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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   24.07.15 18:03l 447 Lines 25414 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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From: IK2XDE @ IK2XDE.ILOM.ITA.EU (Andrea)
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25 July 2015                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1264
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

F      - Special event station TM100E will be  active  from  25  July  to  1
         August for the 100th World Congress of  Esperanto  to  be  held  in
         Lille. Expect activity on 40, 20, 15 and 10  metres  SSB.  QSL  via
         bureau to F8CFE. [TNX F8REF]
G     -  The  Royal  Naval  ARS London  Group  (  will  run
         special event station  B70VJ on 1-31 August to commemorate the 70th
         anniversary of VJ Day that ended World War II. QSL via G0TOC.
G      - Derek, G3KHZ and Steve, G4EDG will be active from Longstone,  Farne
         Islands (EU-109) on 10 August "for 2 or 3 days". [TNX G3KHZ]
GJ     - The Jersey Coast Guard has  cancelled  the  authorization,  and the
         F6KOP Team in their turn had to cancel their 25-29  July  operation
         from ile Maitresse (EU-099) [425DXN 1263]. [TNX F5NQL]
GW     - The RSGB Youth Club (M0RYC) is running a Youth DXpedition on  23-30
         July. They are active as MC0RYC from the Brecon  Beacons  in  Wales
         on all  bands  HF  through  VHF,  including  satellite  operations,
         activity  from  SOTA  summits  Pen-y-fan   and    Waun-Fach,    and
         participation  in  the  IOTA  Contest.  Follow  their  progress  on
         Twitter (@theRSGByouth). QSL direct or bureau, (OQRS on Club  Log).
         [TNX RSGB]
I      - Special callsign II8GFF is  active  until  26  July  for  the  45th
         edition of  the  Giffoni  International  Film  Festival  for  young
         people. QSL via IK8HJC, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club  Log).  [TNX
I      - Members of ARI San Benedetto del Tronto will be active  as  IQ6SB/p
         from the Pescara Lighthouse on 26 July starting around 7 UTC for  a
         few hours. [TNX IK6XEJ]
JA     - Take, JI3DST will be active as  JI3DST/5  from  Shodo  (AS-200)  on
         24-27 July, IOTA  Contest  included.  QSL  via  home  call,  bureau
         preferred. [TNX]
LA     - Helge, LB5WB is active from his summer QTH on Store Sotra  (EU-055)
         until 10 August. QSL via bureau and LoTW. [TNX]
OY     - Rene, DL2JRM will be  active  as  OY/DL2JRM  from  Eysturoy,  Faroe
         Islands (EU-018) on 7-10 August.  He  will  operate  mainly  CW  on
         80-10  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or   bureau.    [TNX]
S7     - Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be active holiday style as S79DPX  from  IOTA
         group AF-024, Seychelles on 9-23 August. He  will  operate  SSB  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via IK2DUW. [TNX IZ2DPX]
TI9    - Dima, RA9USU and  Jorge,  TI2HMJ  have  returned  to  Cocos  Island
         (NA-012) to  help  the  local  staff.  They  have  been  active  as
         TI9/RA9USU (CW, QSL via UA3DX) and TI9/TI2HMJ (SSB,  QSL  via  home
         call) since 21 July, and will be QRV in their spare time until  the
         25th. [TNX DX World]
UA     - Rough seas prevented the RI1PT team from  landing  until  23  July.
         They were not able to reach Timanets, as  originally  planned,  but
         are operating from Bol'shoy Chayachy, which might comply with  IOTA
         qualification criteria and is  "currently  under  consideration  by
         the  IOTA  Manager",  VE3LYC  says.  "Additional  documentation  is
         required  from  the  team  in  order  to  eventually  approve  this
         operation for EU-188". UA3AKO  reports  that  as  weather  and  sea
         conditions  are  still  bad,  and  the  forecast  does  not    look
         promising, the operation from EU-160 (RI1PC)  is  not  possible  at
         this time. The team will remain on Bol'shoy  Chayachy  for  another
         4-5 days. QSL via R7AA. See for updates.
