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UT1HZM > DX       01.08.20 18:05l 221 Lines 13020 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1526
Subj: 425 DX News #1526
Sent: 200801/1423Z 1332@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.20

1 August 2020                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1526

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9G     - Currently QRV  "from a temporary location in Accra", Matteo, IZ4YGS
         will be active again as 9G5GS from Sanzule, Ghana from 8 August  to
         15 September.  In his spare time  he will operate SSB and FT8  (Fox
         & Hound on  3590, 7056, 10131, 14090, 18095, 21091, 24926 and 28091
         kHz),  as well as USB on  the  QO-100 Geostationary satellite.  QSL
         via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, eQSL,  or direct to home call.
CN     - Taking part  in the  annual  Throne Day's celebrations,  members of
         the  Association Royale des Radioamateurs du Maroc (ARRAM)  will be
         using the special prefix CN21 between 28 July and 15 August. Throne
         Day is a public holiday in Morocco  that commemorates the enthrone-
         ment of the incumbent monarch.  Since 1999,  it has been celebrated
         on 30 July.
HL     - Celebrating the 75th anniversary  of  the liberation  of  Korea (15
         August 1945), members  of  the  Korean Amateur Radio League  (KARL)
         will be active as HL75V on 1-31 August. QSL via 6K0MF.
IS0    - Simone, IU4HRJ will be active as IM0/IU4HRJ  from  Maddalena Island
         (EU-041), Sardinia on 4-10 August.  He will operate SSB and digital
         modes on 40-10 metresand 2m. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
LA     - Ken, LA7GIA expects to be active as LA7GIA/p from  the  Lofoten Is-
         lands (EU-076) on 1-3 August.  Look for him on 30 and maybe 20m CW.
         On 29 July he operated from Tjotta Island (EU-062). QSL via LoTW.
OJ0    - Tommi, OH3BRJ  and  his son  Valtteri,  OH3BRK  will  be active  as
         OJ0/OH3BRJ and OJ0/OH3BRK from  Market Reef (EU-053) on 6-7 August.
         They will operate SSB RTTY, FT8/FT4 on  80-6 metres. QSLs via LoTW,
         or via home calls (direct and bureau). [TNX NG3K]
SV     - Francesco, IK6QON will be active as SV8/IK6QON from  Kerkyra Island
         (EU-052) on 9-20 August. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-6 metres.
         QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
TA     - Commemorating  the  105th anniversary  of  the  Battle of Gallipoli
         during World War I,  special event stations TC3GP and TC3GS will be
         active on 3-23 August. QSLs via YM3KCN.
TK     - Frans, DJ0TP will be active as TK/DJ0TP from Corsica (EU-014)  from
         6 August  to  14 September.  During  the  International  Lighthouse
         Lightship Weekend  (22-23 August)  he will operate  from the  Phare
         d'Alistro. QSL via LoTW, or via home call (direct and bureau). [TNX

IOTA TOUR ---> Gaby, DF9TM (OV9M) and Frank, DL2SWW (5Q5W) are touring  Den-
mark and Norway, and have been active as  LA/DF9TM  and  LA/DL2SWW from IOTA
group EU-079 since  28 July  (length of stay unknown).  Previous IOTA opera-
tions took place as follows:
04-06 July   EU-029   OV9M
05-06 July   EU-029   5Q5W
07-11 July   EU-172   OV9M and 5Q5W
11-15 July   EU-171   OV9M
12-15 July   EU-171   5Q5W
24-26 July   EU-055   LA/DF9TM and LA/DL2SWW
All QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and  confirmed automatically  via  the
bureau. Direct cards (via home calls) "will be answered until November".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

