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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   13.09.20 16:00l 232 Lines 13671 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1532
Subj: 425 DX News #1532
Sent: 200913/0849Z 1997@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.20

12 September 2020                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1532

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A9     - The Bahrain Amateur Radio Society  will run  special event  station
         A91WFAD on 10-14 September for this year's World First Aid Day. QSL
         via LoTW,  or  via EC6DX.  Organized annually by the  International
         Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the World First
         Aid Day promotes the importance of first aid training in preventing
         injuries and saving lives.
GM     - Paul, G4PVM will be active holiday style as GM4PVM frm the  Isle of
         Mull (EU-008) on 22-26 September. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-
         10 metres. QSL only via LoTW and eQSL. [TNX DX World]
HZ     - Celebrating the 90th Saudi National Day, HZ90ND and other  7Z90 and
         HZ90  callsigns (7Z90AL,  7Z90SJ, 7Z90AQ,  7Z90WW, 7Z90OO,  HZ90SK,
         HZ90SM, HZ90BW, HZ90TL, HZ90LG, HZ90BT, HZ90DG)  will be active  on
         17-25 September. QSL via operator's instructions.  Also, the Kuwait
         Amateur Radio Society will join the celebrations,  and be active as
         9K90KSA (QSL via 9K2RA).
I      - Members of ARI Grado will be active as IQ3AZ/p from Mota Safon (IIA
         F-046) on 12 September.  They will operate SSB, CW and possibly FT8
         or FT4 on the HF bands. QSL via the bureau. [TNX IK2RLS]
JA     - Kenji, JA4GXS will be active as JA4GXS/4 from Ohzushima (AS-117) on
         12-13 September. He will operate  CW, SSB and FT8 on 40, 30 and  20
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
JX     - Erik, LA2US will be stationed  at  Olonkinbyen,  Jan Mayen (EU-022)
         for  six months  (October 2020-March 2021), and  will be active  as
         JX2US in his spare time. He will operate CW and FT8 (Fox & Hound on
         1843, 3585, 7056, 10131, 14090 kHz) with a focus on 160, 80, 40 and
         30 metres, plus the other HF bands "if and when time and conditions
         permit".  QSL via Club Log's OQRS.  He will upload his log  to LoTW
         and enable the OQRS when he returns home in April next year.
OK     - Youngsters between 8 and 15 years of age will operate special event
         station OL1KOTA  (Kids On The Air)  on  11-13 September  during the
         "Adventure Weekend 2020" organized by the Czech Radio Club. QSL via
ON     - Members of the  Pajottenlandse Radio Amateur Club (ON4PRA)  will be
         active as  OT5ABI  from  19 September  to  18 October.  The special
         callsign's  suffix  stands  for  Acquired Brain  Injury,  and  this
         activity is meant to  raise awareness of the work being done by the
         NAH Liga. QSL via the bureau or direct to ON6LC.
PA     - Ben, DO1BEN will be active as PD/DO1BEN from  Texel Island (EU-038)
         from 19 September to 1 October, and again on 12-22 October. He will
         operate SSB  and  digital modes on  40 and 20 metres.  QSL via home
         call, bureau preferred.
SM     - QRP enthusiasts  Frank, DH0JAE  and  Immo, DL8MF will be active  as
         SM/DH0JAE  and  SM/DL8MF  from  Holmon  Island  (EU-135)  on  11-16
         September.  QSLs via  Club Log's OQRS, or via  home calls. [TNX  DX
SM     - Ric, DL2VFR and  Klaus, DL7UXG will be active as  SD7V/6 and SD3G/6
         from Orust Island (EU-043) on 13-17 September,  and as  SD7V/3  and
         SD3G  from  Alnon Island  (EU-087)  on  18-21 September.  They will
         operate CW, SSB and FT8/FT4 on the HF bands, and will also partici-
         pate in the CW leg of the  Scandinavian Activity Contest.  QSL SD7V
         via DL2VFR, direct or bureau (the log will be uploaded to Club Log,
         LoTW and eQSL); QSL SD3G via DL7UXG, direct or bureau.
W      - Commemorating the 19th anniversary of 9/11,  WA2NYC  will be active
         on 10-14 September  on or around  28450, 21350, 14300 and 7238 kHz.
         QSL via LoTW, or to WA2NYC direct or bureau.

