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UT1HZM > DX       26.10.19 19:02l 471 Lines 29344 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1486
Subj: 425 DX News #1486
Sent: 191025/1648Z 57019@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQK6.0.18

26 October 2019                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1486

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

6O     - Ali, EP3CQ has been back in Mogadishu, Somalia since 22 October for
         four weeks. In his spare time he will be active  as 6O1OO  on  80-6
         metres SSB and FT8. QSL direct to Ali Solhjoo, Schnackenburgstr. 3,
         12159 Berlin, Germany.
CO     - Special event station CO0CB  will be active on  26-29 October  from
         Cayo Bariay, where Christopher Columbus made landfall in Cuba on 28
         October 1492. Activity will be on  80, 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres
         SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via LoTW, or direct to CO8NDZ.
CY0    - Alan, VE1AWW was  briefly active as  VE1AWW/CY0  from  Sable Island
         (NA-063) on 24 October.  He plans  to be  again QRV  at  "irregular
         times" until 29 or 30 October, mainly on 20 and 40 metres SSB.  QSL
         via home call.
F      - Celebrating  the  30th anniversary  since  the  UN General assembly
         adopted the  Convention  on  the  Rights of the Child  (20 November
         1989),  French  special callsign  TM30CDR will be active  on  26-27
         October, between 16-24 November,  30 November,  1 December and  2-5
         January 2020.  Look for activity on  the  HF bands SSB, CW and FT8.
         QSL via the bureau to buro to F6KUQ.
FK     - Thomas, F4HPX will be active holiday style as FK/F4HPX from Noumea,
         New Caledonia  (OC-032)  starting  on  3 November.  He plans to use
         "quite extensively  FT4  for  the first time",  as well as SSB  and
         "maybe a bit of automated CW". A side trip to Ile des Pins (OC-033)
         is also being planned.  QSL via F4HPX (direct or bureau), Club Log,
         LoTW and eQSL.
FO     - Didier, F6BCW will be active  as  FO/F6BCW  from  Huahine (OC-067),
         French Polynesia on 25-30 October. He will operate CW only on 80-10
         metres. He will then move to Hiva Oa (Marquesas Islands),  where he
         expects to be  QRV on 40 and 20 metres  again  as FO/F6BCW  on  4-5
         November and on 19-25 November. In between, he will be one  of  the
         TX7T DXpedition operators. QSL FO/F6BCW direct to Didier Cadot, 180
         rue du Moulin de la Coudre, 71440 Tronchy, France.
H40    - Grant K1ZW (H40KT) and Rob N7QT (H40TT)  will be active from Pigeon
         Island  (OC-065),  Temotu Province  on  14-28 November.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8  on  160-10 metres  with two stations
         and a focus on the low bands "following the sun".  They hope to use
         H40TT  from  both stations,  and - if time permits -  to  use H40KT
         during the CQ WW DX CW Contest. Planned frequencies are:
         CW   1826.5  3523   -  7023 10105 14023 18069 21023 24891 28023
         SSB    -     3785   -  7090   -   14185 18130 21285 24955 28485
         RTTY   -       -    -  7045 10142 14080 18100 21080 24910 28080
         FT8  1836    3567 5357 7056 10131 14090 18095 21091 24911 28091
         QSL via M0URX's OQRS  (direct or bureau),  or  direct  only  to Tim
         Beaumont, 83 Limbrick Avenue,  Coventry,  CV4 9EX,  United Kingdom.
         [TNX K5GS]
HC     - Rick, NE8Z will be active again as HC1MD/2 from the  lighthouse  at
         Capay on Hill,  in  the  Santa Elena province  of  Ecuador, from 27
         October to 9 November.  He will operate CW, SSB and FT8  on 40, 30,
         20 and 17m. QSL via LoTW, or direct to K8LJG.
I      - The  4U1GSC  Amateur Radio Club  will be active as  4U25B  from  24
         October until 31 August 2020 to mark the  25th anniversary  of  the
         United Nations  Logistics  Base  (since  2010  known  as  UN Global
         Service Center) in Brindisi DXCC wise, it counts for Italy. QSL via
I      - Members of the Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club (INORC)  will oper-
         ate CW only as II0IGB  from  28 October to 8 November.  QSL via the
         bureau.  A certificate will be available;  full information  can be
         found on  The special callsign memo-
         rializes Giuseppe Biagi, the radioman whose distress calls played a
         pivotal role in rescuing the survivors  the airship "Italia".  Born
         in 1897, Biagi passed away on 1 November 1965.
I      - Once again special callsign IR3MD will be in use by ARI Rovereto on
         1-30 November. The suffix stands for Maria Dolens, the  mighty bell
         casted after World War I to commemorate the fallen in all wars. QSL
         via IN3MDR; information on the award can be found on
PA     - Marcel, PD5MVH has been active as PD5MVH/p from Ameland Island (EU-
         038) since 19 October, and will remain there  until 2 November.  He
         operates QRP, and will participate in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest  as
         PD38EU. QSLs via PD5MVH, direct or bureau.
PA     - Celebrating the  33rd anniversary  of  the  European DX Foundation,
         special  callsigns  PA33EUDXF,  PB33EUDXF,  PC33EUDXF,   PD33EUDXF,
         PE33EUDXF, PF33EUDXF, PG33EUDXF,  PH33EUDXF and  PI33EUDXF  will be
         activated during the month of  November  by  EUDXF  Dutch  members.
         QSLs  via   Club  Log's  OQRS  (preferred),   or  via  PA1AW.   See  for information about  the  "33 EUDXF Award".
         Also taking  part  in  the celebrations will be DL33EUDXF from Ger-
         many, LA33EUDXF from Norway, TM33EUDX from  France  (2-17 November)
         and possibly other special callsigns.
VE     - Eric, VA2IDX will be active as VA2IDX/p from Anticosti Island  (NA-
         077) on 2-6 November. He will operate CW QRP and possibly SSB on 40
         and 20 metres around 20-02 UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]

CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The  following   stations   have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 October):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA
04     CF3M          SOAB         Canada               LoTW/VE3LA
05     VA2UR         M/S          Canada               LoTW
05     VP9I                       Bermuda              LoTW/WW3S
07     5K0K                       San Andres           LoTW/OK6DJ
07     HR9/N3AD      SOAB         Honduras             W3HNK
07     TI7W          M/S          Costa Rica           LoTW/W4FS
07     V3M                        Belize               LoTW/WB2REM
08     8P1W          SOAB LP      Barbados             KU9C
08     8P2K          SOSB 40m     Barbados             LoTW/KU9C
08     8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             LoTW/HA1AG
08     FG4KH         SO           Guadeloupe           LoTW/F1DUZ
08     J68MD         M/S          St Lucia             N2HIW
08     KP2M          M/2          US Virgin Isls       LoTW
08     KP3Z          SOAB LP      Puerto Rico          LoTW
08     NP2P          SO           US Virgin Isls       LoTW
08     PJ7PL         SO LP        Sint Maarten         N2HX
08     T42T          M/?          Cuba                 LoTW/WB2REM
08     TO1J          SOAB         Martinique           LoTW/JF2QNM
08     V26B          M/M          Antigua & Barbuda    LoTW/KA2AEV
08     V47T          SOAB         St Kitts & Nevis     LotW/W2RQ
08     V49V          M/2          St Kitts & Nevis     LoTW/AA4V
08     VP2MSW        SOAB HP      Montserrat           LoTW/K3SW
08     VP5W          M/S          Turks & Caicos Isls  LoTW/KD3TB
08     ZF1A          M/2          Cayman Isls          LoTW/K6AM
08     ZF9CW         SOAB HP      Cayman Isls          LoTW/K5GO
09     FY5KE         M/S          French Guiana        LoTW
09     P40T          SOAB         Aruba                VE3DZ
09     P40W          SOAB         Aruba                LoTW/N2MM
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao              LoTW/W3HNK
09     PJ4K          M/M          Bonaire              KU9C
09     PZ5K          M/?          Suriname             LoTW/G3NKC
10     HC0E          M/M          Ecuador              HC1QRC
10     HC5D          SOAB HP      Ecuador              DL8UD
11     PS4L          M/S          Brazil               LoTW
11     PT5J          SOAB         Brazil               PP5JR
11     PY0F          M/?          Fernando de Noronha  LoTW/PY7RP
11     ZW5B          M/M          Brazil               K3IRV
11     ZZ3ZZ         M/S          Brazil               LoTW
12     CB1H          M/?          Chile                LoTW
13     CV9I                       Uruguay              CX4AD
14     CR2L          SOAB         Azores               LoTW/OE2GEN
14     CR5T          M/2          Portugal             LoTW
14     EE3X          SO QRP       Spain                EA3KX
14     EE5T          M/2          Spain                LoTW
14     G9P           SO           England              M0NCG
14     HB9A          M/S          Switzerland          HB9OCR
14     HB9H          M/?          Switzerland          HB9CXZ
14     MD1E                       Isle of Man          LoTW/M0OXO
14     MD1U                       Isle of Man          LoTW/M0OXO
14     MD4K          SOAB         Isle of Man          LoTW/G3NKC
14     PD38EU        SO QRP       Netherlands          PD5MVH
