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N9PMO  > LETTER   16.11.18 00:43l 635 Lines 29288 Bytes #999 (0) @ ARRL
BID : ARRL3646
Subj: ARRL3646 ARRL Letter
Sent: 181115/2234Z 9263@N9PMO.#SEWI.WI.USA.NA BPQ6.0.17

California Fires Spur Amateur Radio Emergency Service Activations

Maritime Mobile Service Network Operators Assist Vessel with Ill Crew

Southern New Jersey ARES Team Assists in Missing-Person Search

The Doctor Will See You Now!

ARRL Executive Committee Recommends Small dition to Articles of

AMSAT's Fox-1Cliff CubeSat Set to Launch on November 19

Es'hail-2 Geostationary Satellite Launch Said to be Imminent

ARRL Staffers, State and Local Officials on Hand for Massachusetts
ARISS School Contact

Amateur Radio Issues under Discussion in Geneva in vance of WRC-19

SKYWARN Recognition Day 2018 is Saturday, December 1 UTC

In Brief...

The K7RA Solar Update

Just Ahead in Radiosport

Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 22
and 23. There will be no W1AW code practice and bulletin transmissions
on those days. The ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News will be on hiatus
for the week of Thanksgiving. Headquarters will re-open on Monday,
November 26, at 8 AM EST. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable

California Fires Spur Amateur Radio Emergency Service Activations

Amateur Radio volunteers have been active or are standing by on
several fronts as wildfires continue to rage in large sections of

Camp Fire

In Butte County, in northern California, the Camp Fire, the state's
deadliest wildfire, triggered a call up of Amateur Radio Emergency
Service (ARES®) members for communication support. A small wildfire
that started in a mountainous area of Butte County quickly grew, due
to high winds. Eventually more than 25,000 people were evacuated. As
multiple shelters opened to assist evacuees, five Sacramento Valley
ARES groups were called out to support communication between the Red
Cross Disaster Operations Center (DOC) and the shelters.

Sacramento Valley ARES volunteer Neil Bossard, N6CNY, is among those
active in Northern California. [Photo courtesy of Greg Kruckewitt,

The uncontrolled wildfire eventually consumed the town of Paradise, a
town of some 27,000 residents. As of November 14, the Camp Fire
covered some 145,000 acres (35% contained), killed more than 40
people, and destroyed nearly 8,000 structures.

Utilizing mutual assistance, more than 20 ARES members from five ARES
groups are supporting the shelters. ARES members have also been tasked
by Red Cross to shadow Red Cross delivery vehicles to provide
communication in the mountain areas to the shelters.

ARES communication at the shelters has been carried out using voice,
Winlink, and email to pass shelter counts, and tactical messages
between the shelter and the Red Cross Disaster Operations Center and
Cal Office of Emergency Services.

The Red Cross is supporting ARES at the shelters with hot spots and
backup radios.

Working 12-hour shifts, Sacramento Valley Section District Emergency
Coordinator 3 Michael Joseph, KK6ZGB, has been staffing the Red Cross
radio station as net control for the DOC, passing messages and
tracking ARES personnel. Sacramento ARES members have been pitching in
as needed. Joseph also has been coordinating ARES deployments as

Visit the ARRL Sacramento Valley Section Facebook page or Twitter
account for more information. -- Thanks to Sacramento Valley Section
Emergency Coordinator Greg Kruckewitt, KG6SJT

Woolsey Fire

The Woolsey Fire that swept through the westernmost portion of Los
Angeles County, including Malibu, and the easternmost area of Ventura
County in the ARRL Santa Barbara Section, required the evacuation of
more than 200,000 Los Angeles County residents -- an  unprecedented
number in recent decades. Evacuees included several celebrities,
several of whom lost homes in the fire. More than 50 people have died
in all fires, and more than 100 are still missing.

"[G]overnmental radio systems used by fire and sheriff held up well,
even though cell phone and internet service went out in many fire
areas because of burned utility poles," said Los Angeles Section
Manager Diana Feinberg, AI6DF. "Evacuees went to areas where cell
phone service was generally available."

