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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   08.05.20 23:45l 289 Lines 17635 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1514
Subj: 425 DX News #1514
Sent: 200508/2222Z 59982@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.19

9 May 2020                                                A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1514

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5Z     - Members of the Radio Society of Kenya will be active as 5Z4STAYHOME
         "in recognition  of the  extraordinary  circumstances  the  current
         COVID-19 pandemic has wrought globally".  All QSLs will be sent via
         the bureau.
9M     - Members of  the  Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters Society  will
         operate  three  special callsigns  starting  on  15 May  for  three
         months: 9M4STAYHOME,  9M4COVID  and  9M4DUDUKRUMAH  ("stay home" in
         Malay). Operations will take place from various locations  all over
         Malaysia,  with expected activity on the  HF and VHF bands  SSB, CW
         and digital modes. QSLs direct to 9W2PD, or via the MARTS bureau.
CN     - In celebration of the  17th birthday of  Prince Moulay Hassan,  the
         heir apparent  to the  Moroccan  throne,  CN amateurs  can use  the
         special  prefix  CN17  on  8-10 May.   Expected  callsigns  include
         CN17ANT, CN17ATM, CN17AV, CN17LR, CN17MC, CN17NIL,  CN17PA, CN17QR,
         CN17VC,  CN17WW  and  CN17XA  (QSLs via  RW6HS);  CN17SG  (QSL  via
         EA7FTR); CN17AAD, CN17AM, CN17CE, CN17MAA, CN17NOA, CN17PG, CN17QY,
         CN17JQ, CN17HAN, CN17OY,  CN17IT  and  CN17MM  (QSLs via operators'
G      - From England, further callsigns commemorating the  75th anniversary
         of the end of World War II in Europe (VE Day) include GB0VED (until
         19 May, QSL via email:; GB0VER (until 16 May, QSL
         via eQSL or  direct to M5ATR);  GB1VE (until 10 May, QSL via eQSL);
         GB1VED  (QSL via eQSL  or  direct to G4CIB);  GB2VE (QSL via eQSL);
         GB4VED (until 21 May, QSL via eQSL);  GB5VED (until 10 May, QSL via
         eQSL); GB6VED (QSL via the bureau);  GB75BVE (until 10 May, QSL via
GW     - From Wales, further callsigns commemorating the 75th anniversary of
         the end of World War II in Europe (VE Day) include  GB0VEE (until 9
         May, QSL via eQSL)  and  GB5VEP (QSL via LoTW,  eQSL  or  direct to
HS     - Members of  the  Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST)  will  be
         active as  E2STAYHOME  from  2 May until 15 July.  All QSOs will be
         confirmed via LoTW and the bureau; direct cards via E21EIC.
KG4    - Kelly, KG4NE will remain at Guantanamo Bay  "till at least 28 May",
         or even longer as it all depends when his replacement arrives.  QSL
         via NM7H, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
OE     - Hannes, OE1SGU will be active as  OE30MAGICBAND (WWL JN88eg) from 1
         May to 30 June to mark  the  30th anniversary  of the allocation of
         the  6m band  to Austrian  amateurs.  He will operate  CW, SSB  and
         digital modes. QSL via LoTW and eQSL.
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ  will be active again in  his spare time as  OX3LX  from
         Aasiaat Island (NA-134) on 7-21 May. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW,
         or via OZ0J.
PY     - Lyra, PY7RL is often active as  PY7RL/7 from his island QTH on Ita-
         maraca (SA-046).  He operates mainly  FT8 and SSB on  40-10 metres.
         QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or direct to  Ricardo Lyra,  Avenida
         Doutor Jose Augusto Moreira 2222, Torre Norte Apt 101, Olinda - PE,
         53130-410, Brazil.
VU     - AT2THC is a special callsign used until 1 August by the Tripura Ham
         Radio Club in Agartala  to provide assistance  during the  COVID-19
         emergency. QSL via VU2LJB.
W      - On 2 November 1920 KDKA in Pittsburgh made the  first ever  commer-
         cial radio broadcast, but in May 1920 the  National Bureau of Stan-
         dards (callsign WWV) had already begun broadcasting weekly "experi-
         mental concerts". To commemorate  these broadcasts, members of  the
         WWV Amateur Radio Club  will operate  SSB, CW  and digital modes as
         WW0WWV until 31 May.  QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS or direct.
W      - Allan, KV4T and  his wife  Bridget, KS4YT expect  to be active from
         Grand Isle (NA-168) on 22-25 May. They plan to operate SSB, CW, FT4
         and FT8 on 80, 40, 30 and 20 metres  with two stations.  QSL direct
         to home calls, or via LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

COVID-19 IMPACT ---> The  10th edition  of the  Youngsters on the Air (YOTA)
Summer Camp, to be hosted by the Croatian Amateur Radio Association  on 8-15
August [425DXN 1498], has been cancelled  and postponed to 2021.  Also post-
poned until the summer of 2021 is the first  YOTA IARU Region 2 Summer Camp,
which was expected to be held on 21-26 June.

