OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox



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VE4KLM > WW       21.11.24 16:04l 45 Lines 1530 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: 10m robust packet heard in VE4 land
Sent: 241121/1454z @:VE4KLM.#WPG.MB.CAN.NOAM [Winnipeg] $:C12IE_VE4KLM
Snap Shot of Stations Heard in Winnipeg
 (updated every 15 min, uploaded on the quarter hour)

Thu Nov 21 08:31:28 2024
 (time change DST to CST early Nov 3, subtract 1 hour from old listings)

 IC-706MKIIG, 10.147.6 USB dial, 30m dipole (sloper) tilted south, two modems

  ninotnc HFP (1600/1800) 10.149.3 cf, teensy RPR (1200) 10.148.8 cf

 DXP-394, 28.148 USB dial, 10m dipole (sloper) tilted south, one modem
  (during the day, then 14.102.3 or other, as conditions warrant)

  ptcIIusb RPR (1500) 28.149.5 cf, 14.103.8 cf, receive only

APRS heard and gated to internet system

Ver: NOSaprs 2.0p, Uptime: 9:12:18:43, Call: VE4KLM, Interface: teensy

Server connection:
     Server            Port  Connected   Pkts In   Bytes     Pkts Out  Bytes
*     14580 0:03:20:25  1176      117223    25        1905

APRS traffic heard on [ptcIIusb]:
Callsign      DTI     Since     Pkts  Path
w7bmh-7       n/a   0:14:35:21  229   -
k4kpn-15      n/a   0:16:01:23  47    -
wa7gmx-7      n/a   0:16:12:12  12    -
ab1tz-10      n/a   0:18:32:24  3     ab1tz-10
k2gb-15       n/a   1:17:25:17  44    wide1-1 wide2-1
py1xta-2      n/a   1:19:48:16  3     k4kpn-15*
py1xta-9      n/a   14:16:44:17  9     -
6w7rv-10      n/a   17:17:45:51  92    -
wb7ecu        n/a   18:14:49:53  5     -
ve7knl        n/a   18:15:09:31  8     -

and 30m as well, you can visit the link for realtime info

Maiko / VE4KLM
in winnipeg

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