was not until the
overwhelming grassroots support from the Amateur Radio community for
H.R. 1301 and ARRL's relentless and strident efforts on Capitol Hill
that this bill made it this far. Read more.

Work Continues to Strengthen Relationship between Amateur Auxiliary,

Work continues to promote the visibility of Amateur Radio enforcement
within the FCC, the ARRL Executive Committee (EC) was told recently.
The EC met on October 22 in Rosemont, Illinois. ARRL President Rick
Roderick, K5UR, chaired the session.

ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, reported that meetings have
been held with the FCC concerning more effective FCC use of the
volunteer resources of the Amateur Auxiliary (Official Observers)
program, the current FCC-ARRL Amateur Auxiliary Agreement, and the
development of a new Memorandum of Understanding that better
incorporates the Amateur Auxiliary program -- especially in light of
the FCC's recent closing of field offices and reduction of Spectrum
Enforcement Division staff.

The EC directed Second Vice President Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, to
continue work on the review and revitalization of the Amateur
Auxiliary, in cooperation with the FCC, to ensure active use of the
Amateur Auxiliary program.

In other FCC-related issues. The EC provided guidance in the domestic
implementation of the worldwide Amateur Radio allocation at 5 MHz,
agreed upon at World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) last
fall: 5351.5-5366.5 kHz, with stations limited to 15 W EIRP.

ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD. [Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, photo]

Imlay, in conjunction with ARRL International Affairs Vice President
Jay Bellows, K0QB, and Midwest Division Director Rod Blocksome, K0DAS,
will review the National Broadband Plan, with an eye toward
determining any impact it might have on Amateur Radio allocations.

In addition, Imlay and West Gulf Division Director Dr. David
Woolweaver, K5RAV, will meet with officials of the Federal Aviation
ministration (FAA) and congressional offices to address the effect of
new painting and lighting requirements required under the FAA
Reauthorization Act (H.R. 636) on Amateur Radio antenna systems
between 50 and 200 feet tall.

ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, told the panel that several new
educational initiatives are under way, and, as those pilot programs
are assessed and refined, the programs will be made available to the
Amateur Radio community.

In his report, Bellows told the EC that the IARU ministrative Council
has begun preparations to represent Amateur Radio at various meetings
being held in advance of World Radiocommunication Conference 2019.

Minutes of the October 22 meeting are available on the ARRL website.

Mark Twain Birthday Special Event Set

Members of ARRL Headquarters staff will be on the air as W1T, November
28-December 4, in honor of Mark Twain's 181st birthday. On November
30, Twain's actual birthday, the Mark Twain House and Museum in
Hartford, Connecticut has granted permission for a special event
station to be set up in the front yard of the house from 9 AM until 4
PM EST (1400-2100 UTC).

Born in Missouri in 1835, Twain lived in Hartford from 1874 to 1891
and wrote many of his greatest works during that time, including The
ventures of Tom Sawyer, ventures of Huckleberry Finn, and A
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

The Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut.

"We are so excited to have our neighbors at ARRL with us on Mark
Twain's 181st birthday!" said Betsy Maguire, Manager of Living History
at the Mark Twain House and Museum. "This is a rare treat for the
Museum staff, our visitors and, hopefully, many amateur operators
across the country who make contact with the station. As a lover of
the science and technology of his day, Samuel Clemens would definitely
approve of a 'special event station' on the grounds of 'the loveliest
home that ever was.'"

W1T activity on November 30 will be exclusively from the Mark Twain
House and Museum; all other W1T activity during the week will be
conducted from other sites, as ARRL staff time permits. All bands and
modes will be considered, including satellite operation. A special W1T
QSL card will be available to commemorate the event. Complete
information is available on the W1T listing at

"An Amazing Night" Reported for Special Activity on 630 Meters

Texas radio amateur and FCC Part 5 Experimental licensee John
Langridge, KB5NJD/ WG2XIQ, reported "an amazing night" for the
630-meter special event on November 12-13. One highlight was a North
America-to-Europe Amateur Radio contact on the medium-wave band, to
which US operators are still awaiting access.

