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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   10.10.20 13:45l 238 Lines 13705 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1536
Subj: 425 DX News #1536
Sent: 201010/1112Z 2480@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.20

10 October 2020                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1536

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Owing to the ongoing and fluid nature  of the  COVID-19  situation globally,
announced  activities  might  be postponed  or  cancelled  at  any time  and
without notice.

7Q     - Don, K6ZO has been active again as 7Q6M from the Embangweni Mission
         Hospital in Malawi since 7 October.  He will remain in  the country
         and be QRV in  his spare time until 5 December.  QSL direct to home
         call. [TNX The Daily DX]
9G     - Tom, DL2RMC has been active as  9G5FI  from Ghana since  3 October,
         and will remain in the country  for one year at least.  He operates
         CW, FT8 and SSB on all bands,  including the QO-100 satellite.  QSL
         via DL1RTL (direct or bureau) and  logsearch on Club Log.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
9M2    - Yoshida, JE1SCJ is currently active as 9M4DXX from  the MARTS' sta-
         tion on Penang Island (AS-015), West Malaysia  until the end of the
         year.  Apparently his plans are to concentrate on the low bands FT8
         during the weekends. QSL direct to JA0DMV. [TNX DX World]
FG     - Once again Philippe, F1DUZ will be active as FG4KH from  Guadeloupe
         (NA-102) from  16 October to 5 November,  including an entry in the
         CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or direct to F1DUZ.  [TNX
HB0    - Loick, HB9HBY will be active again as HB0/HB9HBY from Liechtenstein
         on 16-18 October.  He will operate  CW, SSB and FT8.  QSL via EB7DX
         and LoTW.
I      - Celebrating the 75th anniversary of  the founding of the United Na-
         tions, the  UN Global Service Center ARC (4U1GSC) in Brindisi  will
         be active as  4U75B  from  8 October to 31 December.  DXCC wise, it
         counts for Italy. QSL via 9A2AA, direct or bureau.
LX     - Look for Gerard LX/PA0PIW, Gert LX/PA2LO, Maarten LX/PA3EYC, Tijmen
         LX/PA3GRM,  Hans LX/PE1KWH  and  Bert LX6/PD0GP  to be active  once
         again from Luxembourg on 15-18 October.  They will operate CW, SSB,
         FT8, FT4 and RTTY.  QSL via Club Log, LoTW or via PA3EYC.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
OE     - Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Austrian State Treaty  that
         re-established  Austria as a  sovereign state  after  World War II,
         OE65VIE  (operated by OE6VIE, see for QSL information)  and
         OE65SGU (operated by OE3SGU, QSL via LoTW and eQSL only) are active
         until 31 December.
OZ     - Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the unification of  Southern
         Jutland with Denmark  in 1920,  EDR (the Danish IARU society)  will
         activate special callsign OZ100MILL on all bands and modes from  15
         October to 15 December.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL.  A
         certificate will be available; see
         for information. [TNX OZ2I]
P4     - Members of the Aruba Amateur Radio Club  are active again as  P42WW
         until 31 October to commemorate the  75th anniversary of the end of
         World War II. QSL via P41G and LoTW.
PZ     - Markus, DJ4EL  has had to postpone  his trip  to Suriname owing  to
         COVID-19 new travel restrictions. He had planned to be QRV as PZ5GE
         from mainland Suriname between 12 and 24 October, and as PZ5G  from
         Papegaaien  Island (SA-092)  on  16-19 October  [425DXN 1523].  The
         Tentative  new dates for  PZ5G  are  2-5 April 2021.  Follow him on
         Twitter ( for updates.
SU     - The  Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society (ERASD) will  operate  special
         station  SU8J  from  the  Protected Area  of Wadi  Degla  on  16-18
         October. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or via SU1SK.
Z6     - A German team (DJ9KH,  DL2AMD, DL2AWG,  DL3APO, DL9GFB  and DM2AUJ)
         will be active as  Z66DX  from Kosovo on  14-28 October.  They will
         operate  CW, SSB,  FT8 and RTTY  on  160-10 metres with up to three
         stations and a focus on the low bands. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, via
         DL2AWG (direct or bureau), and LoTW after six months. More informa-
         tion can be found on

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

RSGB CONVENTION ---> In response  to the UK's  continuing  social distancing
regulations, this year's event will be held online on  10 October.  The pro-
gramme will be split into two streams  ("An introduction to..."  and  "Learn
more about..."):   has  the

