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TA2BBS > DX       11.07.15 03:08l 339 Lines 17804 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1262
Subj: 425 DX News #1262
Sent: 150711/0033Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW126

                               425 DX News #1262
                                 04 Jul 2015

                              A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                            Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

            Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
                           (e-mail )
            Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (

                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

3A     - Giuseppe, IK5WWA reports  he  will  be  active  as  3A/IK5WWA  from
        Monaco from 24 July to 1 August. He will operate holiday  style  on
        the HF bands and 6 metres.
BY     - Chen, BA7CK (QSL via BA4TB) and Wu, BA7IA (QSL via home  call)  are
        on a business trip to Yongxing (Woody) Island (AS-143)  for  "about
        4-6 weeks". They expect to be QRV  in  their  spare  time,  and  to
        operate SSB, CW and RTTY mainly on 20-6 metres. [TNX BA7NQ]
BY     - The Chinese Radio Amateur's  Club  (CRAC)  and  the  Chinese  Radio
        Sports Association (CRSA) will provide four HQ stations during  the
        IARU HF World Championship: B1HQ, B4HQ,  B5HQ  and  B7HQ  (QSL  via
        BA4EG for all callsigns). They will give out the  CRAC  multiplier.
        [TNX BA4TB]
DL     - Jan, DG8HJ will be active as DG8HJ/p from Fehmarn  Island  (EU-128)
        between 18 July  and  3  August,  possibly  also  during  the  IOTA
        Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
ET     - Andy UR4LRQ, Igor UY5LW and  Yarik  UW7LL  have  been  active  from
        ET3AA since 4 July, and will remain in Ethiopia  until  21  August.
        They are on a business trip, and  operate  from  the  club  station
        when time permits, especially guring the  weekends.  QSL  for  this
        operation via US0LW; logsearch for ET3AA/07/08/2015 on Club Log.
F      - Geoffrey, F4FVI will be active as TM15YEU from Yeu Island  (EU-064)
        on 24-26 July, IOTA Contest included. He will  operate  QRP  on  40
        metres SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, eQSL and LoTW.
FY     - Christian, F5UII will be active in his spare time as FY/F5UII  from
        Kourou, French Guiana on 20-28 July. He will operate SSB  and  RTTY
        from the FY5KE radio club's  premises,  typically  before  11  UTC,
        around 15-17 UTC and after 22 UTC. During the IOTA Contest he  will
        be signing FY/F5UII/p from ile Royale (SA-020). QSL via  home  call
        (all of the QSOs from SA-020 will be  confirmed  automatically  via
        the bureau).  Logsearch  on  Christian's  website  (
        [TNX F5UII]
GM     - The Churchill Barriers are four causeways  in  the  Orkney  Islands
        (EU-009), built  in  the  1940s  primarily  as  naval  defences  to
        protect the anchorage at Scapa Flow. The Orkney Amateur Radio  Club
        ( will be active as MS0MWW/p  (QSL  direct
        to MM5DWW) from the four barriers on four different islands in  one
        day (12 July), all on 40 metres SSB. Activity will start around  13
        UTC from  South  Ronaldsay  Island,  followed  by  the  islands  of
        Burray, Glims Holm and Lamb Holm. Several OARC  members  will  also
        be active as MM0MWW/p (QSL direct  to  GM0IFM)  from  Stanger  Head
        battery on the island of Flotta (EU-009) on 17-20 July.  Plans  are
        to be QRV on 40-2 metres with three stations.  QSL  via  operator's
HC     - Special callsign HD084QRC will be in use on 18 July, from 00.00  to
        23.59 UTC, to celebrate the 84th anniversary of Quito  Radio  Club.
        Activity is expected on various bands and modes. Logsearch on  Club
        Log. QSL  via  bureau  or  direct  to  Quito  Radio  Club,  P.O.Box
        17-17-289, Quito, Ecuador.
HL     - Kang, DS4DRE will be active as DS4DRE/4 from Ui Island (AS-060)  on
        15-31 July. He plans to operate SSB and CW  on  80-10  metres.  QSL
        via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DS4DRE]
I      - Once again  II0HQ  will  represent  the  Associazione  Radioamatori
        Italiani (ARI)  during  the  IARU  HF  World  Championship.  Twelve
        stations will operate CW and SSB on the six contest bands. QSL  via
        bureau and LoTW.
I      - Vin, IK7IMO reports he will participate in the IOTA Contest  (25-26
        July)  as  IJ7V  from  San  Pietro  Island  in  the  Cheradi  group
        (EU-073). He will operate SSB only. QSL via home  call,  direct  or
IS0    - Once again Massimo, I0PNM will be  active  as  IM0/I0PNM  from  San
        Pietro Island (EU-165) from 20 July to 20 August. He  will  be  QRV
        on 20, 15 and 10 meters SSB and PSK, and will  participate  in  the
        IOTA  Contest. QSL via home call (direct). [TNX I0PNM]
PJ2    - Owen, LA9PTA will be active as PJ2/LA9PTA from Curacao  (SA-099) on
        12-31 July. He will operate SSB only on 80-6 metres. QSL  via  home
        call. [TNX DX World]
S7     - 16-30 July are the new dates for  EI6DX's  holiday  style  activity
        from Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles [425DXN 1257]. He  will  operate  CW
        and SSB as S79OWZ. QSL via RX3RC, direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
SV     - Flavio, IW2NEF will be  active  as  SV8/IW2NEF  from  Naxos  Island
        (EU-067) from 25 July to  6  August.  QSL  via  IK2DUW,  direct  or
        bureau. [TNX]
UA     - Travel plans have  changed,  and  the  DXpedition  to  IOTA  groups
        EU-160 and EU-188 [425DX #1249] is now scheduled to take  place  in
        the second half of July. R7AA, RA1ZZ,  RA3AV  and  RW3QNZ  will  be
        active from two islands - Chaichiy (EU-160) as RI1PC  and  Timanets
        (EU-188) as RI1PT (not necessarily in this order) - for  about  six
        days each between 16 and 29 July. Two stations will be active  from
        each island, mainly on 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres CW and SSB (80,  40
        and 30m will be given a try, but conditions are not expected to  be
        good on those bands). Plans are also to  participate  in  the  IOTA
        Contest. QSL via R7AA (OQRS on Club  Log).  Bookmark
        for updates. [TNX UA3AKO]
W      - KG4JSZ will be QRV from  Key West (NA-062) on 16-19 July.  Activity
        will be limited to 40 and 15 metres during the  local  morning  and
        evening hours. On 18 July, for a couple of hours between 16 and  19
        UTC, activity will take place from Garden  Key  (NA-079).  QSL  via
        home call. [TNX]
W      - W4KAZ and  N4YDU  will  be  active  as  W4O  from  Ocracoke  Island
        (NA-067) on 23-26  July,  IOTA  Contest  included.  QSL  via  N4YDU
        (direct only). [TNX NG3K]
ZA     - Alfredo, IK7JWX and others  will  be  active  as  ZA0I  from  Sazan
        Island (EU-169) on  2-9  September.  QSL  via  IK7JWX  (Italy)  and
        IK2DUW (rest of the world). Updates and  further  information  will
        be published on [TNX IK7JWX]