"Last night is what it is all about, and I had a front row seat for
the festivities," Langridge said in his lengthy post-event report,
adding that the activity represented "a significant moment in
630-meter lore." The weekend event featured participation by the
Marine Radio Historical Society's KPH, Canadian radio amateurs making
cross-band contacts with US stations, and Part 5 Experimental stations
either beaconing or contacting other experimental stations.

Langridge credited radio amateurs in Canada, who already have access
to the 427-479 kHz band, with playing "a massive role" in providing
cross-band QSOs; advance publicity also helped, he said. Newfoundland
MW enthusiast Joe Craig, VO1NA, completed a contact on CW with Kees
Nijdam, PE5T, in the Netherlands. Langridge said the contact was among
only a handful of transatlantic CW contacts completed so far on 630
meters. Others in Europe reported hearing VO1NA.

The antenna system at VO1NA helped to ensure the station was heard
widely. [Joe Craig, VO1NA, photo]

Mitch Powell, VE3OT, worked several other North American stations
cross-band, with all contacts -- from Maine to Iowa to Alabama --
taking place on 80 meters. Many stations in the western US were also
successful in working or hearing stations in British Columbia.

In Australia, Roger Crofts, VK4YB, reported "horrid conditions," with
just a single transpacific report. Laurence Howell, KL7L/WE2XPQ, in
Wasilla, Alaska, reported a lot of noise on VLF and warble on HF
signals, with periods of total blackout overnight. Merv Schweigert,
K9FD/WH2XCR, in Hawaii, experienced a spectacular night with stations
in Japan.

"We live in a time when a lot of people want the easy way out, and
there is nothing easy about 630 meters, even when the band is in good
shape," Langridge said. Read more.

The Doctor Will See You Now!

"Stealth Antennas" is the topic of the latest (November 17) episode of
the "ARRL The Doctor is In" podcast. Listen...and learn!

Sponsored by DX Engineering, "ARRL The Doctor is In" is an informative
discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet,
or smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!

Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and
the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of
technical topics. You can also e-mail your questions to, and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.

Enjoy "ARRL The Doctor is In" on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone
or iPad podcast app (just search for "ARRL The Doctor is In"). You can
also listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration
required, or browse the site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher
app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices.

If you've never listened to a podcast before, download our beginner's

National Parks on the Air Update

Participants in ARRL's National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) continue to
push toward 1 million two-way contacts from eligible NPOTA units
before the program ends on December 31. For the fourth straight week,
more than 25,000 NPOTA contacts were uploaded to Logbook of The World
from some 16,000 activations of NPS units.

Time is running out for you to get in on the NPOTA fun! Get on the air
and give some of the Activators a contact toward the 1 million-contact
goal, or try activating an NPOTA unit yourself; many units can be
activated using a mobile station in the parking lot.

Twenty activations are slated for November 17-23, including the Ana
Kahakai National Scenic Trail in Hawaii, and Biscayne National Park in
Florida. Details about these and other upcoming activations can be
found on the NPOTA Activations calendar.

Keep up with the latest NPOTA news on Facebook. Follow NPOTA on
Twitter (@ARRL_NPOTA).

ARRL November Sweepstakes -- Part 2 is November 19-21

The second half of the 2016 ARRL November Sweepstakes -- the phone
weekend -- is November 19-21. The event begins on November 19 at 2100
UTC and continues through 0259 UTC on November 21. ARRL Sweepstakes
Manager Larry Hammel, K5OT, advises SS newcomers to learn the
required, lengthy exchange in the correct sequence.

"Write the exchange down on a card in front of the rig if necessary,"
he said. "There is no need to repeat it all twice; say it clearly one
time, and the other station will let you know if they need any 'fills'
of information they missed."

