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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   19.10.18 19:58l 369 Lines 23664 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1433
Subj: 425 DX News #1433
Sent: 181019/1658Z 52289@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.16

20 October 2018                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1433

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4S     - Once again Peter, DC0KK will be active  as  4S7KKG  from  Sri Lanka
         (AS-003) from 1 November to 1 April 2019. He operates mainly CW and
         digital modes. QSL via home call (direct or bureau) and  LoTW; OQRS
         on Club Log.
CT9    - Helmut, DF7ZS ( will be active as  CT9/DF7ZS  (QSL
         via  home call,  logsearch on Club Log)  from  Madeira (AF-014)  on
         23-29 October.  He will participate in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest as
         CQ3W (QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS only).
EA     - Look  for  Markus,  DJ4EL  (  to  be
         active as  EA7/DJ4EL  from  Sancti Petri Island (EU-143)  on  19-24
         October. QSL via home call.
F      - Special callsign TM5PAX will be active on all bands and modes  from
         28 October  to   11 November  for  the  100th  anniversary  of  the
         Armistice of Compiegne that on 11 November 1918  ended fighting  in
         World War I. QSL via F5JSQ, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX F8REF]
FG     - Roger, SM7RYR, will be active as FG/SM7RYR from Guadeloupe (NA-102)
         from 27 October  to 11 November.  He will operate  CW mainly on  20
         metres. QSL via LoTW. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FO     - Cezar, VE3LYC and Adrian, KO8SCA will be active as TX0A from  Maria
         Est Atoll (OC-113) and as TX0M from  Morane Atoll (OC-297, new one)
         during  the  first half of December.  The Acteon Group (OC-113) was
         activated  only once (by FO5BI/p, in April 1990), while the  Morane
         Group (OC-297) is a brand new IOTA reference  (see the announcement
         below). DXCC wise, both these atolls count for French Polynesia.
         The tentative schedule is to operate from Morane on  6-10 December,
         and from Maria Est on 12-16 December. "The final decision regarding
         the  sailing itinerary",  however,  "will be made  at  the time  of
         leaving Mangareva (4 December), based on the weather forecast".  It
         will be possible to track the DXpedition's progress via the InReach
         system.  The link will  be posted  to
         and made available between 2 and 19 December.
         Plans are to operate SSB and CW with two stations on  40-10 metres.
         In order  to  maximize  the number of unique  callsigns logged, one
         station  will  be  QRV  on  20 metres  as long as  the  propagation
         permits.  The logs will be uploaded to Club Log  when the operators
         return back home.  QSLs via Club Log's OQRS (direct or bureau),  or
         via VE3LYC (direct or bureau).
G      - Special event station GB100ARM will be active on 1-28 November  for
         the 100th anniversary  of  the  Armistice of Compiegne that  on  11
         November  1918  ended fighting  in  World War I.  QSL via the  RSGB
         bureau, or direct to G0TOC.
GM     - GM4YXI and GM3WOJ will participate in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest  as
         GS7V from the Shetland Islands (EU-012), a separate multiplier. QSL
         via N3SL. [TNX NG3K]
HL     - A team of South Korean  operators  will be active  as  HL0DOK  from
         Ullung Island  (AS-045)  on  20 October  and - weather permitting -
         from the Dok Islands (AS-045) on  21-22 October.  They will operate
         SSB, CW,  FM and  FT8  on 80, 40, 30, 20 and 2 metres.  QSL via the
         bureau or direct to the Korean Amateur Radio League. [TNX The Daily
I      - Special  callsign  IO8MQP  has  been  active  since  13 October  in
         remembrance of  ARI President  and  former  Secretary General Mario
         Ambrosi, I2MQP, who passed away on 6 November 2017.  QSL via IZ8EDJ
         and LoTW.
I      - Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the battle  that marked  the
         end of World War I on the Italian Front,  ARI Vittorio Veneto  will
         operate special event station II3BVV from 24 October to 4 November.
         Main activity will  be on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB, CW and  digital
         modes. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau  and
         eQSL.   See   for   more
KL     - Rick, K6VVA  will  be  active  as  K6VVA/KL7  from  Endicott Island
         (NA-004) from about 22 UTC on  8 November until about 18 UTC on  11
         November ( He will operate CW and
         some SSB on 40, 30 and 20 metres. Make sure you read and understand
         his "HRAL ATNi KN"  operating  procedure  before calling!  Rick has
         devised this protocol "to benefit all serious IOTA chasers who have
         submitted for any IOTA credit in the last 5 years". Explanations in
