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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   29.07.18 12:18l 329 Lines 19126 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: 425 DX News #1421
Sent: 180728/1922Z 51203@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.16

28 July 2018                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1421

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4S7    - Dariusz, SP9DLM will be active as 4S7DMG  from  Kalkudah, Sri Lanka
         (AS-003)  on  6-14 August.  He will be QRV  on  40, 20, 15  and  10
         metres. QSL via home call.
9M     - A large  number  of  special  event  stations  located  in  various
         Malaysian states  and  federal territories  will celebrate the 61st
         anniversary  of  Malaysia's independence  (31 August 1957)  from  1
         August to 1 September.  Active from  West Malaysia  will be 9M61MA,
         9M61MB,  9M61MC, 9M61MD,  9M61MJ, 9M61MK,  9M61MM, 9M61MN,  9M61MP,
         9M61MR, 9M61MT, 9M61MW and 9M61MY. Active from  East Malaysia  will
         be  9M61MQ  (Sarawak)  and  9M61MS  (Sabah).   QSL  via  operator's
         instructions. A certificate will be available from the Malaysian DX
         and Contest Group's website (
A3     - Hardy, DL7JLL will be active as  A35JLL (requested callsign)  while
         island hopping in Tonga between early August and mid-September.  He
         will be QRV  on  40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, running  5-10 watts from
         "remote islands" and up to 50 watts "when sufficient energy can  be
         supplied".  He will start  from  Nuku'Alofa (Tongatapu, OC-049)  on
         8-15 August, followed by the Vava'u group (OC-064) until 30 August,
         then  the  Ha'apai group  (OC-169)  until  14 September, and  again
         Tongatapu  until  19 September.  QSL via DL7JLL,  bureau or direct.
         [TNX DX News]
BY     - Lide Zhang, BI8CKU and Rui Li, BI8DJW will be active  as  B0/BI8CKU
         from Lhasa, Tibet on 6-14 August.  They will operate FT8 only on 40
         and 20 metres. QSL via LoTW, or via home call.
CT8    - Serge, CT8/R7KW and Oleg, CT8/YL3JM will be active from  Sao Miguel
         Island (EU-003), Azores on 26-29 July. Oleg will participate in the
         IOTA Contest as CR2S.  After  the contest  Serge will be active  as
         CT7/R7KW for a few days from Portugal.  QSL for all calls via  Club
         Log's OQRS (direct or bureau), or direct to K2PF. [TNX]
E5_sc  - Dave, G4BUO will be active holiday style as  E51BUO from  Rarotonga
         (OC-013), South Cooks from 30 July to 6 August.  He will operate CW
         only. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
EI     - The EIDX Group will hold their  second "DX Feile" (DX Festival)  on
         14-15 September at  the  Aran Islands  Hotel on Inis  Mor (EU-006).
         Complete information can be found at  Look
         for EJ0DXG on 13-16 September and during the event. QSL via M0OXO's
         OQRS. [TNX DX World]
G      - Commemorating five decades  of  offshore  radio  broadcasting,  the
         Martello Tower Group (
         will be QRV again as GB5RC on 2-6 August.  Activity will take place
         from the  MV Ross Revenge, home  of  Radio Caroline,  moored in the
         Blackwater  estuary  near  Bradwell-on-Sea (Essex).  QSL via  GB5RC
         (bureau) or G6NHU (direct).
GU     - Mek, SP7VC will be active as  MU/SP7VC  from  Guernsey (EU-114)  on
         5-11 August, followed by a short activity as MJ/SP7VC  from  Jersey
         (EU-013) on 11-14 August. He plans to be QRV on the HF bands,  plus
         2, 4 and 6 metres SSB and  digital modes (FT8, MSK144, JT65A).  QSL
         via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
HC8    - Alfredo, HC1HC will be active as HC1HC/8 from the Galapagos Islands
         (SA-004) on 7-10 August.  He will operate mainly  FT8 in DXpedition
         mode, on 30, 17, 12 and possibly 6 metres. QSL direct to NE8Z. [TNX
         The Daily DX]
LA     - Nick LB9LG,  Anatoly UA1OIW  and  the  Kirkenes Radio Amateur Group
         (LA2K) will be active as LM0POMOR on 25-29 July  during  the  Pomor
         Festival on Vardo Island (EU-141). QSL via the bureau.
UA     - Victor, R6AF and Valery, RU6DX have been active again as R6AF/p and
         RU6DX/p from Sudzhuk Island (EU-185) since  22 July.  Usually their
         stay on the island includes participation in the IOTA Contest.  QSL
         via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or via home calls.
UA9    - Yuri UA0KBG, Vicotr UA3AKO and Alexandr RA3AV plan to be  active as
         RT65KI from Idlidlya  Island (AS-065)  on  18-26 August.  Dates are
         Approximate, and will  depend  on their  travel  arrangements  from
         Lavrentija to  the  village of Neshkan,  as well as on weather  and
         local conditions. Plans are to operate CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20 and
         17  metres.  QSL via  Club Log's  OQRS,  or  via  UA3AKO.  Bookmark for updates.
UA_ant - RI1ANF contacts in 2018 were made with Sergey, R3IW operating  from
         Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica (not  from  Bellinghausen Base
         on King George Island, South Shetlands).  The QSL manager  is RN1ON
         (not RK1PWA, who "has nothing  to  share with  this activity").  He
         says that Sergey made only "30-40 QSOs"  using  the same  equipment
         of RI1ANL (operated by RW6ACM).  On 23 July a new callsign (RI1ANW)
         was issued to Sergey, who will operate  mainly digital modes on the
         HF bands.  RI1ANL and RI1ANW will remain  at Novolazarevskaya until
         March 2019. QSL both callsigns via Club Log's OQRS, or via RN1ON.
W      - Jeff, KU8E will be active during the IOTA from two different island
         groups. He will use  the  South East Contest Club's callsign (W4AN)
         from  Amelia Island (NA-138)  for  the  first  five hours  (QSL via
         K4BAI). Then he will move to Jekyll Island (NA-058)  and be QRV  as
         KU8E (QSL direct to home call). [TNX NG3K]
ZA     - Waldi, SP7IDX will be  active  as  ZA/SP7IDX from Albania  on  5-12
         August. He will operate SSB and digital modes on 40-10 metres.  QSL
         via LoTW or via  home call  (bureau preferred), logsearch  on  Club
         Log. [TNX OPDX BUlletin]