He also said not to invest too much time trying to work a rare
multiplier that has attracted a pileup. "Put that frequency in your
rig's memory -- or second VFO, or your logger's bandmap -- and pop
back later when things slow down a bit," he said. "You can use that
waiting time productively to look for other stations to work."

He further advised that newcomers to SS should not be afraid to
attempt "running" (calling CQ) on a clear frequency. But most of all,
he said, "Have fun!" -- Thanks to The ARRL Contest Update

New ARRL Repeater Directory Will Leverage Crowdsourcing Technology

ARRL partner RFinder, the creator of a web and app-based directory of
Amateur Radio repeaters worldwide, will supply all data for the
2017-2018 ARRL Repeater Directory®. RFinder will employ its
crowdsourcing technology to aggregate timely and accurate information
for the Directory, marking the first time crowdsourcing has been put
to use in the production of an ARRL publication. "Crowdsourcing," in
this case, means repeater owners and frequency coordinators. Including
RFinder's data in The Repeater Directory will help users seeking the
most complete listing of on-air repeaters. The Repeater Directory will
continue to publish listings by state, city, frequency, and mode.

Although RFinder's data is primarily user supplied, ARRL has invited
volunteer frequency coordinators to contribute their coordination data
to RFinder. RFinder has set up an online portal to accept coordinator
input. Every coordinator supplying repeater data to RFinder will have
its listings credited as coordinated repeaters in both the RFinder
smartphone apps and web listings, and in the hard-copy Repeater

As part of this program, RFinder will make the RFinder database
available to all frequency coordinators free of charge, with the
exception of the Apple iOS version app, which requires a $9.99
license. The Android-compatible database is a free download.

"We believe this will help you in your coordination activities, as it
will provide you with a complete map of machines, both coordinated or
not," RFinder said. "It will also assist coordinators to bring
uncoordinated machines into coordination."

RFinder's steadily growing worldwide repeater database now includes
more than 60,000 repeaters in some 170 countries around the globe.
RFinder listings are dynamic, regularly reflecting new, updated,
revised, and deleted information.

RFinder is integrated directly with EchoLink on both Android and
iPhone and provides the ability to share repeater check-ins on
Facebook, Twitter, and APRS. RFinder is integrated with RT Systems and
CHIRP radio programming applications and has a routing feature that
lets users find repeaters worldwide over a given route. Video demos of
RFinder features are available on YouTube.

RFinder also includes the ability to report radio jamming anywhere.
Those without a device or subscription can file reports online. Those
responsible for coordinating anti-jamming activities also can request
access to view jamming reports for their area.

ARRL previously discontinued its own products that supported digital
listings of repeater data including the TravelPlus for
Repeatersâä¢ software and its own apps.

RFinder is $9.99 per year. Subscribe to RFinder from your iPhone,
iPad, iPod Touch, or from your Android smartphone or tablet.

RFinder recently collaborated with the BrandMeister network of Amateur
Radio digital voice systems to include a daily data feed of digital
repeaters. Digital repeaters are now categorized in RFinder by
network, and RFinder's Android and iOS apps can provide information on
BrandMeister networked repeaters worldwide. The daily data feed from
BrandMeister includes both repeaters and talk groups.

RFinder also now supports automated repeater coverage maps for the
newly released BrandMeister dashboard, active once repeaters sysops
enter their repeater information on BrandMeister. RFinder generates
its coverage maps using CloudRF technology, developed by Alex Farrant,

Hamvention® Countdown: With 6 Months to Go, Plans Proceed Apace at
New Venue

With just 6 months to go until Hamvention® debuts at its new Greene
County Fairgrounds and Event Center venue in Xenia, Ohio, May 19-21,
General Chair Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, and Dayton Amateur Radio Association
(DARA) Board Member Mike Kalter, W8CI, assure that all is progressing
smoothly. Cramer and Kalter made another appearance this week on
Amateur Radio Roundtable, hosted by Tom Medlin, W5KUB, to update
progress on preparations for the all-new Hamvention. Cramer and Kalter
said they continue to be bombarded with questions, concerns, and
rumors regarding how the event will be staged.

