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13 October 2018                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1432

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5W     - Steve, WB2IQU will be active as 5W2IQ from  Apia, Samoa (OC-097) on
         18-25 October.  He will  be  QRV  on  40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL
         direct to home call. [TNX M0OXO]
7Q     - Don, K6ZO will be active as 7Q6M from  Embangweni, Malawi on  23-29
         October, including participation  in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  QSL
         via K6ZO. [TNX The Daily DX]
E4     - Janusz, SP9FIH will be active again as E44WE from Palestine between
         27 October and 11 November, including a single-band entry (20m)  in
         the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. He will operate SSB, some RTTY and FT8 on
         20, 17 and 15 metres,  and  possibly on  160m.  QSL via  Club Log's
         OQRS, or via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - Special callsign TM63CDP will be active at various times between 18
         October and 18 November to celebrate the recent inscription of  the
         Chaine des Puys volcanoes on UNESCO's World Heritage List.  QSL via
         F6BDE. [TNX F8REF]
FJ     - Thierry, F6CUK will be active holiday style as FJ/F6CUJ from  Saint
         Barthelemy (NA-146) from 21 October to 1 November.  He will operate
         CW and SSB on various bands. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, eQSL or
         via home call (direct or bureau).
HH     - Owing to security concerns, the  19-29 October  4V7R expedition  to
         Haiti [425DXN 1423] has been cancelled. [TNX DX World]
HL     - Look for DS2GOO/3, DS4NYE/3, HL1VAU/3  and a few  other  homecall/3
         operators to be active from Hwang Island (AS-080) on 12-14 October.
         They will operate  CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 on  80-10 metres.  QSL via
         home calls.  From time to time  they will  also be signing  D70LW/3
         (QSL via DS4NYE). [TNX HL1VAU]
HL_ssh - Lee, DS4NMJ is active as DT8A from the King Sejong Station on  King
         George  Island,  South Shetlands  (AN-010)  until  18 December.  He
         operates  FT8, CW and SSB on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 12 metres.  QSL via
         HL2FDW and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - ARI Milano will  operate  scout station  II2JOTA  on  20-21 October
         during this year's Jamboree On The Air. QSL via the bureau.
JD1_oga- Kazu, JD1BNA will be active again from Hahajima (AS-031), Ogasawara
         on 24-29 October.  He will concentrate on 180, 80 and 40 metres CW.
         QSL direct to JL1UTS. [TNX DX World]
OA     - Rich, K2RR expects to be active as OA5/K2RR  from San Gallan Island
         (SA-073) on 15 October for  a few hours,  hopefully starting around
         14 UTC (9 AM local time) on 14040 kHz CW  with  Europe as his first
         priority. If conditions on 20 metres are poor,  he will  be  QRV on
         10115 kHz. He will run 100 watts  and use batteries,  as generators
         are not allowed on the island. [TNX W1JR]
OE     - Celebrating the  100th anniversary since  the  proclamation of  the
         Republic of Austria,  special callsign OE100OE will be active on 16
         21 and 31 October, and again on  3 and 12 November.  Activity dates
         have been  chosen  because  of their  historical significance  (see  Each day will have  its  special QSL card,  and all QSOs
         will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
P4     - John, W2GD will be active again as P40W from Aruba (SA-036)  on 22-
         30 October. Main activity will be during the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest;
         outside the  contest  he will operate  SSB and CW on 160-10 metres.
         QSL via LoTW or direct only to N2MM.
PJ4    - Scott, NE9U will be active as PJ4/NE9U from  Bonaire (SA-006)  from
         20 October to 3 November. QSL via LoTW, or via home call (direct or
         bureau). He will participate in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest  as  PJ4G
         (QSL via WA2NHA) along with KK9K, K2NG and NA2AA. [TNX NG3K]
PY0F   - The Noronha Contest Group will be active as  PY0F from  Fernando de
         Noronha (SA-003) on 23-29 October, with main activity during the CQ
         WW DX SSB Contest. Outside the contest they will operate mainly SSB
         and FT8 on 160-10 metres. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS,  or direct
         to PY7RP. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