         seven languages can be found on The log
         will be uploaded to  Club Log  and LoTW,  but  neither  direct  nor
         bureau QSL cards will be available. IOTA credit for  this operation
         will be obtained only via the  Club Log Matching  function  on  the
         IOTA  website.  Missing QSOs/busted calls  should  be  reported  to
         logcheck4[@] after the expedition is over.
OZ     - DL4HG, DL7AT and DL8UD (5P2C) will be active  as  OZ0TX  from  Romo
         Island (EU-125) on 25-30 October, including participation in the CQ
         WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via DL7AT, direct or bureau.
PA     - Celebrating the  32nd  anniversary  of  the  European DX Foundation
         (, nine special callsigns will be active  from
         The Netherlands during the month of November: PA32EUDXF, PB32EUDXF,
         and PI32EUDXF.  QSLs via PA1AW  (OQRS will  be  available after the
         operations). [TNX PA4JJ]
PJ4    - Scott, W4PA and others will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest
         as PJ4Q from  Bonaire (SA-006).  There will  be  some  "pre-contest
         activity" by PJ4/W4PA starting on 21 October,  with a focus on 160,
         30, 17 and 12 metres. QSLs via W4PA. [TNX NG3K]
PZ     - Team Parbo (G3NKC, G4BVY,  G4CLA, G4XUM,  M5RIC and N0VD)  will  be
         active again as  PZ5K from  Suriname  on  23-30 October,  including
         participation in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. Outside the contest they
         will be QRV also on 30, 17 and 12 metres, and will operate also  CW
         and RTTY. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via G3NKC.
S9     - Jorge, CT1BOL will be active as S9CT from  Principe Island (AF-044)
         on 24-29 October, including an entry  in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest.
         QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or via home call. [TNX NG3K]
T31    - Heye DJ9RR, Joe DK5WL, Guenter DL2AWG, Hans DL6JGN, Wolf DM2AUJ and
         Ronald PA3EWP will be active as T31EU  from  Kanton Island, Central
         Kiribati (OC-043)  from  16 February to 5 March 2019.  They already
         have the licence and the permit  from the  Phoenix Island Protected
         Area. Activity will be on 160-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and some FT8.
         QSL via DL2AWG. Before and after the DXpedition they will be active
         Holiday   style  from  Tarawa  (OC-017),  Western  Kiribati  (T30).
         A website is under construction at  [TNX 
TA     - Four Turkish amateur radio clubs (YM2KW, YM1KTR, YM1KE  and YM1KAD)
         will be active as TC29OCT 26-29 October in celebration of  Republic
         Day, which in its turn commemorates  the official  proclamation  of
         the Republic of Turkey on 29 October 1923.
V7     - Masa, JA0RQV will be active from  Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands
         on  26-29 October  (callsign  to be issued  upon arrival,  bookmark for updates). He will operate CW and SSB
         on 80-6 metres, and will participate in  the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest.
         QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
VP9    - Look for AA4V/VP9, K4AJA/VP9, N4SF/VP9 and W4GE/VP9 to be active on
         all bands and modes from Bermuda (NA-005)  on  24-29 October.  They
         will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as K4AJA/VP9. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
VU     - Madhu, VU3NPI and others will be active  AT4DK  from  Pamban Island
         (AS-173) on 3-4 November. The team plans to operate SSB, CW and FT8
         on 80-10 metres. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX DX World]
YJ     - Chris, VK2YUS will be active  again as YJ0CA  from  Efate (OC-035),
         Vanuatu on 25-29 October.  He will operate SSB on  40,  20  and  15
         metres, including  activity  during the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  QSL
         direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
YL     - In  celebration  of  the  Latvian  State  centenary,  five  special
         callsigns will be active on 1-18 November from the capital city  of
         Riga (YL100R) and the country's four historical regions of  Kurzeme
         (YL100K), Latgale (YL100L), Vidzeme (YL100V) and  Zemgale (YL100Z).
         QSLs via  Club Log's OQRS and LoTW.  See
         for complete information on the award programme.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0I ---> The 3Y0I DXpedition to Bouvet Island [425DXN 1418] is "planned for
the southern hemisphere's summer time",  but  "exact dates will be announced
when closer to our departure".  For the time being,  they have posted  their
band  plan  (160-6 metres,  CW,  SSB  and  FT8  Fox  &  Hound mode)  to  the
DXpedition's website (see below). The team includes  3Z9DX,  SP3DOI,  SP7VC,
SP8S (ex SQ8X) and  YU4DX.  Plans  are  to  "install a  camp  and  ham radio
equipment at the ice cap  covering  93% of  Bouvet".  If "we are lucky  with
weather", they say, "our stay at the island will last for 2 weeks". Bookmark for more information and updates.