Feinberg said Los Angeles ARES (ARES LAX) has not been activated
because no county hospitals are in the affected area and no hospital
outside the fire zone was in danger of losing communication. She
added, though, that a sizable team of ARES LAX operators organized by
LAX-Northwest District Emergency Coordinator Roozy Moabery, W1EH, did
extensive logistics work over the November 10 - 11 weekend at a major
drop-off site in the San Fernando Valley for evacuee supplies. ARES
team members worked with other volunteers to accept nearly 10 tons of
pet food, plus thousands of boxes of items such as soap, toothpaste,
toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, razors, lotion, feminine care
products, and sunscreen, as well as baby food, formula, diapers and
wipes, towels and bedding, snacks, and non-perishable food items,
Feinberg said.

Firefighting efforts continue in residential neighborhoods. [Photo
courtesy of LA County Fire Department]

On the air for the Woolsey Fire, both the Los Angeles County Disaster
Communications Service (DCS) -- Amateur Radio volunteers overseen by
the Sheriff's Department -- and the City of Los Angeles Fire
Department Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) operated nets and
monitored their respective frequencies. "The DCS group at Lost Hills
Sheriff Station covers most of the Los Angeles County areas affected
by the Woolsey Fire and communicated with organized amateurs in the
cities of Calabasas, Agoura Hills, Hidden Hills, Malibu, Westlake
Village, and unincorporated mountain areas when not affected by
respective mandatory evacuation orders," Feinberg said. "The City of
Los Angeles' ACS group was involved when the city's West Hills
neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley became the fire's northeastern
front, forcing about half of the West Hills community to evacuate."
Santa Barbara Section Manager John Kitchens, NS6X, told ARRL that
Ventura County ACS (ARES) is supporting evacuation centers and the Red
Cross, in the Santa Barbara Section.

Feinberg said ACS members have also been involved with delivering food
and water supplies to LAFD firefighters and performing fire patrols.
American Red Cross volunteers are reported to be using Amateur Radio
in connection with some of their fire response activities, Feinberg
reported. The Woolsey Fire covers nearly 100,000 acres and was
reported 47% contained as of November 14. Read more. -- Thanks to
Diana Feinberg, AI6DF

Maritime Mobile Service Network Operators Assist Vessel with Ill Crew

Amateur Radio operators associated with the Maritime Mobile Service
Network (MMSN) played a significant part in summoning medical
assistance on November 9 for a crew member suffering chest pains on
board the 48-foot sailing vessel Marie Elena, some 300 miles east of

"The assistance we received from the ham radio operator[s] was crucial
in helping us communicate with the vessel's crew," US Coast Guard
Petty Officer 1st Travis Unser said afterward. Unser was the
search-and-rescue coordinator for the incident.

MMSN member Donald Plunkett, VA6FH, heard a call for medical
assistance at 1650 UTC on the net's 14.300 MHz frequency from Nick
Cancro, KC2WRH, the captain of the Marie Elena.

Cancro reported that a crew member was experiencing severe chest pains
and needed medical assistance. Fellow MMSN operator Fred Moore, W3ZU,
of Inverness, Florida, had good propagation with the Marie Elena and
contacted the vessel, linking it via a phone patch to the US Coast
Guard Station in Norfolk, Virginia. The Coast Guard was able to
connect the patient directly to medical personnel via the phone patch
to ascertain symptoms and prescribe first aid measures prior to
medical assistance arrival. Moore arranged with the Marie Elena to
contact him at the bottom of the hour throughout the night and to call
immediately if the patient's condition worsened. The US Air Force also
came on frequency at the Coast Guard's request to evaluate the
situation and see if it could assist.

The ailing crewman is lifted from the deck of the USCG cutter Spencer
into a MedEvac helicopter. [USCG video]

Due to the sailboat's distance offshore, the Coast Guard directed the
captain to head toward Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The Coast Guard
then redirected the cutter Spencer, under way near the Virginia-North
Carolina border, toward the Marie Elena. The Spencer rendezvoused with
the sailboat at about 1230 UTC on November 10, launching a small boat
crew and transporting the man aboard the cutter. A short time later, a
helicopter crew was able to hoist the man aboard from the Spencer and
transport him to a hospital in Norfolk. Moore was assisted by a relay
station Mark Strothmann Sr., KC9YRX, in Wisconsin, who provided
much-needed information throughout the incident. ditional MMSN members
pitched in as well.

