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N9PMO  > LETTER   29.08.14 00:36l 735 Lines 30880 Bytes #999 (0) @ ARRL
BID : ARLL3235
Sent: 140828/2228Z 534@N9PMO.#SEWI.WI.USA.NA BPQ1.4.61

Major ARRL Second Century Campaign Gift from JA1BK Will Support DX
Log Archive

FCC Proposes to Fine CBer $14,000 for Not Permitting Station

US-to-VK Transpacific Reception on 630 Meters Reported

Balloons Carrying Amateur Radio Payloads Still Circling the Earth

W1AW Centennial Operations Relocate to Tennessee, Oregon on
September 3

2014 ARRL Field Day Logs Received List Available for Review

W1AW/8 to Take the Snowball's Chance This Fall

World DATV QSO Party is August 29-30

Summits-on-the-Air Activity Weekend is September 13-14

Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, Will Be 2014 ARRL/TAPR Digital
Communications Conference Banquet Speaker

ARRL First Vice President Rick Roderick, K5UR, to Keynote W9DXCC

73 on 73 Award Announced

Operations Approved for DXCC Credit

NASA Astronaut Steven R. Nagel, N5RAW, SK

A Century of Amateur Radio and the ARRL

The K7RA Solar Update

Just Ahead in Radiosport

Upcoming ARRL Section, State and Division Conventions and Events

ARRL Headquarters Closed on Labor Day: ARRL Headquarters will be
closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 1, and there will be no W1AW
bulletins or code practice. ARRL Headquarters will reopen at 8 AM
Eastern Time on Tuesday, September 2. We wish everyone a safe and
enjoyable holiday!

Major ARRL Second Century Campaign Gift from JA1BK Will Support DX
Log Archive

A major donation from noted DXer Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK, to the ARRL
Second Century Campaign will support "The DX Log Archive Endowed by
JA1BK." Earnings from the generous gift will fund the creation and
management of a DX Log Archive Program for paper DX logs of rare and
significant DXpeditions that took place predominantly in the 1950s,
1960s, and 1970s. The archive also would include pre-1950 paper
logs, as well as those from rare operations, and logs kept by
long-time residents of very rare entities.

The ARRL will be reaching out to the DX community to collect paper
DX station logs for inclusion. All logbooks will be inventoried and
housed at ARRL Headquarters.

Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK. [Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, photo]

Confirmations from archived logs will be made available via Logbook
of the World (LoTW) or, upon request, with a traditional QSL card.

The ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Department will manage
the DX Log Archive Program. A qualified volunteer or part-time ARRL
employee will execute the project. Earnings also will fund any
equipment, software, and materials needed to maintain the program.

On behalf of the League, ARRL Individual Giving Manager Lauren
Clarke, KB1YDD, expressed thanks and appreciation to Kan for his
financial contribution that will make this new program possible.

FCC Proposes to Fine CBer $14,000 for Not Permitting Station

The FCC continued this month to demonstrate that it's serious about
enforcing its rules and regulations, proposing to fine a Florida
Citizens Band operator $14,000 for failing to allow FCC agents
inspect his station. The Commission issued a Notice of Apparent
Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) to Tommie Salter of Jacksonville on
August 22. The Commission alleged that Salter earlier this year
denied permission for agents from the FCC's Tampa Office to check
out his station in the wake of renewed complaints of interference to
a neighbor's "home electronic equipment." On March 21, the agents
monitored radio transmissions on 27.245 MHz and used radio
direction-finding techniques to track the signal's source to
Salter's residence.

"The agents told Mr Salter about the radio interference complaint
from a neighbor and asked if they could inspect his CB radio
station," the FCC NAL recounted. "Mr Salter denied the agents'
request. The agents verbally warned Mr Salter that refusing to allow
an inspection of his CB radio station violated the [Communications]
Act and the [FCC] rules and could result in a forfeiture action, but
he again denied the request."

The FCC's Forfeiture Policy Statement and its rules set a base
forfeiture amount of $7000 for failure to permit inspection. Salter
had previously received a Notice of Violation for refusing an
inspection request in 2004, the NAL noted, and he also had been
fined for operating with a non-certificated transmitter during
restricted hours the Commission had imposed following similar
interference complaints.