EUROPEAN TOUR ---> Sandro, VE7NY will be vacationing in  Europe  between  10
July and  3 August. He  will operate  SSB, CW  and RTTY  from HV0A  (QSL via
IK0FVC), Vatican City for 2-3 days between 16 and 19 July. He also has plans
to be active as either YO/VE7NY or  with  a  special callsign from Fericirii
Island (EU-191), Romania for a couple of days, hopefully  on 25-26 July  for
the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ---> The object of  the  contest  is  to  contact
other amateurs around the world - especially member-society HQ stations  and
IARU officials - in as many ITU zones as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and
10 metres CW and SSB. This year's event  (
will  run from 12 UTC on 11 July until 12 UTC  on  the  12th.  The following
IARU Member Society HQ stations are expected to participate:
Call       DXCC                Mult
3V0HQ      Tunisia             ARAT
4L0HQ      Georgia             NARG
4V0HQ      Haiti               RCH
8N1HQ      Japan               JARL
8N3HQ      Japan               JARL
8N4HQ      Japan               JARL
8N8HQ      Japan               JARL
9A0HQ      Croatia             HRS
9Y4HQ      Trinidad and Tobago TTARS
A71HQ      Qatar               QARS
AT150HQ    India               ARSI
B1HQ       China               CRAC
B4HQ       China               CRAC
B5HQ       China               CRAC
B7HQ       China               CRAC
BX0HQ      Taiwan              CTARL
C4HQ       Cyprus              CARS
CR5HQ      Portugal            REP
CX1AA      Uruguay             RCU
DA0HQ      Germany             DARC
DX0HQ      Philippines         PARA
E7HQ       Bosnia-Herzegovina  ARABH
EF4HQ      Spain               URE
EM5HQ      Ukraine             UARL
GR2HQ      various             RSGB
HB0HQ      Liechtenstein       AVL
HB9HQ      Switzerland         USKA
HG0HQ      Hungary             MRASZ
HI8HQ      Dominican Republic  RCD
HK3LR      Colombia            LCRA
HS0AC      Thailand            RAST
II0HQ      Italy               ARI
LN2HQ      Norway              NRRL
LU4AA/F    Argentina           RCA
LU4AA/H    Argentina           RCA
LY0HQ      Lithuania           LRMD
NU1AW/7    USA                 IARU
OA4O       Peru                RCP
OL5HQ      Czech Republic      CRK
OZ1HQ      Denmark             EDR
PA6HQ      Netherlands         VERON
R3HQ       Russia              SRR
S50HQ      Slovenia            ZRS
SJ8HQ      Sweden              SSA
SN0HQ      Poland              PZK
SX0HQ      Greece              RAAG
T40HQ      Cuba                FRC
TC3HQ      Turkey              TRAC
TM0HQ      France              REF
V55HQ      Namibia             NARL
VE5RAC     Canada              RAC
VK100ANZAC Australia           WIA
VR2HK      Hong Kong           HARTS
W1AW/5     USA                 ARRL
XE1LM      Mexico              FMRE
Z30HQ      Macedonia           RSM
ZA1A       Albania             AARA
ZF1A       Cayman Islands      CARS
ZS9HQ      South Africa        SARL
ZW0HQ      Brazil              LABRE
Members of the IARU Administrative  Council  and  the  three  IARU  regional
executive  committees will  send a signal  report plus  AC, R1, R2 or R3, as
appropriate. A  listing  of stations that have announced their participation
has been compiled by The Daily DX:

                        *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                         Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                       Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

HAM RADIO 2015 LECTURES ---> A few lectures  delivered  at  Ham  Radio  2015
(Friedrichshafen) are now available on  DokuFunk  (the  Documentary  Archive
for the History of Radio Communication and Electronic Media):
Tom Perera, W1TP        New Discoveries in the History of the Enigma
Klaus Schmeh            Encrypted Books Mysteries That Fill Hundreds of
Rockall DX Group        IOTA Kish Island AS-166 (2015)
Mike McGirr, K9AJ       IOTA Tobi Island OC-296 (2015)
Oliver  Amend,  DG6BCE  Radiocommunication experiments with the
                       International Space Station
Tom Perera, W1TP        The 170 Year History of Telegraph Keys
Dave Deane, EI9FBB      IOTA Pelikan Key NA-247 (2015)
Emil Kostadinov, DL8JJ  7QAA Republic of Malawi
The Powerpoint slides with synchronized audio are  at
QSL VIA M0OXO ---> Effective 5 July, the  QSL  route  for  C6ATS,  9H5G  and
KK4OYJ has changed from NI5DX to M0OXO. 9H5G is the usual callsign for  John
when at home in Malta, while C6ATS is frequently used  on  IOTA  activations
(NA-001,  NA-048,  NA-054  and  NA-113)  from  the  Bahamas.   M0OXO's  OQRS
( is now open for the above callsigns;  bureau  cards  can  be
requested only via OQRS (do not send QSL cards  via  the  bureau  system  as
they will not be received).