UA     - Victor, R1NU and Dmitry, UA1NFA will be active as  R1KRG  (QSL  via
         R1NU), R1NU/p (QSL via home call) and UA1NFA/p (QSL via home  call)
         from Bol'shoy Kimalishche  Island  (EU-147)  on  23-27  July,  IOTA
         Contest included. [TNX UA1NFA]
UA     - Special  callsigns  UE73D  (from  the  village  of  Dikson  on  the
         mainland) and UE73DI (from nearby Dikson Island,  AS-005)  will  be
         active on 1-25 August to commemorate the 73rd  anniversary  of  the
         defense of Dikson during  World  War  II.  From  26  August  to  30
         September R100D (from the mainland) and R100DI  (from  the  island)
         will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the settlement.  QSL  for
         all callsigns direct  to  RD0B  (Valery  N.  Savin,  P.O.  Box  45,
         Dikson, Krasnoyarsky kray, 647340, Russia). [TNX]
UA     - Mikhail, RA1ALA will be active as  RA1ALA/1  from  the  village  of
         Varnek, Vaygach Island (EU-086) on 2-14 August. He will operate  CW
         and  SSB  on  40  metres  and  above,  depending  on    propagation
         conditions and as time  permits.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX UA1QV]
UR     - Yaroslav UR7CQ, Leonid UT2II and Valery UT7CR  will  be  active  as
         UR7CQ/p, UT2II/p and UT7CR/p from Berezan Island (EU-179) on  24-26
         July. During the  IOTA  Contest  they  will  use  UZ2I/p  (QSL  via
         UT2II). [TNX NG3K]
V2     - IARU President Tim Ellam,  VE6SH  will  be  active  as  V29SH  from
         Antigua (NA-100) from 28 July to 8 August. He will be  QRV  holiday
         style with an emphasis on 17 and 12 metres. QSL via VE6SH and  LoTW
         (preferred). [TNX The Daily DX]
VE     - Look for VE3KTB/VY0  to  be  active  again  from  Ellesmere  Island
         (NA-008) from 25 July to 5 August. He will be QRV as work  schedule
         permits, wit planned activity during  the  IOTA  Contest.  QSL  via
         VE3KTB, direct or bureau, plus eQSL and LoTW. [TNX]
VP2E   - Frank, K3TRM is active as VP2ERM from  Anguilla  (NA-022)  until  2
         August. He operates SSB, CW and RTTY on the HF bands. QSL via  home
         call, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club Log), and LoTW.
W      - Look for Rick,  W4/DF2MM  to  be  active  from  Santa  Rosa  Island
         (NA-142) between 18 UTC on 25 July and 13 UTC on the 26th. QSL  via
         DF2MM, direct or bureau. [TNX]
W      - Darryl, WW7D and Yuri, N3QQ plan to be  active  as  W7T from Waadah
         Island (NA-169) on 25-27 July, IOTA Contest included.  Activity  is
         subject to  obtaining  permission  from  the  Makah  Nation  Tribal
         Counsel, and they "will know outcome just  hours  before  contest".
         If they cannot go to NA-169, they are  likely  to  go  and  operate
         from NA-065. QSL via N7RO. [TNX]
YB     - Budi, YF1AR ( will be active as YF1AR/0  from  Payung
         Besar Island (OC-177) and lighthouse on 25-27  July,  IOTA  Contest
         included. Plans are to operate mainly SSB on 80, 40, 20, 15 and  10
         metres. QSL via the OQRS on Club Log  (preferred,  direct  link  on or N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YB     - Imam, YB4IR will be active as YB4IR/2 from Karimunjawa (OC-186)  on
         25-30 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau (see for the links to Club  Log's  OQRS  for  direct
         cards). [TNX YB4IR]
YO     - YP0H is  the  callsign  that  Sandro,  VE7NY  will  be  using  from
         Fericirii Island (EU-191) [425DXN 1262]. He will be  there  between
         22 and 26 July, and will operate SSB and CW on  40-10  metres.  The
         island is uninhabited. QSL via VE7NY.

RSGB  IOTA  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced   their
participation in this year's event (from 12 UTC on 25 July through 12 UTC on
the 26th). For lastest additions please give a look at, and
and at the announced operation list maintained by Bill, NG3K:
Complete details on the IOTA Contest can be found at
The IOTA SWL Contest has been picked up by the Radioascolto  SWL  Club,  and
it will run in parallel with the IOTA Contest. Complete details can be found
found  at or  from  the  IOTA SWL  Contest
Manager (iw1qla[@] Good luck to you all!

