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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   15.05.15 22:23l 344 Lines 21739 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1254
Subj: 425 DX News #1254
Sent: 150515/2013Z 33903@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ1.4.63

16 May 2015                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1254
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U1ITU - Celebrating ITU's 150th anniversary, members of  the  International
         Amateur  Radio  Club  (  will  be  active  as
         4U150ITU on 17 May, from 8 to 16 UTC. All QSL cards will be  signed
         by ITU Secretary General Mr. Houlin Zhao. QSL  direct  (IARC,  P.O.
         Box 6,  1211  Geneva  20,  Switzerland);  bureau  cards  should  be
         requested through the OQRS provided by Club Log. [TNX SV3SJ]
9N     - Jacky, ZL3CW (F2CW) works for the UN World Food Programme and  will
         stay in Nepal for three months starting on 18  May,  with  activity
         on the amateur bands during his spare time (callsign TBA). He  will
         upload his log to LoTW when he returns home. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8    - Look for EA8/SQ9UM and EA8/SQ9C to be  active  from  Fuerteventura,
         Canary Islands (AF-004) on 18-25 May. They will operate  CW,  RTTY,
         SSB and PSK on 40-6 metres. QSL via home calls. [TNX SQ9UM]
GM     - Graham, MM0GHM  will  be  active  holiday  style  as  MM0GHM/p  and
         MM0GHM/m from the Isle of Barra (EU-010)  on  16-23  May.  QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
HA     - Special callsign HA45KHW is being used until the end  of  the  year
         to  celebrate  the  45th  anniversary  of  the  Regionalis   Radios
         Sportklub Puspokladany (HA0KHW). QSL via HA0KHW, direct  or  bureau
         (OQRS on Club Log). [TNX HA0HW]
I      - Promoting the Antonio Canova Award (details  on,  special
         station II3AC will be active until 31 May. The award is  issued  by
         ARI Treviso to celebrate this  famous  Italian  sculptor,  who  was
         born in 1757 in a village near Treviso. QSL via IK3GES,  direct  or
         bureau (OQRS on Club Log). [TNX IK3GES]
IS0    - Look for IM0/IQ0NU/p to be active  from  La  Maddalena  di  Alghero
         (EU-165) on 17 May. QSL direct to IK3GES (OQRS  on  Club  Log)  and
         eQSL. [TNX IS0QQA]
J3     - Rich, KE1B (J38MM) and Anna,  W6NN  (J38NN)  will  be  active  from
         Grenada (NA-024) on 23-31 May. They will be  QRV  on  40-10  metres
         CW, SSB and RTTY, and will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW  Contest
         as J38MM. QSL for both calls via KE1B (direct or bureau), LoTW  and
         eQSL. Logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
J7     - Look for J79JA (QSL direct only to JN1THL) and  J79RZ  (QSL  direct
         only to JA8RUZ) will be active from Dominica  (NA-101)  between  18
         and 24 May. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on the HF bands  and
         6 metres.
JA     - Masato, JF3ELH will be active as JF3ELH/4 from  IOTA  group  AS-041
         during the weekend. He plans to operate CW  on  40-10  metres  from
         Nishino-shima (from 6 UTC on 15 May to  1  UTC  on  the  16th)  and
         Chiburi-shima (from 6 UTC on the 16th to 1 UTC on  the  17th).  QSL
         via home call, bureau preferred. [TNX JI3DST]
LX     - Members of the West-vlaamse Radio  Club  section  of  UBA  will  be
         active as  LX/ON4WRC  from  Luxembourg  on  18-21  May.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-6 metres.  QSL  via  ON4ON,
         direct or bureau (OQRS on Club Log). [TNX DX Newsletter]
OX     - Michael, OZ1KZX now plans to be  active  as  OX/5P1KZX  from  Nuuk,
         Greenland (NA-018) [425DXN 1253] on 19 May for  ten  days.  In  his
         spare time he will operate digital modes on 40, 20 and  15  metres.
         QSL via LoTW and eQSL. See for updates.
OZ     - Once again the OZ1RDP Scout team  (  will  be  active
         from Romo Island (EU-125) on 23-26 May. QSL via DL9BCP,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX]
SV/A   - YL2GD, YL2GM, YL2KA and YL3CW expect to be active from Mount  Athos
         as SV2/YL7A on 19-28 May. QSL via YL2GM and logsearch on Club  Log.
         A website will be available on 18 May. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - VY0M is the callsign that Cezar, VE3LYC will use  during  his  3-10
         August operation from Melville Island (NA-248, new  one  for  IOTA)
         [425DXN 1249]. He has planned "to stay on the island  for  7  days,
         in  order  to  mitigate  possible  negative  propagation    effects
         associated with solar phenomena". Expect him to  be  QRV  on  40-10
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via VE3LYC, direct or bureau (OQRS  on  Club
         Log). The websiste for the operation  is  now  up  and  running  at
VK9W   - An international team will be  active  as  VK9WA  from  the  Willis
         Islands (OC-007) on 12-21 November. Initial  team  members  include
         Rob N7QT, Jared N7SMI, Sandro  VE7NY  and  Adam  K7EDX;  additional
         team members (up to eight total) are being  considered.  They  will
         operate high power CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-80 metres (possibly  160m
         as well). QSL via N7SMI, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club  Log);  the
         logs will uploaded to LoTW and eQSL "shortly after the  operation".
         Further  information,  including  QSLling  policy  and  donation  &
         sponsorship details, can be found at [TNX N7QT]
W      - Look for KG4JSZ to be active from Santa Rosa Island (NA-142) for  a
         few  hours  (1-17  UTC)  on  18  May.  QSL  via  home  call.   [TNX]
XT     - Harald, DF2WO will be active again  as    XT2AW  from  Ouagadougou,
         Burkina Faso from 30 May to 30 June. He will  operate  QRS  CW  and
         PSK31 on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL via M0OXO. [TNX  The  Daily
YB     - Budi, YF1AR ( will be  active  as  YF1AR/2  from  the
         islands of Nyamuk (OC-186, 14-15 May)  and  Karimun  Jawa  (OC-186,
         16-17 May). He will operate mainly SSB on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via
         the OQRS on Club Log (preferred) or N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YB     -  Adhi,  YB3MM  will  be  active  as  YB3MM/p  from  Tabuhan  Island
         (confirmed to count for  IOTA  group  OC-237)  on  16-17  May.  See for QSLling options. [TNX YB3MM]
ZF     - Bill, NZ5N and Pete, N8PR will be active as ZF2EM from  the  Cayman
         Islands (NA-016) on 20-25 May. They will operate mainly  EME  on  2
         metres, with some JT65 and SSB activity on the HF  bands  when  the
         moon is not up. QSL via N8PR and LoTW. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE  --->  The  April  2015  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