                        *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                         Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                       Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A90IARU    3A2LF       EX8VM       RW6HS       R2015HV     RU6UR
3B8HC       NI5DX       FS/W6IZT    N7XG        R2015KI     UA3RA
3W3B        E21EIC      FW5JJ       F5RXL       R2015KK     RK6XWB
3Z5N        SP5GRM      GB13COL     G0VLF       R2015KM     R8WO
3Z70RWP     SP5ZRW      GX4GZ       M6LZX       R2015LY     RK9LWA
4J1EUG      4J3DJ       HC1HC/HC8   NE8Z        R2015NE     RU3WR
4K15EUG     4K8M        HG21IAS     DL2JTE      R2015NS     RA6XTE
4K2015BAKU  4J6RO       HH2TD       K7TD        R2015PB     UA6XT
4L1MA       ON4RU       HK3C        NR6M        R2015SA     RA6XTE
4L8A        K1BV        HL15UG      HL4CCM      R2015SB     RX1CQ
4U0WFP      S57DX       HL2ZBD      JK3IJQ      R2015SM     RQ7L
5B4AII      RW3RN       HL60HQ      HL1IWD      R2015TA     RX4HJ
5B4AJC      UA3DX       HQ4W        KD4POJ      R2015TL     RA9AEA
5B4ALB      RT9T        HV0A        IK0FVC      R2015ZE     UA3GR
5C5W        EA5XX       HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      R44WFF      RA3AKF
5Q0T        HA8MT       IY4FGM      I4KMW       R73UFO      UA4CGR
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      J68HS       WB4WXE      RA44AZ      UA4CGR
5T0JL       ON8RA       J79XE       WB4WXE      RI1ANZ      RN1ON
7X4RJ       EB7DX       KB7OBU/KH2  JA3VXH      S5100WW     S59DAJ
7Z1JA       KE5JA       KH0/KH8Z    JH1AJT      S560T       S57DX
7Z1TT       A61BK       LY10LHFA    LY2KM       SC80SM      SM5ELV
9A29TA      9A3TA       LY762KM     LY3X        SI9AM       SM3TIR
9G1MR       IK3HHX      LZ429PS     LZ1KCP      SN82LOT     SP1PMY
9H5G        M0OXO       N4IQ/VY2    NY4G        SW8YA       HA1YA
9J2HN       JR2KDN      ND7J/VY2    NY4G        T30RG       VK2RG
9K2UU       EA5ZD       NY4G/VY2    NY4G        T88CL       JA8CCL
A45WH       NI5DX       OJ0V        ON5TC       T88MZ       DU1CKF [d]
AC4Q/VY2    NY4G        ON15BWP     ON3FU       T88MZ       JH0CKF [b]
CE3CT       EA5KB       OY/N2IEN    NR6M        TK15FF      F5SSN
CE7EEA      EA5GL       OY/W2RE     NR6M        TM100LGG    F4GRW
CN4P        EA5XX       OY/WW1X     NR6M        TM1BT       F4ELU
CN8PG       EA7FTR      OY/WW2DX    NR6M        TM200EN     F4DTO
CN8QN       EA7FTR      P29LL       EA7FTR      TM59ENFL    F5KDB
CP6AA       IK6GPZ      PA15TOUR    PI4UTR      TM64TDF     F6ENL
CR2APC      CU2ARA      PA50DRAA    PE2AE       TO90R       FR4QT
DP7BVBG     DF7AA       PA70VERON   PA7HPH      UE40SA      GM0WRR
DU3LA       N0QM        PB85TT      PB7Z        V31MA       M0OXO
E51AGY      ZL2AGY      PJ5A        M0URX       V63GG       JR2GAG
E51RAT      NI5DX       PV70FEB     PS7AB       VP2MLU      W4LT
E7TESLA     E77E        R2015AS     RV9WB       VU2HBC      DL7BC
EG1ETG      EA1RCI      R2015BK     RV3U        VY1AAA      W1VE
EI8GQB      PA3249      R2015C      R7NK        XW1IC       E21EIC
ER150ITU    ER1FF       R2015DS     RM9WF       YT90NS      YU7BPQ
ER90IARU    ER1FF       R2015EP     R8LAH       ZF2KD       KD5DRY

GJ15IG    Jersey Amateur Radio Society, Le Chemin Des Signaux, St. Brelade,
         Jersey, JE3 8LQ, United Kingdom
HC8/G8OFQ Geoff Dobson, 9 Fitzpain Road, West Parley, Ferndown, BH22 8RZ,
         United Kingdom
K7TD      Terry L. Dillahunty, 3005 W. Springlake Circle, Colorado Springs
         CO 80906, USA
NR6M      Rex A. Turvin, 18040 W Banning Street, Casa Grande AZ 85193, USA
NY4G      Ariel Jacala, 204 Laurel Valley Way, Travelers Rest SC 29690, USA
OH0CO     Bengt E. Karlsson, Laerkstigen 4, SE-546 33 Karlsborg, Sweden
ON5TC     Cecile Van Overvelt, Avenue Joseph Wauters 30, 7712 Mouscron,
VK2RG     Bob Girdo, 13 Iris Street, Sefton NSW 2162, Australia
ZL2AGY    Tony Marr, 8 Campbell St, Hawera 4610, New Zealand

                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:
               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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