"Misconduct of this type is serious, exhibits contempt for the
Commission's authority, and threatens to compromise the Commission's
ability to fully investigate violations of its rules," the FCC said
in making an "upward adjustment" of $7000 in the proposed
forfeiture. In a footnote, the FCC pointed out that its agents do
not have to obtain a search warrant prior to requesting a station

Salter has 30 days to pay the fine or to seek reduction or
cancellation of the proposed forfeiture.

In July the FCC proposed substantial fines for two radio amateurs,
alleging deliberate interference with other Amateur Radio
communications and failure to properly identify.

US-to-VK Transpacific Reception on 630 Meters Reported

A radio amateur and medium-frequency (MF) experimenter in Australia
has received a 630 meter (475.62 kHz) transmission from a radio
amateur and Part 5 Experimental operator in Texas. While the

The WSPR signal of WG2XIQ in Texas was heard by VK2DDI in New South
Wales, Australia.

approximately 8710 miles covered is not a distance record nor a
"first" for that part of the spectrum, it does represent the sorts
of accomplishments that the Amateur Radio community in the US might
come to enjoy if a band at 472-479 kHz ever becomes a reality. John
Langridge, KB5NJD, in Texas, who holds Experimental license WG2XIQ,
told ARRL that having his WSPR signal heard in Australia on August
25 at 0952 UTC by David Isele, VK2DDI, was a "huge surprise."

"I did not know until I got a text message that morning," Langridge
said. "I am normally checking the band during the overnight hours
but went to bed very early on Sunday night and slept until almost
7:45 AM local. I had not seen my e-mails, but the local community as
well as the one in Oceania was abuzz. Needless to say I woke up very
fast and started looking at data."

Langridge said he only recently renewed his FCC Part 5 license,
requesting a power increase to 10 W in the process. He said the only
longer WSPR reception report on 630 meters was in February 2013 and
involved a 10,450 mile path from Australia to France. Signals from
North America have been heard in Australia on 630 meters using other

"Many of us use WSPR as an effective means of determining band
conditions very quickly, which can lead to two-way [communication],"
Langridge said. "WSPR has a very well-established listener base,
which provides tremendous amounts of data with a 2-minute transmit
cycle." He said WSPR is a good tool to introduce newcomers to 630
meters and MF operation, and that many MF operators, including him,
stumbled into the nether ranges of the spectrum by way of monitoring
WSPR and, as he put it, "seeing how amazing this band really can

The very faint "trace" from WG2XIQ, as seen at VK2DDI.

WG2XIQ is equipped with an 80 foot tall asymmetrical T-top vertical,
base loaded with a motorized variometer and almost 3 miles of
radials. He generates a signal on 630 meters using an MF Solutions
transmit downconverter, driving two GW3UEP Class D/E amps in
parallel, combining them using a 0° hybrid combiner and filter with
a low-pass filter. "I can make 200 W total power output, which at
this time of year equates to about 4 or 5 W ERP," Langridge said.
"During the fall and winter, once the trees have lost their leaves
and system resistance goes down, that 200 W TPO will look more like
10 W ERP, so things only stand to get better as we move into the
2014 MF season."

On the Australian end, VK2DDI, who lives in New South Wales, said he
was just taking "a quick look on 630 meters" when "up popped WG2XIQ"
in a faint trace on his display. He was expecting it to be another
Australian operator. "Pleasant surprise for all concerned," he said
in a post to a 630 meter news group.

Isele uses a 30 meter thin, galvanized-iron vertical wire, strung
between a ground rod and a high tree branch for receiving on 630
meters. It has no radials and no antenna tuner. "I hear better than
most on most bands," he told Langridge, adding that he lives in a
rural area 512 meters above sea level with few noise issues.