15     3Z6O          SO LP        Poland               LoTW
15     4U1A          M/?          Vienna Int'l Centre  UA3DX
15     9H6A          M/?          Malta                LoTW/9H1XT
15     ES9C          M/S          Estonia              ES5RY
15     IO5O          M/S          Italy                LoTW/IK5RLP
15     IO8T          SOAB         Italy                N6TJ
15     LY4ZF         SOSB 40m     Lithuania            YL1ZF
15     OH0V          SO           Aland Isls           LoTW
15     OH0W          M/S          Aland Isls           OH2BH
15     OH5Z          M/S          Finland              LoTW
15     YT5A          M/M          Serbia               YT1AD
17     RK9AX         SOAB HP      AS Russia            UA9APA
20     P3F           SO           Cyprus               LoTW/M0URX
20     TC0F          M/S          Turkey               TA2BN
21     4L/LY4ZZ      SOSB 160m    Georgia              LoTW/LY4ZZ
21     4L0A          SOSB 40m     Georgia              LoTW
21     4L2M          SOSB 20m     Georgia              EA7FTR
21     4L9M          SOSB 80m     Georgia              LoTW/R3XA
21     9K2K          SOAB HP      Kuwait               LoTW/EC6DX
21     A44A          M/M          Oman                 LoTW
21     A92AA         SOAB         Bahrain              LoTW/A92AA
24     B7P           M/?          China                LoTW/BA4EG
24     BV2A/3                     Taiwan               BV2A
26     3W9A          SO           Vietnam              LoTW
26     3W9QR         SO           Vietnam              JJ1DQR
26     E20AX         M/2          Thailand             LoTW
26     E2A           SOAB HP      Thailand             LoTW
26     HS0ZOJ        SOSB 20m     Thailand             LoTW/F4BKV
26     HS8LVC        SOSB 20m     Thailand             LoTW
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 LoTW
28     7A2A          M/?          Indonesia            LoTW/YB2DX
28     9M6NA         SOAB HP      East Malayasia       LoTW
28     V85RH         SO           Brunei               LoTW
31     KH6J          M/M          Hawaii               LoTW
31     KH7M                       Hawaii     
32     VK9NC         SOSB 40m     Norfolk Island       SP7VC
32     VK9NE         SO           Norfolk Island       SP7VC
32     VP6R          M/M          Pitcairn Island      K9CT
32     YJ0CA         SO           Vanuatu              VK2YUS
32     ZM4T          M/2 HP       New Zealand          LoTW
33     3V8SS         SOAB LP      Tunisia              LoTW/LX1NO
33     CN3A          M/M          Morocco              LoTW/IK2OHG
33     EA8DDS        SO QRP       Canary Isls          EA8DDS
33     ED8W          M/?          Canary Isls          LoTW/EA8DO
33     EF8R          M/?          Canary Isls          LoTW/EB7DX
33     EF9Z          SO           Ceuta & Melilla      LoTW/EA5KB
33     IH9P          SOSB 15m     AF Italy             OL5Y
33     IH9YMC        SOSB         AF Italy             LoTW
34     SU8X          M/?          Egypt                OH2BH
35     6W1RY         M/2          Senegal              LoTW/F5VHJ
35     D4C           M/?          Cape Verde           LoTW
39     S79W          SOSB         Seychelles           SP9FIH
40     OX7A          M/?          Greenland            LoTW/OZ1ACB
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations  listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K at  -  good contest  to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

