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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   23.11.19 13:42l 359 Lines 22441 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1490
Subj: 425 DX News #1490
Sent: 191123/1220Z 57402@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQK6.0.18

23 November 2019                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1490

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4S     - Bernhard, DK7TF will be active again as  4S7DLG  from  Ambalangoda,
         Sri Lanka  (AS-003)  starting  around 25 November.  He will operate
         mainly SSB and FT8. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
5N     - Bodo, DF8DX and Rene, DL2JRM have been active as  5N7Q  from Abuja,
         Nigeria since 16 November.  They will remain  there until the 25th,
         Including  an entry in  the  CQ WW DX CW Contest.  They operate CW,
         RTTY, SSB and FT8 (Fox & Hound) on 160-10 metres.  QSL via LoTW, or
         Club Log's OQRS, or via DF8DX (direct or bureau).
5V     - Andy, KB9IJI is a  long-term resident in  Mango, Togo  and has been
         granted "special permission to legally operate as 5V/KB9IJI"  until
         his application  for a callsign is approved,  "hopefully before the
         end of the year".  He plans to operate SSB, CW and digital modes on
         all HF bands, and to upload his log to both LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
8Q     - Fabien, DF3XY will be active as 8Q7XY from the Maldives (AS-013) on
         10-23 December.  He will operate mainly FT8 and SSB on  40, 30, 20,
         15 and 10 metres. QSL direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
8R     - Heye, DJ9RR  has been active as  8R1/AG6UT  since 20 November,  and
         will remain in Guyana  until 28 November.  He operates CW, RTTY and
         FT8  on  160-10 metres,  and will participate  in  the  CQ WW DX CW
         Contest. QSL via DJ9RR (direct or bureau), and eventually LoTW.
9J     - Mario, IK1MYT is active as  9J2MYT  from  Lusaka, Zambia  until May
         2020. He can be QRV on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres.  QSL direct to
C5     - Andre, ON7YK has been active again as C5YK since  16 November,  and
         will remain  in  Bijilo, The Gambia  until  early  March  2020.  He
         operates digital modes  (especially FT8), SSB and some CW on  60-10
         metres.  QSL via LoTW and eQSL,  or via home call  (see for
         instructions); logsearch on
C5     - Paul, SA6PIS will be active holiday style as C56PIS from Bakau, The
         Gambia from 28 November to 13 December. QSL via home call.
UA     - Special  callsigns  R2019DX  and  UE29DX  will  be active  from  25
         November to 1 December to mark the  29th anniversary of the  Miller
         DX Club. QSL via the bureau, or direct to RQ7L.
V4     - Once again John, W5JON will  be  active  as  V47JA  from  St. Kitts
         (NA-104) on 10-19 December.  He will operate  SSB and FT8  on 160-6
         metres. QSL via W5JON (direct only) and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
VU     - Datta, VU2DSI will be active again as  AU2JCB  from  23 November to
         16 December to commemorate the birthdate  of  Indian physicist  and
         radio pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose.  Look for activity on  80, 40,
         20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL direct to VU2DSI.
XZ     - Martti, OH2BH  has been  active  as  XZ2D  from  Myanmar  since  21
         November.  The licence issued to him is valid up to  17 April 2020,
         with band privileges limited  to 20 MHz and higher  (which means 15
         and  10 metres  only).  Martti hopes  to get  a  special  temporary
         permission to operate on 14065 kHz for the duration of the CQ WW DX
         CW Contest (48 hours). QSL via OH2BH.

CQ WW DX CW CONTEST ---> The following  stations have announced  their  par-
ticipation in this year's event (23-24 November):