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The September 2018  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

IOTA: NEW GROUPS ---> IOTA Management  announced  on 31 August on  the  IOTA
website the five yearly review of the Directory list of IOTA groups  [425DXN
1426], and is grateful to proposers of some 28 candidate groups received  by
the 1 October deadline.  On 14 October IOTA General Manager  Roger Balister,
G3KMA announced the first tranche of 6 new groups at the RSGB Convention:
1. EU-192  SM/OH Kataja Island, Finland/Sweden (=Kataja)
   65.41-65.43N 24.07-24.11E
   New 'split sovereignty island', located in the very north of the Gulf  of
   Bothnia. Since the signing of a  bilateral agreement in 1809  ground rise
   has  caused  the  Swedish island Kataja  and  the  smaller Finnish island
   Inakari to merge  forming a  larger island 2 km long.  The border between
   Sweden and Finland  now crosses  the island, similar  to Market Reef.  No
   known previous amateur radio activity.
2. OC-297  FO Morane Atoll, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia (=Morane)
   23.05S-23.15S 137.05-137.11W
   New  'remote island'  group.  This island, previously an  outlier  of the
   OC-113 Actaeon group, lies a distance of at  least 153 km from  Maria Est
   Island, the nearest island in the rest of the Tuamotus. No known previous
   amateur radio activity.
3. NA-249  KP3, 4  Puerto Rico's  Coastal  Islands,  Puerto Rico  (=Caja  de
   Muertos, Culebra, Culebrita, Mona, Monito, Vieques)
   17.48-18.40N 065.09-068.00W
   New 'coastal islands' group. Justified on the grounds that Puerto Rico is
   of a similar size to  Corsica which has a coastal islands sub-group. Some
   5 previous operations, 3 from Vieques, and 1 each from Culebra and Mona.
4. NA-250  KL Yakutat County Group, Coastal Groups,  United States  (Alaska)
   (=Fitzgerald, Gregson, Khantaak, Knight, Kriwoi, Krutoi, Otmeloi)
   58.48-60.00N 137.56-141.00W
   New 'coastal islands' group,  created by  splitting  the  current  NA-161
   Skagway-Yakutat County group. It can be justified on the grounds that the
   qualifying islands in  both groups are separated by  at least 250 km  and
   the two administrative  counties  can be easily split.  No known previous
   amateur radio activity.
5. AS-205  R0X Bering Sea Coast  East group,  Koryanskiy  Avtonomnyy  Okrug,
   Russian Federation - Asia (=Yoanna Bogoslova, Vasiliya Islands)
   57.20-61.49N 168.00-174.30E
   New 'coastal islands' group, created  by  splitting  the  current  AS-064
   Bering Sea Coast group.  Bogoslova Island lies  460 km away in a straight
   line from Verkhoturova Island, and 485 km away  from  Karaginskiy Island,
   the only  two island  counters  of  this group.  The Vasiliya Islands are
   further away.  This distance spread in a group  is quite exceptional.  We
   allowed AS-091  in  a  neighbouring  area to be split  in  July 2014, the
   separation  being  500 km  or  more.  No  known  previous  amateur  radio
6. AS-204  R0F Kuril'skiye Islands  North,  Sakhalinskaya  Oblast',  Russian
   Federation-Asia (=Atlasov,  Shumshu, Paramushir, Antsiferova, Makanrushi,
   Onekotan, Kharimkotan, Chirinkotan, Ekarma, Shiashkotan, Raikoke,  Matua,
   Rasshua, Ushishir, Ketoy, Simushir)
   46.40-51.00N 151.30-156.38E
   A new group, created by splitting AS-025 Kuril'skiye Islands into 2.  The
   islands extend over a distance of more than 1200 km.  Adverse comparisons
   are made  with the  Aleutian Island Chain and  the  Hawaiian Island Chain
   where there  are  many  separate  IOTA Groups.  Some information  sources
   specify North and South Kurils as sub-groups. Most activity has been from
   the South Group.
All new groups have provisional numbers. This means that  they  will need to
be confirmed by an operation taking place after 14 October 2018  that  meets
the  1000 QSO   and   other  normal   validation  requirements.  Only  after
confirmation of the number will credit for past operations be considered.
A second tranche will be announced at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2019.

