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N9PMO  > LETTER   04.01.19 04:44l 586 Lines 26582 Bytes #999 (0) @ ARRL
BID : ARRL3701
Subj: ARRL3701 ARRL Letter
Sent: 190104/0232Z 12815@N9PMO.#SEWI.WI.USA.NA BPQ6.0.17

FCC Outlines Impact on its Operations of Potential Funding Lapse

Radio Amateurs Support Emergency Communication in Tsunami's Wake

WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee Unveils New Website, Initial
Qualification Rules

The Doctor Will See You Now!

New Section Manager in Southern New Jersey, Eight Incumbents to
Continue in Office

Countdown to Third Annual AM Rally Has Begun

Saturday, January 5, is Kids Day

New D-STAR ONE Nanosatellites Launched; Es'hail-2 Testing Under Way

FCC Reaches $900,000 Settlement in Unauthorized Satellite Launch Case

N1MM Logger+ Update Better Supports RTTY Roundup Participants Using

Bulgaria to Host the 2019 Youngsters On The Air Summer Camp

In Brief...

The K7RA Solar Update

Just Ahead in Radiosport

Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

FCC Outlines Impact on its Operations of Potential Funding Lapse

The FCC suspended "most operations" at mid-day on Thursday, January 3,
due to the continued partial lapse in federal government funding. The
agency spelled out the impact of the funding lapse in a January 2
Public Notice. Some systems that have gone dark in prior government
shutdowns will remain operational this time, however. That includes
the FCC website, although it will not be updated except for matters
related to spectrum auction activities and those necessary for the
protection of life and property, until normal operations resume. The
FCC Daily Digest will continue to appear.

The Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), the Universal Licensing
System (ULS), the Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS), and
the Commission Online Registration System (CORES) will remain
available, but no support will be provided except that necessary for
spectrum auction activity that covers the costs involved.

According to the Public Notice, ULS and ECFS filings, among others,
"will not be reviewed or processed and will be considered accepted on
the day following the day of return to normal operations." This would
include the processing of Amateur Radio applications.

Also down will be the Consumer Complaint Center and the Experimental
Licensing System, among several others.

Still available will be the Network Outage Reporting System (NORS),
the Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS), the Public Safety
Support Center (PSSC), the Licensing Management System (LMS), the
Consolidated Database System (CDBS), the Auctions Public Reporting
System (PRS), the Auction Application System, and the Auction Bidding

"All other Commission electronic filing and database systems will be
unavailable to the public until normal agency operations resume," the
FCC said.

The FCC released its overall shutdown plan in late December. The
resumption of normal operations will also be announced on the FCC's

Radio Amateurs Support Emergency Communication in Tsunami's Wake

Radio amateurs in Indonesia's Banten Province are in position to
support any necessary emergency communication in the wake of a
"stealth tsunami" on December 22, that struck without warning.
Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency concluded
that "the eruption triggered a landslide underwater" at Anak Krakatau.

Chairman of the Banten Regional ORARI, Panji, YB1DVB (center), went
directly to the location of the tsunami disaster in several areas in
Banten. [Photo courtesy of ORARI]

The tsunami struck in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and
Sumatra, which connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean. Rescue and
relief activities are under way. The death toll was expected to top
400, with some 1,500 injured. Many were reported to be still missing.
Fatalities occurred in the Pandeglang, South Lampung, and Serang
regions of Indonesia.

IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Coordinator Dani Hidayat,
YB2TJV, said in the immediate aftermath that ORARI, Indonesia's IARU
member-society, would use 7.110 MHz for any relief and recover

"The disaster management agency warned that the death toll is likely
to rise further," Hidayat said. Some believe that high seas resulting
from the full moon may have contributed to the force of the waves. The
disaster management agency said hundreds of buildings were damaged.

President Joko Widodo, YD2JKW, vowed on December 24 to have all
equipment used for the detection of tsunamis replaced or repaired.

WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee Unveils New Website, Initial
Qualification Rules

The World Radiosport Team Championship 2022 (WRTC 2022) Organizing
Committee has debuted its official website as well as the Initial
Qualification Rules -- already under vigorous debate -- to be selected
as a WRTC 2022 team leader. While 2022 may seem a long way off, the
qualifying events -- 24 in all -- take place between February 2019 and
November 2020. Each qualifying event has a point  value that's used in
calculating qualifying scores, and each entry category has been
assigned a weighting factor.

"Please don't think that WRTC is only for Top Guns," the announcement
said. "You might have a chance." According to the announcement, WRTC
2022 Selection Areas are much smaller, so that operators on all
continents will have more chances to qualify. Team leaders, once
established, will select a team member from among the top applicants
who did not qualify as team leaders. "WRTC 2022 is now for everybody.
The only things that you will need are commitment, motivation, and
skill," the announcement said.

