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UT1HZM > DX       15.06.19 17:04l 206 Lines 14783 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1467
Subj: 425 DX News #1467
Sent: 190615/1537Z 55213@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQK6.0.18

15 June 2019                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1467

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  15/06      II2VZME: special callsign                             1465
till  15/06      OJ0AW: Market Reef (EU-053)                           1466
till  15/06      PJ8SK: Sint Maarten (NA-105)                          1465
till  15/06      XV9DF: Hon Tre Island (AS-157), Vietnam               1465
till  15/06      YR19PFS: special callsign                             1463
till  16/06      EI100ABC: special callsign                            1465
till  16/06      GB5OOL: special callsign (England)                    1464
till  16/06      IB3ALP: special event station                         1467
till  16/06      JW/EA3NT and JW/OJ0Y: Svalbard (EU-026)               1461
till  16/06      PA100IAU: special event station                       1461
till  16/06      PJ2/VA3ZC: Curacao (SA-099)                           1465
till  16/06      TM24H: special event station (France)                 1465
till  16/06      TM5CQ: special callsign (France)                      1445
till  17/06      KH0N: Saipan (OC-086)                                 1466
till  18/06      S9A: Sao Tome (AF-023)                                1461
till  21/06      OX3LX: Greenland (NA-018)                             1465
till  22/06      TM57FF: special callsign (France)                     1465
till  25/06      FG/F6HMQ, FG/F6GWV, TO1T: Guadeloupe (NA-102)         1466
till  28/06      GB75DDAY: special callsign (England)                  1463
till  30/06      **10WCA: special callsigns (World Castles Award)      1464
till  30/06      DF13BLN, DF13BUD, DF13DEJU: special callsigns         1442
till  30/06      DF13MUC, DF13PAR, DF13STO: special callsigns          1442
till  30/06      J48GEO: Lesvos Island (EU-049)                        1466
till  30/06      XV9DXB: Vietnam                                       1464
till  June       Z81D: South Sudan                                     1441
till  02/07      9G5GS: Ghana                                          1463
till  12/07      LA/CT2IXX/p: Hitra Island (EU-036)                    1465
till  14/07      5B19CWC: special callsign (Cyprus)                    1464
till  14/07      5P19CWC: special callsign (Denmark)                   1464
till  14/07      AP19CWC: special callsign (Pakistan)                  1464
till  14/07      CS2019CWC: special callsign (Portugal)                1464
till  14/07      GB19: Cricket World Cup Marathon                      1452
till  14/07      LX19CWC: special callsign (Luxembourg)                1464
till  14/07      VK19AUS: special callsign (Australia)                 1464
till  14/07      VR2019CWC: special callsign (Hong Kong)               1464
till  14/07      ZS19CWC: special callsign (South Africa)              1464
till  20/07      TM500LDV: special callsign (France)                   1458
till  31/07      HS10KING: special callsign                            1461
till  31/07      OL75CLAY: special callsign                            1459
till  15/08      H31A: special callsign (Panama)                       1442
till  23/10      4U73B: special callsign (Italy)                       1434
till  October    VK0HZ: Davis Station, Antarctica (AN-016)             1431
till  October    ZL5A: Scott Base, Ross Island (AN-011), Antarctica    1431
till  17/11      TM500LV: special callsign (France)                    1465
till  31/12      Canadian National Parks On The Air (CNPOTA)           1443
till  31/12      9A62AA: special callsign                              1452
till  31/12      DL70AFUG: special callsign                            1447
till  31/12      DL70BRD: special callsign                             1444
till  31/12      DM70GER: special callsign                             1444
till  31/12      DQ1200ASP: special callsign                           1443
till  31/12      DR50DIG: special callsign                             1446
till  31/12      EI100YXQ: special callsign                            1447
till  31/12      EI19RE: special callsign                              1447
till  31/12      EN185UNIV: special callsign                           1458
till  31/12      HB90 and HB30: special prefixes (Switzerland)         1443
till  31/12      SF50CG: special callsign                              1444
till  31/12      TC10GITRAD: special callsign (Turkey)                 1451
till  31/01/2020 EM1UA and EM1U: Galindez Island (AN-006), Antarctica  1450