GERMANY: EXPANDED ACCESS TO 6M ---> The German regulator (Bundesnetzagentur)
"has made a  first preliminary implementation of the WRC-19  results for the
6m band".  Fixed amateur radio stations in Germany have now access to  50-52
MHz on a secondary basis,  with a maximum bandwidth of 12 kHz  for all modes
and the use of horizontally polarized antennas.  Contest operations are also
permitted. In addition, on the 50,000-50,400 MHz sub-band holders of Class A
licences can transmit with a maximum of 750W PEP,  and Class E licencees can
use a maximum of 100W PEP. The maximum permitted transmission power is still
limited to 25W PEP elsewhere. These provisions will apply until  31 December
2020, or until a revised Frequency Ordinance comes into force - whichever is

IOTA CONTEST 2020: CHANGES ---> In line  with  "Stay at Home"  guidance,  to
minimise the impact of COVID-19,  the IOTA Contest 2020 will be  exclusively
for single operators using their home stations: only  "Single Operator Fixed
Island"  stations,  and  "Single Operator Fixed  World"  stations   will  be
eligible to enter.  The RSGB  will not be awarding trophies  this year,  but
downloadable  certificates  will be available  to winners.  The IOTA Contest
will be held from  12 UTC on  25 July until 11:59 UTC  on 26 July.  Complete
rules can be found on

QSL VP8PJ ---> "The cards are printed and were shipped from  ON5UR QSL Print
Services in Belgium to Tim M0URX in the UK", Gene (K5GS) announced on 7 May.
"Tim has the tracking numbers and after Customs processing expects the cards
to be delivered soon.
The envelopes, labels and pre-printed postage are prepared and  awaiting the
cards.  Once in hand the 'stuffing' process  will begin.  Until the Covid-19
lock down in the UK is lifted, Tim will probably have to do this work alone,
it will take longer than usual to complete.
The initial mailing will include all the VP8PJ confirmation requests  in the
system through the mailing date. Bureau cards will be  bulk shipped directly
to the inbound bureaux early next year".

REBEL DX GROUP'S PLANS ---> "Unfortunately, our plans  regarding  activating
Banaba Island and Tuvalu has been affected by the current COVID-19 situation
- just like in case of many other DXpeditions  around the world",  the Rebel
DX Group posted to Facebook on 4 May.  "We're forced to postpone the DXpedi-
tion, but it's not cancelled". The group had planned to operate as T33T from
Banaba in May, and as T22T from Tuvalu in June.
As for 3Y0I,  "we keep an eye on any possibilities  to continue our plans in
terms of activation Bouvet Island at the end of this year". More information
(including  the direct  link to the  3Y0I's  GoFundMe page)  can be found on

STAY AT HOME ---> Special callsign that  have recently joined the  Stay Home
campaign  and/or  show support for  health care professionals  and other key
workers during the COVID-19 pandemic include:
Callsign      DXCC         QSL                                              
5Z4STAYHOME   Kenya        bureau                                          
9M4STAYHOME   Malaysia     9W2PD                                 15/05-15/08
9M4DUDUKRUMAH Malaysia     9W2PD                                 15/05-15/08
9M4COVID      Malaysia     9W2PD                                 15/05-15/08
9V1STAYHOME   Singapore    LoTW                                  06/05-30/06
CQ8THANKS     Azores       LoTW                                            
E2STAYHOME    Thailand     LoTW/E21EIC                           02/05-15/07
GB0FLW        England                       operated by M0CSI              
GB2HOM        England                       operated by M0TZX    05/05-31/05
GB9KS         England      eQSL only                             04/05-31/05
GB9SH         England      eQSL only                             04/05-29/05