An email reflector has been set up to field "suggestions, corrections,
and new ideas" on the Initial Qualification Rules. The Final
Qualification Rules will be published on January 31.

The first qualifying event is the ARRL International DX Contest CW.
WRTC 2022 will be held in Bologna, Italy.

The Doctor Will See You Now!

"Log-Periodic Antennas" is the topic of the new (January 3) episode of
the "ARRL The Doctor is In" podcast. Listen...and learn!

Sponsored by DX Engineering, "ARRL The Doctor is In" is an informative
discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet,
or smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!

Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and
the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of
technical topics. You can also email your questions to, and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.

Enjoy "ARRL The Doctor is In" on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone
or iPad podcast app (just search for "ARRL The Doctor is In"). You can
also listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration
required, or browse the site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher
app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never listened to a
podcast before, download our beginner's guide.

New Section Manager in Southern New Jersey, Eight Incumbents to
Continue in Office

Southern New Jersey got a new Section Manager (SM) on January 1. No
balloting was necessary in the latest Section Manager election cycle,
and eight incumbent SMs began new 2-year terms on New Year's Day. In
Southern New Jersey, Section Emergency Coordinator Tom Preiser, N2XW,
of Manahawkin, was the only candidate by the September 7 nomination
deadline. Incumbent Skip Arey, N2EI, of Beverly, decided not to run
for another term after serving since January 2015.

These Section Managers faced no opposition and will continue in their
respective offices: Tom Walsh, K1TW (Eastern Massachusetts); Cecil
Higgins, AC0HA (Missouri); Matt Anderson, KA0BOJ (Nebraska); Jim
Mezey, W2KFV (New York City/Long Island); Thomas Dick, KF2GC (Northern
New York); Marc Tarplee, N4UFP (South Carolina); Darrell Davis, KT4WX
(West Central Florida), and Joe Shupienis, W3BC (Western

Countdown to Third Annual AM Rally Has Begun

The third annual AM Rally is on the near horizon -- just about 6 weeks
away -- beginning at 0000 UTC on February 2 and continuing until 0700
UTC on February 4. The event aims to encourage the use of AM on 160,
80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6 meters while highlighting the various types
of AM equipment in use today. The event is open to all radio amateurs
running AM using any type of radio equipment -- modern, vintage, tube,
solid-state, software-defined, military, boatanchor, broadcast,
homebrew, or commercial. It's an incentive to dig out that old
AM-capable tube gear that's collecting dust and spiderwebs in the
attic or basement.

"We're very excited about the upcoming AM Rally in February, given its
growth over the past 2 years and the positive comments we've
received," said Clark Burgard, N1BCG, who is spearheading the event
with Steve Cloutier, WA1QIX, and Brian Kress, KB3WFV. "In particular,
it's great to hear how so many ops are giving this classic mode a try,
many for the first time, and of the help offered to them by those who
have mastered the technology."

For many, if not most, radio amateurs getting on AM is as simple as
pressing the AM mode button on the front panel. Numerous transceivers
in use today offer AM capability. A lot of hams enjoy restoring and
using vintage Amateur Radio equipment, which typically means a
separate transmitter and receiver. Until SSB subsumed it on the ham
bands, AM was the primary HF voice mode.

Today, a group of dedicated radio amateurs keeps the flame alive,
getting on AM frequently, and for many of them, AM is their primary
operating mode. The AM Rally gives the uninitiated a chance to dip a
toe into the pool, so to speak.

AM superstar Tim Smith, WA1HLR, with the Gates BC-1T AM broadcast
transmitter he helped to restore for occasional use under W1AW or
under the ARRL Headquarters Operators Club call sign, W1INF. 

The event website has complete AM Rally details, contact information,
award categories, logging, and tips on how to get the most out of your
station equipment in AM mode. Contact Clark Burgard, N1BCG, for more

The event is sponsored by Radio Engineering Associates (REA), in
cooperation with ARRL, which supports all modes of Amateur Radio
operation. W1AW will play a leading role in the event, as it has for
the past 2 years.

Certificates will be awarded to stations scoring the highest number of
points in each of the five power classes, regardless of rig category,
both for most contacts and most states/provinces.

Saturday, January 5, is Kids Day

The first Saturday in January is Kids Day -- the time to get children
on the air to share in the joy and fun that Amateur Radio has to
offer. Kids Day starts on Saturday, January 5, at 1800 UTC and
concludes at 2359 UTC.