15/06-16/06      TM1MOON: special callsign (France)                    1461
15/06-16/06      TM62TLG: special callsign (France)                    1462
15/06-16/06      VP8HDM: Falkland Islands (SA-002)                     1466
15/06-23/06      EG3PTP, EG3PTA, EG3PTT, EG3PTU, EG3PTM: special calls 1466
15/06-23/06      T88PB: Koror (OC-009), Palau                          1466
15/06-07/07      PB100IAU: special event station                       1461
15/06-31/07      6O1OO: Somalia                                        1465
16/06-18/06      FS/AG5CR: Saint Martin (NA-105)                       1465
17/06-24/06      V6K: Kosrae Island (OC-059)                           1461
19/06-22/06      V63PSK: Weno Island (OC-011), Micronesia              1465
20/06-30/06      ID9/IW1EGO: Vulcano Island (EU-017)                   1467
20/06-30/06      LZ19CY: special callsign                              1467
21/06            GB100GCHQ: special event station (England)            1466
21/06            GB100GCB: special event station (England)             1466
21/06-30/06      EU19RO, EV0CA, EV0MA, EV0SD: special callsigns        1466
21/06-30/06      EV19ARC, EV19ATH, EV19BAD: special callsigns          1466
21/06-30/06      EV19BAS, EV19BOX, EV19BSO: special callsigns          1466
21/06-30/06      EV19CYC, EV19FRS, EV19GYM: special callsigns          1466
21/06-30/06      EV19JUD, EV19KAR, EV19ROW: special callsigns          1466
21/06-30/06      EV19SAM, EV19SHO, EV19TEN: special callsigns          1466
21/06-21/07      XN1M: special callsign (NA-027)                       1466
22/06-06/07      AD8J/HR9: Guanaja Island (NA-057)                     1467
23/06-25/06      HB0/Z32ZM: Liechtenstein                              1467
23/06-09/07      TM57FFC: special callsign (France)                    1465
23/06-25/06      ZF2CJ: Cayman Islands (NA-016)                        1465
25/06-02/07      PJ5/W9DR: Sint Eustatius (NA-145)                     1467
26/06-28/06      6Y3Y: Jamaica (NA-097)                                1465
26/06-07/07      XW4XR: Laos                                           1467
27/06-29/06      3A/Z32ZM: Monaco                                      1467
29/06-30/06      TM62TLG: special callsign (France)                    1462
June             5T5PA: Mauritania                                     1451
June             II4ART: special callsign                              1444
June             JW/LB2PG: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard              1465
June             LZ815NI: special callsign                             1444
June             OJ0JR: Market Reef (EU-053)                           1466
June             R205NEW: Yoanna Bogoslova Island (AS-205)             1467
June             RI0ZK: Komandorskie Islands (AS-039)                  1464
June             VX4WARC: special callsign                             1464
June             ZV15CDR: special callsign                             1466
01/07-03/07      SF2CW: Kataja Island (EU-192)                         1467
01/07-07/07      CB1SOL and CB2SOL: special callsigns                  1467
01/07-30/07      AO50MOON: special callsign                            1467
01/07-30/07      Z68MA: Kosovo                                         1467
06/07-07/07      TM1MOON: special callsign (France)                    1461
06/07-07/07      TM62TLG: special callsign (France)                    1462
06/07-28/07      PC100IAU: special event station                       1461
11/07-16/07      9M6NA: Labuan Island (OC-133), East Malaysia          1467
12/07-14/07      GB100GP: special callsign (England)                   1465
13/07-14/07      TM1MOON: special callsign (France)                    1461
15/07-18/07      K6VVA/KL7: Endicott Island (NA-004)                   1467
18/07-10/08      PA6TXL: Texel Island (EU-038)                         1467
19/07-21/07      FO/W6NV: Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia            1461
19/07-21/07      TM1MOON: special callsign (France)                    1461
19/07-28/07      MJ/OK1FWM, MJ/OK1NP, MJ/OK3RM: Jersey  (EU-013)       1457
19/07-28/07      MJ0ILB, MJ0IKL, MJ/OK1FIK: Jersey  (EU-013)           1457
23/07-29/07      TX2A: Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands              1461
23/07-30/07      VX2A11: Grosse-Ile (NA-038)                           1457
23/07-31/07      R66IOTA: Popov Island (AS-066)                        1467
24/07-28/07      R63RRC: Popigay-Ary Island (AS-063)                   1447
25/07-28/07      GB100GP: special callsign (England)                   1465
25/07-30/07      5C9A: Los Farallones (AF-118)                         1449
25/07-01/08      VA7XW/VE2: Ile Quarry (NA-176)                        1467