the past four years, the Pacific Islands DXpedition Group (PIDXG) has sought
permission to conduct a DXpedition from Kure Atoll, currently ranked by Club
Log as the #7 Most Wanted DXCC entity. During this time PIDXG has filed four
separate permit applications.
  Due to scheduling conflicts, the first application filed  in November 2014
was voluntarily  withdrawn  in  April 2015  following authorization  by  The
Nature   Conservancy  for  the  PIDXG's  January  2016  K5P   Palmyra  Atoll
  A second  permit application,  filed in April 2016,  was also subsequently
withdrawn,  nearly  one-year later, due to the  ARRL DXCC action  "deleting"
Kure Island (and Midway Island) from the DXCC program.
  However,   following  its  DXCC   reinstatement, a  third   PIDXG   permit
application for Kure was filed in July 2017.
  During the process of these three permit attempts, several email exchanges
occurred   to  address  the  reviewing  agencies'  follow-up  questions  and
legitimate  concerns  about  our  activity   coinciding  with  Kure  Atoll's
"albatross season."
  Ultimately,  our  third  permit  application  stalled out.   Email  status
requests went unanswered.  In December 2017, a phone call was  placed to our
Permit Coordinator assigned from  Hawaii's Division of Forestry and Wildlife
and we were advised that an official  "denial package" would be returned  to
PIDXG following a January 2018 Trustee Review Board meeting in Honolulu.
  After many email requests and phone calls on the status  of the  "denial,"
on June 25, 2018 PIDXG finally received the  formal denial package from  the
Chairperson of Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). The
official position was that amateur radio  "cannot be conducted with adequate
safeguards for the resources and ecological integrity" of  Kure Atoll.  They
contend  that  our use  of  antennas  would pose a  considerable risk to the
island's bird  population  in spite  of the  fact that  we indicated  in our
application we  would be following  USF&W approved  guidelines and protocols
successfully used by  DXpeditions  in other  National Wildlife Refuges (NWR)
and as  praised  by  USF&W officials (see video  excerpt produced  by  James
Brooks 9V1YC from the 2009 K4M Midway DXpedition:
  Follow-up phone  calls  and emails  to  Hawaii  DLNR officials  requesting
additional   clarification  have  been  ignored  and  a  formal  Freedom  of
Information  request  to the  State of Hawaii  has likewise  resulted  in no
substantive information relative to the denial. 
  Throughout each attempt of the permitting process, PIDXG has acted in good
faith in its efforts.  It has adhered  to  all  procedural  and  application
guidelines necessary for requesting access  to this Public Land,  land where
amateur radio has already been determined to have "existing use" by the same
Federal agencies overseeing this and other Pacific NWRs.
  It is the understanding  of  PIDXG  that  there  have been  NO  documented
instances of negative impact to the "ecological integrity"  at any NWR  from
any previous amateur radio activity. Thankfully, through the guidance of the
oversight agencies and the protocols  directing radio operations  from these
environmentally  sensitive  areas, it  can be said  that  amateur radio  has
maintained  an  impeccable  track record  in  this regard.  To suggest  that
amateur radio poses "unacceptable risks" or "has the potential to  adversely
impact seabirds and other protected species" at  Kure Atoll is  disingenuous
and without basis in fact.  Again, we refer to the praises sung by U.S. Fish
and Wildlife in the above-mentioned YouTube video excerpt.
  The last amateur radio activity to Kure Atoll was in 2005.  PIDXG does not
think it is unreasonable to  request  the use of a  U.S. Public Land  for an
amateur radio activity following a 13-15 year lapse.
  For the record, there is  no  appeal  process  in  this matter.  PIDXG has
requested  personal  meetings  with  review agency members  to discuss  this
activity but no response has been given to our requests.  However, the cover
letter accompanying  the  denial package indicates  PIDXG is  not  precluded
"from submitting applications in the future and will be  evaluated  pursuant
to the findings criteria."  As such, a fourth Kure Atoll permit  application
was filed by PIDXG on August 6, 2018.
  At this time, PIDXG requests interested DXers  to help in this matter.  We
simply ask that you send your QSL card and brief  note  respectfully  asking
the  Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resource  to please  reconsider
their position in this matter to:
    Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources
    c/o Suzanne Case, Chairperson
    Kalanimoku Building
    1151 Punchbowl Street
    Honolulu, HI 96813
  Meanwhile, the PIDXG  would  like  to  thank  the  DX Community  for  your
interest and support and will certainly keep you posted on any news relative
to our efforts with Kure Atoll.
For more information contact Craig Thompson, K9CT (craig[@]".