"There are so many misconceptions about what goes on below the AM
broadcast band," Langridge told ARRL. "It's amazing how many people
still know nothing about the 630 meter band." Langridge calls
himself "one of those crazy individuals" who believes that one day
radio amateurs will earn DXCC on 630 meters. "As modulation methods
and receivers continue to improve, I do think it will be a reality,"
he said. "But it will be a lifelong pursuit. That alone will make it
even more worthwhile."

The ARRL is sponsoring the WD2XSH experimental group in the vicinity
of 500 kHz.

Balloons Carrying Amateur Radio Payloads Still Circling the Earth

Three plastic foil-envelope balloons carrying Amateur Radio payloads
and launched from the UK by Leo Bodnar, M0XER, remain aloft and
continue to circle the Earth. The oldest, identified as B-63, was
released on July 8 and became the second of Bodnar's balloons to
circumnavigate the globe. The first to do so, B-64, went up on July
12 and had completed one lap around the Northern Hemisphere by July
31. Air currents have carried the balloon within 9 km of the North
Pole and within 10 km of its launch site. The last balloon to make
it around the Earth was B-66, which Bodnar released on July 15.

The B-64 solar-powered payload on a scale. [Leo Bodnar, M0XER,

Each balloon carries a tiny 10 mW solar-powered transmitter that can
alternate between APRS and Contestia 64/1000 digital mode on 434.500
MHz (USB). The Amateur Radio payload weighs just 11 grams.

As of this week, the B-64 balloon (M0XER-4 on APRS) was north of
Moscow, Russia, at an elevation of more than 40,200 feet; the B-63
balloon (M0XER-3 on APRS) appeared to be located nearly 42,000 feet
above South Korea, and the B-66 balloon (M0XER-6 on APRS) appeared
to be nearly 44,000 feet above Ukraine. Notes on the M0XER-3 and
M0XER-6 APRS pages flag their reported trajectories with "Seriously
bad path," however, and add, "This station appears to be flying at
high altitude and using digipeaters, which causes serious congestion
in the APRS network. The tracker should be configured to only use
digipeaters when at low altitude."

The numeral following the "B" denotes the number of similar balloons
Bodnar has launched (B-65 failed to deploy). The transmitter stores
positions during its flight and transmits a log file that can recall
5 days of previous locations in the comments field of its APRS
transmissions. If it has been out of radio contact, however, a
straight line will appear on the APRS map.


W1AW Centennial Operations Relocate to Tennessee, Oregon on
September 3

The ARRL Centennial W1AW portable operations taking place throughout
2014 from each of the 50 states are now in Arizona and Maine (Maine
is the last state to activate). Operations will relocate at 0000 UTC
on Wednesday, September 3 (the evening of September 2 in US time
zones), to Tennessee (W1AW/4), and Oregon (W1AW/7). During 2014 W1AW
will be on the air from every state (at least twice) and most US

The ARRL Centennial QSO Party kicked off January 1 for a year-long
operating event in which participants can accumulate points and win
awards. The event is open to all, although only ARRL members and
appointees, elected officials, HQ staff and W1AW are worth ARRL
Centennial QSO Party points.

Working W1AW/x from each state is worth 5 points per mode/contact,
even when working the same state during its second week of activity.

To earn the "Worked all States with W1AW Award," work W1AW operating
portable from all 50 states. (Working W1AW or W100AW in Connecticut
does not count for Connecticut, however. For award credit,
participants must work W1AW/1 in Connecticut.) A W1AW WAS
certificate and plaque will be available.

An ARRL Centennial QSO Party leader board shows participants how
many points they have accumulated in the Centennial QSO Party and in
the W1AW WAS operations. Log in using your Logbook of The World
(LoTW) user name and password, and your position will appear at the
top of the leader boards. Results are updated daily, based on
contacts entered into LoTW.

2014 ARRL Field Day Logs Received List Available for Review

The ARRL "Logs Received" page now contains all 2014 ARRL Field Day
logs received to date (scroll to bottom of page), including logs
submitted via e-mail, web applet or on paper. The ARRL Contest
Branch requests that Field Day participants review the list and
contact ARRL Contest Branch Manager Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW,
(860-594-0232) no later than September 12, if anything appears to be
incorrect with their entry information.