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA      
02     VE2IM                      Canada               LoTW/VE3DZ  
02     VY0ERC                     Canada               LoTW/M0OXO  
05     VP9I          M/S          Bermuda              LoTW/WW3S    
07     HR9/N3AD      SOAB         Honduras             W3HNK        
07     TG4/KT8X      SO           Guatemala            LoTW        
07     TI7W          SOAB HP      Costa Rica           LoTW/W4FS    
07     V31CQ         M/S          Belize               LoTW/K5PS    
07     YN2CC         SOAB LP      Nicaragua            LoTW/AJ9C    
08     8P2K          SOSB 160m    Barbados             KU9C        
08     8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             LoTW/HA1AG  
08     8P6ET         SOAB LP      Barbados             KU9C        
08     C6AGU                      Bahamas              HA7RY        
08     FM5KC         SOAB         Martinique           LoTW/F5VHJ  
08     FS/VA3DF      SOSB         St Martin            LoTW        
08     HH2AA         SOAB LP      Haiti                LoTW        
08     HI3CC         SO           Dominican Republic   W2CCW        
08     KP2M          M/?          US Virgin Isls       LoTW/NZ4DX  
08     KP3Z          SOAB         Puerto Rico          LoTW/N4AO    
08     KP4/WQ2N      SOSB 20m     Puerto Rico          WQ2N        
08     NP2P          SO           US Virgin Isls       LoTW        
08     PJ7/K0CD      SOSB 20m QRP Sint Maarten         K0CD        
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua & Barbuda    LoTW/AA3B    
08     V4/WX4G       SOSB 40m     St Kitts & Nevis     WX4G        
08     V47T          SOAB HP      St Kitts & Nevis     W2RQ        
08     VP2MDM        M/2          Montserrat           LoTW/K2DM    
08     VP2VWW        SOAB LP      British Virgin Isls  LoTW/AA7V    
08     VP5M          M/?          Turks & Caicos       LoTW/K4QPL  
08     ZF1A          SOAB HP      Cayman Isls          LoTW/K6AM    
08     ZF9CW         SOAB HP      Cayman Isls          LoTW/K5GO    
09     8R1/AG6UT     SOAB         Guyana               LoTW/DJ9RR  
09     FY5FY         SOSB 160m    French Guiana        FY5FY        
09     FY5KE         SO           French Guiana        LoTW        
09     P40C          SOAB         Aruba                LoTW        
09     P40W          SOAB         Aruba                LoTW/N2MM    
09     PJ4A          M/S          Bonaire              LoTW/K4BAI  
09     PJ4K          M/2          Bonaire              KU9C        
09     PZ5W          M/2          Suriname             LoTW/N0AT    
09     TO1A          SOSB 15m LP  French Guiana        LoTW        
10     HC0T          SOAB LP      Ecuador              LoTW/RC5A    
14     CR5E          SOAB         Portugal             LoTW/CT1ILT  
14     GJ4YOX        SOSB 20m     Jersey               LoTW/GU4YOX  
14     GU4CHY        SOSB 20m     Guernsey             GU4CHY      
14     HB0A          M/S          Liechtenstein        LoTW        
14     MD4K          SOAB         Isle of Man          LoTW/G3NKC  
14     MU2K          SOAB LP      Guernsey             GU8ITE      
14     MW5B          SOSB 160m    Wales                LoTW        
15     4U1A          M/S          Vienna Int'l Centre  UA3DX        
15     9H3TX         M/2          Malta                LoTW/DL5XAT  
15     HV0A          MO           Vatican City         LoTW/IK0FVC  
15     IS0/LZ5F      M/S          Sardinia                          
15     IS0/OM8A      SOAB HP      Sardinia             OM2VL        
15     LY4A          M/?          Lithuania            LoTW/LY4A    
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Isls           LoTW/W0MM    
15     TK0C          M/S          Corsica              LoTW/S50C    
16     EW5A          M/S          Belarus              EW6W        
20     5B4AGU        SOSB 40m     Cyprus               LZ1MS        
20     SW9AA         SOAB         Crete                LZ1PM        
20     SX2I          M/?          Greece               LoTW/SV2JAO  
20     SZ1A          M/?          Greece               LotW        
20     TC0F          M/S          Turkey               TA2BN        
21     4L2M          SOSB 20m     Georgia              EA7FTR      
21     4L8A          SOSB 40m     Georgia              LoTW/K1BV    
21     9K2HN         SOAB         Kuwait               LoTW/9K2HN  
21     9K2K          SOSB 40m     Kuwait               LoTW/EC6DX  
21     A44A          M/?          Oman                 A47RS        
24     B4T           M/?          China                LoTW/BA4TB  
26     HS0ZAR        M/2          Thailand             K3ZO        
26     XV9D          SOSB         Vietnam              LoTW/EA5GL  
26     XV9DXB        SO           Vietnam              EB7DX        
26     XZ2D          SO           Myanmar              OH2BH        
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 LoTW        
27     V63AR         SOAB HP      Micronesia           LoTW/K7AR    
28     7A2A          M/S          Indonesia            LoTW/YB2DX  
28     9M6NA         SOAB         East Malaysia        LoTW        
28     V85RH         SO           Brunei               LoTW        
29     VK9CZ         M/2          Cocos (Keeling) Isls LoTW/N3SL    
32     FO/K5PI       SO LP        French Polynesia     K5PI        
32     H40KT                      Temotu Province      M0URX        
32     ZL3X          M/2          New Zealand          LoTW        
32     ZM4T          M/2 HP       New Zealand          LoTW        
33     CN3A                       Morocco              LoTW/IK2OHG  
33     CR3S          SOSB         Madeira              LoTW        
33     CR3X          M/S          Madeira              LoTW/K2PF    
33     EA8/IK1PMR    SO           Canary Isls          HB9FKK      
33     EA8/OK2GG     SOSB 40m LP  Canary Isls          OK2GG        
33     EA8/OK5D      SOSB 80m LP  Canary Isls          OK1DTP      
33     EA8/OL1A      SOSB 15 LP   Canary Isls          OK1CW        
33     ED8W          SOSB 40m     Canary Isls          EA5GL        
33     IH9/OK6RA     SOSB 40m     AF Italy             OK6RA        
33     IH9/OL3R      SOSB 20m     AF Italy             OK1VWK      
35     5N7Q                       Nigeria              LoTW/DF8DX  
35     5T0AA         SO           Mauritania           LoTW/PE5O    
35     5U9AMO        SOAB LP      Niger                LoTW/M0URX  
35     6V7A          M/S          Senegal              LoTW/F6BEE  
35     6W7PCT                     Senegal              F5KKD        
35     9G5W          M/S LP       Ghana                LoTW/S54W    
35     C56DF         SOSB         The Gambia           LoTW/G3XTT  
35     C56XA         SOSB         The Gambia           LoTW/G3SWH  
35     D4C           SOAB HP      Cape Verde           LoTW        
35     D4CC          SO           Cape Verde           OE4AAC      
36     ZD7W          SOAB         St. Helena           LoTW/W6NV    
37     5H3UA                      Tanzania             LoTW        
38     V55A          SOAB HP      Namibia              M0OXO        
39     3B8M          M/M          Mauritius            LoTW/M0OXO  
40     XP2I          SOAB LP      Greenland            LoTW/OZ2I    