RSGB  IOTA  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have   announced  their
participation in this year's event (from 12 UTC on 28 July through 12 UTC on
the 29th) from qualifying islands. For lastest additions please  give a look
at the announced operation list maintained by Bill, NG3K:
Complete details  on the  IOTA Contest  can be  found  on the  RSGB Contest
Committee's website:

Ref.No.     Call/Ops    Island               QSL VIA 
AF-014      CR3DX       Madeira              OM2VL   
AS-008      JI3DST/1    Shikine              JI3DST  
AS-020      BV2A/3      Taiwan               BV2A    
AS-036      JE6HCL/6    Iki                  JE6HCL  
AS-073      9M2/IK2PFL  Perhentian Kecil     IK2PFL  
AS-074      9M2SDX      Indah                9M2SDX  
AS-078      JA8COE      Hokkaido             JA8COE  
AS-094      BD7YK       Hainan                       
AS-107      E2X         Si Chang             E20GMY  
AS-135      BD4SDX      Kaishan              BD4SDX  
AS-146      B4/BY1AA    Chang                BY1AA   
AS-150      BY4JN       Lingshan             BI4IIZ  
AS-155      BV0WPX      P'engchia Yu         BV2KI   
AS-155      BW9W        P'engchia Yu         BV2KI   
EU-001      SV5/OM6NM   Kos                  OM2FY   
EU-003      CR2S        Sao Miguel           K2PF    
EU-005      G8X         Great Britain        G4FJK   
EU-008      GM2T        Tiree                GM4UYZ  
EU-008      GM7A        Coll                 GM7WCO  
EU-010      GM4AGG/p    Lewis                GM4AGG  
EU-010      GM7V        Benbecula            N3SL    
EU-010      MM0JTV      Barra                MM0JTV  
EU-011      M1K         St Agnes             M1KTA   
EU-011      MX5A        St Mary              Club Log
EU-015      SV9/I3MDU   Crete                I3MDU   
EU-016      9A8DV       Drvenik Veli         IK6VXO  
EU-018      OY1CT       Faroe                OY1CT   
EU-020      SD1A        Gotland              SM1TDE  
EU-020      SM/G3VYI    Faro                 G3VYI   
EU-023      9H3HZ       Malta                TA1HZ   
EU-023      9H6YB       Malta                G3SWH   
EU-029      OZ2PBS      Sjaelland            OZ2PBS  
EU-029      OZ8SW       Sjaelland            OZ8SW   
EU-032      F/OO4O      Oleron               ON4APU  
EU-034      ES0IA       Kassari                      
EU-034      ES3V        Vormsi               ES3VI   
EU-038      PA/ON6QR    Texel                ON6QR   
EU-038      PA6IOT      Texel                ON3UN   
EU-047      DL7X/p      Borkum               bureau  
EU-052      SV8/OM2FY   Kefallonia           OM2FY   
EU-054      IF9A        Favignana            bureau  
EU-055      LA4C        Bokn                 LotW    
EU-057      DK3R        Ruegen               DL1KZA  
EU-057      DL5KUD      Ruegen               DL5KUD  
EU-064      TM6N        Noirmoutier          F4GYM   
EU-073      IJ7V        San Pietro           IK7IMO  
EU-083      IP1T        Tino                 I1ANP   
EU-088      5P5X        Laesoe               DD5ZZ   
EU-088      OZ9V/p      Laesoe               OZ9V    
EU-091      II7P        Pedagna Grande       IK7LMX  
EU-093      EA5EL/p     Tabarca              EA5EL   
EU-095      TM5F        Ratonneau            F5SDD   
EU-096      OH1TD       Korpo                OH1TD   
EU-099      MJ8C        Les Minquiers        G4DFI   
EU-110      9A/DL3NCI   Porer                DL3NCI  
EU-114      GP6UW       Guernsey             G6UW    
EU-116      GD6NX       Isle of Man          LoTW    
EU-116      MD2C        Isle of Man          MD0CCE  
EU-116      MD7C        Isle of Man          M0OXO   
EU-120      G0LKS       Holy/Lindisfarne     GM0LKS  
EU-120      G5XV        Wight                M0OXO   