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3V8SS       LX1NO       HC1HC       NE8Z       P29LL       EA7FTR
3Z0R        SP9SX       HC3RJ       EA5GL      P3X         UT5UDX
3Z40RY      SP1DOZ      HD0DX       NE8Z       P40P        W5AJ
4L8A        M0OXO       HF40RY      SP1O       PA75UN      PA1UN
4U75A       UA3DX       HF9M        SQ9UM      PA75WSN     PA2RUS
4U75B       9A2AA       HG5D        HA8QZ      PI4CG       PD2GSP
4U75UN      HB9BOU      HG7T        HA7TM      PI4COM      PA1AW
5U4IHM      F4IHM       HH2JR       W3HNK      PI75VERON   PA1AW
6W1TA       F5PRU       HP2DFA      EC6DX      PI75ZUT     PA2PKZ
9G5FI       DL1RTL      HP3SS       AC2OV      PJ4KY       M0URX
9H4G        M0OXO       II4DANT     IK4UQE     PJ4TEN      M0URX
9K2OW       EC6DX       IQ1RY       IK1HXN     R125SE      RK3SWB
A42K        EA5GL       IQ3KU       IK3QAR     R500TLKR    RA3P
A60WSW      EA7FTR      IQ3PN       IV3EHH     R925RZ      RK3SWB
A60WSW/2    EA7FTR      IY0GA       IS0JMA     SK7K        SK7OA
A60WSW/3    A61BK       IY0IMD      IZ0QPO     SN1LH       SP1EG
A60WSW/5    A61BK       IY4FGM      I4KMW      SN40RY      SP1EG
A61Q        EA7FTR      IY5PIS      IW5AOT     SN7Q        SP7GIQ
A61QQ       A61BK       IY6GM       IK6VXO     SO40RY      SP1KRF
A65DR       N4GNR       IY7M        IZ7XNB     SO9I        SQ9ORQ
A91WPD      EC6DX       J73CC       EA5GL      SP40RY      SP1PBW
AP2SD       EA5ZD       JD1BLY      JI5RPT     SP60PRT     SP6PRT
CA5GRF      CE3PCG      JW4O        LA4O       SQ40RY      SP1PMY
CB3R        XQ3SK       JW7QIA      LA7QIA     T88SS       EA5GL
CE2EC       N2OO        JW9DL       LA9DL      TG9ADQ      VE7BV
CN8KD       EA5XX       KL7SB       N4GNR      TG9ANF      VE7BV
CR6T        CT1ESV      KP2DX       EB7DX      TG9AWS      W3HNK
CW4MAX      EA5GL       L55D        LU5DF      TI2YO       EA7FTR
CX1VH       EA7FTR      L77D        LU6DC      TM17FFF     F4GFE
CX7CO       EA5GL       LC0X        LB3RE      TM3Z        F4DSK
CX9AU       EA5GL       LC6C        LA6VQ      TM72WOW     F1IEH
D44PM       IZ4DPV      LO7H        EA7FTR     TM7R        ON4ZD
DB100ENK    DO2PZ       LU2DOD      EC6DX      TM82ALC     F4ELR
DL0ABT      DL7URB      LZ105AJ     LZ1ZF      UI8J        RW6HS
DL0NBR      DL1WH       LZ1891AO    LZ1KCP     UN0OA       RW6HS
ED7N        EA7KHB      LZ5K        LZ1RAY     V85A        EB7DX
ED7P        EA7PP       LZ8E        LZ2BE      VK8NSB      M0URX

ED8W        EA5GL       MW2I        G4FRE      WP3C        W3HNK
EF1A        EA1X        NP2AR       EB7DX      WP3TT       W2VQ
EG1FPL      EB1CAM      NP4A        W3HNK      XE1HG       EA5GL
EH1RGC      EA1DST      OD5SB       EB7DX      XR500M      XQ7UP
EI0NMMI     EI6AL       OE1990SGU   OE1SGU     YB0AR       EB7DX
EJ5GM       M0OXO       OE2E        OE2GEN     YB0TOP      EB7DX
EJ9FBB      M0OXO       OE9R        OE9HGV     YB5QZ       W3HNK
EM0I        UT2IZ       OG0R        OH2PM      YB6HAI      EA7FTR
EM5C        UT5CZA      OK5Z        OK2ZI      YC9BHJ      EA7FTR
EM60UM      UX3UU       OK7O        OK1DOL     YU10BBV     YU1BBV
EN100LT     UT5LU       OL13FORT    OK2NO      YU70HFG     YU1HFG
EP2LMA      EA5GL       OL1941FP    OK2CME     ZL7DX       M0OXO
ES9C        ES5RY       OL725PLZ    OK1DRQ     ZS1DX       M0OXO
FK8HA       K3IRV       OL7R        OK3RM      ZS1OPB      N4GNR
GX4MBC      G4BWP       OL9A        OK2ZAW     ZV2K        PY2SHF
HB0/OP2D    ON4ANN      OM7M        OM3PA      ZW5B        K3IRV