COVID-19 COMMUNICATION EVENT ---> Held on 6-7 June  [425DXN 1518],  the "in-
ternational gathering of STAYHOME/STAYSAFE stations and fellow amateur radio
operators was organized  as a brief  24 hours event  where hams were able to
quickly greet each other,  in a contest-like format,  in the spirit of well-
being",  the  Organizing Committee  (E21EIC, KO8SCA, OH2BH, OH2MM and PY5EG)
reports. "A total of 18,838 hams from  181 DXCC Entities participated in the
event, using the CW, SSB  and  FT8 transmission modes.  There were 39 regis-
tered STAYHOME/STAYSAFE stations  from  all continents,  making this event a
very unique  global  undertaking.  An impressive 120,181 radio contacts were
made during the event".
The WORLD WINNERS are  LY9A (Multi-Mode),  PP5JR (SSB),  RG9A (CW)  and YO9H
(Digital).  The CONTINENTAL WINNERS are EA8RM (Africa), LY9A (Europe), PY5KD
(South America), RG9A (Asia), W1UE (North America)  and ZL3P (Oceania).  The
most productive  STAYHOME/STAYSAFE  groups  that dominated  the  continental
landscape were from Romania, Brazil and Finland. The detailed results of the
event are available at The prize lottery will
be organized within the next two-weeks.
"The COVID-19 Communication Event  was part of the global  STAYHOME activity
from 8 April to 7 June.  The OH0-OH9  stations made  an  impressive  133,000
contacts along with 25,000 FT8 QSOs logged by the Brazilian  digital station
ZW5STAYHOME,  working  hams from  a total of  180 countries  from all  40 CQ
zones, with other STAYHOME stations totaling almost 290,000 contacts  in the
two-month period".

JX0X 2021 ---> The Northern California DX Foundation  (
has announced it is granting USD 5,000  to the  JX0X DXpedition to Jan Mayen
Island planned for September-October 2021 ( The low bands,
where Jan Mayen  is in high demand by DXers in  North America and East Asia,
are a primary focus of the team.  NCDXF's  primary purpose  is  to help fund
well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities like this.  During the
last  48 years,  NCDXF  has granted nearly  USD 1.2 million  to hundreds  of
DXpeditions - helping  to put an  "all-time-new-one" (ATNO)  in the log  and
make DX happen for thousands of DXers worldwide.  The credit for these large
grants goes to the NCDXF contributors, individuals and clubs who support the
DX community. [TNX AA7A]

T30ET POSTPONED ---> Solomon Airlines has extended the suspension of  inter-
national flights until 24 October.  "Unfortunately, at the moment,  the only
further possibility of reaching Tarawa Island is through Fiji", Alex, 5B4ALX
says,  "but further quarantine constraints and  two additional flights  with
over 100kg of equipment make this alternative unacceptable". His T30ET oper-
ation from Tarawa [425DXN 1504] is again postponed to a later date, while he
continues  "to monitor  the situation  in the hope  of  better development".
Updates will be posted to

