TA2BBS > DX 25.07.15 07:07l 259 Lines 15070 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1263
Subj: 425 DX News #1263
Sent: 150724/1653Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW126
425 DX News #1263
18 Jul 2015
A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH
Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
9A - Eddy, DM5JBN will be active as 9A/DM5JBN from Cres Island (EU-136)
on 19-28 July. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, LoTW and eQSL.
9G - Piotr, SP3UQE will be active as 9G5SP from Ghana starting around
mid-September. He will operate SSB and RTTY on 20 metres, with
activity on other bands depending on "antenna situation on site".
QSL via SP3UQE (the QSL route for contacts made in April 2005 is
still via DL7DF). [TNX SP3UQE]
BV - A large team will be active as BV9A from the P'enghu Islands
(AS-103), Taiwan on 24-27 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via
BY - Look for B7/BA4TB (he will also participate in the IOTA Contest),
B7/BD4TS, B7/BH4TVU and B7/BH4XAE to be active from Hainan Island
(AS-094) from 24 July to 1 August. QSL via home calls (BA4TB uses
PayPal, see qrz.com for information). [TNX BA4TB]
DL - DL7AT and others will be active as DA0T/p from Usedom Island
(EU-129) on 24-27 July. QSL via DL7AT. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
DL - Look for DG1LS/p, DN2SX/p, DN7OMB/p and DO7OMB/p to be active from
Hooge Island (EU-042) on 25-26 July. They will also use DL0SX/p.
QSL all callsigns direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
E5_sc - Jacek, SP5EAQ will be active as E51EAQ from Rarotonga (OC-013),
South Cook Islands from 19 October for two weeks. He will operate
SSB on 80-10 metres, and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB
Contest. QSL via SP7DQR (OQRS on http://e5.sp5drh.com), direct or
bureau, and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
ES - YL2BK, YL2TD and YL3BU will be active as ES8/YL1ZX from Kihnu
Island (EU-178) on 24-26 July. QSL via home call.[TNX rsgbiota.org]
F - Marc, F8DRA will be active as F8DRA/p from ile d'Oleron (EU-032)
from 25 July to 8 August. [TNX DX World]
F - Special event call TM37CDXC will be active on 5-19 September for
the 37th Clipperton DX Club's Convention (http://wp.cdxc.org/), to
be held at Bitche, Lorraine on 18-20 September. All of the QSOs
will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX F1NGP]
GJ - Frederik, ON8ZL and Peter, ON8ZZ will be active as MJ/OT9Z (QSL
via ON8ZL) from Jersey (EU-013) on 23-28 July. They will operate
SSB, CW and digital modes on the HF bands (and 6 metres, if tile
and conditions allow). Frederik will participate in the IOTA
Contest as GJ2A (OQRS on Club Log). [TNX NG3K]
GJ - The F6KOP Team will be active (callsign TBA) from ile Maitresse
(EU-099), Jersey on 25-29 July, IOTA Contest included. They will
run four stations on 80-6 metres SSB and CW. QSL via bureau, OQRS
or direct to F6KOP. [TNX F5NQL]
GM - Iain, MM0TFU will be active as MM0TFU/p from the Isle of Arran
(EU-123) on 22-27 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home call
(direct) and LoTW. [TNX rgsbiota.org]
I - Gianni, IK8MRA and Maria Rosaria, IZ8XOU will operate occasionally
from Cirella Island (EU-144) until 31 July, including activity
during the IOTA Contest. [TNX IK8MRA]
I - IK7IMQ, IU7BUH, IU7COR, IW7DLE and IZ7ZKR will be active as
IQ7IA/p from Isola Traversa in the Pedagne group (EU-091) on 18
July. They will operate CW and SSB. QSL to E.R.A. Grande Salento,
Viale Regina Margherita 16, 72100 Brindisi BR, Italy. [TNX
active as IJ7TA from San Pietro Island (EU-073) from 31 July to 2
August. QSL via IZ8EGM, direct only (bureau cards can only be
requested through the OQRS for IJ7TA on Club Log).
active as LU4AA/D from Isla Martin Garcia (SA-055) on 13-18
August. They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 80-10
metres, and will participate in the International Lighthouse/
Lightship Weekend and the SARTG WW RTTY Contest. QSL via LU4AA,
direct or bureau. [TNX rgsbiota.org]
LZ - LZ1BJ, LZ1QN, LZ1QV, LZ1ZF, LZ2JR, LZ3BB and LZ3YY will be active
as LZ0I from the island of Sveti Ivan (EU-181) on 23-26 July.