Ref.No.     Call/Ops    Island               QSL VIA
AF-018      IH9YMC      Pantelleria            -
AS-002      A92AA       Bahrain              A92AA
AS-018      RA0FF       Sakhalin             RA0FF
AS-020      BV0TW       Taiwan               BU2BF
AS-066      RI0NZ       Popov                UA0LCZ
AS-082      R3RRC/0     Brusneva             RZ3EC
AS-094      B7/BA4TB    Hainan               BA4TB
AS-102      BO0K        Kinmen     
AS-103      BV9A        P'enghu              BV2KI
AS-107      E27EK/p     Samet                E27EK
AS-134      BD3QZ       Yuetuo               BD3QZ
AS-200      JI3DST/5    Shodo                JI3DST
EU-001      SV5/RD1AP   Rhodes               RD1AP
EU-004      EA6/OO4O    Maiorca              OO4O
EU-005      MC0RYC      Great Britain        bureau
EU-008      GM2T        Tiree                GM4UYZ
EU-008      GM7A        Gigha                GM7AAJ
EU-009      MM0EAX      Mainland             MM0EAX
EU-009      MM0SJH      Mainland             MM0SJH
EU-010      GM4AGG/p    North Uist           GM4AGG
EU-010      GM7V        Benbecula            N3SL
EU-012      GM4S        Papa Stour           G3TXF
EU-013      GJ2A        Jersey     
EU-013      GJ6YB       Jersey               G3SWH
EU-014      TK/S53R     Corsica
EU-015      SV9/G4DJX   Crete                G4DJX
EU-016      9A8DV       Drvenik Veli         IK6VXO
EU-016      9A8RR       Vis                  OM2VL
EU-024      IS0/OM2TW   Sardinia             OM2FY
EU-025      IT9CHU      Sicily               IT9CHU
EU-025      IT9MUO      Sicily               IT9MUO
EU-025      IT9RZU      Sicily               IT9RZU
EU-028      IA5/IV3LZQ  Elba                 IV3LZQ
EU-029      OZ0FR       Mon                  DL2VFR
EU-029      OZ8A        Rago                 OZ8A
EU-030      OZ4CG       Bornholm             OZ4CG
EU-031      IC8/DL3NCI  Capri                DL3NCI
EU-031      IC8/IK8TEO  Capri                IK8TEO
EU-031      IC8FBU      Capri                IC8FBU
EU-034      ES0IA       Kassaar              ES0IA
EU-034      ES0U        Muhu                 ES2DJ
EU-042      DK3T/p      Amrum                  -
EU-054      IF9/IT9BXR  Favignana            IT9BXR
EU-055      LA4C        Utsira               LA4C
EU-057      DL5KUD      Ruegen               DL5KUD
EU-059      MM8C        Hirta                G4DFI
EU-061      LA7XK       Spjaeroy             LA7XK
EU-064      F/G4BJM/p   Noirmoutier          G4BJM
EU-064      TM15YEU     Yeu                  F4FVI
EU-067      SV8/IW2NEF  Naxos                IK2DUW
EU-067      SV8/SV1EJD  Syros                SV1EJD
EU-073      IJ7V        San Pietro           IK7IMO
EU-077      ED1W        Salvora              EC1CSV
EU-080      ED1K        Ons                  EA1NK
EU-084      SK0HS/0     Blido                SM0MPV
EU-084      SM0S        Orno                 SM5BAX
EU-087      SB3X        Klosan               SM0SHG
EU-090      9A8ZRS      Palagruza Vela       S57L
EU-092      GM1J        Tanera Mor           MM0BQI
EU-096      OH1TD       Korpo                OH1TD
EU-105      TM80D       Vierge               F4ELK
EU-114      GU9V        Guernsey             M0PCB
EU-120      G4ALE/p     Wight                G4ALE
EU-120      G5XV        Wight                M0OXO
EU-120      G6LD        Lindisfarne
EU-120      G7O         Wight                GW3SQX
EU-121      EJ1Y        Ireland's Eye        EI5JQ
EU-122      GI5O        Rathlin              M5KJM
EU-123      GM5TO       Arran                G3PHO
EU-123      GM9N        Great Cumbrae
EU-123      MM0TFU/p    Arran                MM0TFU
EU-123      MM3T        Bute                   -
EU-124      GW3TTC/p    Holy                 G3TTC
EU-124      GW8K        Holy                 MW0DHF
EU-125      OZ7BQ/p     Fano                 OZ7BQ
EU-125      OZ9IC       Romo                 DH1FY
EU-127      DR0F        Neuwerk              DM4DL
EU-129      DA0T/p      Usedom               DL7AT
EU-129      DH0JAE/p    Usedom               DH0JAE
EU-129      DL0KWH/p    Usedom               DL0KWH
EU-129      SP/IK3GES/p Uznam                IK3GES
EU-130      IV3CTT/p    S. Maria di Barbana  bureau
EU-131      IQ3ME/p     Lido                 bureau
EU-132      SN0RX       Wolin                SP8BXL
EU-132      SN1D        Wolin
EU-135      SF2X/p      Ledskar              SM5EFX
EU-136      9A/OM2FY    Rab                  OM2FY
EU-136      9A/OM5AW    Cres                 OM2FY
EU-136      9A8CV       Krk                    -