QSL WRTC 2018 ---> The QSL cards  have been ordered, but  "please don't send
paper QSL cards to us", Chris (DL1MGB) says.  "Neither to me nor  to any one
else  in  the  Organizing Committee.  We don't collect them,  we  don't need
them". All of the QSOs made by the  63 stations that competed in  the  World
Radiosport Team Championship on 14-15 July 2018  (Y81A,  Y81D,  Y81K,  Y81M,
Y81N, Y81R, Y81U, Y82A,  Y82B,  Y82D, Y82F,  Y82G, Y82K,  Y82L, Y82M,  Y82N,
Y82V,  Y82W, Y83B,  Y83C, Y83K,  Y83L, Y83O,  Y83P, Y83U,  Y83V, Y83X, Y83Z,
Y84B, Y84C, Y84G,  Y84J, Y84O,  Y84P, Y84Q,  Y84W, Y84X,  Y84Y, Y84Z,  Y86C,
Y86J, Y86O, Y86P,  Y86Q, Y86V,  Y86W, Y86Y,  Y87B, Y87C,  Y87G, Y87K,  Y87L,
Y87M, Y87O, Y87U, Y87V, Y87W,  Y89A, Y89D, Y89M, Y89N,  Y89R and Y89U)  have
been uploaded to Club Log, and the OQRS has been activated  for  both bureau
and direct cards.  In early October  the  logs  were also  uploaded to LoTW.
Missing QSOs should be reported to contact[@]

RI0B ---> A photo gallery for the September 2018 RI0B IOTA DXpedition can be
found at

TT8KO ---> Operated by LA7GIA, TT8KO stopped transmissions  at  17:45 UTC on
10 October, when the national security police shut down his station  pending
an equipment inspection [425DXN 1432].  "My gear has been disconnected.  The
antennas on the roof are locked down.  I am not allowed  to touch anything",
Ken reported on 13 October.  As there was  no sign of  an improvement in the
situation,  Ken decided to return home earlier than planned.  On 18 October,
however, he reported that "a police order has been issued preventing me from
leaving Chad, even without equipment. Status of my return flight has changed
to 'open'.  The Norwegian embassy and Foreign ministry is now working on the
issue".  Original plans were for Ken to be  QRV  until  21 October.  [TNX DX


QSLs  received  direct  or  through managers:  3A2NL,  4B4B (NA-030),  5P2C,
9L1YXJ, 9M0W, 9M2YDX,  CQ918FWC,  EX8MLE,  EY8MM,  GB5RC,  GI0LDI,  K9AJ/VY0
(NA-207),  KD6WW/VY0 (NA-207),  KH1/KH7Z (OC-089),  MD2C, P29RR,  PJ7/UT6UD,
PS1S (SA-077), PZ5XX, R18JPN, RT65KI (AS-065), SP26WOSP, TX5T,  UK9AA, UP4L,
V6J (OC-254),  XF3PAS (NA-090),  XW4XR,  YJ0CA, YW6X (SA-090),  Z35F,  Z35M,
ZB2X, ZD7JC, ZS9V (AF-064).


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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