Before the IOTA Contest they will concentrate on 30, 17 and 12
metres. QSL via LZ1BJ (bureau preferred). [TNX NG3K]
ON - Special callsign OS22F will be in use from 26 July to 2 August to
celebrate 22 years of friendship between the Belgian Amateur Radio
Club of Ronse/Renaix (ON4RSX) and the French Radio Club de
Neuville et du Haut Poitou (F5KFL), which have been twinned since
1993. QSL via bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
OZ - Olaf, DL7CX will be active as OZ/DL7CX from Vendsyssel-Thy
(EU-171) from 18 July to 1 August, IOTA Contest included. QSL via
home call, bureau preferred.
OZ - Rico, DO6EBB will be active as OZ/DO6EBB from Fano Island (EU-125)
from 19 July to 1 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[TNX rsgbiota.org]
OZ - Look for OZ/DL8MF to be active from Samso Island (EU-172) on 23-26
July. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
OZ - Henning, OZ1BII will be active as 5P2I/p from Endelave Island
(EU-172) on 25-26 July for the IOTA Contest. He will operate CW
only. QSL via bureau. [TNX OZ1BII]
PA - PE1GUR will be active as PA6FUN from Ameland Island (EU-038,
JO23vk) from 20 July to 1 August. He will be QRV on 6 metres only.
QSL for this operation via PE1GUR (direct). [TNX rsgbiota.org]
RI1F - Eugene, UA4RX is returning to Heiss Island, Franz Josef Land
(EU-019) to stay there for one year. Starting around early August,
look for him to be QRV in his spare time as RI1FJ. QSL via LoTW or
direct to UA2FM (OQRS on Club Log).
SM - Olof, G0CKV will be active as SM5CKV/p from Harstena Island
(EU-177) from 20 July to 1 August. Main activity will take place
during the IOTA Contest. QSL via G0CKV and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
SV5 - Kim, ON4BCV will be active as SV5/ON4BCV/p from Karpathos,
Dodecanese (EU-001) on 21-28 July. QSL via home call.
SV9 - Markus, OE3MCS will be active holiday style as SV9/OE3MCS/p from
Crete (EU-015) on 18-25 July. He will operate QRP on 20, 15 and 10
metres. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
SV9 - Christo, LZ3FN will be active as SW9AA from either the main island
of Crete (EU-015) and the coastal island of Chrysi (EU-187)
between 19 July and 1 August. QSL via LZ1PM. [TNX NG3K]
T2 - Stan, LZ1GC and Lubo, OM5ZW will be active as T2GC from Funafuti,
Tuvalu (OC-015) from 24 September to 14 October. They will operate
CW, SSB and RTTY with two stations on 160-6 metres. QSL via LZ1GC,
direct or bureau (please use the OQRS provided by Club Log), and
LoTW. Further information can be found at www.c21gc.com.
UA - The RI1PC & RI1PT team [425DXN 1262] reached the town of Indiga on
16 July and is waiting for the windy and rainy weather to improve.
The first island to be activated will be Timanets (EU-188) as
RI1PT, followed by Chaichiy (EU-160) as RI1PC. Plans are to
operate for about six days from each island until 29 July.