ARRL NEW ONLINE FORUMS ---> Three new  online forums, hosted  by,
have been opened where  all  radio amateurs - ARRL members  and  non-members
alike - can discuss issues  and topics  in  two-way conversation  with  ARRL
leadership. "Aimed at enhancing communication among ARRL leadership,  staff,
members, and prospective members,  in a manner that enables  timely  updates
and collegial discussion", the new groups are:
* ARRL-Contesting  moderated by Dennis Egan, W1UE, ARRL Contest Advisory
                   Committee Chairman
* ARRL-Awards      moderated by Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, ARRL Radiosport and Field
                   Services Manager
* ARRL-IARU        moderated by Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, IARU Secretary
For more information see  "ARRL Creates New  Online  Groups  for  Members to
Communicate with Leadership" on

CLUB LOG GATEWAY ---> There is a  new  Club Log  tool  available  for  users
(DXpedition teams and single operators alike) of Win-Test, N1MM and DXLog to
upload to Club Log  efficiently  and  reliably  in  real-time.  The Club Log
Gateway is a small command-line tool that is designed  to run on a  Windows,
Mac or Linux computer.  It stores a record  of  the QSO  (including handling
edits and deletes) in a database file that is sent periodically to Club Log.
This is achieved in near real-time, including via  slow connections  such as
satellite phones, using an extremely efficient and lightweight protocol that
saves over 90% of the normal o verheads of  ADIF  uploads.  This means  that
real-time uploads are realistic, and not too hard to achieve. The payload is
about 500 bytes for 35 QSOs.  Using the gateway, you can push QSOs into Club
Log  within  a  few seconds.  Full details  and  download  links  are  here:

IARU: TWO NEW MEMBER SOCIETIES ---> The IARU member-societies  have voted to
admit  The  Saudi Amateur Radio Society (SARS)  and  the  Seychelles Amateur
Radio  Association  (SARA)  to  membership.  SARS (  was
founded on 25 June 2018 and is  legally  registered/recognized  to represent
the  the amateurs of Saudi Arabia. As of January 2019 there were  66 members
out of  a total  of  479 licensed  radio amateurs  in the country.  SARA was
founded  in December 2018 and was registered with the Seychelles  government
on  31  December.  SARA  has six members,  two of  whom are licensed.  It is
believed  that there are four licensed amateurs in Seychelles, a number that
SARA hopes  to increase. Saudi  Arabia  and Seychelles  are  located in  ITU
Region  1  which  also corresponds to IARU Region 1.  Their  IARU membership
became effective on  9 October 2019  upon completion of the voting procedure
set out in the  IARU Constitution. [Source:]

NCDXF & CLUB LOG ---> The  Northern  California  DX Foundation  (NCDXF)  has
awarded a grant of $4,000 to  Club Log  to support  their capital needs  for
important IT system upgrades to move their system into the future.  Michael,
G7VJR, recently reached out to NCDXF with an inquiry for interest in support
that triggered  an  immediate  and  overwhelming response  from  every NCDXF
Following NCDXF's action, Michael is quoted:  "For some time now,  I've been
anxious to provide a more resilient way to run Club Log.  With 70,000 active
users, and most  significant expeditions  depending upon it,  it's vital  to
keep Club Log working around the clock - but until now the expense  has been
prohibitive.  Club Log depends on  donations  for its running costs,  but to
fund a capital project like this takes the financial backing of a foundation
that takes the lead and  supports expeditions and  DX-related projects  at a
really high level. NCDXF has made an extraordinary grant to Club Log, giving
me an  opportunity  to unlock all the work  that  I need to do in this area.
Many thanks to the foundation and its members for  this tremendous boost  to
Club Log. The newly-upgraded servers will launch in early 2020".
NCDXF  fully  supports  the  Club Log  mission  and  its  dedicated team  of
volunteers that is creating an i nvaluable service  to the  DXing community.

