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UT1HZM > DX       25.05.19 22:02l 342 Lines 21033 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1464
Subj: 425 DX News #1464
Sent: 190524/2016Z 54984@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQK6.0.18

25 May 2019                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1464

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3W     - Sven, HB9DXB expects to be active as XV9DXB from Nha Trang, Vietnam
         starting around 2 June.  Plans are to operate SSB and CW on 80, 40,
         20 and 10 metres. QSL via EB7DX.
9N     - Yuki, JH1NBN expects to be  QRV in  his  spare time as  9N7BN  from
         Nepal between  22 May and 4 June.  Plans  are to  operate  SSB  and
         possibly FT8  on  80-6 metres.  QSL direct  to home call.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
DU     - Audie, DU1ZDR and  Gazelle, DU1ZDQ  will  be active  as  DZ1A  from
         Kalanggaman Island (OC-129) on 3 June. They will operate QRP  on or
         around 14260 and 7055 kHz. [TNX DX World]
EA     - Members of Radio Club Torrevieja (EC5RKT) will be active as  EH5SUB
         from the submarine "Delfin" during the  Museum Ships Weekend on 1-2
         June. QSL via EA5GVJ. [TNX ON5JV/EA5HZB]
F      - Commemorating the 75th anniversary  of  D-Day, F/ON6JUN/p  will  be
         active from Ranville, Normandy  between 31 May and 7 June.  QSL via
         ON5SD (bureau). [TNX UBA]
FG     - Didier, F6BCW has been active as FG/F6BCW from Les Saintes (NA-114)
         since 22 May, and will remain there until the 26th.  He operates CW
         on 20 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
G      - Special callsign GB5OOL  will  be active  (SSB and CW)  during  the
         first two weeks of June  to  commemorate  the  75th anniversary  of
         Operation   Overlord,  launched  on  6 June 1944  with  the   D-Day
         landings. QSL via the bureau, or direct to G0VCW.
G      - Commemorating the  75th anniversary  of  the  D-Day landings,  five
         special event stations will be active on 6 June covering all of the
         allied embarkation ports destined for one of the  Normandy  landing
         beaches:  GB75GF (Gold Force),  GB75JF (Juno Force),  GB75OF (Omaha
         Force),  GB75SF  (Sword Force)  and  GB75UF  (Utah Force).  QSL via
         operators' instructions.
SM     - Rick/SM6U, Bengt/SM6UQL and Tomas/SM6XMY  will  be active  again as
         7S6WX from the  "Weather Islands" (Vaderoarna, EU-043) from  30 May
         to 2 June.  They  will operate  SSB  on  80-10 metres.  QSL via the
         bureau or via LoTW. [TNX SM6U]
SV     - Look for Oliver, SV8/DK7TX to  be  active  from  IOTA group  EU-052
         (Antipaxos, Paxos and Kerkyra) on 2-9 June.  He will operate SSB on
         40, 20, 17 and 15 metres. QSL via DK7TX, direct or bureau. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
UA9    - After operating as R26RRC from  Paramushir Island (AS-204)  [425DXN
         1461], Vasily R7AL, Vladimir RK8A and Albert UB9WLJ  will be active
         as R205NEW from  Yoanna Bogoslova Island  in  the  Bering Sea Coast
         North Group (AS-205,  new one for IOTA).  Plans are  to be  QRV for
         four days, indicatively around 14-18 June,  and to operate  CW  and
         SSB  on  40,  30,  20  and  17 metres.  QSL via  Club  Log's  OQRS;
         traditional direct cards should be sent to EU7A  (maildrop:  Andrey
         N. Teterukov, P.O. Box 13,  212030 Mogilev-30, Belarus).  They also
         plan to be active as RI0ZK from  the  Komandorskie Islands (AS-039)
         on their way back; length of stay  will depend on sea  and  weather
         conditions, and might vary  "from few hours only to two days".  See for more information.
VE    - Celebrating its 100th anniversary,  the  Winnipeg Amateur Radio Club
        (VE4BB) will be active as VX4WARC for the entire month of June.  QSL
         via the bureau, direct, or LoTW.