RI0B ---> The logs for the recent RI0B IOTA operations have been uploaded to
Club Log, and the OQRS has been enabled for each of them:
RI0B/AS-054    13-15 September    4,883 QSOs
RI0B/AS-087    20-21 September    7,018 QSOs
RI0B/AS-104    16-18 September    4,298 QSOs
RI0B/AS-121    10-12 September    4,955 QSOs

TT8KO ---> Operated by LA7GIA, TT8KO stopped transmitting at 17:45 UTC on 10
October, when "the national security police" shut down the  station  pending
"an equipment inspection" which  has been postponed  until  12 October  ("no
time given"). During the first 24 hours of his solo  DXpedition  Ken  logged
2,135 QSOs, which  have  been  uploaded  to Club Log  as well as  to M0OXO's

VK9XG ---> The 17-29 October DXpediton to Christmas Island (OC-002)  [425DXN
1423] plans to use FT8 as the  primary data mode.  While demand is high they
will  use FT8's  DXpedition mode,  operating as the  'Fox'  on the following
frequencies: 1844 kHz (plus 1908 kHz for JA), 3590 kHz, 7060 kHz, 10140 kHz,
14086 kHz, 18104 kHz, 21095 kHz, 24918 kHz and 28095 kHz.  These frequencies
have been  selected to avoid  mutual interference  with the  VP6D DXpedition
which  is  scheduled  to be active  at the  same time.  You  must  be  using
WSJT-X V1.9.1 in 'Hound' mode' to achieve a QSO. The steps to work VK9X G on
FT8 are described at  If demand for FT8
QSOs is low or band  conditions are poor,  they will operate  in normal  FT8
mode on the standard FT8 frequencies.

