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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   22.05.20 20:55l 272 Lines 16646 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1516
Subj: 425 DX News #1516
Sent: 200522/1848Z 471@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.19

23 May 2020                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1516

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

EA8    - The Radio Club Laurilsiva (EA8RKL) from Gran Canaria (AF-004)  will
         be active again as EH8DDC on 24-31 May.  QSL via eQSL and logsearch
         on Club Log.  Celebrating the anniversary of the  local  autonomous
         Parliament's first session  back  in  1983, the Canary Islands  Day
         (Dia de Canarias) is  held annually on 30 May.
F      - TM1SAFE is the special callsign for the  Radio Club du Val d'Issole
         (F8KGH) to participate in the  "Stay Home" campaign.  QSL via eQSL,
         LoTW, Club Log, or via F4GPB.
FP     - Eric, KV1J has had to postpone his trip to  Miquelon Island [425DXN
         1501] because of travel  restrictions.  He now plans  to be  QRV as
         FP/KV1J from 22 September to 6 October, "subject to restrictions at
         that time".  He will operate SSB, RTTY, FT8, FT4 and some CW on 80-
         6 metres, with a focus on 60, 12, 10 and 6 metres.  Activity on 160
         metres will be limited.  He will participate  in the  CQ WW RTTY DX
         Contest. QSL via home call (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL;  log-
         search on Club Log. Bookmark for
JT     - Special event station JU85UIA will be active through the end of the
         year in celebration  of the  85th anniversary of the  University of
         Internal Affairs in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. QSL direct to JT1CH.
KL     - Brayden, KC1KUG  will be  active  as  KL7/KC1KUG  from  Fire Island
         (NA-158) on 2-27 June.  He will operate SSB and CW ("although I may
         have to resort to FT8", he adds)  on 40 and 20 metres;  he might be
         QRV also on  30 and 17 metres,  while the time frame he  will be on
         the  island  "probably won't be great for 80".  QSL direct  to home
         call. [TNX NG3K]
LY     - LY56BC has been active since 14 May  and will remain QRV  until the
         31st to promote and participate in the  56th edition of the  Baltic
         Contest.  Organized by the  Lithuanian Radio Sports Federation, the
         contest will be held on 80 metres SSB and CW starting at  21 UTC on
         23 May and ending at  2 UTC on 24 May.  Complete information can be
         found on
VU     - A couple of other COVID-19 special callsigns from India are  AT2SON
         ("Save Our Nation") operated by VU3ZIG, and AT0II ("Improve Immuni-
         ty") operated by VU2DCT until 18 August. QSL via home calls.
W      - Bruce, K5TEN now expects to be active as K4D  from  Dog Island (NA-
         085) on 9-18 September.  He will operate  SSB and FT8 on  40 and 20
         metres. QSL direct to home call; he will upload his log to LoTW and

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

7Q7AO ---> Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic  and  travel restrictions,  Pista,
HA5AO has had to postpone until further notice his trip to Malawi, which was
planned during the second half of September/early October [425DXN 1503].

COVID-19 RADIO COMMUNICATION EVENT --->  The Finnish  Amateur  Radio  League
(SRAL), in cooperation  with  the  Araucaria DX Group (ADXG)  of Brazil  and
Radio Arcala (OH8X) invite  you  to  join them into  a  global special event
featuring their STAYHOME radio campaign.  The  "COVID-19 Radio Communication
Event" will be conducted in a  contest-like framework on  6-7 June  (from 10
UTC on Saturday until 09.59 UTC on Sunday), on  80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres
CW, SSB and  digital modes (FT4/FT8 only).  The direct link to  the complete
Rules can be found on

CQ AMATEUR RADIO HALL OF FAME ---> The CQ  Amateur  Radio  Hall of Fame  was
established in  January 2001 to  recognize  individuals - radio amateurs  or
not - who significantly affected  the  course of  Amateur Radio, as  well as
radio amateurs who have made  significant  contributions  either to  amateur
radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on  our
planet.  This year's inductees,  which bring the  total number of members of
the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame to 333, are:
* Chet Atkins, W4CGP (SK), legendary musician known as "Mister Guitar",  and
  music producer;  ushered in "the Nashville sound" on  RCA Records.  (Note:
  Chet's call has subsequently been re-issued).
* Les Barclay, G3HTF  (SK),  propagation  expert,  leader  of  International
  Telecommunication Union propagation study groups and Chairman of the ITU's
  first  Radiocommunication  Assembly  in  1993;  top  official in  the UK's
  telecommunication regulatory agency.
* George Laurer, K4HZE (SK), developer of the  UPC  (Universal Product Code)
  or "bar code" on merchandise,  permitting items purchased at stores  to be
  scanned on checkout rather than manually rung up.
* Yasuo "Zorro" Miyazawa, JH1AJT, whose Foundation for Global Children helps
  fund educational and medical programs  for children around the world;  FGC
  also works with several countries  to help them organize  and  train teams
  for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
* Champ Muangamphun, E21EIC,  is a  DXer  and  DXpeditioner  who  has been a
  sparkplug for growing interest in  ham radio in  Thailand  and  throughout
  Southeast Asia; Champ also accompanies JH1AJT on many of  his humanitarian
  missions and operates DXpedition-style ham stations while Zorro works with
  government officials and non-governmental  organizations on behalf  of the
  Foundation for Global Children.
* Sultan Qaboos bin Said, A41AA (SK), Sultan of Oman from 1970-2020;  trans-
  formed impoverished country into a modern and prosperous state with influ-
  ence throughout the Middle East.
* Tom Roscoe, K8CX,  a champion  of  amateur radio history  who collects and
  makes available  online  his  "Ham Gallery"  of  old QSL cards  and  other
  historic photos.

