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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   20.06.15 17:08l 184 Lines 12651 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
Subj: 425 DX News #1259 [Calendar]
Sent: 150620/1605z @:IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU [Italy] OBcm1.07b5
From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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20 June 2015                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1259
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  21/06      KL2HD/p: Adak Island (NA-039)                         1255
till  21/06      PA/G3USR/p: Texel Island (EU-038)                     1258
till  21/06      SV8/PA1FJ/p: Chios Island (EU-049)                    1256
till  21/06      VE7DP/7 and VE7KDU/7: Barnard Island (NA-181)         1259
till  22/06      JA8COE/8: Rebun Island (AS-147)                       1257
till  22/06      MC0SHL: Ramsey Island (EU-124)                        1255
till  22/06      OX3LX: Simiutaq Island (NA-220)                       1257
till  22/06      T8CW: Koror (OC-009), Palau                           1258
till  22/06      YB4IR/9: Ram Island (OC-239)                          1259
till  22/06      YB9WZJ/p, YB9WAN/p, YB9RWY/p: Ram Island (OC-239)     1259
till  26/06      LA/SP7IDX: Vannoya (EU-046)                           1245
till  26/06      ZZ90IARU: special callsign                            1256
till  28/06      GB8MC: special callsign (England)                     1256
till  30/06      3A90IARU: special callsign                            1247
till  30/06      4J15EUG, 4J1EUG, 4J2015BAKU, 4JG1EU: special calls    1257
till  30/06      4K15EUG, 4K2015BAKU, 4K2015EUG: special callsigns     1257
till  30/06      9A/PA4JJ: Croatia                                     1253
till  30/06      DT50KJ: special callsign                              1252
till  30/06      LX60H: special callsign                               1256
till  30/06      LZ293MA: special callsign                             1235
till  30/06      PU70FEB: special callsign                             1256
till  30/06      ZZ90IARU: special callsign                            1255
till  04/07      F/G3TTC/p: French islands tour                        1255
till  04/07      XR44COPA: special callsign                            1258
till  15/07      AO10EURAO: special callsign                           1259
till  22/07      V47JA: St. Kitts (NA-104)                             1257
till  26/07      Northern Europe IOTA Tour * by IK3GES                 1257
till  30/07      LY10LHFA: special callsign                            1255
till  31/07      6M6M: Korea (6m)                                      1258
till  31/07      SN0MR: special callsign                               1258
till  31/07      YP0Y: special callsign                                1257
till  July       4U20B: special callsign (Italy)                       1212
till  15/08      9N7CW: Nepal                                          1256
till  16/08      VI#ANZAC: special callsigns                           1247
till  25/08      VK4AAC/5: Kangaroo Island (OC-139)                    1255
till  31/08      IY7M: special callsign                                1244
till  31/08      7S90IARU, SB90IARU, SC90IARU, SD90IARU: special calls 1245
till  31/08      SE90IARU, SF90IARU, SI90IARU, SJ90IARU: special calls 1245
till  20/09      YO555BU, YP555BU, YQ555BU, YR555BU: special stations  1224
till  30/09      8N13ARDF: special event station                       1252
till  September  ZD9A: Gough Island  (AF-030)                          1229
till  31/10      II2EXPO: special callsign                             1252
till  31/10      IR2EXPO: special callsign                             1252
till  October    KC4AAC: Anvers Island (AN-012), Antarctica            1253
till  23/11      4A5XX: special callsign                               1229
till  27/11      4U0ITU: ITU HQ                                        1241
till  20/12      VK100ANZAC: special callsign                          1247
till  31/12      AT150ITU: special callsign                            1248
till  31/12      DJ90IARU: special callsign                            1235
till  31/12      DK65DARC and DL65DARC: special callsigns              1235
till  31/12      E50A, E50B, E50J, E50K, E50V: South Cooks (OC-013)    1232
till  31/12      E50D: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks                  1232
till  31/12      E50W: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cooks                   1232
till  31/12      EI150ITU: special callsign                            1239
till  31/12      EI90IARU: special callsign                            1246
till  31/12      HA45KHW: special callsign                             1254
till  31/12      HB90IARU: special callsign                            1248
till  31/12      II0IYL, II1IYL, II3IYL, II8IYL: special stations      1257
till  31/12      JV150ITU: special event station                       1255
till  31/12      OR90VL: special station                               1256
till  31/12      OU0POLIO: special callsign                            1237
till  31/12      OU25AEI: special callsign                             1238
till  31/12      OZ90IARU: special callsign                            1238
till  31/12      S61 and 9V50: special prefixes (Singapore)            1239
till  31/12      YO90IARU, YP90IARU, YQ90IARU, YR90IARU: special calls 1238
till  31/12      YT45 and YU45: special prefixes                       1244
till  29/02/2016 DL1965WH: special event station                       1242
till  30/11/2016 FW1JG: Wallis Island (OC-054)                         1247
20/06-21/06      XU7AGA/p: Koh Rong (AS-133)                           1259
21/06            GB150CM: special event station (England)              1258
21/06-26/06      HB0/OO6P: Liechtenstein                               1243
21/06-27/06      OZ1IVA/p: Laeso Island (EU-088)                       1257
22/06-28/06      V73RG: Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands              1259
22/06-06/07      C6AUX: Mayaguana Island (NA-113)                      1258