Sponsored by the Boring (Oregon) Amateur Radio Club, this event has a
simple exchange, suitable for younger operators: first name, age,
location, and favorite color. After that, the contact can be as long
or as short as each participant prefers.

Look for activity on these frequencies: 10 meters: 28.350 - 28.400
MHz; 12 meters: 24.960 - 24.980 MHz; 15 meters: 21.360 - 21.400 MHz;
17 meters: 18.140 - 18.145 MHz; 20 meters: 14.270 - 14.300 MHz; 40
meters: 7.270 - 7.290 MHz, and 80 meters: 3.740 - 3.940 MHz. Repeater
contacts are okay with permission of the repeater owner.

As with any on-the-air activity that includes unlicensed individuals,
control operators must observe third-party traffic restrictions when
making DX contacts. ditional details are on the ARRL website.

New D-STAR ONE Nanosatellites Launched; Es'hail-2 Testing Under Way

A December 27 Soyuz launch deployed the two German Orbital Systems
D-STAR ONE satellites D-STAR ONE - Sparrow and D-STAR ONE - iSat.
Beacons have been successfully received from both satellites, which
carry a D-STAR repeater with an uplink at 437.325 MHz and downlink at
435.525 MHz. The D-STAR ONE - Phoenix 3U CubeSat, launched last
February, was lost. A pair of Kanopus V

The December 27, 2018, Soyuz launch carried a total of 28 satellites
into space. [Photo courtesy of Roscosmos]

remote-sensing satellites was the primary payload. The flight carried
28 satellites in all.

"During the first low-elevation pass over Berlin, our team established
successful contact with both satellites," German Orbital Systems said.
"The received telemetry confirms nominal status of all systems."

The December Soyuz flight also deployed the UWE-4 1U CubeSat carrying
an electric propulsion experiment and a 70-centimeter 9.6 k AX.25
digipeater, with an uplink/downlink frequency of 437.375 MHz.

Elsewhere, AMSAT-DL (Germany) has reported that in-orbit testing of
the P4-A ham radio transponders on Es'hail-2 has begun. Es'hail-2 is
the world's first geostationary satellite carrying Amateur Radio
transponders. During testing, AMSAT-DL cautioned, no one should
transmit on the Es'hail-2 uplink.

"Like everyone, we are very excited by the received signals so far,
and we do appreciate any monitoring and receiving reports from the
Amateur Radio community," AMSAT-DL said, noting that unsolicited
transmissions on the Es'hail-2 uplink not only could delay
commissioning but adversely affect relations with satellite owner

When all in-orbit testing has been successfully completed, the
satellite will be moved to its final orbital position at 26° E. The
satellite carries an Amateur Radio S-band and X-band payload capable
of linking radio amateurs from Brazil to Thailand. It's unlikely that
Es'hail-2 will be accessible from North America with typical Amateur
Radio satellite gear, however.

FCC Reaches $900,000 Settlement in Unauthorized Satellite Launch Case

The FCC has settled an investigation into an alleged unauthorized
launch and operation of small satellites by Swarm Technologies. The
company agreed to a Consent Decree that included a $900,000 penalty,
an extended period of FCC oversight, and a requirement of pre-launch
notices to the FCC, among other stipulations.

"We will aggressively enforce the FCC's requirements that companies
seek FCC authorization prior to deploying and operating communications
satellites and earth stations," FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief Rosemary
Harold said. "These important obligations protect other operators
against radio interference and collisions, making space a safer place
to operate."

In April 2017, Swarm applied for an Experimental license to deploy and
operate two Earth stations and four tiny 0.25 U CubeSats called
SpaceBEEs. The FCC denied Swarm's application in December 2017 over
concerns about the ability to track the satellites. Swarm nevertheless
launched the satellites on January 12, 2018, on a vehicle that also
carried an Amateur Radio satellite into space. After reports of the
unauthorized SpaceBEEs launch surfaced, the FCC launched an
investigation last March.

The FCC determined that Swarm had launched the four SpaceBEEs from
India and had unlawfully transmitted signals between Earth stations in
Georgia and the satellites for more than a week. In addition, the FCC
discovered that Swarm had also performed unauthorized  weather
balloon-to-ground station tests and other unauthorized equipment tests
prior to the launch. All these activities required FCC authorization.

The December resolution requires Swarm to pay a penalty of $900,000 to
the US Treasury and to submit pre-launch reports to the FCC for the
next 3 years. The FCC said Swarm has committed to a strict compliance
plan to prevent future FCC rule violations.