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations  listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K at - good contest to you

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

4U1UN ---> Two updates were posted to the  United Nations Amateur Radio Club
(4U1UN)  Facebook page on  20 November . First:  the 4U1UN beacon, which was
temporarily deactivated due to wind-incurred damage to the antenna,  is back
- "not sure how  much longer  it'll survive", however,  as  "the antenna  is
literally being  held  together  with tape  and  chewing gum at this point".
Second: "some may have had the good fortune of working Adrian [KO8SCA] today
while  he  ran  some  tests",  and  it seems  that  "everything  is  finally
functioning as it should.  That said, you should start to hear 4U1UN back on
the air very soon".

PRIMNM COMMUNITY GROUP ---> Don Greenbaum, N1DG  has been appointed  to  the
NOAA  Fisheries/US  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service   PRIMNM  Community  Group,
established to provide input to the agencies on the management, proper care,
and  effective  stewardship  of  the  Pacific Remote Islands Marine National
Monument.  This Community Group will also  provide a forum  to discuss ideas
and  opportunities  regarding  PRIMNM management,  for consideration  in the
draft  Monument Management Plan that is  under development.  The PRIMNM area
consists of approximately 1,282,000 square kilometers in the central Pacific
Ocean, and encompasses four current DXCC Entities:  Baker & Howland Islands,
Johnston Atoll, Palmyra Atoll & Jarvis Island, and Wake Island.

QSL VIA RW6HS ---> Vasiliy  reports  he  is the  QSL  manager  for  Moroccan
stations CN8HDZ, CN8NIL, CN8SAM and CN8SCS,  as well as  for  HI8CQ and HI7M
(including  the latter's  past callsigns,  HI7MC and HI7MCW).  QSL direct to
Vasiliy  M.  Kasyanenko,  P.O. Box 8,  g. Novopavlovsk,   Stavropolskiy kr.,
357300, Russia.

