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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   21.09.18 18:35l 233 Lines 14325 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1429
Subj: 425 DX News #1429
Sent: 180921/1545Z 51942@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.16

22 September 2018                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1429

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3W     - Jun, JH4RHF (OE1ZKC) will be active as XV9RH from Hanoi, Vietnam on
         10-16 October.  In his limited spare time he will operate mainly CW
         on the HF bands. QSL via OE1ZKC. [TNX The Daily DX]
6O     - Ali, EP3CQ has been permitted to operate as  6O1OO  from  Mogadishu
         while he works for the United Nations in the  African Union Mission
         to Somalia.  Once set up,  he plans  to operate SSB on  20  and  15
         metres (15-17 UTC during the week,  11-15 UTC on  Friday-Saturday).
         QSL information and updates will be posted to's 6O1OO page.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
8Q     - Shinji, JF2SDR  will  be  active  holiday style as  8Q7SD  from the
         Maldives (AS-013) on 20-25 September.  He will operate CW, SSB  and
         RTTY on 30-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
DU     - Brian, AI6US will be active as DU7/AI6US from the city of Dumaguete
         on  Negros Island  (OC-129),  Philippines  from  23 September to 21
         October. He will be QRV on 80-10 and 2 metres.  QSL via LoTW,  eQSL
         or direct to home call.
F      - Fabien, F4GYM will be active as F4GYM/p  from  Sein Island (EU-068)
         on 2-5 October.  He will operate SSB  and  digital modes  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F6AJA]
FH     - Willi, DJ7RJ will be active as FH/DL7RJ from Mayotte (AF-027)  from
         29 October to 6 November.  He will operate CW and SSB  on  160-10m,
         with a focus on 160m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  He will
         not use Club Log or LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
FR     - Willi, DJ7RJ  will  be  active  as  FR/DJ7RJ  from  Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) on 9-27 October.  He will operate  CW and SSB on  160-10m,
         with a focus on 160m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  He will
         not use Club Log or LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
GM     - Celebrating the 150th anniversary  of the  Royal National Institute
         of Blind People (RNIB), Terry, GM3WUX will be active as GR150NIB on
         1-28 October.  He will operate CW and some SSB on the HF bands (60m
         excluded), plus some activity  on  4 and 6 metres.  QSL via G3SWH's
         OQRS ( and LoTW; logsearch on
         Club Log and G3SWH's website. [TNX G3SWH]
GW     - Marking the centenary of  the first wireless  transmission  between
         The  United Kingdom  and  Australia, the  Dragon Amateur Radio Club
         will be active as  GB2VK  on  22-23 September.  The  special  event
         transmissions  will take place from  the site of the old  Long Wave
         Transmitting Station at  Waunfawr in north west Wales.  QSL via the
         bureau to GW4TTA.
JA     - Kenji, JA4GXS  will  be  active  as  JA4GXS/6  from  Tanega  Island
         (AS-032) on 13-15 October.  He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on  40,
         20 and 17 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
JT     - Josef, OK1SC and David, OK1DBS are active as JT1XC/3  and  JT1DBS/3
         from the Mongolian District of Batshireet until 30 September.  They
         operate  mainly  CW  on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres.  QSL via home
JW     - Look for JW7XK  (QSL via LA7XK,  LoTW,  eQSL  and Club Log's OQRS),