The FCC issued an Enforcement visory last April to remind satellite
operators that they must obtain FCC authorization for space station
and Earth station operations. The advisory cautioned satellite
operators and launch companies against proceeding with launch
arrangements following a license denial or prior to receiving an FCC
authorization. -- FCC Media Release

N1MM Logger+ Update Better Supports RTTY Roundup Participants Using

An N1MM Logger+ software update provides some good news for those who
are planning to use both RTTY and FT8 in the ARRL RTTY Roundup on
January 5 - 6. N1MM Logger+ version 1.0.7422, released on January 1,
includes changes to better support working in conjunction with WSJT-X
in contests, including color coding of multipliers and duplicate call

The N1MM Logger+/WSJT-X interface. Participants in the ARRL RTTY
Roundup should be using WSJT-X version 2.0 or higher. [Image courtesy
of Larry Gauthier, K8UT]

When configured correctly, WSJT-X decodes a general call and shows it
in the program's left-hand band activity window. It will also be sent
to N1MM Logger+, which will display that call sign in a new
WSJT-X-specific window -- new in the January 1 release. The call sign
color will be set to red if it's an unworked multiplier, blue if the
call sign is a new station but not a new multi, or gray if the call
sign is already in the log. Clicking on that call sign in the N1MM
Logger+ window will enter it in WSJT-X, poised to be worked using

For stations using RTTY and FT8 in the ARRL RTTY Roundup, the status
of any particular call sign or multiplier now will show in either
program. Previously, it was not possible to initiate a contact in
WSJT-X from N1MM Logger+.

Switching between RTTY and FT8 (from the WSJT-X suite) will require
different configurations for N1MM Logger+ for each mode. Either N1MM
Logger+ or WSJT-X can directly control a transceiver at any time, but
not both. Using separate .ini (configuration) files for N1MM Logger+
could ease the process. One configuration would be the "normal" RTTY
configuration for N1MM Logger+, and the other would be a configuration
that doesn't control the rig but does allow contacts to be logged from
WSJT-X. See the N1MM Logger+ help file for more information. --Thanks
to Larry Gauthier, K8UT, and Brian Moran, N9ADG

Bulgaria to Host the 2019 Youngsters On The Air Summer Camp

The ninth Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) summer camp will be held in
Bulgaria, with the Bulgarian Federation of Radioamateurs (BFRA)
hosting the event.

"In this YOTA Camp, we will be continuing with our train-the-trainer
program, which will be the main theme of the week," IARU Region 1
Youth Working Group Chair Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, said in announcing the
annual event. "Participants will be working on the future of Amateur
Radio and will be involved in workshops where they gain skills to
start similar Amateur Radio youth events back home. With this, we are 
aiming to create a snowball effect [to inspire] more and more YOTA
events all over the world. This also allows other youngsters and
newcomers to enjoy Amateur Radio."

Leenders said time will be set aside for the campers to enjoy Amateur
Radio and to become acquainted with Bulgaria. "Previous events have
shown that all participants [have] an unforgettable week, where many
new friendships are started," she said.

While primarily an IARU Region 1 event, young radio amateurs from the
US in Region 2 and Region 3 also have attended. "We are open for teams
outside Region 1," Leenders told ARRL. "Depending on the number of
applications we receive, we will decide how many participants outside
the region we can support."

Individual IARU member-societies select candidates aged 15 to 25 for
the summer camp, which will take place August 11 - 17 near the
Bulgarian capital city of Sofia. Interested member-societies should
complete the registration form by February 1. There is a limit of 80
participants. -- Thanks to IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group Chair
Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, via IARU Region 1 news

In Brief...

The ARRL Foundation Scholarship program will accept applications from
eligible applicants until January 31, 2019. All applicants must be
FCC-licensed radio amateurs, and many scholarships have other specific
requirements, such as intended area of study, ARRL Division, Section
or state, and license class. Applicants should review the scholarships
and check off the ones for which they are eligible. More information
is on the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program page. This year, the
Foundation Board of Directors is offering several new scholarships.
These include The Joel R. Miller (W7PDX) and Martha C. Miller STEM
Scholarship, The East Coast Amateur Radio Service (ECARS) Scholarship,
The Palomar Amateur Radio Club Scholarship, and The Dick Warren,
K6OBS, Memorial Scholarship.

FEMA Region 10 will conduct monthly communications exercises (COMMEX)
on the third Wednesday of each month, starting on January 16, 1730 -
1900 UTC. Amateur Radio operators are invited to take part. The intent
of these exercises is to test and exercise interoperable communication
(federal/state/local/tribal/Amateur Radio) during a major disaster in
which the communication infrastructure is significantly damaged or
destroyed. FEMA Region 10 will use the call sign WGY910. Other
stations associated with agencies and organizations that provide
response support in accordance with the National Response Framework
are encouraged to participate. The COMMEX will use these "dial" or
"window" frequencies on 60 meters -- including 5,330.5 kHz, 5,346.5
kHz, 5,357.0 kHz, 5,371.5 kHz, and 5,403.5 kHz -- as part of the
exercise. The area of operation is the continental US.