EU-120      G5XW        Wight                G5XW    
EU-120      G6LD        Holy/Lindisfarne 
EU-120      G7O         Wight                G3SQX   
EU-120      M0VPY       Holy/Lindisfarne     MM0VPY  
EU-121      EJ6KP       Aranmore             bureau  
EU-123      MM1E        Great Cumbrae        MM0GOR  
EU-123      MM2M        Arran                        
EU-123      MM3T        Bute                    -    
EU-124      GW3TTC/p    Holy                 G3TTC   
EU-124      MW0DHF/p    Holy                 MW0DHF  
EU-126      OH8AA       Selkasarvi           OH8AA   
EU-128      DG5LAC/p    Fehmarn              DG5LAC  
EU-129      DL0KWH/p    Usedom               DL0KWH  
EU-129      DL5KVV/p    Usedom               DL5KVV  
EU-130      II3Y        S. Maria di Barbana  IV3OSC  
EU-131      IQ3ME/p     Pellestrina          IQ3ME   
EU-132      SN0RX       Wolin                SP8BXL  
EU-132      SP7VC/1     Wolin                SP7VC   
EU-135      SK2T        Norrbyskar           SK2AT   
EU-136      9A/OM5AW    Losinj               OM2FY   
EU-136      9A4KJ       Rab                  9A2EU   
EU-136      9A8CV       Krk                  eQSL    
EU-140      OH3D/5      Kirkonmaa            OH3AD   
EU-140      OH5TS       Kuorsalo             OH5TS   
EU-145      CR5CW       Culatra              CT7ACG  
EU-146      PA/F4FET    Schouwen Duiveland   F4FET   
EU-146      PA/ON4IBM   Schouwen Duiveland   ON4IBM  
EU-146      PA5TT       Schouwen Duiveland   PA5TT   
EU-146      PI4AMF/p    Schouwen Duiveland   PA3EYC  
EU-147      R1KRG/p     Bol'shoy Kimalishche R1NU    
EU-165      IM0/I0PNM   San Pietro           I0PNM   
EU-170      9A/OM2ZZ    Vir                  OM2FY   
EU-172      5P5CW       Aro                  DL5SE   
EU-172      OZ/DL5CW    Hjarno               DL5CW   
EU-172      OZ/PD7RB    Fyn                  PD7RB   
EU-178      ES8DJ       Ruhnu                ES2DJ   
EU-181      LZ0I        Sveti Ivan           bureau  
EU-185      R6AF/p      Sudzhuk              R6AF    
EU-185      RU6DX/p     Sudzhuk              RU6DX   
EU-187      J49A        Dia                  SV9GPV  
NA-014      VE9AA       Deer                 VE3IKV  
NA-026      K2QMF       Long                 K2QMF   
NA-029      VY2TT       Prince Edward        VY2TT   
NA-036      VE7NY/7     Denman               VE7NY   
NA-055      N9EAJ/1     Deer                 N9EAJ   
NA-055      W2IY        Mount Desert         W2IY    
NA-058      KU8E        Jekyll               KU8E    
NA-062      K3Y         Key Vaca             WX4TV   
NA-067      K4Z         Great                LoTW    
NA-067      W4MY        Harkers              W4MY    
NA-067      WB8YJF/4    Ocracoke             WB8YJF  
NA-083      N3MK        Chincoteague         N3MK    
NA-126      VB1M        Bon Portage          VA1YL   
NA-128      CK2I        Grues                VE2EBK  
NA-128      VE2VIA      Coudres                      
NA-137      K1IMI       Bailey               N4CW    
NA-138      W4AN        Amelia               K4BAI   
NA-142      W4UC        Santa Rosa           W4UC    
NA-143      K5KUA/5     Galveston            K5KUA   
OC-042      DZ1PUP      Luzon                4F1PH   
OC-130      DX9EVM      Mindanao             DX9EVM  
OC-186      YB3MM/2     Karimunjawa          Club Log
OC-237      YE1R        Tunda                HA3JB   
SA-012      YV7MAY      Margarita            EA8MU   
SA-046      PW7I        Itamaraca            PY7RP   
SA-047      ZV5O        Mel                  PY5ZD   
SA-071      PR2CI       Couves               PY2AE   
SA-072      ZV8FF       Canarias             PS8RV   
SA-077      PS1S        Santana              M0OXO   

