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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   03.07.18 13:36l 189 Lines 11754 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1417
Subj: 425 DX News #1417
Sent: 180703/1119Z 50840@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.16

30 June 2018                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1417

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Karel, OK2ZI will be  active  as  3B8/OK2ZI  from  Mauritius Island
         (AF-049) from 26 July  to  4 August.  He will operate  CW, SSB  and
         digital modes (FT8 included) on  80-10 metres.  QSL via  Club Log's
         OQRS, via home call  (direct or bureau)  or  via  LoTW  (six months
         after the operation).
7X     - Special callsign 7V5ID will be active on 1-31 July to celebrate the
         56th anniversary of Algeria's Independence.  Four operators (7X2JV,
         7X2VB, 7X2DE and 7X4CZ) will be active on the HF bands and 6 metres
         SSB, CW and FT8. QSL direct to 7X4CZ; the logs will be uploaded  to
         Club Log and to LoTW (after six months). [TNX The Daily DX]
CO     - Special  event  station  CO0SCU  will  be  active  on  2-4 July  to
         commemorate the 120th anniversary of the  naval  Battle of Santiago
         de Cuba, fought  on  3 July 1898  during the  Spanish-American War.
         Operations will be on all bands  using CW, SSB  and  digital modes.
         QSL via the bureau or  direct  to  P.O. Box 5, CP 90100 Santiago de
         Cuba, Cuba. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
DL     - Mario,  DJ7MH  will  be  active  as  DJ7MH/p  from  Baltrum  Island
         (EU-047) on 1-8 July.  He will  operate CW on 40, 30 and 20 metres.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
DL     - Special callsign DL60SOP will be active on  1-31 July  for the 60th
         edition of the Sea Of Peace Award  (see for)
         full details.  All QSOs  will be  confirmed  automatically  via the
         bureau; direct cards via DL4SVA. [TNX DX Newsletter]
EA     - Six operators (EA1AOQ, EA1BNF, EA1CBX, EA1IQM, EB1ADD, EC1DD)  will
         be active as AN1WHC from the  Cies Islands (EU-080, a  UNESCO World
         Heritage Candidate) from 29 June to 1 July.  They will operate SSB,
         CW and digital modes on the  HF bands and 6 metres.  QSL via EC1DD,
         logsearch on Club Log. [TNX NG3K]
F      - The Radio Club Vendeen (F6KUF) will be  active  as TM85TF  on  6-20
         July for the 105th Tour de France. QSL via F6KUF (bureau) or  F5OEV
         (direct). [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
G      - GB13COL is the special callsign for the Durham District and Amateur
         Radio Society to participate in the 13 Colonies Special Event (from
         13 UTC on 1 July until 4 UTC on 8 July) as a  "bonus station".  QSL
         via eQSL, or direct to G0VLF.
G      - GB0GKA  (4-31 July,  QSL via G3ZRJ),  GB0GKB  (1-28 July,  QSL  via
         G4HLN) and  GB0GKC  (1-28 July, QSL via G3TJE)  are  three  special
         callsigns  commemorating the  90th anniversary  of the founding  of
         Portishead Radio, which provided worldwide maritime  communications
         and long-range aeronautical communications from 1928 until 2000.
IS0    - Once again Massimo, I0PNM will be  active  as  IM0/I0PNM  from  San
         Pietro Island (EU-165) from 20 July to 20 August. He  will  operate
         SSB on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, and will  participate in  the IOTA
         Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX I0PNM]
OH     - Radioclub Riihimaen Kolmoset (OH3AD) will be active as OH3AD/5 from
         Kirkonmaa Island (EU-140) from 17 July until mid August. Bands used
         will be 80-6 metres  on  CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and FT8.  Plans are  to
         participate in the IOTA Contest as OH3D/5. QSL via the bureau.  The
         logs will be uploaded to Club Log, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX DX World]
OJ0    - The  Finnish Lighthouse Society  and  the  Amateur Radio League  of
         Finland (SRAL), in conjunction with the OH-DX-Foundation and the DX
         University, are  organizing the  first-ever  International Youth at
         Sea (IYAS), a  "cultural  exchange  based radio activity"  to  take
         place on Market Reef (EU-053) on 21-28 July  and 18-25 August.  The
         youth team members, all 16 to 25 years of age (Nuuti OH1UBO,  Elias
         OH2EP, Otava OH3OT, Mikael OH3UAF, Pieter ON3DI, Florian OE3FTA and
         Ilie YO3IMD), and their instructors (Martti OH2BH, Henri OH3JR and
         Pasi OH3WS) will be active as OJ0C. QSL via OH3JR.
OZ     - Look for OZ9V/p to be active from  Laesoe Island (EU-088)  from  28
         July to 4 August, including an entry in the  IOTA Contest.  QSL via
PY     - Scout station  PW2J  will  be  active  on  15-22 July  for  the 7th
         Brazilian  National  Jamboree  and  the   1st  Portuguese  Speaking
         Countries Jamboree to  be  held at  Barretos (Sao Paulo).  Activity
         will be on the HF bands SSB, CW and  digital modes.  QSL via PY2OP.
         [TNX PY2OP]
SM     - Look for Ric, DL2VFR (  to  operate
         mainly CW as SD7V from Oland Island (EU-037) on 1-3 July, as SD7V/1
         from Gotland Island (EU-020) on 4-9 July, and as SD7V/5  from Musko
         Island (EU-084) sometime between 10 and 13 July. QSL via home call,
         bureau preferred.
UA9    - The Artic Legends IOTA DXpedition [425DXN 1413] is set to start  on
         4 September from the city of Dudinka. Plans are for the team (R9LR,
         RW0BG, UA1QV, UA0BA, UA9KDF and UA9LDD)  to be  active as RI0B from
         the Firnley Islands (AS-054), Tyrtov Island (AS-121), Nansen Island
         (AS-104),  the  Scott-Hansen Islands  (AS-068),  the  Arkticheskogo
         Instituta Islands (AS-087)  and finally Sibirjakov Island (AS-005).
         Three stations are expected to  operate CW, SSB,  FT8 and  PSK63 on
         40-10 metres.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS (six separate  entries  have
         been  created:  RI0B/AS-005, RI0B/AS-054, RI0B/AS-068, RI0B/AS-087,
         RI0B/AS-104  and  RI0B/AS-121).   Updates  and  other  information,
         including the  tracking tools to follow  the DXpedition's progress,
         can be found on
VK9X   - Martin A65DC, Paul A65DR, Thomas SM0CXU and  Delia VE7HDW  will  be
         active as VK9XT from Christmas Island (OC-002) from 29 September to
         6 October.  They will operate  CW,  SSB,  RTTY  and FT8  on  160-10
         metres. Read the their FT8 Guidelines carefully before calling them
         on that mode:  QSL via  LoTW,  eQSL,
         Club Log's OQRS (direct or bureau), or direct only to N4GNR.
W      - The following stations will be active during  the 10th  annual  "13
         Colonies Special Event", which will be held from 13 UTC on  1  July
         until 4 UTC on 8 July: K2A (New York),  K2B (Virginia),  K2C (Rhode
         Island), K2D (Connecticut), K2E  (Delaware),  K2F  (Maryland),  K2G
         (Georgia),  K2H  (Massachusetts),  K2I  (New  Jersey),  K2J  (North
         Carolina),  K2K (New  Hampshire),  K2L  (South  Carolina), and  K2M
         (Pennsylvania), plus  the  "bonus station"  WM3PEN (operating  from
         Philadelphia, the city where the US independence was declared). See for information on the award programme.
XW     - Bruce, 3W3B  will be active again as XW4XR from Laos on 11-22 July.
         He will operate CW, FT8 and RTTY  on 40-6 metres.  QSL via  LoTW or
         via E21EIC. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