An aerial view of the Greene County Fairgrounds and Event Center in
Xenia, Ohio, the new Hamvention venue. [Photo courtesy of DX
Engineering and Greg Ordy, W8WWV]

"You have to remember, we're starting from the ground up," Cramer
said. "So it's taken a while to get things going." He asked for
patience from prospective visitors, but he and Kalter told Medlin that
the vast all-volunteer team has everything well in hand, and that
plans are coming together. Both maintained that those attending
Hamvention 2017 "will be very impressed."

Cramer predicted parking would not be an issue, and that there would
be plenty of room for the anticipated number of vehicles, with
overflow parking available and transportation to the buildings housing
the vendors and events from the parking areas, as needed.

Traffic and transportation logistics are being addressed, Cramer said,
and Hamvention is working with four police departments as well as a
professional traffic planner to ensure that all goes smoothly.

Hamvention Chair Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ (left), and DARA Board member Mike
Kalter, W8CI, on Amateur Radio Roundtable. [Photo courtesy of Amateur
Radio Roundtable]

Cramer said Hamvention 2017 tickets will become available starting in
December -- a bit earlier than in past years. The cost of admission
will rise by $2 from the 2016 price of $20 for advanced tickets, and
$25 for those purchased at the gate. But, he pointed out, there will
be no parking charges on site.

The Hamvention website is yet to be updated to reflect the 2017 event,
but Cramer and Kalter said that both indoor and outdoor layout maps
will be made available online in advance of the show, and these will
be included in the Hamvention program as well.

Hamvention announced in August that it would be relocating to Xenia,
following the closure of Hara Arena, where the show took place for
more than 50 years.

The Amateur Radio Roundtable show included a DX Engineering-produced
video taken from a drone operated by Greg Ordy, W8WWV, and narrated by
DX Engineering's Tim Duffy, K3LR. Read more.

ARRL Honorary Vice President, Director Emeritus Tod Olson, K0TO, SK

ARRL Honorary Vice President and Director Emeritus Tod Olson, K0TO
(ex-W0IYP), of Minnesota and Idaho, died on November 12 after battling
cancer for several years. An ARRL Life Member, he was 83. He began his
volunteer service to ARRL in 1974 as the Minnesota Section
Communications Manager. He became Dakota Division Vice Director in
1976, and then Director in 1982. In 1986, the ARRL Board of Directors
elected him as ARRL Vice President of International Affairs, a post he
held until 1990. He again served as Dakota Division Director from 1994
until 1999. The ARRL Board of Directors named him an ARRL Director
Emeritus in 2000. In recognition of his extraordinary contributions,
the Board elected him as Honorary Vice President in 2003.

Tod Olson, K0TO.

Olson held a BS from the University of Minnesota, and an MPH from the
University of Michigan. He belonged to the Minnesota Wireless
Association and the Eagle Rock Amateur Radio Club. An active
contester, he was inducted last May into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame.

"Even through his entire illness, he was a positive force for everyone
who knew him," ARRL First Vice President and immediate past Dakota
Division Director Greg Widin, K0GW, said. On the CQ-Contest reflector,
former Dakota Division Vice Director Hans Brakob, K0HB, called Olson
"my mentor, my teacher, sometimes my critic, and always a true and
steady friend," and said, "I feel like I have lost my brother." Former
ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, knew Olson well and offered these
reflections (abbreviated here):

"A lifelong interest in technology influenced Tod's career as well as
his choice of avocation; he retired in 1991 as Director of the
Information Technology Department at General Mills. As he opened the
envelope from the FCC containing his first license [in 1952], it is
unlikely that even Tod could imagine where Amateur Radio would take
him, but he tackled his new avocation with the same energy and
devotion as to family, career, and community. The Amateur Radio
community was enriched by his selfless efforts, and his life was
enriched in return.