W1AW/8 to Take the Snowball's Chance This Fall

It will be hell for W1AW/8 in Hell, Michigan, on October 18 -- the
Saturday of Michigan's second week in the ARRL Centennial QSO Party
spotlight. Hank Greeb, N8XX, is organizing a team of operators to
operate W1AW/8 in Feld Hell mode on 80 through 10 meters from Hell.
He has recruited a couple of volunteers so far but could use more,
he said this week.

The Hell weather bureau keeps track of the temperature there.

"The plan is to have each band covered for at least one hour," said
Greeb, who operates QRP most of the time. "We'd like to have at
least three stations active, to cover three bands at once, hugging
the maximum usable frequency (MUF) at first, and then moving to
lower frequency bands as the MUF drops." Greeb said a website will
announce the operating schedule, once plans have solidified. Watch
for W1AW/8 to be spotted on Fell Hell mode.

Also known as Hiland Lake, Hell, Michigan, is an unincorporated
community a few miles northwest of Ann Arbor. How Hell got its name
is the subject of unconfirmed historical accounts and even some wild
speculation. According to one version, after Michigan became a
state, George Reeves, who built the community's first sawmill and
operated its first tavern, was asked what to call the town. He is
rumored to have replied, "You can name it hell, for all I care." The
moniker became official in 1841. Other "Hells" exist in California,
Norway, and the Grand Caymans. Michigan also has a town named

A sample of Feld Hell.

Feld Hell -- or Hellschreiber -- is a facsimile mode invented by
Rudolf Hell in the 1920s that used synchronous motors to transcribe
letters onto a moving tape. Feld Hell has since morphed into a
computer-generated mode, typically using AFSK into a SSB transceiver
and decoding software that essentially "paints" the characters on
the screen. Popular software includes DM780 (part of the Ham Radio
Deluxe suite), Fldigi, MixW, MultiPSK, and IZ8BLY. Additional
information is available on the Feld Hell Club website.

And, just in case you were wondering, Hell, Michigan, has indeed
frozen over a time or two. Contact Hank Greeb, N8XX, if you're
interested in taking part in the W1AW/8 Feld Hell operation. Read

World DATV QSO Party is August 29-30

Greater participation is expected this year in the only global
on-the-air gathering of digital Amateur Radio television (DATV)
enthusiasts. The annual event, which originated in Australia and now
is in its fourth year, begins Friday, August 29, at 1000 UTC in
Australia and internationally on Saturday, August 30, at 0001 UTC.
According to the event's primary organizer, Peter Cossins, VK3BFG,
to maximize the number of signals, stations should work through ATV
repeaters where possible. Others may use Skype to reach a local
anchor, if there is no other alternative, and then that signal will
be sent on to a repeater.

The QSL card of Don Hill, KE6BXT, shows where his interest lies.

International repeaters are WR8ATV in Columbus, Ohio, with Art
Towslee, WA8RMC, a designer on the DATV-Express project; the W6ATN
Amateur Television Network in Southern California, consisting of
nine linked repeaters with Don Hill, KE6BXT, as the local anchor,
and GB3HV, the Home Counties ATV Group. London.

All amateur television users are welcome to participate, either by
arranging a suitable time with their nearest anchor, or by watching
the proceedings through the repeaters or streaming via the British
Amateur TV Club website. Many segments are of the show-and-tell
variety, with ATVers in their shacks before the camera.

The Amateur Television Directory is a web-based resource. More
information on the World DATV QSO Party is available from Peter
Cossins, VK3BFG. -- Thanks to Jim Linton, VK3PC


Summits-on-the-Air Activity Weekend is September 13-14

North America Summits on the Air (SOTA) Activity Weekend 2014 is a
casual event in which summiting radio amateurs (called "activators")
use tiny battery-powered radios to work home-based operators (called
"chasers"). This year's event, September 13-14, is aimed at
introducing SOTA to newcomers. There are no rules regarding power
levels, modes, or bands.