CQ WW WPX CW CONTEST --->  The  following   stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (25-26 May):
Call        Category          Country               QSL        
3V8SF       SOSB 160m LP      Tunisia               LoTW/LX1NO
4L8A        SOSB 20m          Georgia               LoTW/K1BV  
4X7R        SOAB              Isreael               4X6OM      
5Q6EE       SOAB              Denmark               LoTW/OZ2I  
8P5A        SOAB HP           Barbados              LoTW/HA1AG
9K2HN       SOAB              Kuwait                LoTW/9K2HN
9M6NA       SOAB HP           East Malaysia         LoTW      
AH2R        SO                Guam                  LoTW      
B4T                           China                 BA4TB      
CK2Z        M/?               Canada                LoTW      
CN2CO       SOAB              Morocco               LoTW      
CN3A        M/M               Morocco               LoTW/IK2OHG
CR3DX       SOAB HP           Madeira               LoTW/OM2VL
CZ1Z        SO HP             Canada                LoTW      
EA6/WJ2O    SOAB LP           Balearic Isls         LoTW/N2ZN  
EF8R        SOAB              Canary Isls           LoTW/EB7DX
EF9Z        SO                Ceuta & Melilla       LoTW/EA5KB
HB7X                          Switzerland           LoTW      
KH7M        SOAB              Hawaii          
LY59A       SOSB 160m         Lithuania             LY5AA      
MU2K        SOAB LP           Guernsey              GU8ITE    
NP2P        SO                US Virgin Islands     LoTW      
OG0C        M/M               Aland Islands         LoTW/OH5C  
P40X        M/2               Aruba                 LoTW/DJ4MX
P44W        SOAB LP           Aruba                 LoTW/N2MM  
PF6W        M/?               Netherlands           LoTW/PA0RRS
PJ4G        M/S               Bonaire                          
SW8WW       SOAB LP           Greece                HA0HW      
T40A        M/S               Cuba                  CO8ZZ      
V31AK       SOAB              Belize                EA3AKY    
VP5M        M/?               Turks & Caicos        LoTW/K4QPL
WP2Z        M/2               US Virgin Isls        KU9C      
WP4X        SO HP             Puerto Rico                      
YB2DX       SOSB 80m          Indonesia             LoTW/YB2DX
YV1KK       SOAB HP           Venezuela             LoTW      
Z66X        M/?               Kosovo                LoTW/OH2BH
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by  Bill, NG3K  at - good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CQ CONTEST  &  CQ DX  HALL  OF  FAMERS ---> The  CQ  Contest  Hall  of  Fame
(established in  1986)  and  the  CQ DX  Hall of Fame  (established in 1967)
honour those amateurs who not only excel  in personal  performance in  these
major areas of  amateur  radio, but  who  also  "give back" to the  hobby in
outstanding ways.