"As W0IYP, Tod soon began making his mark through local radio clubs
and on-the-air activity. His passion for competitive operating,
particularly in the ARRL November Sweepstakes, led him in 1973 to be
the founding editor of National Contest Journal (NCJ). He was inducted
into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame largely on the strength of his vision
for NCJ.

"Tod served on every standing committee of the ARRL Board and twice
was chairman of the ministration & Finance Committee.

"In retirement, Tod and Jackie divided their time between Minnesota
and Idaho, and it was in Idaho Falls that Tod chose to enter hospice
and to spend his final weeks with Jackie and other family members. His
countless friends in Amateur Radio send their condolences to the
family and our thanks for having shared him with us for so many

A memorial service will be held in Minnesota. Read more.

In Brief...

From left to right, Thomas Pesquet, KG5FYG; Oleg Novitskiy, and Peggy
Whitson, KC5ZTD. [NASA photo]

Two Radio Amateurs Set to Join ISS Crew: Astronauts Peggy Whitson,
KC5ZTD, and Thomas Pesquet, KG5FYG, and Cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy head
into space on November 17 for a 6-month stay aboard the International
Space Station. It will take the Expedition 50/51 crew members 2 days
to reach the ISS in their Soyuz vehicle. Welcoming the new crew
increment will be Expedition 50 Commander Shane Kimbrough, KE5HOD, and
crew members Sergey Ryzhikov and Andrey Borisenko, who have been
aboard the complex since October. Whitson will become the first woman
to command the space station twice. Her first tenure as commander was
in 2007, when she became the first woman to hold this post.

Merle Taylor, VE1VCI [Photo courtesy of CBC]

Amateur Radio Holds Fascination for Two Nonagenarians: Radio amateurs
Merle Taylor, VE1VCI, and Loretta Smith, KG5QCH, both are in their 90s
-- but one of the women is a veteran CW operator, while the other is a
newcomer to ham radio. According to a CBC report, Taylor, 93, of
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, learned Morse code as a young woman,
when she signed on to help her country's

Loretta Smith, KG5QCH [Photo courtesy of the Athens Daily Review]

World War II effort, then taught the code to pilots through the
British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Today, she still enjoys Morse
code on the air. Newcomer Smith, 91, who lives in an assisted living
facility in Gun Barrel City, Texas, was inspired by the Rev. George
Yarger, W5BRG, who spoke of Amateur Radio's role in disasters and
emergencies. Smith worked with the activity director at her residence,
Cedarview Place, to get her license, along with three other residents,
according to an Athens Daily Review report. She passed her Technician
exam on November 2.

November Frequency Measuring Test Results Reported: The results are
in, and more than 90 stations submitted entries for the November 3
running of the Frequency Measuring Test (FMT). Thirty stations were
able to pull off a "triple play" by correctly measuring the
frequencies of all three transmitting stations with an accuracy of
less than 1 Hz. Measurement equipment ranged from a standard
transceiver calibrated against WWV or CHU to rubidium frequency
standards. Several reported building their own test equipment, and the
use of GPS-disciplined frequency references and oscillators is
becoming more common with every FMT. Measurement was taken using
frequency counters, software spectrum analysis, and even by ear --
sometimes by two people. The next FMT will be in April 2017. -- Thanks
to Ward Silver, N0AX

SKYWARN Recognition Day Webinar Set: A webinar will be offered on
November 30 at 0100 UTC (the evening of November 29 in US time zones)
in advance of the 18th SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) on December 3.
Register online. Developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service
(NWS) and ARRL, SRD celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN
volunteers make to the mission of the NWS -- the protection of life
and property. During the SKYWARN Special Event, operators visit NWS
offices and contact other radio operators across the world. The
pre-event webinar will cover SKYWARN Recognition Day basics, explain
how to participate, and alert participants to a few changes in store
for 2016. The webinar will be recorded and posted to the ARRL YouTube
channel afterward.