ROTUMA DXPEDITION NEWS ---> Tony, 3D2AG expected to be QRV as  3D2AG/p  from
Rotuma in late November,  but he has had to postpone  his departure owing to
an unexpected change  in the  ship schedule  [425DXN 1489].  "It now appears
that sailing  will not happen  before 8 December,  or latest  by 15 December
(two boats being looked at)", he posted to on
21 November.  "As we are heading  into our  cyclone season,  the longer  the
delay the more risk of being stranded on the return in mid-January.  Because
of the need to take drums of diesel fuel, a heavy-duty generator,  and other
equipment flying is not an option".

TQSL: NEW VERSION ---> A new version (v2.5.1) of  LoTW's  Trusted QSL (TQSL)
has been released:  This version has new
features  as well as  corrections  for defects  found since  TQSL 2.4.7  was
released.  This release  also includes  an update  to the  most recent  TQSL
configuration file. TQSL 2.5.1 can be installed to upgrade any older version
of TQSL.  On  all  three  supported  platforms (Windows,  MacOS  and Linux),
installing TQSL 2.5.1  will  replace  older versions  of  Trusted QSL  while
preserving your Callsign Certificates, Station Locations, and preferences.

WRC-19:  REGION 1 50 MHZ AMATEUR ALLOCATION --->  "The World Radiocommunica-
tion Conference WRC-19  has approved  an allocation  in the 50 MHz band  for
amateurs in Region 1",  Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T  (IARU Region 1 Secre-
tary) posted to on 21 November. "The decision will
now be incorporated in the Final Acts of the conference.
The decision comes after more than three weeks of strenuous negotiations  to
reconcile widely disparate views of Region 1 administrations.  The result is
a dramatic improvement in the international  Radio Regulations  for amateurs
in Region 1.  Before WRC-19  there were only  11 countries in  Africa with a
primary allocation in the band.  When the Final Acts take effect, on a  date
that has not yet been determined,  there will be  44 countrie s in  Region 1
with a primary allocation of at least 500 kHz including 26 countries  with a
primary allocation of the entire band 50-54 MHz. The entire region will have
an amateur secondary allocation of  50-52 MHz except  in the Russian Federa-
tion, whose administration opted for only  50.080-50.280 MHz on a  secondary
basis.  There are provisions to protect the other existing services that use
the band in  Region 1 and  neighboring countries in  Region 3.  The existing
primary allocation of 50-54 MHz in Regions 2 and 3 is unaffected.  The exact
manner in which  the allocations  will be implemented in  Region 1 countries
will be determined by each administration and may be either more generous or
less, depending  on  national  considerations.  The WRC-19 decision  on  its
agenda item 1.1 is  the culmination  of years of effort  by the IARU and its
member-societies, mainly  in Region 1  but with  support from the other  two