QSL VIA K7MT ---> Effective 18 Octobr 2019,  Bill Erhardt (K7MT) is the  QSL
Manager  for  KC4AAA  (Amundsen-Scott South Pole  Station),  KC4AAC  (Palmer
Station  on  Anvers Island, AN-012)  and  KC4USV  (McMurdo Station  on  Ross
Island, AN-011).  The former QSL manager (Larry Skilton, K1IED)  passed away
on  2 June 2018.  N2OO,  W1GD  and  the  QSL Manager's Society  were able to
recover the logs and blank cards from Larry's family, and to pass them along
to K7MT. More information, including the dates of activities  for which logs
are available,  can be found on the QRZ pages for each Antarctic call.  [TNX
OPDX Bulletin]

SABLE ISLAND 2020 ---> On 20 October Murray, WA4DAN went on a reconnaissance
trip to Sable Island to meet with the on-island  Parks Canada staff  to work
out details for the 2020 DXpedition [425DXN 1463]. He also set up  a station
and worked 200 stations  in  31 countries  in  a  brief  propagation test as
CY0/WA4DAN on 14200 kHz.  The day after he met with  the  Parks Canada Sable
Island manager in Halifax to determine  the size of the DXpedition team  and
the eaxct dates for the operation.  Details will be published  on a CY0 web-
site to be launched soon.

VP6R ---> As of 01.00 UTC on 25 October, the  VP6R  DXpedition  to  Pitcairn
Island had approximately 47,000 contacts in the log. "Late yesterday we were
hit with a tropical storm  with torrential rain and  gale force plus winds",
the team reported on  25 October.  "We had several antennas  come down,  but
they are  repairable  and  will be back up when  it is safe  to go outside".
They "have been working a lot of FT8  on all the bands  (except 160m so far)
and find that this 'weak' signal mode is  putting  a lot of new  and  unique
callsigns into the log,  proving  that this  mode is  valuable  for a  great
many". VP6R operates FT8 "Fox & Hound" mode, which means that you
  1. MUST use WSJT-X version 2.1.0 (any other version is incompatibile!)
  2. MUST be in F/H mode
  3. MUST be in SPLIT mode (in WSJT-X program, not your radio)
  4. MUST set your transmit frequency above 1000 Hz
"When conditions are good and everyone  has  FT8 set up properly",  the team
says, "we have seen peak rates over 1000 contacts/hour and  often  sustained
rates of 400 contacts/hour from a single station!  And, yes,  it is possible
for one person to operate two stations at once. We do it often.
We will be on  160m  (1.836 MHz)  with  FT8 F/H  starting  00.00 UTC  on  29
October. Depending upon success, we might spend additional time in that mode
on 160m".
VP6R will shout down temporarily at about 22 UTC on  25 October  to  prepare
for the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. They will be in  the  Multi/Multi category  on
all bands. After the contest they will be back in "DXpedition mode" until 31
As for QSLing, the QSL manager for the VP6R is Craig, K9CT, and  the address
for  direct  mail  QSLing  is:  The Pitcairn Island DXpedition, P.O. Box 73,
Elmwood IL 61529, USA. The preferred  method of QSLing, however, is via Club
Log's  OQRS,  which  will  be activated  only when  the  final log  has been
uploaded. Donors will get early LoTW upload.