IOTA TOUR ---> After operating as  planned  [425DXN 1529]  from  other three
Norwegian IOTA groups, namely
  EU-046  Senja        20-22 August,
  EU-044  Mageroya     23-27 August and
  EU-141  Vardo        28-29 August,
Gaby, DF9TM and Frank, DL2SWW  have been active as  OH/DF9TM  and  OH/DL2SWW
from Finland since 31 August:
  EU-184  Hailuoto     31 August-2 September
  EU-101  Raippaluoto  3-4 September
  EU-173  Reposaari    6-10 September
They are currently QRV from  Kustavi Island (EU-096)  until 13 September  or
maybe longer depending on weather.  The have plans to operate also from  the
Aland Islands (EU-002, OH0) and IOTA group EU-097.
All QSOs will be uploaded to  Club Log  and  confirmed automatically via the
bureau. Direct cards via home calls "will be answered until November".  [TNX
The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The August 2020 issue  is now available for  down-
load at [TNX IZ3EBA]

4V5H ---> Announced for May 2020 and then postponed twice [425DXN 1519], the
4V5H DXpedition to Haiti  has been  "cancelled indefinitely  due to COVID-19
pandemic and current world airlines' uncertainty". [TNX DX World]

DX WORLD ---> "As there is not  much  DX news  nor DXpeditions  taking place
nowadays",  DX World has added a couple of  new features to the popular  "DX
World QSL of the Day" (interesting, rare or unique  QSL cards) and "DX World
IOTA of the Day" (pictorial views of various islands) that were introduced a
few weeks ago. Whilst the "Weekly Quiz" puts your  DX knowledge to  the test
(,  "DXCC Entities or Islands by Drone"  is a
collection of  videos  "showcasing particular  entities or IOTA  using  only
drone  footage".  Preceded by Revillagigedo (XF4), Jan Mayen (JX) and Green-
wich Island (AN-010, South Shetlands),  the episodes so far include  Eritrea
(E3), Flores Island (OC-151, Indonesia)  Lakshadweeps (VU7),  Mangaia Island
(OC-159, South Cooks), Nepal (9N), Niue (E6), Nuuk (NA-018, Greenland), Oga-
sawara (JD1), San Blas Archipelago (NA-170, Panama), Tuvalu (T2), Uzbekistan
(UK) and Zanzibar Island (AF-032, Tanzania).  Three new drone videos will be
published every second day.

TQSL: NEW VERSION ---> A new version (v2.5.5) of LoTW's  Trusted QSL  (TQSL)
has been released:  This version  has new
features as well as  corrections  for defects  found  since  TQSL 2.5.4  was
released.  This release also includes an update to the most recent TQSL con-
figuration file.  TQSL 2.5.5 can be installed to upgrade  any older version.
On all three  supported  platforms  (Windows,  MacOS  and Linux), installing
TQSL 2.5.5  will replace older versions of Trusted QSL while preserving your
Callsign Certificates, Station Locations, and preferences.

