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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   19.10.19 18:54l 199 Lines 12377 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1485
Subj: 425 DX News #1485
Sent: 191019/1026Z 56935@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQK6.0.18

19 October 2019                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1485

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3W     - Alex, KU1CW will be active as 3W9A from Vietnam  on  20-28 October,
         CQ WW DX SSB Contest included.  Outside the contest he will operate
         all modes on 80-10 metres. QSL via LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
5H     - Alex K2BB, Serge RT5D, Serge US7UX, Alex UT7UV and Paul UU0JR  will
         be active as 5H3UA from Zanzibar Island (AF-032), Tanzania on 16-28
         November, CQ WW DX CW Contest included. They will be QRV on  160-10
         metres SSB, CW and FT8; additionally, they will also  operate  JT65
         EME on 6 and 2 metres as  5H3EME,  including participation  in  the
         ARRL EME Contest on  16-17 November.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS;  the
         logs will be uploaded to LoTW in 6 months after the DXpedition. See for more information.
5R     - Hiro, JF1OCQ as 5R8VX and Kuni, JA8VE as 5R8KU will be active  from
         Nosy Be (AF-057), Madagascar on  12-25 November.  They will operate
         SSB, CW and digital modes on  the  HF bands.  QSL 5R8VX via JF1OCQ,
         QSL 5R8KU via JA8VE. [TNX DX World]
5T     - Johannes, 5T5PA (SSB and some FT8)  and  Evert, 5T2KW (CW)  will be
         active "from a special location" in  Mauritania  on  19-26 October.
         Their main focus will be on  the  low bands  (160, 80, 60 and 40m).
         They will setup separate verticals  for  80m and 160m,  delta loops
         for 60m and 40m, and three receiving Beverages in the direction  of
         JA/EU, NA and SA/VK/ZL. QSLs via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS. [TNX DX
8Q     - Roly, ZL1BQD will be active as  8Q7XR  from  the  Maldives (AS-013)
         between 10 November  and  30 December.  He plans to operate CW, SSB
         and FT8 on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
9X     - Harald, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from  Kigali, Rwanda on
         4-16 November.  He  will operate  CW, SSB, RTTY  and  FT8.  QSL via
         M0OXO's OQRS and LoTW.
CE     - Members of Radio Club Melipulli will be active as XR7PNAA from the
         Alerce Andino National Park on 1-3 November. QSL via CE7RCM.
CN     - Special callsign CN44MS will be active on  1-12 November  from Tan-
         Tan, Morocco to celebrate  the  44th anniversary of  the  so-called
         Marche Verte (Green March). QSL via RW6HS.
FW     - Nobuaki, JA0JHQ  (  will  be active  as
         FW/M0JHQ from Wallis Island (OC-054)  on  23-27 November  (he might
         apply for a FW callsign upon arrival). He will operate  CW and  FT8
         on 160-10 metres. QSL via LoTW, or direct to JA0JHQ.
HR     - Alan, N3AD  will  be active  as  HR9/N3AD  from  IOTA group  NA-057
         (Honduras) on  21-28 October  and  again  on  18-25 November.  Main
         activity will be during the CQ WW DX SSB and  CQ WW DX CW Contests.
         QSL via W3HNK. [TNX The Daily DX]
OH0    - Mart, DL6UAA ( plans  to be active again  as
         OH0UA from  the  Aland Islands (EU-002) on  7-18 November.  He will
         operate CW, RTTY and FT8 on 160-10 metres. QSL via LoTW (preferred)
         or via home call.
ON     - Celebrating the  18th birthday  of  Princess Elisabeth,  Duchess of
         Brabant and future first-ever queen regnant of the Belgians [425DXN
         1483], special callsign OR0YAL will be active from 25 October to 25
         December. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via  the bureau;
         direct cards via Club Log's OQRS.  Additionally,  a large number of
         special OR18 callsigns (namely OR18AAA,  OR18BDX, OR18BXE, OR18DIG,
         OR18DST,  OR18ERA,  OR18GTM,  OR18HCC,  OR18KTK,  OR18LGE, OR18LLV,
         OR18LUS, OR18LVN,  OR18MCL,  OR18MLB,  OR18NBT,  OR18NOK,  OR18NOL,
         OR18ONZ,  OR18OSA, OR18OSB,  OR18OST,  OR18PHI,  OR18RAT,  OR18RSX,
         OR18SNW, OR18TLS,  OR18TRA,  OR18TRC,  OR18TWS,  OR18UBA,  OR18WLD,
         OR18WRA, OR18WTO and OR18ZTM) will be  operated  by  club stations,
         and  individual  radio amateurs  will be allowed  to replace  their
         standard prefix ON with special  prefix  OR during  the celebration
         period. The UBA will offer a number  of  certificates  for  working
         OR0YAL and the OR18 stations,  see  for  full
         information. [TNX ON4CAS]
S7     - Martin, OK1FZM and his wife  Lenka, OK1WZM will  be active  holiday
         style as S79ZM  from  the islands of  Mahe  and  Praslin  (AF-024),
         Seychelles on 18-31 October. They will operate CW and SSB on  80-10
         metres, with main activity on  30, 20 and 17 metres.  All QSOs will
         be confirmed via the bureau; direct cards via OK1FZM. They will not
         use Club Log or LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
SU     - The Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society for Development will be  active
         as SU8WRC for the World Radiocommunication Conference to be held in
         Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from 28 October to  22 November.  Also, look
         for members of Radio Arcala and ERASD to  participate in the  CQ WW
         DX SSB Contest as SU8X. QSLs for both callsigns via OH2BH.
T8     - HL5KY as T88KY (18-24 October) and HL5BHH as  T88KZ (21-24 October)
         will be active holiday style from Koror (OC-009), Palau.  They will
         operate SSB and possibly CW and FT8 on 80-6 metres.  QSLs via LoTW,
         no paper cards will be issued for these operations.
TA     - Look for a large team to participate in  the  CQ WW DX SSB  and  CW
         Contests as  TC0F  from  Bozcaada (AS-099), Turkey.  QSL via TA2BN,
         direct or bureau.
V3     - Jim, WB2REM and members of the  7163 DX Group  will be active  from
         Belize on 23-30 October. They will participate in the  CQ WW DX SSB
         Contest as V3M; outside the contest look for V31CT,  V31MM,  V31NY,
         V31ST and V31ZZ to operate SSB, CW, FT8, FT4 and possibly EME.  QSL
         V3M, V31CT, V31MM, V31NY  and V31ZZ  via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS,  or
         direct to WB2REM: QSL V31ST via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or direct to
V4     - Look for V47AA (QSL via LoTW, or direct to AA4V), V4/AA4VT, V4/N4SF
         and V4/W4GE  (QSLs via LoTW, or direct to home calls) to be  active
         from  St. Kitts (NA-104) on 22-29  October. They will   participate
         in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest  as V49V  (QSL via LoTW, or direct  to
         AA4V); outside the contest they will be on all bands (60m included)
         and FT8.
VE     - Alex, VE1RUS and Pierre, VE3TKB will be  active again from  VY0ERC,
         the Eureka Amateur Radio Club station located  on  Ellesmere Island
         (NA-008) between 9 November and 6 December.  They will operate SSB,
         CW, FT8 and RTTY mostly on  40 and 20 metres.  QSL via M0OXO's OQRS
         and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP2M   - Steve, K3SW will be active as VP2MSW  from  Montserrat (NA-103)  on
         22-27 October, including an entry in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  He
         plans to operate CW before  the contest.  QSL via LoTW (preferred),
         or direct to K3SW. [TNX NG3K]
YJ     - Chris, VK2YUS will be  active again  as YJ0CA from  Efate (OC-035),
         Vanuatu on 22-30 October, CQ WW DX SSB Contest included. He will be
         mostly on 40, 20 and 15m. QSL direct to VK2YUS. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZD8    - Steve, WB4GHY will be active again as ZD8SC  from  Ascension Island
         (AF-003) between 17 October and 11 November.  In his spare time  he
         will operate mostly SSB, FT8 and FT4 on 80-10 metres. QSL via LoTW,
         or direct to WB4GHY. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