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A/IU5AXT   IZ5GST      DU3LA       W3HNK       OM4Q        OM3BY
3B8M        M0OXO       DU6/PE1NSQ  EA5GL       OR18ONZ     ON6HC
4E1ADW      9V1KG       E2OH        E21EIC      OR18WTO     ON4KNP
4L1R        W3HNK       EH5ASR      EA5RKB      OR50BFS     ON2KFJ
4L5P        UT7QF       EI100YXQ    EI9FVB      PA6TRIS     PC2L
4U1A        UA3DX       EN185UNIV   UT8UF       PD33EUDXF   PA0MBD
4U1WB       KK4HD       EY8MM       K1BV        PJ4/KU8E    K4BAI
4U25B       9A2AA       FM5FJ       KU9C        PJ5/SP6EQZ  SP6EQZ
4V1000      W3HNK       FM5KC       F5VHJ       PJ5/SP6IXF  SP6IXF
5B4AJC      UA3DX       GB60ATG     M0OXO       PJ7TM       K2GSJ
5N7Q        DF8DX       H40TT       M0URX       PZ5W        N0AT
5P9X        OZ9GA       HS0ZFV      DL3DXX      R100AS      RO1M
5R8KU       JA8VE       HS0ZLD      K4ZW        R200SB      RZ4AWB
5R8VX       JF1OCQ      HS0ZME      SM6NT       SF50CG      SM0BYD
5T0AA       PE5O        HZ1TT       A61BK       SN90WAC     SP3PSM
5U9AMO      M0URX       IB2LV       I2MYF       SW9AA       LZ1PM
6W1RW       F6BEE       IQ5PJ       IW5AOT      SX2I        SV2JAO
6W7PCT      F5KKD [b]   IY5PIS      IW5AOT      T88DT       JH1OLB
6W7PCT      F8GGV [d]   J66CD       EB7DX       TM30CDR     F6KUQ
7X2TT       EA5GL       J68GD       K9AW        TM350XWB    F1EOY
8Q7KX       DL8KX       J79WTA      HB9MFM      TM75MAR     F4HZS
8Q7XR       ZL1BQD      K2SC/KH2    JJ2PIK      TM8AB       F4KJQ
8R1/AG6UT   DJ9RR       KH0TF/KH2   JK2NWW      V26K        AA3B
9G5W        S54W        KH2L        W3HNK       V31CQ       K5PS
9H3FX       DF4XX       KH8/K1TF    JA1VND      V47NT       W2RQ
9H3OG       DL4HG       LZ19ECC     LZ1KSP      V51WH       DK2WH
A25SL       N4GNR       LZ4A        LZ1YQ       V63AR       K7AR
A41KJ       N4GNR       LZ6E        LZ1GU       VE2IM       VE3DZ
A65DR       N4GNR       LZ8R        LZ3BB       VK2DX       W3HNK
A91OMA      A92AA       N2FO/KH2    JH1FNU      VK5PAS      M0OXO
AC2CX/KH2   JE1JAC      NB6GC       WW6G        VK9CZ       N3SL
BV0J        BM2JCC      NJ2BB       KB2BRR      VK9LQ       DF8AN
C56DF       G3XTT       OA4/EA7TN   EA5GL       VP2MED      K2TE
C56XA       G3SWH       OG60IPA     OH4MDY      VP2MPS      K2PS
C5YK        ON7YK       OK5W        OK1MJA      VY0ERC      M0OXO
C6AGU       HA7RY       OK5Z        OK2ZI       XP2I        OZ2I
CE2SV       N7RO        OK7O        OK1DOL      XT2BR       F8FUA
CN8SG       EA7FTR      OL1C        OK1ONA      XV9D        EA5GL
CP1XRM      EA5RM       OL3A        OK1MR       XZ2D        OH2BH
CS2ACC      CT7ABF      OL4ACF      OK1AR       YJ0FWA      RZ3FW
CT9/R7KW    K2PF        OL5M        OK1GI       YN2CC       AJ9C
CT9/UZ5DX   HG5DX       OL6P        OK2WTM      YQ0U        YO5BFJ
D4CC        OE4AAC      OL9Z        OK2PVF      Z68HZ       TA1HZ
D4Z         IK2NCJ      OM0R        OM3GI       ZD7W        W6NV
DQ600UNI    DL5KVV      OM45TATRY   OM2FY       ZL/HG0R     HA0NAR

9L1YXJ     Mark A. Brewer, 2160 Freetown Pl, Dulles VA 20189-2160, USA
DR175CW    Jamie Williams, 41 Overton Lane, Hammerwich, Burntwood, WS7 0LQ,
           United Kingdom
EA5GL      Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24,
           46009 Valencia, Spain
EA5RM      Antonio Gonzalez, Apartado Postal 930, 03200 Elche, Spain
G3SWH      Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol,
           BS49 5HQ, United Kingdom
KU9C       Steven M. Wheatley, P.O. Box 529, Mount Freedom NJ 07970-0529,
M0OXO      Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4NG,
           United Kingdom
N3SL       Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City IA 51108, USA
PY7XC/PY0F Jemesson Faria, Rua Maria Carolina 553/1002, Recife - PE,
           51020-220, Brazil
T6AA       Robert Kasca, Govejk 11C, 5281 Spodnja Idrija, Slovenia
W3HNK      Joseph Arcure Jr., P.O. Box 68, Dallastown PA 17313, USA
W6NV       Oliver Sweningsen III, PO Box 90, Orinda CA 94563, USA
ZZ7ZP      Flavio Teixeira, Rua Neilson Costa Barros 45,
           Palmeira dos Indios - AL, 57608-473, Brazil


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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