"This was a true team effort, and I am proud of the members of this
organization who train for just this type of event. They performed in
an exemplary fashion," said MMSN Manager Jeff Savasta, KB4JKL. Read

Southern New Jersey ARES Team Assists in Missing-Person Search

Ocean County, New Jersey, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®)
volunteers recently assisted search groups looking for a man with
dementia who was reported missing on November 2 from a nursing home in
Stafford Township. Searches concentrating on neighborhoods around the
nursing home had been unsuccessful. The missing man's family organized
a search on November 10, and Ocean County ARES was invited to

Tom Devine, WB2ALJ (left), and Ocean County Emergency Coordinator Bob
Murdock, WX2NJ, listen during the search briefing. [Photo courtesy of
Tom Preiser, N2XW]

Ocean County ARES EC Bob Murdock, WX2NJ, had been informed that the
search would focus on a wooded area. Tim Tonnesen, NJ2N, was
instrumental in contacting the local authorities and working with the
family and search teams to organize a search plan, while Murdock
looked after the communications technical side and personnel.
Temperatures had dropped overnight to around 32 °F, and it had rained
considerably the night before.

ARES established a net control station at a nearby park, where power,
shelter, and rest facilities were available. The search teams were
made up of volunteers from the community -- more than 140 in all --
and the ARES team agreed to coordinate communication among search
groups. Ocean County ARES supplied nine radio operators. A VHF
repeater proved unreliable for use with handheld transceivers, and
communication ultimately took place using a UHF repeater in Toms
River, maintained by Ocean County ARES members.

Topographical maps were used to plot out the search areas. ARES
members assisted in making sure all volunteers had been accounted for.
The search continued that afternoon, without success, and volunteers
returned to the rallying point.

As of mid-week, the missing man had not been located. Read more. --
Thanks to ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Emergency Coordinator Tom
Preiser, N2XW

The Doctor Will See You Now!

"External Speakers" is the topic of the current (November 8) episode
of the "ARRL The Doctor is In" podcast. Listen...and learn!

Sponsored by DX Engineering, "ARRL The Doctor is In" is an informative
discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet,
or smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!

Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and
the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of
technical topics. You can also email your questions to, and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.

Enjoy "ARRL The Doctor is In" on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone
or iPad podcast app (just search for "ARRL The Doctor is In"). You can
also listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration
required, or browse the site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher
app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never listened to a
podcast before, download our beginner's guide.

Just ahead: "Station Computers."

ARRL Executive Committee Recommends Small dition to Articles of

At its October 20 meeting, the ARRL Executive Committee voted to
recommend to the full Board of Directors an addition to Article 1 of
the Articles of Association of ARRL, per requirements of the
Connecticut Secretary of the State. The minor addition is necessary to
bring the Articles into alignment with Connecticut state statutes.

The requirement would add the sentence, "The Corporation is nonprofit
and shall not have or issue shares of stock or make distributions," at
the end of Article 1. If the full ARRL Board of Directors adopts the
Executive Committee's recommendation at its January 18 - 19, 2019,
meeting, Article 1 of the ARRL Articles of Association would then

Article 1: The name of our corporation shall be The American Radio
Relay League, Incorporated. It may be informally referred to as ARRL,
the national association for Amateur Radio. Our corporation commenced
its corporate existence as The American Radio Relay League,
Incorporated, when its Articles of Association were approved by the
Secretary of the State of Connecticut on January 29, 1915. The
original Articles of Association were subscribed by Hiram Percy Maxim,
Clarence D. Tuska, and Lawrence A. Howard. The affairs of the
corporation have since that time been continuously governed by a Board
of Directors selected by the membership. The Corporation is nonprofit
and shall not have or issue shares of stock or make distributions.

AMSAT's Fox-1Cliff CubeSat Set to Launch on November 19

AMSAT is counting down to the launch of the next Fox-1 satellite,
Fox-1Cliff. According to space news outlet Spaceflight Now, the launch
from Vandenberg Air Force Base of Spaceflight's SSO-A SmallSat Express
mission, on a SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle, is currently scheduled for
November 19 at 1832 UTC. The launch will involve the deployment of
more than 70 government and commercial satellites heading into
sun-synchronous polar orbits, including Fox-1Cliff, and Spaceflight
Industries engineers have developed a strategy to keep multiple
objects in similar orbits from colliding with one another.