The IOTA SWL Contest has been picked up by the Radioascolto SWL Club, and it
will run in parallel with the IOTA Contest. Complete details can be found at  or  from  the  IOTA  SWL  Contest  Manager
(iw1qla[@] Good luck to you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

ARCTIC EXPEDITION ---> Simone, IU5KUH will be active as II0PN/mm during AISE
2018, the World Artic Fund's expedition in  search of  the wreckage  of  the
airship "Italia"  ( He will operate
SSB, CW and PSK on 40, 30  and 20  metres.  The expedition  will  take place
between 1 August and 15 September. QSL direct to IT9MRM.

KH1/KH7Z ---> The QSL design has been finalized  and cards  are expected  to
be in the mail by the beginning of September. Club Log's OQRS is now open at, and o ver  25,600  QSL records  have
been uploaded  to  LoTW already  (as a result of OQRS orders and  donations)
with   over  19,000   matches.   A  short  video   "to  excite   you   about
upcoming  presentations  at  your  local  DX convention  our  team  will  be
participating in" is available on [TNX N1DG]

VP6D ---> "The Ducie Island 2018 project is on schedule",  the team reported
on 22 July, and "the fundraising campaign is underway"  (see the progress on VP6D will use the same equipment as KH1/KH7Z.  On 20
July  the  Baker  Island  radio  equipment  was returned  to  Elecraft   for
inspection, testing and refurbishing.  The equipment will be shipped  to New
Zealand on about  15 August, then Z L3CW will transfer  the shipment  to the
"There's no question that the Baker team had considerable success  with FT8.
However, a  large  percentage  of  the  callers  weren't  prepared  for  the
challenges of this new mode". One of VP6D's announced goals is an "extensive
digital  operation"  using  RTTY and FT8, so  it is  essential  to read  and
understand  the  latest  revision of  the  'FT8 DXpedition Mode User Guide',
which is now available in several different languages at
 "It will be in everyone's  best  interest  if  callers use the  most  recent
software version, correctly configure their equipment,  call VP6D above 1000
Hertz and in the correct sequence.  If you are unsure of  your configuration
please seek assistance before calling".

+ SILENT KEY + Reginald J. Beck,  VE7IG (VE1DXA)  passed  away  on  27 July.
First licensed as VE7ANI the day of  his 18th birthday in June 1956,  he was
an accomplished DXer, a doyen of island chasing and  former  IOTA Checkpoint
for Canada. Over the years he operated from several DXCC Entities and from a
large number of Canadian islands.  Your trulies had the  pleasure of hosting
Reg back in 1991, when he  travelled to Italy  in order to attend  the first
ever IOTA Convention.


QSLs received  direct  or  through managers: 3B7A, 3B9RUN, 3C0W, 3C3W, 3V8CQ
(AF-083), 4B4B (NA-030), 4X4NJ, 5A1AL,  6W/UA4WHX/p (AF-078), 7Q7EI,  9J2BO,
9M0W,  9M6NA  (OC-133),  AT7BK  (AS-175),  ET3AA,  FO5QS,  GB13COL,   GB9OSA
(EU-120), GU8FBO, KL7J,  KL7RRC/p (NA-234),  N1YC/VK9X,  P29RR,  PJ5/SP2GCJ,
PJ6/AI5P, SN740BAR, TJ2TT,TN5R, TY7C, UN4L, XE1B, XR0YD,  YB3TET/8 (OC-242),
YB8HZ/p (OC-242), Z81D.


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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