The 2019 inductees to the CQ CONTEST HALL OF FAME are:
* Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, provides a great service to the  contesting  community
  via web-based resources  for many popular contests.  He maintains the most
  comprehensive  contest calendar on the web,  and he developed  the popular
  3830Scores website ( where  contesters  go to post
  raw scores after an event ends,  to compare notes and search  past contest
  logs. He is also manager of the North American QSO Party and developed the
  current National Contest Journal website.
* Dean Straw, N6BV, is an outstanding contester,  a talented writer, editor,
  presenter and educator, and has advanced the state of the art in antennas,
  computer modeling, propagation and contest planning and preparation. As an
  ARRL staff member for 15 years,  he edited  multiple editions of  The ARRL
  Antenna Book and several  other publications.  He also developed the  High
  Frequency Terrain Analysis  (HFTA) software, which revolutionized  antenna
  system  planning by  linking  antenna design,  installation height,  tower
  location, surrounding terrain, and the expected angles  of propagation  to
  target regions.  His work with the propagation  prediction  program VOACAP
  revolutionized  the  way  we plan  for contests,  allowing  specific  band
  opening predictions dependent on  solar conditions  to indicate  when band
  changes and operations should be planned.
* Kresimir  "Chris"  Kovarik,  9A5K  (SK) , developed  the  DXLog  and  Klog
  programs, competed in  the  World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC)  and
  served the broader amateur radio community in Europe as past president  of
  the Croatian Amateur Radio Association  and as  vice-chairman of the  IARU
  Region 1 HF Committee. He became a Silent Key earlier this year.
CQ Contesting Editor David Siddall, K3ZJ, presented Hall of Fame plaques  at
an induction ceremony held at the  annual Dayton Contest  Dinner on  18 May.
This year's inductions bring the total number of  members of the  CQ Contest
Hall of Fame to 74.

The 2019 inductees to the CQ DX HALL OF FAME are:
* Joe Taylor, K1JT - Nobel Prize winning-astrophysicist  who has revolution-
  ized the face of DXing  with his suite  of WSJT weak-signal digital modes,
  including FT8, which is  capable of decoding  signals well below the noise
  level. The modes pioneered by  Joe  have kept  the HF bands busy  and  the
  DXers active even during the current solar minimum. Other WSJT modes  have
  Also  revolutionized  VHF/UHF DXing  via  moonbounce  and  meteor scatter.
  Taylor shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of  binary
* Silvano Borsa, I2YSB, and the Italian DXpedition Team - The  Italian DXpe-
  dition Team has made more than 20 major DXpeditions in the past  20 years,
  mostly to Africa, where its members have activated more than a  dozen rare
  countries, making nearly 1.4 million QSOs along the way.  In addition, the
  team has arranged for the donation and  delivery  of  two ambulances  from
  Italy to Somalia, one of the many countries it has activated.
  In addition to team leader  Silvano Borsa (I2YSB), the  Italian DXpedition
  Team members include Alfeo Caputo (I1HJT), Vincio Ravizza (IK2CIO), Angelo
  Selva (IK2CKR),  Marcello  Cassinelli (IK2DIA),  Stefano  Casari (IK2HKT),
  Angelo Gino Zambaiti (IK2RZP) and Mac Shimamoto (JA3USA).
CQ DX Editor  Bob  Schenck, N2OO, presented  Hall  of  Fame  plaques  at  an
induction ceremony held  at  the  annual  Dayton DX Dinner  on 17 May.  This
year's inductions bring the total  number  of  members of the  CQ DX Hall of
Fame to 75.

CRICKET  WORLD  CUP  RADIO  MARATHON --->  Special  callsigns  that will  be
activated from outside the United Kingdom as part of  the  Cricket World Cup
Radio  Marathon  (30 May-14 July)  [425DXN 1452]  include  5B19CWC (Cyprus),
5P19CWC  (Denmark),  AP19CWC   (Pakistan),  CS2019CWC   (Portugal),  LX19CWC
(Luxembourg), VK19AUS (Australia), VR2019CWC (Hong Kong) and  ZS19CWC (South
Africa).  Check  for  complete  details  about the
marathon,  and  track  your  progress  towards  the   available  awards   on

IOTA  DXPEDITIONER  OF  THE YEAR ---> The inaugural Island Radio  Expedition
Foundation's (IREF) "IOTA DXpeditioner of the Year"  Award was presented  on
17 May at the 34th DX Dinner in Dayton.  The three awardees are  Cezar Trifu
VE3LYC (1st place),  Mikhail Zavarukhin VE7ACN (2nd)  and David Deane EI9FBB
(3rd).  The  award  is  for  encouraging  "expeditioners,  through  friendly
competition, to activate islands  that  won't necessarily meet IREF  funding
guidelines but are needed  by many  of the newer chasers".  Complete details
can be found at