EU-138      SD7B        Flakskar             M1KTA
EU-140      OG5A        Nuokot               OH5AD
EU-140      OH5TS       Kuorsalo             OH5TS
EU-142      ED1M        Mouro                EA1DR
EU-145      CR5CW       Culatra              CT7ACG
EU-146      PA/OQ4T     Schouwen-Duiveland   ON4TO
EU-146      PA5TT       Schouwen Duiveland   PA5TT
EU-147      R1KRG       Bol'shoy Kimalishche R1NU
EU-165      IM0/I0PNM   San Pietro           I0PNM
EU-170      9A/DK3QZ    Kaprije              DK3QZ
EU-170      9A/OK1RS    Pag                  OK1RS
EU-170      9A1AA/p     Pag                  9A1AA
EU-171      OU4ZZ       Vendsyssel-Thy       DJ4MG
EU-171      OZ/DL7CX    Vendsyssel-Thy       DL7CX
EU-172      5P2I/p      Endelave             bureau
EU-172      OZ/DL2JRM   Hjarno               DL2JRM
EU-172      OZ/DL5CW    Hjarno               DL5CW
EU-172      OZ/DL8MF    Samso                DL8MF
EU-172      OZ/ON7JA    Fyn                  ON7JA
EU-175      CR2W        Graciosa             HB9CRV
EU-177      SM5CKV/p    Harstena             G0CKV
EU-178      ES8/YL1ZX   Kihnu                YL1ZX
EU-179      UZ2I/p      Berezan              UT2II
EU-181      LZ0I        Sveti Ivan           LZ1BJ
EU-185      RU6DX/p     Sudzhuk              RU6DX
EU-187      J49G        Chrysi               SV9GPV
EU-188 (?)  RI1PT       Bol'shoy Chayachy    R7AA
EU-191      YP0H        Fericirii            VE7NY
NA-001      N4YLC/C6A   Great Exuma          N4YLC
NA-008      VE3KTB/VY0  Ellesmere            VE3KTB
NA-026      N2GC        Long                 N2GC
NA-027      VO1OK       Newfoundland         VO1OK
NA-029      VY2TT       Prince Edward        K6LA
NA-034      W4FDX       Honeymoon
NA-036      VE7JH       Vancouver            VE7JH
NA-046      K1VSJ       Martha's Vineyard    K1VSJ
NA-055      W2IY        Mount Desert         W2IY
NA-067      W4O         Ocracoke             N4YDU
NA-067      WB8YJF/4    Ocracoke             WB8YJF
NA-083      K4P         Chincoteague         N3JS
NA-099      KP3Z        Puerto Rico          N4AO
NA-110      AA4V        Palms                AA4V
NA-128      VE2TLH      Ile-aux-coudres      VA2SG
NA-128      XM2I        Isle-aux-Grues       VE2CQ
NA-143      K5KUA/5     Galveston            K5KUA
NA-169      W7T         Waadah               N7RO
NA-212      H76W        Coseguina            KD4POJ
OC-013      E50A        Rarotonga            direct
OC-013      E51AGY      Rarotonga            ZL2AGY
OC-013      E51DWC      Rarotonga            OK1DWC
OC-035      YJ0GA       Efate                ZL3GA
OC-139      VK4AAC/5    Kangaroo             VK4AAC
OC-150      YB9GV       Lombok
OC-177      YF1AR/0     Payung Besar
OC-186      YB4IR/2     Karimunjawa          YB4IR
OC-186      YE2C        Karimunjawa          YE2C
OC-201      ZL2DD/p     Rakino               ZL2DD
OC-201      ZL3TE/p     Rakino               ZL3TE
OC-210      YC8ROP      Sangihe              W2FB
OC-237      YE3IOTA     Sempu                YB3MM
SA-004      HC8/G8OFQ   Galapagos            direct
SA-018      CE7KF       Chiloe               CE7KF
SA-020      FY/F5UII/p  Royale               F5UII
SA-025      ZW8K        Santa Isabel         PS8HF
SA-027      PP5VX       Sao Francisco        PP5VX
SA-029      ZV1M        Jurubaiba            PY1MT
SA-042      PX8K        Caviana de Fora      PY8WW
SA-047      ZV5O        Mel                  direct
SA-069      XR1T        Santa Maria          CE3OP
SA-071      PW2G        Gatos                PY2LCD

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The June 2015 issue is now available for  download

CLUB LOG'S MOST WANTED LIST ---> The latest Most Wanted List,  generated  on
20 July,  is  available  at  The
"Filter by continent" has been fine-tuned with the addition of AS Far  East,
AS Middle East, EU East, EU West, NA East Coast, NA West  Coast  and  OC  VK
and ZL. The information is derived from QSOs uploaded to Club Log (as of  15
July there were 301.3 million log entries available for  analysis)  and,  to
improve quality, only QSOs that have QSLs confirmed  are  considered  to  be

VK9WA ---> The team for the 14-23 November DXpedition to the Willis  Islands
(OC-007) is now complete and includes eight operators (K7EDX,  N7QT,  N7SMI,
SM3SGP, SM5AQD, VE7NY, VE7SZ and W8HC). The  pilot  stations  will  be  K4PI
(North  America),  F5UKW  (Europe)  and   V51B    (Africa).    Planning  and
fund-raising continue, see for details.