WRC-19 ---> The World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 is  due to open  in
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on 28 October.  The meeting, which lasts four weeks,
will be  attended  by  three thousand delegates from  most of  the countries
around  the world,  and  will discuss  and  agree changes to  the  ITU Radio
IARU and its member-societies  will be there, representing  the amateur  and
amateur satellite services with a team of  14 people from  10 countries.  Of
particular interest to IARU are the positions on five Agenda Items (AI):
- AI 1.1, to allocate spectrum in the 50-54 MHz Region in  Region 1  to  the
  amateur service
- AI 1.13, to consider  new spectrum of  International Mobile Telecommunica-
  cations, which potentially might impact amateur spectrum at around 47 GHz
- AI 1.16, which could impact the 5 GHz amateur spectrum
- AI 9.1.6 on Wireless Power Transmission,  where harmonics  of  WPT systems
  can impact the MF/HF radio spectrum
- AI 10, where it is  possible  that  future agenda items  at  WRC-23  could
  impact the amateur service, including the 1240-1300 MHz band.
This meeting is the culmination of  four years'work by  IARU in ITU and  re-
gional  telecommunications  organizations  to  protect and  enhance  amateur
service frequency allocations.  The  IARU team  will provide updates  as the
Conference progresses.  The WRC has  a  wide-ranging  agenda  of  which  the
amateur issues are but a small part. [Source:]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W9QR       JJ1DQR      EG1FPL      EA1OK       PA6JAM      PD5CW
3Z50DVP     SP6DVP      EG5MCC      EA5RCK      PA6TJARDA   PD3AR
4D3X        W3HNK       EH3WRC      EA3ZK       PC50DIG     PA2TMS
4E1A        9V1KG       EI0NMMI     EI6AL       PH100KLM    PA3DVA
4O7TC       UA3TCJ      EN75NPU     UR5NJW      PJ2/KF4DX   DL8NU
4U25B       9A2AA       EO65QRC     UR4QZZ      PJ7PL       N2HX
4U2U        UA3DX       EP2LMA      EA5GL       PY5/LU9ESD  EB7DX
4U73B       9A2AA       FG4KH       F1DUZ       RX4AB       RW6HS
4X6FR       4X6OM       FH/DL9HAL   M0OXO       S79CI       SP6CIK
5B4ALX      IZ4AMS      FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      S79W        SP9FIH
5J500D      HK3VHZ      HC5D        DL8UD       S79ZM       OK1FZM
5J500L      HK3VHZ      HI8K        W2CCW       SN2JOTA     SP2ZIE
5J500LDV    HK3VHZ      HL07NWPF    HL5BJU      ST2BSS      ST2M
5J500V      HK3VHZ      HL9BSA      HL4ZFA      SU8JOTA     SM5AQD
5K0K        OK6DJ       HR9/N3AD    W3HNK       SW44M       DK2PZ
5T2KW       PA2KW       HZ1SBS      HZ1HN       T88HS       JA6KYU
5T5PA       PA5X        IB2LV       I2MYF       T88RH       JR6DRH
5W0FY       M0OXO       IB8SRT      IK8IPL      TG9ADQ      EC6DX
5W0GK       M0OXO       IB9BP       IT9KXK      V26B        KA2AEV
6W1RW       F6BEE       II0BP       IW0GOA      V26OC       N3OC
6W1RY       F5VHJ       II3MQP      IN3EYI      V26RA       K3RA
8P5A        HA1AG       II4JOTA     IZ4UFB      V31AX       M0URX
9A8VI/p     OE4VIE      II9BP       IT9ZEO      V31CT       WB2REM
9H3RS       DM7XX       IK2SGL/OA9  IK6BFH      V31MM       WB2REM
9H3YY       DL2JRM      J68GD       K9AW        V31NY       WB2REM
9H9XX       DL2JRM      J68HZ       K9HZ        V31ST       W4SJT
9M4SJT      9M2TDX      J79WTA      HB9MFM      V31ZZ       WB2REM
A21TX       ZS4TX       JS6UEA      DJ4EL       V47AA       AA4V
A25SL       N4GNR       JW6VDA      OH6VDA      V47JA       W5JON
A41KJ       N4GNR       JW7QIA      LA7QIA      V47NT       W2RQ
A60JOTA     A61BK       JY5HX       E73Y        VE1AWW/CY0  VE1AWW
CE2SV       N7RO        KH7XX       EB7DX       VK8NSB      M0URX
CO7IG       RW6HS       LX9S        HB9AOF      VK9NC       SP7VC
CQ9A        EA1AP       NP2J        K8RF        VK9NE       SP7VC
CR2Y        DH7WW       OD5VB       EA5GL       VP2ETE      W3HNK
CR6JAM      CT1DSV      OH0W        OH2BH       VP2MSW      K3SW
CS21TS      CT7ABF      OL75CARBON  OK2PXJ      VP6R        K9CT
CT9ABN      OM2VL       OO19TRUDO   ON4TRC      VR2CC       VR2XRW
CT9ABO      OM3GI       OR75CLM     ON6HC       VU7RI       M0KRI
CX4DI       EA5GL       OX1AA       OZ1ACB      XU7AKP      IW3SNW
D44EA       OK7JR       OX3LX       OZ0J        YJ8RN       NZ4DX
D4Z         IK2NCJ      OX5DM       OZ1ACB      ZD8SC       WB4GHY
D68CCC      IK2VUC      OX7AKT      OZ1ACB      ZF2IN       N6WIN
DU1AI       JN3VQM      OX7AM       OZ1ACB      ZF2LZ       NN1C
DU6/PE1NSQ  EA5GL       P29LL       EA7FTR      ZF2MJ       N6MJ
DX9EVM      DU9CA       P40T        VE3DZ       ZF2WW       K6JO
EA8/TF3CW   LX1NO       P40W        N2MM        ZV100GP     PY2AA