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> Sponsored  by  the  Battleship New Jersey  Amateur
Radio Station (NJ2BB), this year's  Museum Ships Weekend  will be held  from
00.00 UTC on  1 June until 23.59 UTC on the 2nd.  Information  on the event,
including the relevant certificate and the  listing of  participating ships,
can be found at

NA-211 ---> Yuri, N3QQ reports that permission  has been received  from  the
owner to operate from  Tillamook Rock (NA-211).  Subject to all restrictions
and limitations imposed by the  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion (NOAA) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), a preliminary team
including AD5A, N3QQ, N7QT and NW7M will try and be QRV from the rock around
November-December. Further information is expected in due course.

REBELS ON THE MOVE ---> The  Rebel DX Group announced  on 18 May  that  "the
Rebel catamaran is ready to set sail. Graham, Tack, Taddy and Dom are in 3D2
Fiji making last minute preparations with licenses and permissions in  hand.
Once  the  Rebel Team  'weigh anchor'  we  will make  an  announcement  here
[]   with   the   expected   dates,   operating
frequencies and the location of  our first stop!  Stay tuned!".  Their first
destination is likely to be Conway Reef (3D2CR), possibly followed by Banaba
Island (T33T).

WORLD  CASTLES  WEEKEND ---> The  World   Castles  Award  Programme's  tenth
anniversary will be celebrated during an extended activity weekend that will
run on 1-30 June.  A  large  number  of  special  event  stations  (4X10WCA,
RZ1CWC,  S510WCA, SP10WCA, TM10WCA, YT10WCA, YU10WCA, Z310WCA  and  possibly
others) are  expected  to participate  in the celebrations. Complete details
information on WCW-2019 can be found at [TNX RN1CW]