SOTA operators have climbed mountains as high as 14,000 feet. They
run low power, and they don't operate split, so operator courtesy is

The SOTAwatch2 website offers information regarding what stations
are on which mountains. Summits are numbered, and mousing over the
number will reveal the name and point value for each summit.

Activity typically concentrates near 7.032, 7.185, 10.110, 14.061,
14.342, 18.095, 18.155, 21.061, 21.350, 24.905, 24.955, 28.061,
28.420, 146.52, and 446.00 MHz. Participants collect points toward
SOTA certificates and trophies. -- Thanks to Elliott Pisor, K6EL

Support ARRL and Be Rewarded!

Sign up today for the ARRL Visa Signature® Card and be rewarded.
When you apply and make a first purchase on the card, you'll receive
2500 bonus points to start you off. With every purchase you make
with this card, a portion of your purchase will be contributed to
the ARRL. Apply today!

Disclaimer: Subject to credit approval. Accounts must be open and in
good standing (not past due) to earn statement credit. Please wait
6-8 weeks after meeting threshold for account to be credited. The
creditor and issuer of the American Radio Relay League Card is U.S.
Bank National Association, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A.
Inc. © 2014 U.S. Bank National Association.

Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, Will Be 2014 ARRL/TAPR Digital
Communications Conference Banquet Speaker

Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, will be the banquet speaker at the 2014
ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC), September 5-7 at
the Austin Marriott South in Austin, Texas. His presentation will
be, "Accidental Company, the Making of FlexRadio."

The 33rd annual DCC will offer 2 days of technical forums on Friday
and Saturday and a concurrent introductory forum on Saturday (the
Proceedings will be available following the conference). The Sunday
morning seminar will be "Introduction to SoC FPGA Programming for
Mixed Signal Systems," by Chris Testa, KD2BMH.

Free tables will be available to demonstrate projects and for
vendors to display products.

More information on the conference is available on the TAPR DCC web

ARRL First Vice President Rick Roderick, K5UR, to Keynote W9DXCC

ARRL First Vice President Rick Roderick, K5UR, will be the banquet
speaker for the 62nd annual W9DXCC, September 19-20, 2014, in

ARRL First VP Rick Roderick, K5UR. [LJB Special Photography photo]

Schaumburg, Illinois. Registration remains open. The special hotel
rate is valid through August 28; banquet orders must be received by
September 13.

DXers, anyone interested in learning more about DXing, and their
guests are welcome. There is a full program of forums and
discussions, and some of the illuminati of the DXing community will
be on hand. E-mail for more information.

W9DXCC is an ARRL-approved Operating Specialty Convention and is
sponsored by the Northern Illinois DX Association.

73 on 73 Award Announced

Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, is sponsoring a new award for contacts made via
the UK Amateur Radio Educational Satellite FUNcube-1 (AO-73) to
promote activity on the satellite. The award period begins on
September 1. Requirements are simple: Work 73 different stations on
AO-73 (SSB or CW). There are no geographic restrictions on operating
location, no QSLs are required, and the award is free, although
Stoetzer encourages contributions to AMSAT-UK and to AMSAT-NA's Fox

E-mail log extracts containing the call sign of each station worked
and the date/time (UTC) of each contact. Include your mailing

The AO-73 inverting transponder uplink is 435.150-435.130 MHz (LSB).
The downlink is 145.950-145.970 MHz (USB). Use no more than 5 W to a
7 dBi gain antenna when accessing the AO-73 transponder. -- Thanks
to AMSAT News Service via Paul Stoetzer, N8HM

Operations Approved for DXCC Credit

The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved these operations for DX Century Club
credit: A52JR, 4W/HB9FLX, 4W/N1YC, and 4W/PE7T. If a request for
DXCC credit for any of these operations has been rejected in a prior
application, contact the ARRL DXCC Desk to be placed on the list for
an update to your record. Please note the submission date and/or
reference number of your application in order to expedite the search
for any rejected contacts.