+ SILENT KEY + Vilho "Vili" Virtanen, OH3VV passed away on 9 September at 94
years of age. "Vili was one of the most active and internationally known  OH
hams in the 1960's through the  Finn-Net operated  by him and his late  XYL,
Irmeli, OH3TJ". Martti, OH2BH recalls.  "Vili was involved in a vast variety
of  activities  and  all  foreign  hams  visiting  Finland  experienced  his
hospitality  and  camaraderie.  Vili was  a true  DXer and contester  in the
terms' realest meaning - he had worked them all, Kosovo was his last one. He
was also a contester  who participated  and  won the very first SAC in  1958
(OH5QN), and  still jumped  into the  60th SAC last year,  using a specially
granted callsign, OH2A".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2TS       M0OXO       EG7SDC      EA1AUM      OA4EA       EA5GL
4A50CRH     XE2AU       EG8SDC      EA1AUM      OA9DVK      IK6BFH
4D3X        W3HNK       EG9SDC      EA1AUM      OD5TX       W4JS
5B4AAB      G8CLY       EH1LSI      EA1AUO      OD5UI       IZ8CLM
5B4AMM      UT5UDX      EH1SDC      EA1AUM      OH0B        OH2BH
5P1PT       DL1PT       EH2SDC      EA1AUM      OX3LX       OZ0J
5P2F        DL6LZM      EH3SDC      EA1AUM      P3N         RW3RN
5P4W        PA3DAT      EH4SDC      EA1AUM      P42WW       P41G
6Y6STAYHOME EA5GL       EH5SDC      EA1AUM      PD538RNI    PD0ARI
8P2K        KU9C        EH6SDC      EA1AUM      PI30COM     PA1AW
8P6ET       KU9C        EH7SDC      EA1AUM      PI4AMF/p    PA3EYC
9A0DIG      9A3SM       EH8SDC      EA1AUM      PI4HAM/p    PB1WB
A61C        EA7FTR      EH9SDC      EA1AUM      R120LA      RZ5D
A61ZX       IZ8CLM      GB1LAA      M0HEM       R13KHL      RQ7L
A62A        EA7FTR      GB1WSP      M0URX       R450AKSU    RM6LW
A71SDC      EA1AUM      GS8VL       M0OXO       R450STAR    RM6LW
A91WFAD     EC6DX       HF100HCH    SP9ZHC      R500LWTK    R2PT
A96A        EC6DX       HF75OSP     SP9PRR      RW9JZ       RW6HS
AO5CLE      EA5GTU      HI7M        RW6HS       SK50AX      SK7AX
AP2MKS      EA5GL       HK3JCL      DK8LRF      SX300ML     SV2GWY
AT9SS       VU2NSL      HO1SDC      EA1AUM      TG9ADM      EA5GL
CB6P        CE6TRA      IA5MO       IK4ALM      TG9AOR      EC6DX
CB6Q        CE6TRA      II0IADU     IM0SDX      TI5/N3KS    M0URX
CB6T        CE6TRA      II0IGLO     IZ0EUX      TM107TDF    F8GGZ
CB6TEB      CE6TRA      II2IARD     I2QIL       TM17TDF     F8FZC
CM6RK       EA7HBC      II4PTN      IQ4FE       TM24HC      F6KFI
D2EB        IZ3ETU      II5IACF     IZ5KID      TM40PB      F6KDL
D4Z         IK2NCJ      II5IHMW     IZ5GHJ      TM5SF       F8KGS
DA0DOM      DL8CWA      II8IGNL     IU8CEU      UN9L        LZ1YE
DK70DARC    DK5ON       II9IABJ     IT9YBL      UP5B        UN7ZO
DU1R        DU1UGZ      II9IASG     IT9MRM      UP7L        UN6LN
EG1SDC      EA1AUM      II9IHPM     IT9CKA      VE2CSI      M0URX
EG2SDC      EA1AUM      LX9DX       LX2A        VE2IM       VE3DZ
EG3SDC      EA1AUM      LY784A      LY5A        VP8DPD      G3WIP
EG4SDC      EA1AUM      LY784QT     LY2QT       XR210CHI    XQ7UP
EG5SDC      EA1AUM      LZ595IP     LZ1KCP      ZF2LZ       NN1C
EG6SDC      EA1AUM      N3U/FLT93   W3BTX       ZP9MCE      EA5ZD

9M63MA   Khaleelullah Quraishi bin G. Abdul Rasheed, 81 Kampung Lempor Hulu,
         33800 Manong, Perak, Malaysia
9M63MJ   Mohamad Hilmi Mohd Dan, 295 Jalan Kekwa, Felda Sungai Sibol, 81440
         Bandar Tenggara, Johor, Malaysia
9M63MM   Nornazmi Julaini, Batu 20 Kampung Lanjut Manis, Ayer Paabas, 78000
         Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia
9M63MP   Muhamad Riduan Jaapar, No 118 Jalan Anggerik 5/14, Aman Jaya, 08000
         Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
9M63MR   Kelab Radio Amatur DX Perlis, No 79B Kampung Sempering,
         Jln Madu Santan, 01000 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
9M63MS   BARC, PO Box 20469, Luyang, 88761 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
9M63MY   Mohd Nasir Bin Abu Mansor, 01-00-12 Jalan 20/146, Perumahan Polis
         Desa Tasik, Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
GB80BOB  Andrew Humphriss, 44 Bishops Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9ED,
         United Kingdom
K4D      Bruce D. Brady, 208 Mount Tabor Rd, Hot Springs National Park
         AR 71913, USA
K4I      Weymouth D Walker Jr, 1250 Hickory Crest Ln, Cumming GA 30041, USA
WA2NYC   Wireless Association of New York City, 233 Wolverine St,
         Staten Island NY 10306-1746, USA


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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