IOTA NEWS ---> The logs for the  IOTA Contest 2019 island stations  have now
been added to the IOTA database  and  are available for  QSO matching.  IOTA
Management is "waiting for further information from B2/BY1CQ, BI4IX, DL0SOP,
R0MZ/P, SA7J, SP3A,  SQ6NEJ and  SV8/LZ1ABC  before these activations can be
accepted". Record-holders  who  have  made  IOTA contacts in an IOTA contest
after 2003, can claim  credit  for  them  without  submitting QSLs, provided
that the contact  details  match.  Go  to,  log in,
select "Add Contest QSOs" under the "My IOTA" tab, and then upload your .cbr
or .log file(s).

VP8/VP8DXU ---> Beginning on 24 October,  team members  will meet near  Palo
Alto (California) "to consolidate,  integrate,  test and  pack the equipment
for its transport to Punta Arenas, Chile".
Similar to  their  Ducie Island (VP6D)  plan,  "the antenna team  designed a
strategy that considers  Signy Island's location  and  topography.  Vertical
Dipole  Arrays  will  be  directed  towards  Europe, over  water.  For other
geographies the topology is less suitable for VDAs so instead Moxons will be
used. Low band vertical antennas will be used for all geographies".
As for  fundraising,  44 clubs/foundations  and  over  350 individuals  have
supported  the project  so far.  "We still have a long way to go",  the team
says, "but  we're  encouraged by  the response.  If you or your club  aren't
listed on our website, please consider a donation".
Read the latest Press Release (#7, 11 October) on

WAG & JOTA ---> Participants in  this  weekend's  Worked All Germany Contest
are reminded  that,  in order  to  reduce interference  with  scout stations
active during the annual Jamboree On the Air (JOTA), contest operations  are
not allowed on 3560-3800, 7040-7200 and 14060-14350 kHz (CW),  as well as on
3650-3700, 7080-7140, 14100-14125, 14280-14350, 21350-21450 and  28225-28400
kHz (SSB).


QSLs received direct or through managers:  4L/DL7ZM,  7V9A (AF-094),  C31CT,
CN2CO,  CT9/R9DX,  CY9C (NA-094),  E20WXA/P  (AS-107),  E31A,  E44WE,   EM1U
(AN-006),  EM1UA  (AN-006),  GU3HFN,  HL5FUA  (AS-045),  HR5/F2JD,  JI3DST/0
(AS-206), JI3DST/1 (AS-008),  OH0UDG,  OH9A (EU-126),  OJ9A (EU-192),  OX3LX
(NA-134),  OY/DL1ZBO,  R205NEW (AS-205),  R26RRC (AS-204),  R63RRC (AS-063),
RI0BC (AS-042),  RI1OM (EU-119),  RW0IM/p (AS-059),  RW2F,  SD7V/2 (EU-139),
SF2CW (EU-192), SV0XCC/9, SV1DH, T77LA, TO5M (NA-032), V63SC, WP4AZT,  XF3LL
(NA-090), YJ8RN (OC-104), YL2GP, Z66X.


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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