VP6D ---> "After 18 months of intensive planning we will soon begin our long
journey to Ducie Island", the VP6D reported  on 10 October.  "This is a team
effort and you are part of the team. Please help us to work you by reviewing
this important information.
1.  You can  follow  our  progress  as  we sail  to and  from  Ducie Island. tracking will be available  on  16 October
    as we depart Mangareva.
2.  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook - updated from the ship and island.
3.  As time  permits, we'll  send Press Releases  to  the  DX bulletins  and
    upload photos to from the island.
4.  Your only email route to VP6D is through the pilot team.
5.  The pilots do not have the logs. Please don't ask them about NIL  busted
    calls, skeds, etc. Do send them helpful suggestions.
6.  There is no access to personal email while on the ship or on the island.
7.  The log will  be  uploaded daily,  OQRS will be available on the website
    shortly after we leave the island.
8.  The process for reporting  busted/missing  QSOs  will be available  when
    OQRS opens.
9.  We are uploading the log only to the website - there is no Leaderboard.
10. We plan to  use  WSJT-X Version 1.9.1  as a Fox on all bands  except 160
    where we will not  use  DXpedition mode.  VP6D  FT8 operating guidelines
    posted on the website.
11. DXA at will update about 3 minutes after your
    contact. Check here to see if you are in our log.
12. The log may show FT8 dupes even if you didn't dupe us,  we will  resolve
    dupes after the DXpedition.
13.  Thanks to Lance W7GJ our plan to activate 6m EME is  a first  for Ducie
There will be at least 3 DXpeditions operating from the Pacific during  Oct/
Nov. Ensure you are in the correct pileup for the DX you are trying to work.
If you see your contact on VP6D's DXA that contact is in our log.
Please consider a donation at to help offset the team's significant
investment to put Ducie Island on the air.  Those who process a  donation on before we sail on 16 October will receive  their  LoTW confirmation
while we're on the island.
We wish everyone the best of luck in  getting in the log,  we'll do our best
to get you the QSOs you want". [TNX K5GS]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2TS       FK1TS       EI100SSD    EI3KE       RI1ANL      RN1ON
3E1JT       HP1ALX      EL2EF       NR6M        S79LD       VK4EF
3V8SF       LX1NO       ET3AA       N2OO        SN100I      SP3PGR
3W9XG       DF2XG       FM5FJ       KU9C        SN100ID     SP8ZBX
3Z100I      SP9YGD      FR/DL9HAL   M0OXO       SN100N      SP9KJU
3Z100K      SP7CVW      FY/F5DKO    F5TJP       SN100POL    SP1PMY
3Z100POL    SP6PZG      GB100MCV    GW4TTA      SN150EL     SP1KRF
4K100W      DL6KVA      GR150NIB    G3SWH       SN7Q        SP7GIQ
4O1YCP      4O1HQ       HB9SPACE    HB9ACA      SO100I      SP9PRR
4O2YCP      4O1HQ       HC2AO       RC5A        SO100N      SP3PWL
4O4YCP      4O1HQ       HF100I      SP4LVK      SO100ZHP    SP9ZHP
4U1A        UA3DX       HF100POL    SP2PBM      SO4M        SP4MPG
4U1GSC      9A2AA       HF100TPN    SP9PTA      SO9M        SQ9UM
5C5W        EA5XX       HF40CUF     SP4CUF      SP100I      SP0PZK
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      HF800W      SQ6LIG      SP100N      SP9MA
5X7W        SM0HPL      HG242LOC    HA5GY       SP100POL    SP2YRY
8Q7YC       W5UE        HH2MK       EB7DX       SP85NISKO   SQ7FPD
9A8GHJ/P    OE7GHJ      HS0ZJF      ON4AFU      SQ100N      SP5KOG
9G5ZS       ZS1XB       HZ1TT       A61BK       SQ100POL    SP3KWA
9H3AF       G8MLQ       IB0/IQ5ZP   9A8MDC      SQ100S      SQ9S
9J2BO       G3TEV       IB0/IU5ASA  9A8MDC      SU9JG       EA5GL
9M6SKT      9W6MUL      IB0/IZ5NRF  9A8MDC      SW8DX       IK8JAI
9M6ZAE      W3HNK       II0BP       IW0GOA      SX100SV     SV2JAO
9Q6BB       W3HNK       II4OER      IQ4FE       SX2X        SV2JAO
A44A        A47RS       II7JOTA     IK7YZI      T43MY       CO3JK
A60WSW      A61BK       IQ1RY       IK1HXN      T88HS       JA6KYU
A61EK       IZ8CLM      IQ9UI       IT9CHU      T88UW       JH7IPR
A61QQ       A61BK       J42L        SV2DCD      T88WM       JQ6FQI
AM400Y      EA7RCS      J66CD       EB7DX       TA4/UA9CDC  G3SWH
AM5BCP      EA5GUQ      JW7XK       LA7XK       TC16BURSA   YM3KB
AY8A        LU8ADX      JW9DL       LA9DL       TC3COTA     TA3CX
C21GJ       W7GJ        JY5HX       E73Y        TC6EKM      YM1KE
C37NL       C37URA      KG4HF       W6HGF       TG9AOR      EC5AC
CE2SV       N7RO        KG4WV       W4WV        TM1VG       F4FCE
CN8YR       EA7FTR      KH2/KJ7AQI  JS2AZO      TM3Z        F4DSK
CN8ZG       EA7FTR      KH2L        W3HNK       TR8CA       F6CBC
CO6RD       EA5GL       KL7SB       NI5DX       TT8FC       EA3GWK
CP4BT       DJ2BW       LU1DX       EC5AC       TT8KO       M0OXO
CP4MG       EA5KB       LX7I        LX2A        TY2AC       DL9USA
CR3DX       OM2VL       LX8M        LX1ER       UP44WFF     UN6GAO
CR3W        DL5AXX      LZ1545POA   LZ1KCP      V31MA       M0OXO
CR6AZB      CT2IWW      LZ25TRC     LZ1YE       V47JA       W5JON
CV7S        CX7SS       LZ35PAR     LZ1ZF       V850IARU    V85TL
CW4MAX      EA5GL       LZ73TRC     LZ1YE       VC3NPARC70  VE3VM
CX7CO       EA5GL       MJ5Z        M0CFW       VC3S        VE3EID
CX9AU       EA5GL       OD5ZZ       NI5DX       VE3FIRE     KD2CUO
D44TWO      M0OXO       OE2E        OE2GEN      VK8NSB      M0URX
DR18WRD     M0SDV       OE9R        OE9HGV      VK9/JK7LXU  JK7LXU
DT8A        HL2FDW      OH0T        OH2GEK      VK9/JO7GVC  JO7GVC
DX2R        W3HNK       OK7O        OK1DOL      VK9BF       N7BF
E2X         E20GMY      OL100A      OK1TN       VK9QR       N7QR
E6Y         ZL3PAH      OL100C      OK1TN       VK9XT       N4GNR
EA8DED      OH2BP       OL100E      OK1PI       VO2VC       VE6CMV
ED1LO       EA1RCR      OL100N      OK1TN       VP9AD       W3HNK
ED3D        EA3RCB      OL100R      OK1TN       VP9IN       EC5AC
ED5ST       EA5ST       OL100S      OK2ZA       XU7AME      EA5GL
ED7P        EA7PP       OL100T      OK5AC       XV9RH       OE1ZKC
EF1Z        EA1BD       OL100Y      OK7CM       XV9WJR      WA7WJR
EF8U        EA8URL      OM4Q        OM3BY       YQ6WFF      YO6KPT
EG1TMP      EA1URE      OY1OF       M0URX       YR0REX      YO5BFJ
EG7DSM      EA7RCS      P3X         5B4AMM      Z21MH       IZ0EGA
EH1MEP      EA1AUM      PA75STAR    PA1UN       ZA5V        OE6FNG
EH2018AJT   EA1EG       PF2018WOR   PA0MBD      ZM1A        ZL3CW
EH5TYF      EA5RKB      RI0BC       RW1AI       ZW50EDB     PY1EDB