(  established  the  Yasme  Excellence  Award,  to  be
presented  to  individuals  and  groups  who,  through  their  own  service,
creativity, effort and dedication, have made  a significant contribution  to
amateur  radio.  The  contribution  may  be  in  recognition  of  technical,
operating  or  organizational  achievement,  as all three are necessary  for
amateur radio to grow and prosper. The Yasme Excellence Award is in the form
of a cash  grant  and  an  individually-engraved  crystal globe.  The latest
recipients, announced on 18 May, are:
* Angel Vazquez, WP3R - for his work in disaster relief, and as an outstand-
  ing ambassador for amateur radio.
* Nikola Percin, 9A5W - for his outstanding work in advancing  amateur radio
  in Croatia and the surrounding region.  He is a co-founder of 9A1A. Nikola
  started efforts to recruit young amateurs and  established  youth programs
  in coordination with local universities.
The Board of Directors of the Yasme Foundation  has also made the  following
* $5,000 each to the Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) and ARRL scholarship
  programs for 2019.  
* $5,000 to WRTC 2022 in Italy for general  support, and  a second grant  to
  once again sponsor the Widow's Ball during WRTC 2022. [TNX K4ZW]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       CT9ABR      OZ2I        OD5ZF       IZ8CLM
3D2AZ       KD7WPJ      CX4DI       EA5GL       OD5ZZ       N4GNR
4O4A        LX1NO       D2XX        CT1CRS      OG0C        OH5C
5B4AJC      UA3DX       DM460DA     DL9GFB      OH0KM       OH2KM
5B4AMX      LZ3SM       DU3DW       VE3OI       ON75JB      ON6LL
5W1SA       JA1DXA      DU6/PE1NSQ  EA5GL       OO19TRUDO   ON4TRC
5W7A        YT1AD       EF0F        EA4URE      OR50AF      ON2KFJ
5X2B        JA1PBV      EF8P        EA8DA       P49X        W0YK
6W1SR       F6EPY       EG7DIM      EA7RCM      PB19MILL    PB7Z
6W1SU       M0URX       EG7JIR      EA7LH       PH229XXI    PA4HM
8P5A        HA1AG       EH2IMO      EA2WD       PY2ZEA      OH2MM
8P9NX       W0SA        EL2DT       EL2FM       R3RRC/6     RZ3EC
9A8GHJ      OE7GHJ      EM45Z       UR4ZXX      S79HA       HA7JTR
A60ITU      A61BK       EM5UCC      UY5ZZ       SN1RENSHI   SP9ATD
A62A        A61BK       EM7EFF      UR7EY       SN75W       SP7IWA
AM70A       EA4URE      FG/F6BCW    F6BCW       SU9JG       EA5GL
AM70C       EA4URE      GB0HSM      G4LKW       SU9VB       UA4WHX
AM70D       EA4URE      GB1SWM      M5ATR       SV5/OV9A    OZ1KZX
AM70E       EA4URE      GB2MBB      GM3WIJ      SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
AM70F       EA4URE      GB5LBC      G4USW       SW8WW       HA0HW
AM70I       EA4URE      GS0NWM      M0URX       T43A        RW6HS
AM70L       EA4URE      HC2AO       RC5A        T88FT       JA7WFT
AM70N       EA4URE      HF9MUZEUM   SP9KAG      T88IH       JI6IHG
AM70O       EA4URE      HG3IPA      HA3JB       T88TA       JM1LRA
AM70P       EA4URE      HL0GHQ      DS2CYI      TK/OO9O     ON7SS
AM70R       EA4URE      HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       TM19VF      F6BAX
AM70S       EA4URE      HZ1TT       A61BK       TM4JDD      F8KGS
AM70U       EA4URE      II2AAM      IQ2MI       TM5LHP      F1LNS
AM70URE     EA4URE      II2MM       IQ2CF       TM62TLG     F4AHN
AM70URE/6   EA4URE      II4CPG      IZ4SJI      TM77JNC     F4GYM
AM70URE/8   EA4URE      KH6/AH2Y    HL1IWD      TZ4AM       W0SA
AM70URE/9   EA4URE      KP2/KO2WW   DL1MGB      UN8LWZ      RW6HS
AP2NK       W3HNK       KP2M        NZ4DX       UP150A      UN7ID
C37ITU      C37URA      LU7YS       EA7HBC      XV9BO       DL7BO
CN2FA       RN2FA       LX9DX       LX2A        YO2019EU    YO3KAA
CN2MA       LY5W        LY55BC      LY4T        YR19FPS     YO6BZL
CN8SG       EA7FTR      NL0H/p      NL0H        YR19PFS     YO6KNE
CO8RBD      EB7DX       OD5KU       EB7DX       YS2YSG      AD4C
CP6CL       W3HNK       OD5PY       KU9C        ZP5/N3BNA   KA2AEV
CS2TTQ      CT7ABF      OD5TE       K3IRV       ZR2A/4      DM5EE
CT9ABN      OM2VL       OD5UI       IZ8CLM      ZS9Z        ZS1OIN

4JF1EU   Alexander Y. Frolov, P.O. Box 38, Volgograd, 400066, Russia
EL2FM    Joe Brown, 10 Oldhams Lane, Bolton, BL1 6PN, United Kingdom
F6BCW    Didier Cadot, 180 rue du Moulin de la Coudre, 71440 Tronchy, France
KG4AY    David E. Peck Jr, 3314 Nina Rd, Gaylord MI 49735, USA
NL0H     Henry R. Parker, PO Box 1742, Nome AK 99762, USA
RZ3EC    Evgenij N. Shelkanovtsev, P.O. Box 70, Orel, 302028, Russia
TG9IN    Ilias Nikolaidis, 8602 Royster Run, Marvin NC 28173, USA
TR8CA    Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
W9IMS    Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 30954,
         Indianapolis IN 46230, USA
XR4RNC   Pablo Estay Maldonado, Casilla 350 Sucursal Maipu Pajaritos,
         9259001 Maipu, Region Metropolitana, Chile


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
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               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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