VOACAP NEWS ---> VOACAP  Propagation Planner v2.0b  is a  comprehensive  and
free-of-charge  planning tool for  HF contesters  and DXers.  The new online
version does all  heavy-lifting and  number-crunching on the  VOACAP server,
and  visualizes  the results  graphically  in two ways:  by CQ or  ITU Zones
(short-path or long-path) and by band-specific zone charts (SP and LP): see
VOACAP DX Charts  is  a "spin-off service"  that calculates  short-path  and
long-path  HF  propagation  predictions from the user's  QTH to some of  the
upcoming DXpeditions: see

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
2U0SQL      2E0SQL      EF4HQ       EA4URE      OZ4SOP      OZ4CG
3B9FR       M0OXO       EI0HQ       EI4BZ       PA6FUN      PE1GUR
3V8SS       LX1NO       EI1A        PA3249      PA6HQ       PA3CAL
3Z0RKG      SP6FRF      EI7M        EI6HB       PJ2T        W3HNK
4K9W        DL6KVA      EM3WFF      UT4WA       R2015L      RA4FMH
4L13EYOF    4L1BR       EM9WFF      EA5HPX      R2015P      RA1WJ
4V0HQ       W3HNK       EN90IARU    UT5UIA      R2015PN     R6DG
4X6TT       N4GNR       ER7HQ       ER1FF       R2015SV     RM8Y
5H3EE       DL4ME       ES5G        ES5TV       R2015VV     RN3K
5P4MG       DJ4MG       FM5BH       W3HNK       R3HQ        UA4L
5P6BA       DK6BA       FP/NY4G     NY4G        R90IARU     UA6YW
5P7DJ       DK4DJ       GM3RCV/p    G4DFI       R98KPM      RW3YW
5Q0PI       OZ6PI       GM9N        GM6NX       RI0NZ       UA0LCZ
5R8FX       N4GNR       GR2HQ       M0OXO       RI1PT       R7AA
7Q7BP       G3MRC       GS0AAA      G3TXF       S50HQ       S54G
9A0HQ       9A3JB       H76W        KD4POJ      S530AZV     S59AV
9A88AA      9A2AA       HB90IARU    HB9JOE      S79EA       JE1CKA
9H3DD       M1DDD       HF100BP     SP5BUJ      S79HN       JJ2VLY
9H3KZ       G2BKZ       HF690PMA    SP9KUP      S79OWZ      RX3RC
9J2BO       G3TEV       HG0HQ       HA8IB       SD7B        M1KTA
9K9HQ       9K2HN       HG30CW      HA3NU       SG2SOP      SM5EFX
9V1YC       W5UE        HG90IARU    HA5MA       SJ7SOP      SM7VRZ
A61CK       IZ8CLM      HS0AC       HS5NMF      SJ8HQ       SM6JSM
A61DJ       A61BK       HT7C        TI4SU       SN0HQ       SP7DQR
A61E        IZ8CLM      II2IARU     IK2AQZ      SU1SK       SM5AQD
A61KM       A61BK       II3MA       IK3GES      SV8/OK5MM   OK2JS
A61Q        EA7FTR      II5YOTA     OM2FY       SW9AA       LZ1PM
A61QQ       IZ8CLM      IM0/I0PNM   I0PNM       T40HQ       OH2TA
A61SM       IZ8CLM      IS0/OM2TW   OM2FY       T88KG       JR1KGL
A61ZX       IZ8CLM      IY1SP       I1ANP       TC3HQ       TA3X
A65BP       UA6MF       JV150ITU    JT1CD       TI9/RA9USU  UA3DX
A71HQ       A71A        KH0UA       JF1UCV      TI9/TI2HMJ  TI2HMJ
A93JA       KE5JA       KH2L        W3HNK       TM0HQ       F5CWU