WSJT-X 2.2.0-RC1 ---> The first candidate release of WSJT-X 2.2.0 is expect-
ed to be made available on 10 May.  It will provide a number of new features
and  capabilities,  including improvements to  the decoders  for  five modes
(FT4, FT8, JT4, JT65 and WSPR),  a new format for "EU VHF Contest"  Tx2  and
Tx3 messages and  improvements to accessibility,  as well as other minor en-
hancements and bug fixes.  Release candidate WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc1 will be avail-
able for beta-testing (not for long-term general use) for one month.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8BAP      N4GNR       GB4GCT      M0OXO       RP75KF      RW4NW
3B8CW       N4GNR       GB6WLB      G6XOU       RP75KR      RX7K
3Z0R        SP9SX       GB75VET     M0IRU       RP75KS      RK6K
4J75P       4J7WMF      GB7SRW      GM4JPZ      RP75KZ      R4PBX
4J8VHF      RW6HS       GU75LIB     GU8ITE      RP75L       R1AX
4L/G4ENL    N4GNR       HA0HOME     HA0DX       RP75LG      RU3KO
4O7CC       UA4CC       HA0STAY     HA0DX       RP75LO      RG3B
4U2STAYHOME UA3DX       HC1E        EC6DX       RP75M       RD5C
4X2BESAFE   4Z1TL       HC3RJ       EA5GL       RP75MD      RA4UDC
4X75V       4X6ZM       HC5DX       W3HNK       RP75MIK     RK3MXT
4Z75AD      4Z5AD       HF100CH     SP2LQP      RP75ML      RQ7L
4Z75NX      4Z5NX       HF4NATI     SP3PDK      RP75MLI     RA9DZ
4Z75V       4X6ZM       HF670ML     SP8N        RP75MM      RN3RQ
5Z4BU       EA5GL       HF80HUBAL   SP7SEW      RP75MMK     RV9ABE
6Y5FS       G3RFS       HL40GDM     HL4CCM      RP75MS      R6LO
6Y6STAYHOME EA5GL       IB5B        IK5AEQ      RP75NF      RO5F
8P6ET       KU9C        II4TEA      IQ4FE       RP75NP      R5EO
9A0DIG      9A3SM       KP2M        NZ4DX       RP75NQ      UA1F
9G1SD       AB0GC       LI8MAI      LA5YJ       RP75NR      RU6CH
9G5AR       N4GNR       LY100LY     LY2QT       RP75O       R2EA
9K2BM       EC6DX       LY175Z      LY2NZ       RP75ON      RZ3LC
9K2BS       EC6DX       LZ177GL     LZ1KCP      RP75OT      R4RT
9K2GS       EC6DX       LZ50BFRA    LZ1BJ       RP75P       RK9LWA
9K2HQ       EC6DX       LZ75ZZ      LZ1ZF       RP75PF      R6LFI
9K2OD       EC6DX       OD50SH      IZ8CLM      RP75PL      R1YY
9K2OW       EC6DX       OD5ET       EB7DX       RP75PP      R2ZAC
9M6ZAE      W3HNK       OD5PY       KU9C        RP75PR      UA3YLM
AP2AUM      IZ8CCW      OD5QB       YO3FRI      RP75PZK     R2RDA
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       OD5STAYHOME IZ8CLM      RP75QP      RW3O
AT20SH      VU2HIT      OD5VB       EA5GL       RP75RA      UA3VLO
AT2SHI      VU2UUU      OD5YA       IZ8CLM      RP75RD      RQ6M
AT2TNX      VU2KWJ      OD5ZF       IZ8CLM      RP75RG      RT2M
AT9SS       VU2NSL      OD5ZZ       N4GNR       RP75RK      R1NU
AX5GR       M0OXO       OE25CQB     OE3CQB      RP75RT      RA4RI
AX5IR       W3HNK       OH0Z        W0MM        RP75S       R3LC
AX7GN       NA5AR [d]   OL30DXC     OK2PXJ      RP75SB      RZ4AWB
AX7GN       VK7GN [b]   OR4LIFE     ON6YX       RP75SE      RQ7R
B0CRA       BA1GG       OR7LIFE     ON4OB       RP75SF      R9JBN
B1CRA       BA1GG       OT75VED     ON4CRD      RP75SP      R1QA
B2CRA       BA1GG       OZ75MAY     OZ1ACB      RP75SZ      RC4A