23/06-25/06      N3QQ/p: Whidbey Island (NA-065)                       1259
24/06-02/07      E6AB: Niue (OC-040)                                   1259
24/06-28/06      UA1QV/1 and RA1QQ/1: Kashin Island (EU-102)           1259
25/06-29/06      4W/JI1AVY and 4W/JA7LU: Timor Leste                   1259
25/06-29/06      KI1U/VE9: Grand Manan Island (NA-014)                 1257
26/06-05/07      PJ5A: Sint Eustatius (NA-145)                         1257
27/06-03/07      GJ15IG: special event station (Jersey)                1255
28/06-04/07      OJ0V: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1259
29/06-05/07      V63GG: Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia                   1259
30/06-05/07      K2A, K2B, K2C, K2D, K2E: 13 Colonies Special Event    1258
30/06-05/07      K2F, K2G, K2H, K2I: 13 Colonies Special Event         1258
30/06-05/07      K2J, K2K, K2L, K2M: 13 Colonies Special Event         1258
June             E51DWC: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands        1259
June             JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard                1255
June             VK7FG: Flinders Island (OC-195)                       1258
01/07-15/07      TM64TDF: special callsign (France)                    1259
01/07-20/07      UE40SA: special callsign                              1255
01/07-31/07      LZ429PS: special callsign                             1235
05/07-10/07      F/DL8JJ/p: Saint Marcouf Islands (EU-081)             1257
06/07-15/07      9A/OH2IS: Vis Island (EU-016)                         1259
07/07-14/07      AC4Q/VY2 and ND7J/VY2: Prince Edward Island (NA-029)  1259
07/07-14/07      NY4G/VY2 and N4IQ/VY2: Prince Edward Island (NA-029)  1259
07/07-18/07      S79OWZ: Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles                     1257
10/07-05/08      W2IY: Mount Desert Island (NA-055)                    1257
11/07-12/07      C4HQ: Cyprus (IARU HF World Championship)             1259
11/07-31/07      OZ0FR/p and OU0POLIO: Mon Island (EU-029)             1257
15/07-23/07      FP/NY4G: St. Pierre (NA-032)                          1259
16/07-20/07      S79HN: Praslin Insland (AF-024)                       1258
20/07-01/08      IS0/OM2TW: Sardinia (EU-024)                          1259
22/07-28/07      2U0SQL and GU9V: Guernsey (EU-114)                    1259
22/07-28/07      GM3RCV/p and MM8C: St Kilda (EU-059)                  1256
22/07-29/07      PX8K: Ilha Caviana de Fora (SA-042)                   1257
23/07-26/07      GM2AS and GM5TO: Isle of Arran (EU-123)               1255
23/07-26/07      SM7/M1KTA and SD7B: Flakskar Island (EU-138)          1255
23/07-26/07      XM2I: Isle-aux-Grues (NA-128)                         1255
23/07-26/07      XR1T: Isla Santa Maria (SA-069)                       1255
24/07-26/07      GI5O: Rathlin Island (EU-122)                         1259
24/07-27/07      BO0K: Kinmen Island (AS-102)                          1259
24/07-27/07      CR5CW: Culatra Island (EU-145)                        1257
24/07-29/07      R3RRC/0: Brusneva Island (AS-082)                     1257
25/07-26/07      PW2G: Ilha dos Gatos (SA-071)                         1251
25/07-31/07      GM0LVI/p: Tanera Mor (EU-092)                         1251
26/07-28/07      VK2SSI: South Solitary Island (OC-194)                1259
27/07-28/07      W1V: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)                       1259
July             JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard                1255
July-August      RI1PC: Chaichiy Island (EU-160)                       1249
July-August      RI1PK: Korga Island (EU-160)                          1249
July-August      RI1PT: Timanets Island (EU-188)                       1249
01/08-31/08      LZ250MM: special callsign                             1235
03/08-10/08      VY0M: Melville Island (NA-248, new one)               1254
07/08-10/08      LX9YL: Luxembourg                                     1259
08/08-16/08      R7AL/0: Malminskiye Islands (AS-172)                  1247
14/08-30/08      SN0CIPHER and SN0LEAK: special callsigns              1258
14/08-30/08      SN1ENIGMA, SN2ENIGMA, SN3ENIGMA: special callsigns    1258
16/08-19/08      F/G6AY/p: Cezembre Island (EU-157)                    1252
26/08-03/09      V6M: Falalop Island (OC-078), Micronesia              1249
August           JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard                1255
01/09-30/09      LZ129WNLS: special callsign                           1235
15/09-29/09      E6GG: Niue (OC-040)                                   1259
23/09-28/09      3D2YA: Yangeta (OC-156), Fiji                         1249
September        JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard                1255
September        RT9K/0: Dobrzhanskogo Island (AS-203, new one)        1238
01/10-31/10      LZ130SAK: special callsign                            1235
02/10-12/10      TX3X: Chesterfield Islands (OC-176)                   1251
13/10-28/10      V73D: Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands               1257
31/10-10/11      3W3MD: Vietnam                                        1253
October          JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard                1255
01/11-30/11      LZ259PA: special callsign                             1235
12/11-21/11      VK9WA: Willis Islands (OC-007)                        1254
November         JW2US: Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard                1255
01/12-31/12      LZ362MT: special callsign                             1235
16/12-23/12      VK2IAY/9: Lord Howe Island (OC-004)                   1243
January     2016 KH5: Palmyra Atoll (OC-085)                           1251
January     2016 VP8SGI: South Georgia Island (AN-007)                 1254
January     2016 VP8STI: South Sandwich Islands (AN-009)               1254
16/03-08/04/2016 VK0EK: Heard Island (AN-003)                          1254
March       2016 E44Y: Palestine                                       1230
March       2016 FT#J: Juan de Nova (AF-012)                           1251


                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia


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