         JW9DL (QSL via LA9DL) and  JW6VM (QSL via LA6VM) to be active  from
         Longyearbyen  (EU-026),  Svalbard  on  10-15  October.   They  will
         participate in the  SSB leg  of  the  Scandinavian Activity Contest
         (SAC) as  JW5X  (QSL via LA5X,  LoTW,  eQSL  and  Club Log's OQRS).
         Outside the contest they will  operate CW, SSB and  digital  modes.
         [TNX NG3K]
KG4    - Bill W4WV (KG4WV) and Al, W6HGF (KG4HF)  will be active again  from
         Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) on  10-24 October.  They will operate  SSB,
         FT8, some CW, PSK and RTTY, and will try "to spend more time on 80m
         and 160m". QSL via home calls; KG4HF will  upload his log  to LoTW.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
OJ0    - Pasi, OH3WS will be active again as OJ0W from  Market Reef (EU-053)
         on 22-29 September.  In his spare time he will operate CW  and some
         SSB on 60-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
OM     - Czech special callsigns OL100A,  OL100C,  OL100E,  OL100N,  OL100R,
         OL100S,  OL100T  and  OL100Y  will  be active  on  1-31 October  to
         commemorate  the  100th anniversary  of  the  establishment of  the
         Czechoslovak  Republic  (CSR).  See   for
         information on the "Czechoslovakia Centenary Award" offered free of
         charge by the OK DX Foundation.
P2     - Next year  Derek G3KHZ,  Hans SM6CVX and  Eddy K5WQG will be active
         again from Papua New Guinea as follows:
         31 January-5 February   P29VCX   Manus Island   OC-025
         6-11 February           P29NI    Daru Island    OC-153
         "Flight tickets paid  and  all locations booked",  Derek says,  "so
         there  should not  be any changes".  They will operate CW, SSB  and
         RTTY on 40-15 metres, and "if possible" some activity on 80 and 160
         metres. QSL P29VCX via SM6CVX (direct to via Club Log's OQRS),  QSL
         P29NI via G3KHZ (direct to via Club Log's OQRS). [TNX G3KHZ]
SV     - Sigi, DL7DF  will  be  active  as  SV8/DL7DF  from  the  island  of
         Zakynthos (EU-052) on 1-15 October.  He will operate CW, SBB,  RTTY
         on  80-10 metres.  QSL  via  DL7DF, direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.
         Logsearch on
SV     - I7PHH, IK8BYP, IK8TNG  and  IZ8CKY will be  active  as  SW8DX  from
         Meganisi Island (EU-052) on 6-13 October. They will operate SSB and
         CW on 80-10 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW or via IK8JAI.
T8     - Ichy, JH7IPR will be active  again  as T88UW  from  Koror (OC-009),
         Palau on 4-9 October. He  will operate mainly FT8,  with CW and SSB
         if conditions are good.  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS, LoTW or via home
         call (direct or bureau).  Also active  during  the  same time frame
         will  be  T88HS (QSL  direct only  to  JA6KYU)  and  T88WM (QSL via
         JQ6FQI, direct or bureau, and eQSL).
VK9N   - Takao, JO7GVC and Hirokazu, JK7LXU will be active  holiday style as
         VK9/JO7GVC  and  VK9/JK7LXU  from  Norfolk Island (OC-005) on  9-14
         October.  They will operate mainly CW, FT8 and PSK on 40-10 metres.
         JK7LXU will  upload his log to  Club Log,  eQSL and LoTW, and  will
         confirm all QSOs automtically via the JARL bureau. [TNX DX World]
XW     - Champ, E21EIC will be active again as XW1IC from Vientiane, Laos on
         12-16 October.  He will be QRV on 40-6 metres.  QSL via LoTW,  Club
         Log's OQRS or via home call. [TNX DX World]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The  August  2018  issue  is  now  available   for
Download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