The Intrepid DX Group is seeking nominations for its annual Intrepid
Spirit and Humanitarian Awards. "We wish to recognize the individual
or group that most displayed their Intrepid Spirit this past year,"
the announcement said. An Intrepid Spirit is defined as "bold,
courageous, dedicated, innovative, fearless, generous, resolute, and
visionary in their approach to Amateur Radio," according to the
awards' website. "We want to recognize those individuals or groups
that activated the rare, difficult, and dangerous places," the group
said. The Humanitarian Award is given to an individual or group best
serving society via Amateur Radio. Submit nominations via email by
January 15. The Board of Directors of the Intrepid DX Group will
evaluate the nominations and awards will be presented at the
International DX Convention in Visalia, California, in April. --
Thanks to The Intrepid DX Group

Amateur Radio will be part of the 2019 Australian Scout Jamboree.
Australian Scouts will be on the air from special event station VI25AJ
on January 4 - 14 from the 25th Australian Scout Jamboree (AJ2019),
being held in Tailem Bend, South Australia. It's anticipated that some
2,000 Scouts will have the opportunity to experience Amateur Radio
during the 10-day event. VI25AJ will be active on HF using SSB and
digital modes, as well as on satellites, IRLP, and Echolink. More
information is available on the VI25AJ profile page.

The K7RA Solar Update

Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Sunspots returned with the New Year,
with sunspot numbers of 13 and 16 on January 1 - 2, resulting in an
average daily sunspot number of 4.1 for the week (December 27 -
January 2), compared to zero for the previous 7 days. The average
daily solar flux rose slightly from 70 to 70.4, the average daily
planetary A index increased from 4.9 to 9.3, and the average
mid-latitude A index went from 4 to 7.6.

Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 75 on January 3 - 6; 72
on January 7; 70 on January 8 - 9; 71 on January 10 - 19; 69 on
January 20 - February 2; 71 on February 3 - 15, and 69 on February 16.

The predicted planetary A index is 5, 14, 20, 14, and 8 on January 3 -
7; 5 on January 8 - 15; 12 on January 16; 5 on January 17 - 23; 20,
12, 12, and 10 on January 24 - 27; 5 on January 28 - 30; 12 on January
31; 15, 15, and 8 on February 1 - 3; 5 on February 4 - 11; 12 on
February 12, and 5 on February 13 - 16.

Sunspot numbers for December 27 - January 2 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13,
and 16, with a mean of 4.1. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 68.5, 69.3,
69, 69.4, 69.3, 71.9, and 75.2, with a mean of 70.4. Estimated
planetary A indices were 5, 24, 11, 10, 7, 6, and 2, with a mean of
9.3. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 5, 19, 9, 7, 7, 5, and 1,
with a mean of 7.6.

Share your reports and observations.

Just Ahead in Radiosport

January 5 -- PODXS 070 Club PSKFest

January 5 - 6 -- WW PMC Contest (CW, phone)

January 5 -- RSGB AFS Contest (CW, phone)

January 5 -- ARRL Kids Day (Phone)

January 5 - 6 -- ARRL RTTY Roundup

January 5 - 6 -- EUCW 160-Meter Contest (CW)

January 7 - 13 -- All IQRP Quarterly Marathon (CW, phone, digital)

January 8 -- ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)

See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth
reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest
Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.

Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions

January 5 -- New York City-Long Island Section Convention, Brookville,
New York

January 12 -- Georgia ARES Convention, Forsyth, Georgia

January 18 - 19 -- Southern Florida Section Convention, Fort Myers,

January 18 - 19 -- North Texas Section Convention, Forest Hill, Texas

January 20 - 26 -- Quartzfest Convention, Quartzsite, Arizona

January 25 - 26 -- Mississippi State Convention, Jackson, Mississippi

February 2 -- South Carolina State Convention, North Charleston, South

February 2 -- Roanoke Division Convention, Richmond, Virginia

February 8 - 10 -- Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, Florida

February 15 - 16 -- Southwestern Division Convention, Yuma, Arizona

February 16 -- LCARC Winter-Fest, Hoxie, Arkansas

February 22 - 23 -- TECHCON Conference, Tampa, Florida

February 23 -- New Mexico TechFest, Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 23 -- Vermont State Convention, S. Burlington, Vermont

Find conventions and hamfests in your area.

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