Fox-1Cliff carries the Fox-1 U/V FM repeater, AMSAT's L-Band
Downshifter, the flight spare of the AO-85 Vanderbilt University
Low-Energy Proton (LEP) radiation experiment, and the standard Fox-1
Penn State University-Erie MEMS gyroscope experiment. Virginia Tech
provided a video graphics array camera that's similar to the one on
AO-92, but which will provide images at a higher 640 × 480

For the Amateur Radio FM voice transponder, the uplinks will be
435.300 MHz (67.0 Hz CTCSS tone) and 1,267.300 MHz (67.0 Hz CTCSS
tone). The downlink will be 145.920 MHz FM voice and Data Under Voice
AFSK digital data at up to 9,600 bps. Transmit power is 600 mW
nominal. Fox-1Cliff will be supported by the same FoxTelem software
already released.

Fox-1Cliff is named in honor of long-time AMSAT member, contributor,
and benefactor Cliff Buttschardt, K7RR (SK), who died in 2016. Read
more. -- Thanks to AMSAT News Service, with some information from
Spaceflight Now

Es'hail-2 Geostationary Satellite Launch Said to be Imminent

According to AMSAT-Germany (AMSAT-DL), Es'hail-2, the world's first
geostationary satellite carrying Amateur Radio transponders, will go
into space from Cape Canaveral in a few days. Space news outlet
Spaceflight Now says that the SpaceX Falcon 9 launcher is set to
launch on Thursday, November 15, between 2049 and 2229 UTC. Positioned
at 25.5° E, the satellite will carry an Amateur Radio S-band and
X-band payload capable of linking radio amateurs from Brazil to
Thailand; it's unlikely that Es'hail-2 will be accessible from North
America, at least not with conventional Amateur Radio satellite gear.

The recent subject of an AMSAT-UK Colloquium presentation, Es'hail-2
will carry two Phase 4 (P4-A) non-inverting Amateur Radio transponders
operating in a 2.4 GHz up/10.45 GHz down configuration. This offers a
250 kHz bandwidth linear transponder intended for conventional analog
operations, plus an 8 MHz bandwidth transponder for experimental
digital modulation schemes and DVB amateur television.

The Qatar Amateur Radio Society and Qatar Satellite Company are
cooperating on the Amateur Radio project, and AMSAT-DL is providing
technical support. Es'hail will carry commercial payloads.

Several orbital maneuvers are necessary before Es'hail-2 enters its
commissioning phase, which may take several months. Read more. --
Thanks to AMSAT News Service; AMSAT-DL

ARRL Staffers, State and Local Officials on Hand for Massachusetts
ARISS School Contact

ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology alumnus Mariusz
Zielinski, KB1MDS, invited ARRL Lifelong Learning Manager Kris
Bickell, K1BIC, Lifelong Learning ministrator Ally Riedel, KM3ALF, and
ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, to
witness an exciting November 2 Amateur Radio on the International
Space Station (ARISS) contact with students at Pathfinder Regional
Vocational Technical High School in Palmer, Massachusetts, where
Zielinski teaches. Pathfinder Amateur Radio Club students queued up to
ask mostly technical questions of NASA astronaut Serena Maria
Auñón-Chancellor, KG5TMT.

Pathfinder student Avalee Strong (center) asks her question of
astronaut Serena Maria Auñón-Chancellor, KG5TMT. At the right is
student Paige Connery. Sean McFaul is behind Strong. [Photo courtesy
of Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical High School]

The Pathfinder ARC said the ARISS project became "a school-wide
endeavor, capitalizing on our students' interests in the trades and
STEM subjects, giving them an interdisciplinary opportunity to apply
their various skill sets." Over the 2-year run-up to the contact,
Pathfinder students fabricated the antenna-aiming and mounting
hardware. One goal of the project was to "provide an educational
opportunity for students, teachers, and the general public to learn
about wireless technology and radio science through Amateur Radio,"
the club described.

Palmer Town Councilor Robert Lavoie, Massachusetts Representative Todd
Smola, and Massachusetts Senator Anne Gobi were on hand to present a
citation of congratulations from the State of Massachusetts House of

Wearing an "ARISS 2018" t-shirt designed by students, Zielinski told a
WWLP television reporter that the successful contact was even more
exciting than the Boston Red Sox recent World Series win.

Further assistance and support was provided by fellow Teachers
Institute alumni and Pathfinder instructors Schley Warren, KA1TDL, and
Frank Legassey, KC1IYH, as well as from John O'Donnell, KC1GZB; Susan
Grimaldi, WA1SJG, and Al Grimaldi, KB1XG, of the Mt. Tom Amateur
Repeater Association. Legassey, an electronics instructor, and
O'Donnell, a physics instructor, earned their Amateur Radio licenses
during a January 2018 exam session at the school. Read more.