KH1/KH7Z ---> The team arrived at Baker Island on 25 June around 18 UTC, and
at 8 UTC on 27 June operations started. Island conditions are extremely hot,
humid and difficult.  "We did get  3 stations up and running  last night one
day ahead of schedule",  the team  reported  on 28 June.  "At midnight giant
squalls came through knocking out one of our 3 antennas we worked so hard to
get up. We worked through the morning and have 6 stations available for  the
scheduled startup tonight at 05:00 UTC". On 29 June all but one station were
deployed, and KH1/KH7Z was running up  to 7 stations  on all bands:  "we are
now well over 10,000 QSOs, with great rates on CW, slightly slower rates  on
SSB, and FT8 has been effective". As for the logsearch, lamentably the "BGAN
terminal system for log uploading refuses to link up with the bird.  We have
two BGAN terminals on  island and  neither are  correctly connecting  to the
satellite. We will continue to work to sort this out, but right now we can't
upload logs". Bookmark for updates.

WRTC 2018 ACTIVITY PROGRAMME ---> Five awards will be available for contacts
made  with  the  63  competing  stations  in  the   World   Radiosport  Team
Championship (14-15 July). The callsigns will be announced on 12 July during
the opening ceremony.
- Worked All WRTC Stations (minimum one QSO with each WRTC station)
- WRTC Sprint (work all 63 WRTC stations as fast as possible)
- WRTC Most QSOs (work up to  630 QSOs with  WRTC stations: 63 callsigns x 5
  bands x 2 modes)
- WRTC 2018  Distance  Challenge (the kilometers  between  you and the  WRTC
  stations will be summed up for all QSOs)
- Assistant Judge (special prizes will be drawn among all those who send  in
  their log until 18 UTC on 15 July)
See for detailed


QSLs received direct  or  through managers: 3C0W, 3C3W,3D2EU, 4O4A, 4U13FEB,
4U29MAY,   7Q7EI,  9A22RBM,  9G1SD,  9M0W,  9X2AW,  C93PA,  ER1OO,  FJ/N0KV,
FK/5B4ALX, LU3XX (SA-008), LX1NO, OE17WCB,  PJ5/AI5P, PJ8RV,  PZ5XX,  TJ2TT,
TN5R, TY7C,  V73NC, V85T,  VA7XV/VE2 (NA-038), VE7ACN/VE2 (NA-084), VK5MAV/9
(OC-265), VU2BGS, XF1IM (NA-078), XU7XXX, XX9B, YB3MM/8 (OC-242), YB9/JJ1DQR
(OC-022), YJ0AG, Z60A, Z66D, ZF9CW.


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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