3Z100N   Szkolny Klub Krotkofalowcow, ul. Szczesliwicka 56, 02-353 Warszawa,
6D50I    Jose Felix Nunez Enciso, Av. Revolucion de 1910 #3080,
         Col. Pueblo Nuevo, 23060 La Paz BCS, Mexico
CB1H     Antofagasta DX Group, Los Geiser 9775, 1266765 Antofagasta, Chile
CE2ML    Luis Matho, 2303 Nordok Place, Alexandria VA 22306, USA
EA5XX    Julio Volpe O'Neil, Colon 8, 46611 Benimuslem (Valencia), Spain
EC5AC    Jose A. Senent, Apartado Postal 232, 07730 Alaior (Illes Balears),
ED9E     Jose Antonio Mendez Rios, Calle Martin Moreno 15-1, 51002 Ceuta,
F5TJP    Ronan Darchen, B.P. 109, 22700 Perros-Guirec, France
F6CBC    Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
N4GNR    Dan Cisson, 12 Hancock Drive, Toccoa GA 30577-9388, USA
OH8A     Jouni Mehtomaa, Kylmalantie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki, Finland
OV1CDX   Frank Fendahl, Svinoevej 2, 4750 Lundby, Denmark
OX3XR    Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, Netherlands
TM0T     Stephane Van Langhenhoven, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent,
         29830 Ploudalmezeau, France
WW1USA   National World War I Museum Amateur Radio Club, 100 W 26th St,
         Kansas City MO 64108, USA
ZL3PAH   Phil Holliday, 131 Starnes Road, RD 2, Upper Moutere 7175,
         New Zealand
ZX2B     Wanderley Ferreira Gomes, Avenida 23 de Maio 2966 Ap 1320,
         Sao Paulo - SP, 04008-000, Brazil


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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