26/07-29/07      JA6WJL: Goto Islands (AS-040)                         1467
27/07-28/07      MJ0ICD: Jersey (EU-013)                               1457
27/07-28/07      TM5S: Sein Island (EU-068)                            1459
29/07-03/08      TM75GRV: special callsign (France)                    1463
30/07-02/08      RQ73QQ: Bol'shoy Begichev Island (AS-152)             1447
31/07-07/08      CY9C: St Paul Island (NA-094)                         1463
July             5T5PA: Mauritania                                     1451
July             E44WE: Palestine                                      1467
July             II4MJR: special callsign                              1444
July             JW/LB2PG: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard              1465
July             LZ1809PNS: special callsign                           1444
July             OJ0A and OJ0Z: Market Reef (EU-053)                   1466
July             OJ0B: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1466
July             OJ0C: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1466
July             OJ0DX: Market Reef (EU-053)                           1466
July             ZZ15CDR: special callsign                             1466
03/08-09/08      VE7ACN/VE2: Ile Grande Basque (NA-125)                1467
06/08-18/08      8Q7GB: Maldives (AS-013)                              1463
10/08-18/08      AM500SEV: special callsign                            1467
11/08-18/08      VE7ACN/VE9: Miscou Island (NA-068)                    1467
17/08-24/08      OJ0O: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1467
21/08-31/08      VE7ACN/VE2: Anticosti Island (NA-077)                 1467
25/08-03/09      KL7RRC/p: Sledge Island (NA-210)                      1461
August           II4BRD: special callsign                              1444
August           JW/LB2PG: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard              1465
August           LZ304AE: special callsign                             1444
07/09-08/09      TM1MOON: special callsign (France)                    1461
21/09-27/09      MD/OP2D: Isle of Man                                  1462
23/09-06/10      A35JT: Tongatapu (OC-049), Tonga                      1455
28/09-11/10      A82X and A82Z: Liberia                                1459
September        3DA0AO: eSwatini (Swaziland)                          1457
September        II4GRM: special callsign                              1444
September        JW/LB2PG: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard              1465
September        KL7RRC/p: Sledge Island (NA-210)                      1459
September        LZ304EW: special callsign                             1444
02/10-11/10      ZK3A: Tokelau Islands (OC-048)                        1467
07/10-23/10      T30GC: Western Kiribati (OC-017)                      1462
18/10-20/10      3G1DX: Pajaros Rocks (SA-100)                         1467
18/10-01/11      VP6R: Pitcairn Island (OC-044)                        1454
19/10-31/10      VU7RI: Lakshadweep Islands (AS-011)                   1459
20/10-01/11      D68CCC: Comoro Islands (AF-007)                       1462
October          7P8AO: Lesotho                                        1457
October          II4MNU: special callsign                              1444
October          JW/LB2PG: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard              1465
October          LZ311HI: special callsign                             1444
04/11-07/11      YJ0RRC: Gaua Island (OC-104), Vanuatu                 1457
06/11-19/11      FO: Marquesas Islands (OC-027)                        1458
08/11-13/11      YJ0RRC: Tongoa Island (OC-111), Vanuatu               1457
12/11-29/11      VK9CZ: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003)               1459
14/11-20/11      YJ0FWA: Efate Island (OC-035), Vanuatu                1457
November         II4VAL: special callsign                              1444
November         JW/LB2PG: Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard              1465
November         LZ365BM: special callsign                             1444
December         II4TIB: special callsign                              1444
December         LZ4408SPA: special callsign                           1444
TBA         2019 3Y0I: Bouvet Island                                   1459
21/02-05/03/2020 VP8/VP8DXU: South Orkney Islands (AN-008)             1465
March       2020 9J2LA: Zambia                                         1463
05/10-12/10/2020 CY0C: Sable Island (NA-063)                           1463


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                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia


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