7Q6M      Don Jones, PO Box 21500, Washington DC 20009-1500, USA
9M4DXX    Tex Izumo, 827 Nakanojo, Ueda-shi, Nagano, 386-0034, Japan
CO6HLP    Gherardo Pannoli, Via Dante Alighieri 13, 14035 Grazzano Badoglio
          AT, Italy
CQ0ODX    Oeste DX Gang Associacao, Rua do Moinho 3, Seixal,
          2530-267 Lourinha, Portugal
CR6K      Filipe Monteiro Lopes, Rua Manuel Jose da Silva 184, Espinheira,
          3720-537 Sao Martinho da Gandara, Portugal
DL2020R   Jamie Williams, 41 Overton Lane, Hammerwich, Burntwood, WS7 0LQ,
          United Kingdom
EA9ACD    Mario Pilar Castro, Apartado Postal 418, 51001 Ceuta, Spain
ED1R      Jesus Maria Gimare Marquez, C/ Jacinto del Barrio 2,
          05358 Papatrigo (Avila), Spain
ED7O      Pedro L. Alvarez, Apartado Postal 306, 23700 Linares (Jaen), Spain
FY5KE     Jacques Mazzoni, 678 route de l'Egalite, 74290 Talloires Montmin,
GB0LUN    Raymond W. Coles, 10 Littlemoor Road, Weymouth, DT3 6AA,
          United Kingdom
GW0A      John Barber, Llwyn Onn, 49 Blackmill Road, Bryncethin, Bridgend,
          CF32 9YN, United Kingdom
KF2IRE    Fire Prevention Week Special Event, c/o Siemens Fire Safety USA,
          8 Fernwood Road, Florham Park NJ 07932, USA
LZ4A      Hristo Jivkov Zdravkov, P.O. Box 997, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
LZ5R      Hristo Jivkov Zdravkov, P.O. Box 997, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
LZ6Y      Stamen Valchev, Am Ring 6A, 29313 Hambuehren, Germany
LZ73TRC   Atanas Petrov Kolev, P.O. Box 49, 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria
OG66X     Jouni Mehtomaa,  Kylmalantie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki, Finland
OH0CO     Bengt E. Karlsson, Laerkstigen 4, SE-546 33 Karlsborg, Sweden
PZ2YT     Yudel Torres, C Van Dalstraat 221, Nieuw Nickerie, Suriname
SP20OMCTH Dariusz Romanski, Ludwiki 8m 23, 01-226 Warszawa, Poland
SZ2KOZ    SY.RA.KOZ., P.O. Box 10, 50 100 Kozani, Greece
SZ2RWM    E.RA.DY.M., Agias Paraskevis 14, 50 131 Kozani, Greece
T6A       Robert Kasca, Govejk 11C, 5281 Spodnja Idrija, Slovenia

T70A      ARRSM Radio Club, Casella Postale 77, 47890 San Marino,
          Repubblica di San Marino
VE3FIRE   Fire Prevention Week Special Event, c/o Siemens Fire Safety USA,
          8 Fernwood Road, Florham Park NJ 07932, USA
VQ9T      Robert M. Wright, P.O. Box 7, 6215 Valencia, Philippines
WW0WWV    WWV Amateur Radio Club, 1713 Ridgewood Rd, Fort Collins CO 80526,
XE2I      J. Felix Nunez Enciso, Revolucion de 1910 No. 3080,
          Col. Pueblo Nuevo, 23060 La Paz BCS, Mexico
XE2X      Jorge F. Rios Alvarado, 116 E Coma Ave, PMB #426, Hidalgo TX 78557,
XQ7UP     Esteban Asenjo Castruccio, Casilla 27194 Sucursal Apumanque,
          7559001 Las Condes, Region Metropolitana, Chile
YN7ZTR    Trevis Rissler, 40 Webb Creek Cir., Bangor CA 95914, USA
ZM2B      Frank Hunt, 8 Manu Crescent, Upper Vogeltown, New Plymouth 4310,
          New Zealand
ZM4T      Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD12, Havelock North 4294
          New Zealand
ZT1T      Tom Morgan, 58 Piet Retief Street, Robertson, 6705, South Africa
ZV2C      Mauricio Pitorri, Rua Verona 174, Sao Paulo - SP, 02348-050,


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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