See www.ri1pc.org for updates. [TNX UA3AKO]
W - Once again Jon, WB8YJF will be active as WB8YJF/4 from Ocracoke
Island (NA-067) on 19-26 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
YB - Budi, YF1AR (www.yf1ar.com) is active as YF1AR/0 from the Seribu
Islands (OC-177) until 21 July. Plans are to operate mainly SSB on
40-10 metres from the islands of Harapan (16-18 July), Peniki
(18-20 July) and Kelapa (20-21 July). QSL via the OQRS on Club Log
(preferred, direct link on qrz.com) or N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YN - Dan, HR2DMR expects to start activity as H76W from Farallones de
Coseguina (NA-212) [425DXN 1261] on 18 July. "He can only operate
during his morning and afternoons due to military operations also
on the island". QSL via KD4POJ. [TNX DX World]
Z2 - David OK6DJ, Petr OK1FCJ and Pavel OK1FPS will be active as Z21MG
from Zimbabwe on 21-30 September, with some limited activity on 20
September and 1 October. They will operate CW, SSB and digital
modes (CQ WW RTTY Contest included) on 160-10 metres. QSL via
OK6DJ, direct or bureau (preferably through Club Log's OQRS), eQSL
and LoTW. See www.cdxp.cz for further information.
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
EN7P ---> Apparently there are problems in downloading the QSOs made with
EN7P from the WWFF Log Search, Vladimir UT1PG reports. Paper QSL cards can
be requested direct (P.O.Box 21, Kovel-8, 45008, Ukraine) or via the bureau
by sending your request by email to ut1pg[@]lrv.net.ua. [TNX UT1PG]
IARU NEWS ---> On 2 July 2015, voting was completed on the admission of
Association Burundaise des Amateurs Radio et Television (ABART) to IARU
membership. With 51 affirmative votes required for approval, there were 67
votes in favour of and no votes in opposition to Proposal No. 253, which is
therefore adopted.
IARU Region 1 has also requested that the International Secretariat
resubmit a proposal for the admission of Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te
Kosoves (SHRAK). Two votes in favour of SHRAK being admitted to the IARU
were received shortly after the voting deadline. Those two votes, if
received before the deadline, would have been sufficient to have the
proposal adopted. Region 1 and the International Secretariat have
determined under the circumstances that submitting the proposal for a vote
of the Member-Societies a second time is appropriate (Proposal No. 254).
The closing date for receipt by the International Secretariat of votes is 9
December 2015. Details can be found at http://www.iaru.org/news--events.
ICPO BULLETIN ---> VA3RJ's useful ICPO (Islands, Castles & Portable
Operations) Bulletin will soon be available only on Dave's website, in a DX
Calendar format: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/icpo.html. "It is time to hang up
my hat and have some time to play radio, instead of writing about it", Dave
VP8SGI & VP8STI ---> The Intrepid DX Group announced on 15 July that all of
their plans "are moving forward very well" and that they are "testing and
re-testing our gear one last time before it goes into a container next week
and makes its voyage to meet the RV Braveheart in New Zealand". The team's
goal is to conduct two 8-10 day DXpeditions to South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands. They will be QRV with six stations on all bands
(including 6 and 60 metres); in order to increase the number of unique
callsigns, they will "select a band that is propagating for the most hours
of the day, and we will be QRV on that band for the duration of our
activity". The VP8STI/VP8SGI team still has a significant deficit of
$110,000 and needs the support of the worldwide DX Community to help them
make this project a success: "we encourage you to visit our website
(www.intrepid-dx.com/vp8) and donate via the PayPal link".
QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0C, 3G0ZC, 4S7AB, 4U1ITU,
4W/PE7T, 4W0VB, 5A1AL, 5J0B, 5U5U, 6Y5WJ, 7QAA, 8Q7CQ, 9H1XT, 9K2SS,
9K9GHL, 9M2SE (AS-046), 9N7FD, 9N7WE, A45XR, A61E, A75GA, AM990IB, BH4IGO,
DS2GOO/4 (AS-084), DV1UD/p (OC-093), E40VB, E41WT, EJ9FBB (EU-103),
P40FY, P43E, PJ2/VE7ACN, PQ0T, PW0F , PW2C (SA-024), PX8I (SA-060),
PY0F/PP1CZ, PZ5RZ, S560T, SV2ASP/A, SZ8LSV (EU-049), T6T, TC0MI (AS-201),
YB4IR/7 (OC-268), YB4IR/9 (OC-147 and OC-239), YB5M (OC-262), YB8RW/3
(OC-237), YB8RW/p (OC-246, OC-271, OC-272, OC-273 and OC-274), YB8TM,
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425dxn@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991
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