The K7RA Solar Update

Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar flux and sunspot numbers went
in opposite directions over the past week, and differences were more
extreme than usual. Typically, we expect daily sunspot numbers to
track solar flux, and geomagnetic indices to track as well -- at least

Average daily sunspot numbers over the November 10-16 reporting week
rose 10 points from 18.7 to 28.7 from the previous reporting week,
while average daily solar flux dropped from 76.9 to 45.8 over the same

Over the same dates, the average planetary A index increased from 6.4
to 12.7, while the mid-latitude A index rose from 4.3 to 10.1.

Predicted solar flux values for the near future are 83 on November
17-18; 82 on November 19; 83 on November 20-21; 80 on November 22-23;
75 on November 24; 78 on November 25-26; 80 on November 27; 82 on
November 28-December 1; 84 on December 2; 82 on December 3-7; 80 on
December 8-9; 78 on December 10; 75 on December 11-15; 77 on December
16, and 75 on December 17-21.

The predicted planetary A index is 5 on November 17-18; 14, 18, 48,
36, and 28 on November 19-22; 28, 18, 25, 18, 12, 10, and 8 on
November 23-29; 5 on November 30-December 6; 15, 12, 18, 20, 15, and
10 on December 7-12; 5 on December 13-15; 10, 15, 55, 45, and 25 on
December 16-20, and 25, 18, 12, and 10 on December 21-24.

Sunspot numbers for November 10 through 16 were 13, 26, 51, 38, 26,
29, and 18, with a mean of 28.7. The 10.7 centimeter flux was 80.2,
78.4, 78.4, 77.8, 77.3, 76.5, and 80.9, with a mean of 45.8. Estimated
planetary A indices were 14, 13, 19, 21, 11, 7, and 4, with a mean of
12.7. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 11, 10, 13, 19, 8, 7, and
3, with a mean of 10.1. reports the solar cycle is currently at its lowest
level in 5 years.

ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB is this weekend. Were you active in the
CW Sweepstakes?

Send me reports of your observations.

Just Ahead in Radiosport

November 18 -- YO International PSK31 Contest

November 19 -- Feld Hell Sprint

November 19 -- RSGB Second 1.8 MHz Contest (CW)

November 19-20 -- ARRL EME Contest (CW, phone, digital)

November 19-20 -- LZ DX Contest (CW, phone)

November 19-20 -- All Austrian 160 Meter Contest (CW)

November 19-21 -- ARRL November Sweepstakes (SSB)

November 20 -- Homebrew and Old Time Equipment Party (CW)

November 21 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)

November 23 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)

November 24 -- RSGB 80 Meter Club Sprint (CW)

November 26-27 -- CQ World Wide DX Contest (CW)

See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth
reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest
Update via your ARRL member profile e-mail preferences.

Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

November 19 -- Alabama State Convention, Montgomery, Alabama

December 9-10 -- West Central Florida Section Convention, Plant City,

January 8 -- New York City/Long Island Section Convention, Bethpage,
New York

January 14 -- TechFest 2017 Convention, Lawrenceville, Georgia

January 20-21 -- North Texas Section Convention, Forest Hill, Texas

January 21 -- Georgia ARES Convention, Forsyth, Georgia

January 22-28 -- QuartzFest Convention, Quartzsite, Arizona

January 27-28 -- Mississippi State Convention, Jackson, Mississippi

January 27-29 -- Puerto Rico State Convention, Hatillo, Puerto Rico

February 3-4 -- Southern Florida Section Convention, Ft. Lauderdale,

February 4 - South Carolina State Convention, North Charleston, South

February 4 -- Virginia State Convention, Richmond, Virginia

February 10-12 -- Southeastern Division Convention (HamCation),
Orlando, Florida

February 17-18 -- Arizona Section Convention, Yuma, Arizona

February 25 -- West Central Florida Section Technical Conference,
Sarasota, Florida

Find conventions and hamfests in your area.

ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for 

Amateur Radio News and Information.

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most popular and informative journal, delivered to your mailbox each

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QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published bi-monthly,
features technical articles, construction projects, columns, and other
items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

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