DXCC is Amateur Radio's premier award that hams can earn by
confirming on-the-air contacts with 100 DXCC "entities," most of
which are countries in the traditional sense. You can begin with the
basic DXCC award and work your way up to the DXCC Honor Roll. Learn

NASA Astronaut Steven R. Nagel, N5RAW, SK

Astronaut and Space Shuttle veteran Steven Nagel, N5RAW, of Houston,
Texas, died August 21. He was 67. In April 1991, Nagel was the
commander of the first all-ham Space Shuttle crew aboard Atlantis

Steven Nagel, N5RAW, at the 2013 Midwest Division Convention.
[Midwest Division Newsletter photo]

with Kenneth Cameron, KB5AWP; Jay Apt, N5QWL; Linda Godwin, N5RAX --
whom he later married -- and Jerry Ross, N5SCW, during the SAREX
(Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment) program, the forerunner to ARISS.
In all, Nagel flew on four Shuttle missions in the 1980s and 1990s.

Nagel joined the Astronaut Corps in 1979 and was the pilot on the
last successful mission of Challenger in the 1980s, the only time
eight people were launched into space aboard the same spacecraft.
Following the Challenger disaster in January 1986 that killed seven
astronauts, Nagel was part of the effort to develop a crew escape

"This was my best time at NASA, actually," Nagel once said in an
interview for the space agency. "Nothing I ever did was more
fulfilling than that 2 years, to be honest, even flying." Nagel
logged 723 hours in space.

One of his last public appearances was at the 2013 ARRL Midwest
Division Convention in Lebanon, Missouri, where he spoke to nearly
300 students at Lebanon schools, did a presentation about the first
half- century of spaceflight, and took part in a youth forum with
Carole Perry, WB2MGP.

Nagel retired from the Air Force and the Astronaut Office in 1995
and went to work for Johnson Space Center in Houston. A year later,
he transferred to NASA's Aircraft Operations Division as a research
pilot. He retired from NASA in 2011 and joined the faculty of the
University of Missouri at Columbia.

Survivors include Godwin and their two daughters. -- Thanks to NASA,
NPR, ARRL Midwest Division Newsletter

A Century of Amateur Radio and the ARRL

In January 1976, QST expanded to an 8-1/2 × 11 format! The new size
would reduce the printing cost by $100,000 a year. The old, smaller
format had remained in place for years, because it was the size of
the press the local printer had in those early days.

Following the fall of South Vietnam, thousands of refugees from that
country poured into the US. The State Department provided housing in
unused military bases, but there was a need for communication to
help reunite families. US State Department employee Jim Bullington,
K4LSD, saw that ham radio would be ideal for the task and proposed
the idea to the ARRL Board of Directors (which happened to be in
session at the time). The Board supported the idea, and hams entered
a new area of public service that provided humanitarian aid -- again
showing the public what our operators could do. See "Operation
Vietnamese Refugee" by George Hart, W1NJM, in the February 1976 QST
for a full description of the effort.

Art Smith, W6INI, discusses refugee message handling with
interpreter Sharon Truong at the Camp Pendleton Amateur Radio
station. [WB6AKR photo from Feb 1976 QST]

By the mid-1970s, Citizens Band radio had become hugely popular,
which led to a major crime wave of mobile CB radio thefts. Criminals
typically are not noted for their superior intellect, so
occasionally 2 meter ham gear was purloined and even used, with the
thief believing he was on CB. In some cases, hams were able to
identify the pirate for the police to investigate.

The League began encouraging clubs to recruit CB operators into
Amateur Radio. Many CB operators rose to the challenge, as they came
up against the limitations of CB operation. As a result, the number
of new licensees rose sharply.

QST published a series of articles called "Learning to Work with
Integrated Circuits," to help hams keep up with that new technology.

The state of the art in power transistors continued to improve, and
QST articles appeared, detailing the construction of solid-state
kilowatt amplifiers for the ham.