CQ 2015 HALL OF FAMERS ---> CQ Magazine announced on 15 May  the  2015  Hall
of Fame inductees. The CQ Amateur Radio Hall  of  Fame  was  established  in
January 2001 to  recognize  individuals  -  radio  amateurs  or  not  -  who
significantly affected the  course  of  Amateur  Radio,  as  well  as  radio
amateurs who have made significant contributions either  to  amateur  radio,
to their professional careers or  to  some  other  aspect  of  life  on  our
planet. This  year's  inductees  are:  Tim  Allen  (KK6OTD),  Charles  Apgar
(ex-2MN, SK), Dr Dan Benishek (KB8TOW), Olof Lundberg  (G0CKV),  Bre  Pettis
(W2BRE), Alvino Rey (W6UK, SK), Bob Twiggs  (KE6QMD),  Greg  Walden  (W7EQI)
and Joko "Jokowi" Widodo (YD2JKW).
The CQ Contest Hall of Fame (established in 1986) and  the  CQ  DX  Hall  of
Fame (established in 1967) honour those  amateurs  who  not  only  excel  in
personal performance in these major areas of amateur  radio,  but  who  also
"give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways. This year's inductees  in  the
CQ Contest HoF are Doug Grant  (K1DG)  and  Ward  Silver  (N0AX).  The  2015
inductees to the CQ DX HoF are Yasuo "Zorro" Miyazawa (JH1AJT)  and  Michael
Wells (G7VJR).