B3CRA       BA1GG       PA82AD      PA3EFR      RP75TA      RA4CEO
B4CRA       BA1GG       PC75LIB     PA3FOE      RP75TG      UA9APA
B5CRA       BA1GG       PD75DDAY    PD3W        RP75TK      R9GM
B6CRA       BA1GG       PI45ASV     PA1TO       RP75TS      RU9SO
B7CRA       BA1GG       PJ4DX       M0URX       RP75TT      R9CX
B8CRA       BA1GG       R2020V      RW6HS       RP75UA      RU3DFA
B9CRA       BA1GG       RP75A       RZ1OA       RP75UF      RV9WB
CB3STAYHOME EA5GL       RP75AA      RA3R        RP75VF      RK3VWA
CE2SV       N7RO        RP75AB      RA0SMS      RP75WA      RV3YR
CP6CL       W3HNK       RP75AO      RZ5D        RP75WZ      RN3FY
CS2MFA      CS5LX       RP75AU      UA1ORK      RP75X       R1II
D4Z         IK2NCJ      RP75AZ      RC9A        RP75YE      R8UT
D73M        HL4CCM      RP75B       UA3ZV       RP75YR      UA3LBR
DL250BEETH  DJ6SI       RP75BA      RK3DYB      RP75ZO      UA3Z
DL250BTHVN  DL7DSW      RP75BR      RA3Y        RP75ZS      RW4HB
DQ11WCA     DF6EX       RP75ES      RW3ZN       S5400J      S57WJ
EA8JK       EB7DX       RP75FIA     R4FD        SN80HUBAL   SP7RJI
EH7STAYHOME EB7DX       RP75GD      RA6ADQ      SO75VD      SP5ZIP
EK1915DX    EK7DX       RP75GE      R3GM        SO80HUBAL   SP7AH
EM30UCC     UY5ZZ       RP75GF      RA3TYL      SP80HUBAL   SP7DPV
EO75LF      UR6LF       RP75GK      RN9N        SQ80HUBAL   SP7AH
EP3ASA      EA5GL       RP75GL      UA6CT       TC3STAYHOME TA3X
ET3KT       IZ8CCW      RP75GRO     RJ3T        TG9ADM      EA5GL
EV75F       EW3W        RP75I       RW4HB       TG9AOR      EC6DX
EV75GA      EW1D        RP75IAP     RM6J        TG9IN       K4TI
EV75K       EW8BQ       RP75IB      RW1AM       TM75LDK     F6KMB
EV75M       EW1I        RP75IS      RW3QM       UK7AL       EA5GL
EV75OB      EU1EU       RP75IZ      UB4W        UK8IAR      RW6HS
EV75P       EW2R        RP75J       RA9J        UP75VK      UN7LAN
EV75PP      EW4R        RP75JK      R9JBD       UP75YA      UN7LAP
FK8CE       N4GNR       RP75K       R5WW        V73AY       BD4DYH
FM5BH       W3HNK       RP75KC      RN3RQ       XV9OK       JG6PWT
GB0CCW      M0LXD       RP75KD      UA4AJD      YS1RR       W3HNK
GB1HSC      GI7SBF      RP75KE      RW9QA       Z81B        IZ0EGA

 AO8EU    Federacion Digital EA, Apartado Postal 3050, 08200 Sabadell
          (Barcelona), Spain
GB0VER   Tracey Ralph, 15 Portchester Close, Peterborough, PE2 8UP,
         United Kingdom
GB1PBL   David Houlden, 29 Court Barton, Portland, DT5 2HJ, United Kingdom
GB1VED   Brian M Woodcock, The Larches, 2 Poolhay Close, Corse Lawn,
         Gloucester, GL19 4NY, United Kingdom
 GB75VED  Andrew Humphriss, 44 Bishops Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9ED,
          United Kingdom
 IO6STAY  Francesco Giancola, Viale Giovanni XXIII 25, 67100 L'Aquila AQ,
OG66X    Jouni Mehtomaa,  Kylmalantie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki, Finland
 SV2RSG/A Monk Iakovos Kutlumusian, Holy Monastery Koutloumousiou,
          630 86 Karyes, Greece
 WW0WWV   WWV Amateur Radio Club, 1713 Ridgewood Rd, Fort Collins CO 80526,
XN1BOA   Jaxson Q. Boyd, 9A Plover St, St. John's NL A1B 0C3, Canada
 ZA5G     Florian Gjonej, Postfach 12, 1122 Wien, Austria


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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