During the latter half of the 1970s, articles and editorials in QST
reported on the League's work in preparation for defending our
amateur allocations at World Administrative Radio Conference 1979

Hidden transmitter hunts, also known as radio foxhunting, had been
very popular in Europe for some time, and the sport started catching
on in the US, mostly involving the use of 2 meter FM. -- Al Brogdon,

The K7RA Solar Update

Average daily sunspot numbers this week moved from 101.7 to 113.4,
while average daily solar flux changed from 111.8 to 130.5. The
active day, according to geomagnetic indicators, was Wednesday,
August 27, when the planetary A index reached 20. This was the
result of a coronal mass ejection (CME), which created aurora at
both of Earth's poles.

Predicted solar flux is 125 on August 28-29, 120 on August 30-31,
115 on September 1-4, 120 on September 5-6, 125 on September 7-8,
and 120 on September 9. Solar flux then will peak at 145 for
September 16-17.

Predicted planetary A index is 25, 10, and 8 for August 28-30, 12 on
August 31 and September 1, 5 on September 2-5, 8 on September 6-7,
and 12 on September 8.

This weekly "Solar Update" in The ARRL Letter is a preview of the
"Propagation Bulletin" issued each Friday. The latest bulletin and
an archive of past propagation bulletins is on the ARRL website.

In tomorrow's bulletin look for an updated forecast and reports from
readers. Send me your reports and observations.

Just Ahead in Radiosport

August 30 -- Full Day of Hell

August 30-31 -- SCC RTTY Championship

August 30-31 -- YO DX HF Contest (SSB, CW)

Aug 30-31 -- Colorado QSO Party

September 1 -- OK1WC Memorial Contest (SSB, CW)

September 1-2 -- Labor Day Sprint (CW)

September 2 -- NAQCC/FISTS Honor WZ8C Sprint (CW)

September 3 -- ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)

September 3 -- CWOps Weekly Mini-CWT Tests

September 5 -- NS Weekly Sprint

September 6 -- CWops CW Open

September 6-7 -- All-Asian DX Contest (SSB)

September 6 -- Russian Radio RTTY WW

September 6 -- DARC 10 Meter Digital "Corona"

September 6 -- Straight Key Party

September 6 -- Indiana Parks on the Air

September 6 -- Ohio State Parks On the Air

September 6-7 -- 070 Club KA3X Memorial Sprint (Digital)

September 6-7 -- IARU Region I Field Day (SSB)

September 7 -- North American Sprint (CW)

September 7 -- QRP ARCI Two Sidebands Sprint

September 7-8 -- Tennessee QSO Party

See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information.

Upcoming ARRL Section, State and Division Conventions and Events

August 30-31 -- North Carolina State Convention, (Shelby Hamfest),
Shelby, North Carolina

September 5-7 -- ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference,
Austin, Texas

September 6 -- Kentucky State Convention, Shepherdsville, Kentucky

September 6 -- Virginia Section Convention, Virginia Beach, Virginia

September 12-14 -- Southwestern Division Convention, San Diego,

September 19-20 -- W9DXCC Convention, Schaumburg, Illinois

September 26-27 -- W4DXCC/SEDCO, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

September 26-28 -- Mid-Atlantic States VHF Conference, Bensalem,

September 27 -- North Dakota State Convention, West Fargo, North

September 27 -- Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley,

October 4 -- Delaware State Convention, Georgetown, Delaware

October 5 -- Iowa Section Convention, West Liberty, Iowa

October 10-11 -- Florida State Convention, Melbourne, Florida

October 10-12 -- Pacific Division Convention (Pacificon), Santa
Clara, California

October 11 -- Pacific Northwest VHF Conference, Seaside, Oregon

October 12 -- Connecticut State Convention, Meriden, Connecticut

October 18 -- Arkansas State Convention, Batesville, Arkansas

October 18 -- Wisconsin ARES/RACES Conference, Wisconsin Rapids,

October 24-25 -- Oklahoma Section Convention, Ardmore, Oklahoma

November 1 -- TechFest 2014, Lakewood, Colorado

November 1-2 -- Georgia State Convention, Lawrenceville, Georgia

November 8 -- Alabama State Convention, Montgomery, Alabama

November 15-16 -- Indiana State Convention, Fort Wayne, Indiana

December 12-13 -- West Central Florida Section, Plant City, Florida

Find conventions and hamfests in your area.


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