Amateur Radio Issues under Discussion in Geneva in vance of WRC-19

As part of the run up to World Radiocommunication Conference 2019
(WRC-19), three International Telecommunication Union
Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) Study Group 5 (SG 5) Working Groups
have been meeting this week in Geneva. ITU-R Study Groups develop the
technical bases for decisions taken at WRCs and develop  global
standards, reports, and handbooks on radiocommunication matters.
Working Group 5A-1 (WG 5A-1), chaired by Dale Hughes, VK1DSH, is
responsible for Amateur Radio issues. Its primary task is to develop a
technical report to support the work for WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.1,
considering an allocation of 50 - 54 MHz to the Amateur Service in ITU
Region 1 (Europe and Africa) that would be in line with the 6-meter
band in Regions 2 and 3. Other services, including broadcasters,
utilize the 50 - 54 MHz band in Region 1. The work is in response to
WRC-15 Resolution 658 to study spectrum needs in Region 1 for the
Amateur Service in the 50 - 54 MHz band, and to study sharing among
the Amateur Service and the mobile, fixed, radiolocation, and
broadcasting services, in order to ensure protection of these

In addition to WG 5A-1 Chairman Hughes, the larger Working Party 5A
includes IARU Vice President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR; IARU Representative
Dave Court, EI3IO; CEPT Coordinator Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T,
ARRL Representative Jonathan Siverling, WB3ERA, DARC representatives
Ulrich Mueller, DK4VW, and Bernd

Working Group 5A-1 Chair Dale Hughes, VK1DSH. [Jon Siverling, WB3ERA,

Mischlewski, DF2ZC, and JARL representative Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP. Jose
Costa (Canada/Ericsson Canada) chairs WP 5A. Siverling is the WP 5A
rapporteur for ITU Region 2 (the Americas). His report, Liaison
Rapporteur's Report on Relevant Activities in Certain Countries in
Region 2, emphasized the emergency communications provided by radio
amateurs during this past hurricane.

While much of the work of WP 5A, and of Working Group 5A-1 in
particular, has been on the working document covering Amateur Service
spectrum needs and sharing studies with incumbent services in the 50 -
54 MHz band, WG 5A-1 also completed a liaison statement to Working
Party 1A (spectrum engineering techniques) and Working Party 3L
(ionospheric propagation and radio noise) highlighting Amateur Radio
concerns with respect to Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems. The
primary unease involves spurious and harmonic emissions -- which
require additional study, attenuation due to walls and building
penetration levels, and separation distance between WPT devices and
Amateur Radio antennas. Fears have been expressed that WPT charging
for electric vehicles might cause substantial interference on the
amateur bands. Read more.

SKYWARN Recognition Day 2018 is Saturday, December 1 UTC

SKYWARNâä¢ Recognition Day (SRD) 2018 takes place on Saturday,
December 1, from 0000 until 2400 UTC. Developed in 1999 by the
National Weather Service (NWS) and ARRL, SRD celebrates the
contributions that SKYWARN volunteers make to the NWS mission, the
protection of life and property. During SKYWARNâä¢ Recognition
Day, special event stations will be on the air from NWS offices,
contacting radio amateurs around the world.

"Amateur Radio operators comprise a large percentage of the
SKYWARNâä¢ volunteers across the country," the NWS announcement
said. "Amateur Radio operators also provide vital communication
between the NWS and emergency management, if normal communications
become inoperative."

The object of SRD is for all amateur stations to exchange contact
information with as many National Weather Service stations as possible
on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meters, plus 70 centimeters. Contacts
via repeaters are permitted. Stations should exchange call sign,
signal report, and location plus a quick description of the weather at
your location (e.g., sunny, partly cloudy, windy, rainy, etc.).
EchoLink and IRLP nodes, including the Voice over Internet Protocol
Weather Net (VoIP-WX), are expected to be active as well.

Stations will employ various modes, including SSB, FM, AM, RTTY, CW,
and PSK31. While working digital modes, special event stations will
append "NWS" to their call signs (e.g., N0A/NWS). It's suggested that
during SRD operations a non-NWS volunteer serve as a station control

Event certificates are electronic and printable from the main website
at the conclusion of SRD. Submit SRD log summaries using the online
submission form.