WRTC 2022: DONOR TEAMS CALL ---> The WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee  has an-
nounced that the application process for five Donor Teams is now open. Donor
Teams will be selected on a first-come first-served basis outside the normal
qualification process as part of the fundraising mechanism.  Each Donor Team
is expected to help WRTC 2022  by making a donation of at least  EUR 15,000.
See for the details and the application form.  [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2TS       M0OXO       EI0W        EI9GTB      OG16M       OH8EJW
4L1AN       N4GNR       EM44L       UT5LU       OH0TA       OH2TA
4L8A        M0OXO       EN7P        UT1PG       OH0Z        W0MM
5B4AMM      UT5UDX      EN90LUR     UR6LF       OL725PLZ    OK1DRQ
5P5CW       DL5SE       EP2LMA      EA5GL       PA6TXL      PA2JJB
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      ES0DJ       ES2DJ       PC00T       PA2TMS
6K0FS       HL1IWD      EX8NK       RW6HS       R1CA        R1CX
7S5A        SM4DDS      F6KBK/p     F4GTB       R1LK        RV1AQ
7X2HF       EA5GL       FM5DN       KU9C        R4CP        RD9CX
7X2RF       7X2ARA      G1A         M0NKR       RK1I/p      R1II
7X4LV       F6FZG       G4ALE/p     G3VYI       RU0LL/p     IK2DUW
7X5QB       EA7FTR      G6XX        M0OXO       S50WAAD     S59DKS
8P9DH       VE3XZT      GM7V        N3SL        SC7DX       SM7GIB
8S0C        SM0MPV      HB0/HB2N/p  HB9GWJ      SD1A        SM1TDE
9A0DIG      9A3SM       HB0/HB9HBY  EB7DX       SE4E        SM4DQE
9A0FF       9A2MF       HB15SOTA    HB9DPR      SF0A        SM0LPO
9A5MX       DJ4MX       HC1E        EC6DX       SF1Z        SM0HEV
9A8DV       IK6VXO      HC1HC       NE8Z        SG2SOP      SM5EFX
9A8TQF      HB9TQF      HC2TMZ      RC5A        SI6T        SM6LZQ
A41CK       A61BK       HC5DX       W3HNK       SM0N        SM0JCA
A41KB       ON7LX       HC5RF       HC5VF       SM0S        SM5BAX
A41KJ       N4GNR       HF76AK      SP8MMW      SN0L        SP9KRJ
A41NN       A61BK       HK1MW       N2OO        SN0RX       SP8BXL
A60EMM/2    EA7FTR      HK1O        EA5KB       SN100PB     SP2TMT
A60EMM/5    A92AA       HK3JCL      DK8LRF      SN25EBM     SQ5EBM
A60EMM/7    LZ1YE       HK4GSO      EB7DX       SV8/LZ3FN   LZ1PM
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       HP2DFA      EC6DX       TG9ADQ      VE7BV
BG4OP       BI4IIZ      HP3SS       AC2OV       TG9AJR      M0URX
BV0WPX      BV2KI       IF9A        IT9ATF      TI4VAA      RW6HS
C91CCY      K3IRV       J73WA       ND3R        TM40PB      F6KDL
CN21AM      CN8AM       KC4AAA      K7MT        TO8FTDM     F1ULQ
CN21SG      EA7FTR      KP3DX       N4AO        UN3M        M0OXO
CN2AM       M0OXO       LM0POMOR    LB9LG       V31AE       EB7DX
CN8KD       EA5XX       LZ77VP      LZ2VP       VE2CSI      M0URX
CO2YQ       EC6DX       M5W         M0HMJ       XW2DX       RM0L
CR3W        DL5AXX      M6O         G3WGN       YB3MM/9     IZ8CCW
CR5CW       CT7ACG      MM1E        MM0GOR      YB9UA       IK2DUW
CT9ABV      DL5AXX      MM2N        MM0GPZ      YS1RS       EB7DX
D2EB        IZ3ETU      OD5ET       EB7DX       Z21ML       N4GNR
DQ11WCA     DF6EX       OD5TX       W4JS        ZF1EJ       K6AM
DX9EVM      IK2DUW      OD5VB       EA5GL       ZF2BL       K3KLC
ED3T/6      N4GNR       OD5ZZ       N4GNR       ZS9Z        ZS1OIN
EG1FAG      EA1JAY      OE8XDX      OE8HAQ      ZV1M        PY1MT

7X4AN    Mohamed Boukhiar, Apartado Postal 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain
CS5DX    Portuguese DX Group, Apartado 1040, EC Barcarena,
         2735-999 Barcarena, Portugal
GM3C     Ed Holt, Ashwell, St. Ola, Kirkwall, KW15 1SX, United Kingdom
OH0V     Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FI-31400 Somero, Finland
OY1CT    Carsten Thomsen, Uppi i Troed 8, FO-340 Kvivik, Faroe Islands
OZ11A    Leif Nielsen, Stenhoejvej 280, 9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark
R1MJ     Mikhail Fedorov, Bolsheokhtinsky pr. d.15 k.1 kv.73,
         Sankt-Peterburg, 195027, Russia
TR8CA    Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
V84SPU   Tamat Lampoh, P.O. Box 849, MPC Old Airport, Bandar Seri Begawan
         BB3577, Brunei Darussalam
VY2PLH   George Dewar, 57 Perth Station Rd, Cardigan PE C0A 1G0, Canada
ZT1T     Tom Morgan, 58 Piet Retief Street, Robertson, 6705, South Africa


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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