CQ DX HALL OF FAME ---> Established in 1967, the CQ DX Hall of Fame  honours
those DXers  who not only excel in personal performance,  but who also "give
back" to the hobby in outstanding ways. CQ DX Editor Bob Schenck, N2OO, made
a  virtual  presentation  on  the  Ham Nation  podcast on  20 May.  The 2020
inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame are:
* Tony Gonzalez, EA5RM - has been an active DXpeditioner for 20 years, often
  organizing and  leading teams  to operate  from  difficult and challenging
  locations.  Tony and his teams have also  helped establish or re-establish
  amateur radio activities  in several countries, including Rwanda (where it
  had been banned for a decade due  to civil war)  and the newly-independent
  country of South Sudan. In addition, Tony has made ten trips to Bolivia to
  establish and maintain  HF communication links between  medical facilities
  and remote villages in the Amazon rain forest, and has operated  as CP1XRM
  during his  free time.  Tony's work in  South America earned him  the ARRL
  International Humanitarian Award in 2015.
* Edward "Ned" Stearns, AA7A - is an accomplished  DXer,  DXpeditioner (he's
  been on 32 of them and led 8) and  technical innovator.  He introduced the
  use of switchable vertical dipole array antennas on island DXpeditions and
  designed "dual-band discone" antennas for use with the Northern California
  DX Foundation's  worldwide  beacon network.  Ned also worked with  2019 DX
  Hall of Fame inductee Joe Taylor, K1JT, on developing the "Fox/Hound" mode
  for FT8 used by  DXpeditions.  Ned also maintains  two remote stations  in
  Arizona,  has made presentations  at  many technical conferences  and  has
  served in a variety of leadership roles in the hobby. On the air, he is at
  the Top of the Honor Roll for DXCC Phone and Mixed , was the first recipi-
  ent of 11-band DXCC and has worked over 160 countries via EME (Earth-Moon-

IOTA AND LOTW QSO MATCHING ---> Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd  has announced
"the implementation  of the  ARRL application  which  allows the use of  QSO
matching  via  LoTW.  This will allow  IOTA chasers  to  obtain  credits  by
matching their logs with those at LoTW in addition to those at Club Log.  We
have a lot of  work ahead of us  to identify  the time windows  of past IOTA
operations and this will be phased in over  the next few months.  An initial
list of operations arising from the link-up with LoTW  has been added to the
database and these  will  become available  for  QSO matching  from  21 May.
Further additions will be made  on an ongoing basis".  Instructions for LoTW
QSO Matching  are  on,
and  notes  on  "Accepted Activations  for  QSO Matching"  can  be  found on

QSL VP8PJ ---> Tim, M0URX reports that all  VP8PJ OQRS requests  and  direct
mailed QSL cards received by  20 May  were  posted from the  UK  on  21 May.
Depending on your country's COVID-19 situation, please allow 10-14 days  for
the cards to arrive,  in some cases  possibly longer.  Bureau cards  will be
shipped directly to the worldwide bureaux early next year.