3DA0BP    Vincent Molloy, P.O Box 328, Mhlambanyatsi, H115, Eswatini
5W0NA     Alexander Nersesian, 1790 E Indigo Dr, Chandler AZ 85286, USA
7X2JV     Liliana Aspelin, Hertig Karlsgatan 21B lgh 1201,
          SE-682 30 Filipstad, Sweden
9H6BPS    Marconi Amateur Radio Circle, Att. Steven Fenech, Triq L-Anzjani,
          L-Imtarfa, MTF 1510, Malta
9H9JAM    Ivan Privitera, 20 Aurora, Triq Normandy, Pembroke, PBK 1624,
9H9SGM    Mosta Scouts Group, 55 Dun Edgar Salamone, Triq it-Torri,
          Il-Mosta, MST 3500, Malta
CE7VPQ    Javier Capdebilla Alvarado, 22 de Mayo 274, 5790166 Quellon,
          Region de Los Lagos, Chile
HV0A      Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma RM, Italy
IB9MY     Emanuele Sergi, Via Manzoni 8, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italy
IK2VUC    Giuliano Mondini, Ufficio Busto Arsizio, Casella Postale 10,
          21052 Busto Arsizio VA, Italy
KH0/KC0W  Thomas M. Callas, P.O. Box 1058, Minnetonka MN 55345, USA
M0KRI     Shabu Ramakrishnan, 125 Falconwood Road, Croydon, CR0 9BF,
          United Kingdom
MD0RMU    Akira Murayama, 248-4 Naka Nocho, Ise-shi, Mie, 516-0034, Japan
OK1FZM    Martin Zabransky, Jihozapadni II/10, 14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic
OK6DJ     David Beran, Dolni Kamenice 55, 34562 Holysov, Czech Republic
OY6JAM    Skotafylki Sigmunds Brestissonar, Postboks 3082, FO-110 Torshavn,
          Faroe Islands
T88SM     Hakata Amateur Radio Association, P.O.Box 232, Hakatakita Post
          Office, Fukuoka, 812-8799, Japan
V47AA     Stephen Reichlyn, 14 Seahorse Court, Isle of Palms SC 29451, USA
V51SCOUT  Scouts of Namibia, PO Box 6436, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, Namibia
VP6R      The Pitcairn Island DXpedition, P.O. Box 73, Elmwood IL  61529,
WB4GHY    Steve R. Coleman, 822 S Waco St, Van Alstyne TX 75495, USA
YJ0CA     Chris Ayres, 3/19-21 Eastern Rd, Turramurra, NSW 2074, Australia
ZA/IK2RLM Marco Corridore, Vicolo del Toro 4, 20060 Cassina de' Pecchi MI,
ZB2FFG    Jonathan Saccone, 1st/4th (MMHO) Gibraltar Scout Group,
          Wellington Front, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar


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               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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