BOUVET  2016:  FINAL  PRESS  RELEASE  --->    "After    press    release  #3
(, I was optimistic in  terms  of  securing
the required funding for  the  'one-man  three-month  concept'  DXpedition",
Mark, ON4WW says.  "Thanks  to  so  many  of  you,  the  necessary  up-front
expenses were getting close to being covered  by  the  pledges  received  at
that  time.  I  was  also  hopeful  that  the  larger  DX  associations  and
foundations would step forward to contribute as we  were  getting  close  to
At this point in time, I have no  other  choice  than  to  report  that  the
funding is not sufficient to move forward. As I am sure you know, there  are
a number of large DXpeditions being arranged for late 2015 and  early  2016,
and they are more or less competing for the same resources. I didn't  manage
to create sufficient interest among  potential  external  (non-ham)  donors,
and my one-man concept  is  of  course  somewhat  controversial  by  nature.
Though, I am still convinced that - even if my particular  approach  is  not
necessarily the solution - future DXpeditioning has to find other  forms  in
order to remain sustainable.
After having received  permission  for  Bouvet  from  NPI  (Norwegian  Polar
Institute), my wife (!), my  employer  (5  months  leave  without  pay)  and
getting close to the sufficient up-front funding, this is a bitter  pill  to
swallow. But I am extremely grateful to all of you  for  having  lived  this
dream with me. And not the least to my angel sponsor who kept things going.
As I stated from the beginning, don't be sad,  someone  else  will  activate

HEARD ISLAND 2016 --->  The  VK0EK  expedition  to  Heard  Island  has  been
postponed to March-April 2016. On 13 May Cordell Expeditions  signed  a  new
contract with Nigel Jolly, owner and operator of the "Braveheart". The  ship
will depart from  Cape  Town  (South  Africa)  on  6  March  and  return  to
Fremantle (Australia) on 20 April, with  a  nominal  21-day  stay  at  Heard
Island (16 March-8 April). While the radio operation is  the  primary  goal,
the team will also carry out a  limited  scientific  programme.  "Obviously,
the conversion to the new vessel and  schedule  will  require  adapting  the
team and the project activities, but  the  major  goals  of  the  expedition
remain unchanged. We are grateful to the Northern California  DX  Foundation
and numerous other organizations,  and  many,  many  individuals  for  their
generous support of this project. We will update the various  documents  and
websites in the near future". The official website for the DXpedition is  at, while is the website for  the  scientific
project. [TNX KY6R]

QSL RU9CZD ---> With immediate effect G3SWH is the QSL manager  for  RU9CZD.
As Igor is not a member of the RSGB, paper cards are only  available  direct
with adequate return postage. "Those logs that I have  available  have  been
uploaded  to  LoTW  and  Club  Log, and there is  also  a    log  search  at". [TNX G3SWH]

VP8SGI & VP8STI ---> While plans  for  the  January  2016  VP8SGI  &  VP8STI
DXpedition to South Georgia and the South  Sandwich  Islands  [425DXN  1250]
are "moving forward in all  aspects",  the  Intrepid  DX  Group's  team  has
annouced the "operating strategy which will allow us to work as many  unique
callers as possible during each of these activations". During  their  voyage
to South Sandwich they will access solar data e check in with the Pilots  to
determine which  bands  are  currently  propagating  well.  Then  they  will
"select a band, possibly 20, 17 or 15 meters, and we will be  QRV  with  one
station on this band for  the  duration  of  the  DXpedition.  In  addition,
during our final 24 hours of QRV from each  island,  we  will  announce  and
only accept contacts from new-first time stations on  this  selected  band".
So far they have raised $105,000 towards their  goal  of  raising  $215,000,
and "would welcome additional support from the  many  DX  Clubs  around  the
globe". See for  detailed  information.  [TNX