TQSL: NEW VERSION ---> A new version (v2.5.4) of LoTW's  Trusted QSL  (TQSL)
has been released:  This version  has new
features as well as  corrections  for defects  found  since  TQSL 2.5.3  was
released.  This release also includes an update to the most recent TQSL con-
figuration file.  TQSL 2.5.4 can be installed to upgrade  any older version.
On all three  supported  platforms  (Windows,  MacOS  and Linux), installing
TQSL 2.5.4  will replace older versions of Trusted QSL while preserving your
Callsign Certificates, Station Locations, and preferences.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z100KW     SP9ZKN      CN17PA      RW6HS       KG4NE       NM7H
4K75FO      DC9RI       CN17PG      EA7FTR      KL7SB       N4GNR
4K75K       4K4K        CN17QR      RW6HS       KP4EIT      EA5GL
4K75V       DC9RI       CN17SG      EA7FTR      KP4RV       EA5GL
4K9W        DL6KVA      CN17WW      RW6HS       LA7AWW      LA4O
4L5P        UT7QF       CN17XA      RW6HS       LT9X        LU9ESD
4L8A        M0OXO       CN17YR      CN8YR       NP2J        K8RF
4O4T        YU1FW       CN17ZG      RW6HS       NP3XF       EA5GL
4U1A        UA3DX       CN8KD       EA5XX       OA4/EA7TN   EA5GL
4U1UN       HB9BOU      CN8LI       EA7FTR      OE60IPA     OE3DMA
4U9STAYHOME 9A2AA       CO2RQ       EC6DX       OE6MBG      EB7DX
5C1WTIS     RW6HS       CO6HLP      IZ1DSH      OH8SSAB     OH8DR
5Q0PI       OZ6PI       CO7KD       IK2DUW      OI8VK       OH8DR
7X4LV       F6FZG       CO8LY       EA7ADH      OL901AA     OK1DOM
7Z1ES       IZ8CLM      CO8ZZ       DK1WI       OL901AB     OK1DOM
8S0C        SM0MPV      CP5HK       EC6DX       OX3LX       OZ0J
9M4COVID19  9W2PD       CS2CMT      CT7ABF      PA75FREE    PA1WBU
9N1CA       EA5ZD       DU3LA       W3HNK       PB75FREE    PA2GB
A25SL       N4GNR       EF0F        EA4URE      PC75FREE    PA9CW
A41CK       A61BK       EG1DLG      EA1RCI      PD75FREE    PD7YY
A41KB       ON7LX       EI0NMMI     EI6AL       PD75FREEDOM PD0RWL
A41KJ       N4GNR       EM65LR      UR2LM       PE75FREE    PE4BAS
A41NN       A61BK       EV500ZM     EW3W        PF75FREE    PB7Z
A60NMT/1    A61BK       EY8MM       W0VTT       PG75FREE    PE5TT
A60NMT/4    A61BK       GB0BWM      G3MDG       PH75FREE    PH0NO
A60NMT/5    A92AA       GB0ELR      M0LMN       PI30COM     PA1AW
A60WTIS/4   A61BK       GB2HLS      G3NWR       PI75ZUT     PA2PKZ
A60ZHD/1    A61BK       GB2HOM      M0TZX       PJ2DD       PF4T
A60ZHD/4    A61BK       GB5SAH      G4XEX       PJ4KY       M0URX
A60ZHD/5    A92AA       GB8OMQ      G7AEY       PJ4NX       M0URX
A61Q        EA7FTR      GM6XX       M0OXO       PY5ZHP      SP7CVW
A65DR       N4GNR       HA127STAY   HA9BA       PZ5JW       EA5GL
A71AM       M0OXO       HA50KHW     HA0HW       R115MS      RQ7L
A71CT       EA7FTR      HB15SOTA    HB9DPR      R25AER      RV3YR
A71EM       M0OXO       HC5ARC      HC5VF       RM35MS      RQ7L
A71VV       M0OXO       HF100JPII   SP3ZAC      SN100JPII   SP3TYJ
A91WTIS     A92AA       HG0WFF      HA0HW       TC101ATA    TA4AEI
A93LT       A92AA       HI3MRV      EA5GL       TM0BEE      F6KUQ
AT2SH       M0OXO       HI3SD       EC6DX       TM18JUIN    F4AHN
C31CT       EA3QS       HI7M        RW6HS       TM1SAFE     F4GPB
CN17AM      RW6HS       HI8DL       NK4Q        TM3CN       F4HIK
CN17ATM     RW6HS       HI8JSG      RW6HS       TT8SN       DL9USA
CN17AV      RW6HS       HI8K        W2CCW       UE35MS      RQ7L
CN17CZM     RW6HS       HI8S        EA5GL       UK75AL      EA5GL
CN17MAA     CN8MAA      HK1MW       N2OO        UK8IF       RW6HS
CN17MM      CN8MM       HZ1TT       A61BK       V31PS       M0SDV
CN17NOA     RW6HS       II3STAY     IN3ZWF      WP3R        W3HNK
CN17OY      CN8OY       J73CC       EA5GL       ZL1A        ZL3CW

4J75DJ    Alexander Y. Frolov, P.O. Box 38, Volgograd, 400066, Russia
4K75AL    Alexander Y. Frolov, P.O. Box 38, Volgograd, 400066, Russia
4K75GG    Alexander Y. Frolov, P.O. Box 38, Volgograd, 400066, Russia
9W2PD     Rabindra Harichandra, Peti surat 73, 71007 Port Dickson,
          Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
EA7FTR    Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque (Huelva),
FY5KE     Jacques Mazzoni, 678 route de l'Egalite, 74290 Talloires Montmin,
GB200FN   John Wakefield, Oakhurst, Lower Common Road, West Wellow, Romsey,
          SO51 6BT, United Kingdom
GW0A      John Barber, Llwyn Onn, 49 Blackmill Road, Bryncethin, Bridgend,
          CF32 9YN, United Kingdom
KH0W      Thomas M. Callas, P.O. Box 1058, Minnetonka MN 55345, USA
RW6HS     Vasiliy M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 8, g. Novopavlovsk,
          Stavropolskiy kr., 357300, Russia
ZA/IK2RLM Marco Corridore, Vicolo del Toro 4, 20060 Cassina de' Pecchi MI,
ZA/IZ7PMQ Renato De Stefanis, Via Citta Verde 90, 05100 Terni TR, Italy


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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