A96A        A92AA       LY0HQ       LY8O        TM15RPC     F8WBE
B1HQ        BA4EG       LY100DGA    LY5O        TM7FDM      F5MSS
B4HQ        BA4EG       LZ100AJ     LZ1KSP      TT8FC       EA3GWK
B5HQ        BA4EG       LZ7HQ       LZ1BJ       TY2CD       ZS6ARF
B7HQ        BA4EG       MC0RYC      M0RYC       UE00S       RZ4AWB
BX0HQ       BM2JCC      MD4K        G3NKC       V55HQ       DL9NDS
C4HQ        5B4KH       MM0MWW/p    GM0IFM      VE690IARU   VE6SH
C92IO       ZS6HB       MS0MWW/p    MM5DWW      VP2ETE      W3HNK
CE3WW       XQ4CW       MU0PCB      M0PCB       W4O         N4YDU
CN3A        IV3ZXQ      NP2X        K5WW        XM2I        VE2CQ
CQ8Z        AC7DX       NP4A        W3HNK       XU7AEX      F6CTW
CR5HQ       CT1REP      OE0HQ       OE3KAB      YJ0GA       ZL3GA
CR6C        CT1EHX      OG7F        OH5DA       YN2RP       NN3RP
CX1AA       W3HNK       OJ0S        OH0AA       YN5Z        K7ZO
CX2TQ       IK2DUW      OL5HQ       OK2JS       YP0Y        YO5EI
D3AM        UA1QV       ON1418WOD   PA3249      YP1000LEANY YO6KNE
DA0T/p      DL7AT       OP0HQ       ON7LX       YP90IARU    YO3KAA
DJ90IARU    DL2VFR      OR90VL      ON5VL [b]   ZD9A        ZS1LS
DK65DARC    DF1QR       OR90VL      ON6DP [d]   ZF1A        K6AM
DL65DARC    DF1QR       OU0POLIO    OZ1ACB      ZF2EZ       W5SJ
DX0HQ       DX1PAR      OZ0FR/p     DL2VFR      ZW0HQ       PY2AA
E7HQ        E71A        OZ1HQ       OZ1ACB      ZW8K        PS8HF

E50J     Jim Ditchburn, P.O. Box 491, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, via New
F6CTW    Rene Camus, Pavillon Terres Rouges, Chemin des Terres Rouges,
         91120 Palaiseau, France
I0PNM    Massimo Pronti, Poggio Corese, Via delle Querce 28, 02038
         Scandriglia RI, Italy
JJ2VLY   Mihoko Sakurai, P.O. Box 1, Suyama, Susono-shi, Shizuoka-ken,
         410-1299, Japan
KD4POJ   Dwayne E Lipscomb, 4201 13th Street NE, Minot ND 58703, USA
N4YDU    Nathan G. Moreschi, 133 Madeline Court, Youngsville NC 27596, USA
OH0AA    Alands Radioamatorer, P.O. Box 1, AX-22100 Mariehamn, Aland,
PS8HF    Milton Lima Ribeiro, Rua Mazerine Cruz 2673, Teresina - PI,
         64076-040, Brazil
R7AA     Vasily Y. Samay, P.O. Box 73, Krasnodar, 350000, Russia
RD0B     Valery N. Savin, P.O. Box 45, Dikson, Krasnoyarsky kray, 647340,
TI2HMJ   Jorge V. Aguilar Montoya, Apartado Postal 324-6100, San Jose Mora
         Colon, 10701, Costa Rica
UA3DX    Nikolay I. Averyanov, Tsvetnoy Bulvar 9-130, pos. Vlasikha,
         Moskovskaya obl., 143010, Russia
VI5MCP   AREG, P.O. Box 921, Modbury SA 5092, Australia
W3HNK    Joseph Arcure Jr., Post Office 68, Dallastown PA 17313, USA


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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