In Brief...

An IARU Region 2 ARDF survey is under way. To better understand the
needs of enthusiasts in Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF),
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (IARU-R2) ARDF
Coordinator Ken Harker, WM5R, is undertaking an online ARDF survey.
"This is the first IARU Region 2 ARDF Community Survey, and I hope
that this is something we can do once a year," Harker said in an
introductory statement on the survey website. "The survey is divided
into four sections and should take less than 30 minutes to complete.
Most questions are optional." -- Thanks to IARU Region 2

Eastern Massachusetts SEC and SKYWARN Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY,
has been recognized for his work. The Blue Hill Observatory and
Science Center awarded Macedo its Outstanding Service Award on
November 9 during a Blue Hills Observatory fundraising event. Doing
the honors were meteorologist and Weather Channel personality Jim
Cantore and former Weather Channel meteorologist Mish Michaels. The
honor was especially meaningful for Macedo as it coincided with his
birthday. "It's both rewarding and humbling to receive [the award] in
the presence of some of the most respected people in the meteorology
profession," Macedo said. "It wouldn't be possible without the support
of hundreds to thousands of SKYWARN spotters and Amateur Radio

The K7RA Solar Update

Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: A single sunspot appeared on
November 13 - 14, yielding a daily sunspot number of 11 over both
days. So, the average daily sunspot number for the November 8 - 14
reporting week was 3.1, after no sunspots during the 7 days.

The average daily solar flux rose from 67.7 to 68.5, the average daily
planetary A index declined from 12 to 8.1, and the average
mid-latitude A index dipped from 8.1 to 6.3.

There were no sunspots for 26 days -- from October 18 to November 12.
Does this place us near the bottom of the sunspot cycle? Perhaps, or
somewhere in that direction. Look at sunspot numbers in 2008 and 2009,
during the last solar minimum, and note the long periods with no

Predicted solar flux over the next 45 days is 68 on November 15 -
December 2; 69 on December 3 - 4; 70, 69, and 69 on December 5 - 7; 70
on December 8 - 15; 69 on December 16, and 68 on December 17 - 29.

The predicted planetary A index is 5 on November 15 - 24; 8 on
November 25; 5 on November 26 - 30; 15 and 30 on December 1 - 2; 10 on
December 3 - 4; 8 on December 5 - 6; 12 on December 7 - 9; 10 and 8 on
December 10 - 11; 5 on December 12 - 27, and 15 and 30 on December 28
- 29.

Sunspot numbers for November 8 - 4 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, and 11,
with a mean of 3.1. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 69.5, 68.9, 69, 69.3,
68.2, 67, and 67.9, with a mean of 68.5. Estimated planetary A indices
were 11, 10, 13, 7, 9, 4, and 3, with a mean of 8.1. Estimated
mid-latitude A indices were 12, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3, and 2, with a mean of

Share your reports and observations.

Just Ahead in Radiosport

November 16 -- YO International PSK31 Contest

November 17 -- Feld Hell Sprint

November 17 -- RSGB 2nd 1.8 MHz Contest (CW)

November 17 - 18 -- LZ DX Contest (CW, phone)

November 17 -18 -- 1.8 All Austrian 160-Meter Contest (CW)

November 17 - 18 -- REF 160-Meter Contest (CW)

November 17 - 19 -- ARRL November Sweepstakes (SSB)

November 18 -- Homebrew and Oldtime Equipment Party (CW)

November 19 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)

November 21 -- 80-Meter Autumn Series (SSB)

November 22 -- NAQCC CW Sprint

See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth
reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest
Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.

Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

November 17 - 18 -- Central Division Convention, Fort Wayne, Indiana

December 1 -- Arkansas DX Association Conference, North Little Rock,

December 7 - 8 -- West Central Florida Section Convention, Plant City,

January 5 -- New York City-Long Island Section Convention, Brookville,
New York

January 12 -- Georgia ARES Convention, Forsyth, Georgia

January 18 - 19 -- Southern Florida Section Convention, Fort Myers,

January 18 - 19 -- North Texas Section Convention, Forest Hill, Texas

January 20 - 26 -- Quartzfest Convention, Quartzsite, Arizona

January 25 - 26 -- Mississippi State Convention, Jackson, Mississippi

Find conventions and hamfests in your area.

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