YB8RW/P ---> Din, YB8RW is continuing his IOTA DXpedition Tour until  around
25 May. On 9-11 May YB8RW/p operated from Moa Island (OC-246),  then  on  12
May he moved to Kisar Island (OC-272), where  he  was  expected  to  be  QRV
until around 18 UTC on the 15th. QSL via YB8RW; the  direct  links  to  Club
Log's OQRS will be published on in due course.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      HF80CUZ     SP9CUZ      RP70LB      R3ZN
3Z40JIU     SP6JIU      HF80DEM     SP9DEM      RP70LD      RA4UDC
3Z70RWP     SP5ZRW      HF80DEN     SQ9DEN      RP70LU      RU1AE
4JV6NS      4J6RO       HF80FCF     SQ9FCF      RP70M       RV3AGB
4KV6ZB      4K8M        HF80FWQ     SP9FWQ      RP70MB      RU4SO
4O7CC       UA4CC       HF80IAB     SQ9IAB      RP70ML      RQ7L
4U1GSC      9A2AA       HF80IM      SP9IM       RP70MU      RZ1ZZ
5B70VE      5B4AHO      HF80ITP     SP9ITP      RP70NR      R7AO
7Q7BP       G3MRC       HF80MCI     SQ9MCI      RP70NV      UA1TGQ
7Q7EME      PA3CEE      HF80MJP     SP9PGE      RP70O       R2EA
7X2GK       IK2DUW      HF80MUN     SP9MUN      RP70OR      RK3QWT
7X2JV       SM4VPZ      HF80MZH     SP9MZH      RP70OT      R4RT
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HF80ORH     SP9ORH      RP70P       RA9LR
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      HF80RFG     SO9RFG      RP70PM      UA9APA
8P9EE       K2HVN       HF80RQH     SP9RQH      RP70PP      R2ZAC
8Q7BI       DG4ABE      HF80XWM     SP9XWM      RP70PT      R1NU
9A50AJ      9A2AJ       HG30CW      HA3NU       RP70QP      UA3OO
9A70DP      9A1IW       HG50IPA     HA3JB       RP70RC      R2DG
9J2BO       G3TEV       IE9B        IU5BLZ      RP70RF      RO7T
9M2CIC      E21EIC      II2EXPO     IQ2MI       RP70RK      R1NU
9M2SI       9M2OOO      II5EXPO     9A8ARS [b]  RP70RL      UA6EED
9M6XRO      M0URX       II5EXPO     I5DOF  [d]  RP70S       RV3LZ
9N7TB       BA4TB       IO2EXPO     IK2VUC      RP70SF      RK9JXP
9N7TR       BD4TR       IR2EXPO     9A8ARS [b]  RP70SG      RC4AC
9V50RM      9V1RM       IR2EXPO     IK2TTO [d]  RP70SU      RA9J
A41OO       A61BK       IR6ANA      IK6DEN      RP70T       R2PT
A61AQ       N1DG        JD1YBT      JP1IOF      RP70TA      RA4CEO
A61AS       YO3FRI      JW8DW       LA8DW       RP70TG      UA9APA
A61DJ       A61BK       KC4AAC      K1IED       RP70TP      RK3PYL
A61Q        EA7FTR      LY150ITU    LY3BY       RP70TR      RX9M
A65DC       IZ8CLM      LZ2015KM    LZ1BJ       RP70UK      RZ9UF
A65DR       N4GNR       LZ70VZ      LZ1ZF       RP70VK      RA3SO
B3CRAC      BA4TB       MT0IXD      M0OXO       RP70VL      RU7J
B7CRAC      BA4TB       NP4A        W3HNK       RP70W       RN3OG
C6ASZ       N8YSZ       OL2015O     OK2JS       RP70WD      UA1QV
C91IW       ZS1WY       OL2015P     OK2JS       RP70WN      RK3FWD
CN2HA       EA9HA       OX3LX       OZ1PIF      RP70WP      RA3LCW
CO2NO       HA3JB       OZ5MAY      OZ1ACB      RP70WR      RM4A
CO2WL       HA3JB       PA05MILL    PA2CVD      RP70ZK      RN3RQ
CO4LS       EA7FTR      PA125VVG    PA1CPA      S79RPS      DL2RPS
CX150ITU    CX2ABC      PA45AH      PA0FAW      SE5MILL     SM5LIB
CX3TQ       IK2DUW      PA54ES      PA7RL       SJ5MILL     SK5AA
D44TCA      PA3FYC      PA600TEXEL  PE1ODY      SN1945VD    SP5ZHH
DA300KA     DH2ES       PA6MILL     PD1JFB      SP100WTD    M0WTD
DT50KJ      HL1IWD      PA70V       PI4GV       SU0ERA      SM5AQD
DU1IST      JA1HGY      PB15MILL    PB7Z        SX10TARG    SZ2T
DU7DRU      JG1GWL      PB45FREE    PD7YY       TC100GLB    TA1CM
EA9EU       EA5KB       PE45FREE    PD7YY       TF/DO2JX    DM5MR [b]
EA9KB       EA7FTR      PG45FREE    PD7YY       TF/DO2JX    DO2JX [d]
EI0MFA      EI6IZ       PH15MILL    PI4ZHE      TG9AWS      W3HNK