3DA0AO ---> Owing to  "circumstances beyond his control",  Pista (HA5AO)  is
returning to Hungary sooner than planned.  "Unfortunately, he is not able to
get on the air or  participate  in his planned humanitarian projects",  K5GS
reported on 17 September.  Pista was expected to be QRV as 3DA0AO  on  16-28
September [425DXN 1428].  He "will leave his  equipment  in the country  and
return at a future date. Donors to his project will receive a refund".

5A0YL ---> On 16 September  a new YL operator  from Libya showed up  on  20m
SSB. DX World  "checked with  Abubaker, 5A1AL and he  confirmed her name  is
Elham from Tripoli and she is still  learning to operate".  More information
will be posted to

KH1/KH7Z ---> "The KH1/KH7Z Baker Island Story",  written  by  Don Greenbaum
(N1DG), can be found on the Mediterraneo DX Club's website at

RI0B ---> The team was QRV from Nansen Island (AS-104) for about 43 hours on
16-18 September. Their main generator failed, and they were limited  to  100
watts during the second day.  They set sail to  the  Arkticheskogo Instituta
Islands (AS-087)  afterwards, and  started  operations around  12 UTC on  20
September.  This is fourth and  last  island stop of the trip.  Plans are to
remain QRV until  Saturday morning (local time),  then head  to  Dikson  and
Arkhangelsk. The yacht must be back in Sankt-Peterburg  by mid-October,  and
there  is not time  for  the team to go and  operate from  the  Scott-Hansen
Islands (AS-068) and Sibirjakov (AS-005).

VP6D ---> The DXpedition to Ducie Island will be QRV on 6m EME for the first
time ever.  Operation  is planned  for 50.200 MHz,  with  VP6D  transmitting
during  the  first  period JT65A mode.  If local  QRM from  the  HF stations
requires any change from this frequency, it will be announced on the  ON4KST
EME Chat page. VP6D intends to be active at Ducie moonrise on most days, and
occasionally  during  moonset.   Lance, W7GJ  gives  more  information   and
instructions on
The team has also announced that Bob Schmieder, KK6EK has offered the use of
DXA  (,  which  allows  anyone  with  an  ordinary
browser   anywhere  to  see   updates  about  the   expedition   activities,
particularly the radio log,  in nearly real time.  Within 60 seconds of your
contact with VP6D, the browser  page is  automatically updated to  show your
callsign, this confirms  that your contact  is in the log.  This process (1)
eliminates  the  need  for  duplicate contacts  on the  same band/mode,  (2)
minimizes the confusion caused by pirates or other DXpeditions operating  at
the same time, and (3) significantly reduces, or eliminates, the hundreds of
e-mails asking for "log checks".
As for the traditional  logsearch, VP6D  will  not  use  Club Log,  but will
upload the logs to the  website  (
on a daily basis.
The cost of the VP6D project is  about USD 175,000.  "To date, we are at 87%
of our donation target", the team reported on 21 September. "Our goal is all
donations plus OQRS income will cover 50% of the project cost, with the team
members paying the  remaining 50%.  There's still time for you to  join  the
hundreds  of  DXers,  and many foundations,  clubs  and  corporate  entities
already on the list".

WSJT-X 2.0 ---> "The   first  candidate  release   (WSJT-X 2.0-rc1)  is  now
available for download  and use by beta testers", Joe, K1JT announced on  17
September.  WSJT-X 2.0 will be a major upgrade, whose many new features  and
enhancements since Version 1.9.1 are summarized here:
If you plan to use the beta-test release candidate, you must read the "Quick
Start Guide to WSJT-X 2.0" first:
Further details and a download link to  the Windows installation package can
be found on the WSJT-X web site:
This candidate release is your  first chance  to test the  new features  and
provide feedback  to the  WSJT Development Group  (the  mailing list  can be
found at

+ SILENT KEYS + Sabit Zymberi, Z61AA (ex YU8AA) passed away on  9 September.
He was the oldest amateur radio operator in Kosovo and past president of the
Kosovo Amateur Radio Association. Recently reported Silent Keys also include
Roberto Doro, IZ3CAN, who passed away on 15 September aged only 53.


QSLs  received  direct  or through  managers: 3C0W, 3C3W, 4K6/DL7ZM, 4U1ITU,
5B4AIF, A71BU, C6AGU, C8T, C96RRC (AF-088),  C98RRC (AF-066), E7TT,  EA9ABC,
FK8CP,  H40D (OC-179), H44R (OC-168),  H44R/p (OC-158),  HC8GR,  IB0/IK4ALM,
JW5X,  JY9FC,  K4G  (NA-085),  KH1/KH7Z  (OC-089),  LY80FOC,   MU0FAL,  MX5A
(EU-011),  OD5ZF,  PY6RT, TN5R,  V6J (OC-254),  VE1FA/KL7 (NA-121),  VK5CE/6
(OC-140,  OC-164,  OC-170,  OC-193 and  OC-199),  VK5CE/p (OC-220),  VU2GSM,


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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