EI100MFA    EI4GZB      PH45FREE    PD7YY       TM0D        ON3HO
EI70U       EI4JY       PH6MILL     PI4VPO      TM150ITU    F6BEE
EM140Y      US2YW       PT70FEB     PS7AB       TM150UIT    F6BEE
EM300WLP    UT3WJ       PW0F        OH2BH       TM25FA      F5KMY
EM70A       UR3AHF      PW2C        PY2DS       TM277DA     F4EFL
EM70F       UR5FEO      PY0NY       PY4NY       TM2BIG      F4FET
EM70LM      UR2LM       R120A       UA6ABE      TM45PAX     F5JYD
EM70U       UT7UU       R120AP      RO6L        TM5EU       F6DEO
EN70FF      UY0FF       R120D       R3DZ        TM5U        ON8AZ
EN70G       UV1GJ       R120E       RA6ABC      TM72BST     F6KFI
EO70LKS     UR3LDO      R120K       R7AB        TP2CE       F5LGF
EO70Q       UR5QU       R120L       RD9SA       TY2CD       ZS6ARF
ER52MOM     ER3BI       R120N       R7NA        UE110L      RQ7L
ER70V       ER1FF       R120O       UB4HAP      UM100RU     UK8AR
ER90IARU    ER1FF       R120P       RA4LW       UP70A       UN9L
EV70B       EW1BH       R120R       RN3RQ       UP70AM      UN7IU
EV70F       EU3CZ       R120S       R6CS        UP70AP      UN7NR
EV70G       EW8OG       R120V       UG3G        UP70CAD     UN7CAD
EV70GA      RW6HS       R60KZO      R2EA        UP70F       UN1F
EV70K       EW8BQ       RP70AN      UD6A        UP70GF      UN0GL
EV70M       EW2M        RP70AO      RZ5D        UP70GM      UN7NU
FR4PV       F5OZK       RP70B       RK3ZWA      UP70GT      UN0GL
FW5JJ       F5RXL       RP70BS      R2UZ        UP70GV      UN0GL
GB0HPM      M1TES       RP70D       R3FO        UP70P       UN7RL
GB0SNM      M0RMG       RP70ES      RT5Z        UP70WK      UN9LBZ
GB0VED      M0YBX       RP70FB      RA3Y        V31OK       VO1OK
GB1GSM      G3YOA       RP70FG      UA1F        V85AVE      W3HNK
GB2QM       GM0GFL      RP70GF      RA3TYL      VE70DAY     VA7DP
GB2SPY      G3ROO       RP70GK      RN9N        VK7NSE      VK2HV
GB2TMI      G3SDY       RP70GR      RK9CYA      VQ95JC      ND9M
GB2WWM      G4SJX       RP70GT      UA1TGQ      YT90IARU    YU1SRS
GB4VED      G4POP       RP70GY      R7PL        YU90HST     YU1SRS
GB6MW       G4DFI       RP70H       RZ0CQ       YU90IARU    YU1SRS
GB70VE      G0TOC       RP70I       RW4HB       ZF2ZL       W8ERI
GB70VE      G0TOC       RP70IB      RU1AZ       ZP0ITU      ZP5AA
GU70LIB     GU8ITE      RP70K       RK3WWA      ZS6MAL      N4GNR
HF0BEM      SP9PTA      RP70KA      RZ3DZA      ZV2K        PY2SHF
HF20RCW     SP3PWL      RP70KF      RW4NW       ZW0FWA      PU2WDX
HF77TG      SP5PPK      RP70KI      R6CY        ZW70FEB     PT2ADM
HF80BGL     SP9PGL      RP70KW      R9XC        ZZ7ZZ       PR7AR

AO#EU    Federacion Digital EA, P.O. Box 3050, 08200 Sabadell (Barcelona),
GB70LV   The Radio Shack, Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, York, YO41 4AU,
         United Kingdom
IU5BLZ   Andrea Ticci, Via del Pozzo 41, 59100 Prato PO, Italy
JP1IOF   Toshio Kobayashi, 409-1 Kamisano-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma-ken,
         370-0857, Japan
K1IED    Larry F. Skilton, 72 Brook St, South Windsor CT 06074, USA
OH0CO    Bengt E. Karlsson, Laerkstigen 4, SE-546 33 Karlsborg, Sweden
ON10EURAO F.R.A., PO Box 393, 1000 Brussels 1, Belgium
PU2WDX   Celso Dias dos Santos, Rua Joao Carazzolle 175, Valinhos - SP,
         13273-640, Brazil
PY4NY    Janio de Souza Godoi, Rua Bom Jesus da Penha 659 BL  47  Ap.  1103,
         Santa Terezinha, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31365-190, Brazil
VK2HV    Paul Hanna, 88 High Street, Maitland NSW 2320, Australia
YB5M     P.O. Box 123, Padang 25000, Indonesia


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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